* ExcelLE.java
* Created on June 18, 2004, 4:43 PM
package jimm.datavision.layout.excel;
import jimm.datavision.*;
import jimm.datavision.field.Field;
import jimm.datavision.field.Format;
import jimm.datavision.field.ImageField;
import jimm.datavision.field.Rectangle;
import jimm.datavision.layout.LayoutEngine;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.*;
import java.awt.*;
* @author dbeeler
public class ExcelLE extends LayoutEngine {
protected OutputStream outStream;
private HSSFWorkbook wb;
private HSSFSheet s;
private RowContainer row ;
private Section lastSection;
private FieldMap fm;
int rowAt;
short colAt;
int fieldNum;
double pastPageUsed;
boolean showPageHeaders;
int pageNum;
/** Creates a new instance of the Excel LayoutEngine.
*@param out This is a binary outputstream for receiving the generated Excel file
*@param showAllPageHeaders This is a flag that instructs the layoutengine to reprint all
* page headers sent by the report engine. Setting this to false will print
* the page header only the first time and then ignore the rest.
public ExcelLE(OutputStream out, boolean showAllPageHeaders) {
fieldNum = 0;
outStream = out;
row = null;
lastSection = null;
pastPageUsed = -1;
showPageHeaders = showAllPageHeaders;
pageNum = 0;
protected void doStart() {
/* Create our workbook and worksheet */
wb = new HSSFWorkbook();
s = wb.createSheet();
/* Start our field map helper class */
fm = new FieldMap(s.getDefaultColumnWidth());
/* This is called when the report generation is complete. This outputs all the fields
* according to the final column arrangement as decided by the FieldMapper
private void dumpFieldMap() {
short i;
int[] offsetSizes = new int[FieldMap.MAXCOL];
for(i=0;i<FieldMap.MAXCOL-1;i++) offsetSizes[i] = (int)fm.getColOffset(i);
/* Iterate throught the stored, mapped rows */
Iterator it = fm.reportRows.iterator();
rowAt = 0;
while(it.hasNext()) {
RowContainer rowCont = (RowContainer)it.next();
HSSFRow row = s.createRow(rowAt);
Iterator colit = rowCont.reportFields.iterator();
colAt = 0;
/* Iterate throught the stored, mapped columns */
while(colit.hasNext()) {
PermField tmpField = (PermField)colit.next();
int fieldLoc = (int)tmpField.getBounds().x;
int fieldEnd = (int)tmpField.getBounds().x + (int)tmpField.getBounds().width;
for(i=0;i<FieldMap.MAXCOL-1;i++) {
if (offsetSizes[i] == fieldLoc) {
// Find ending cell
int endCell;
for(endCell = i+1;endCell<FieldMap.MAXCOL-1;endCell++) {
if(offsetSizes[endCell] > fieldEnd ) {
HSSFCell cell = row.createCell(i);
org.apache.poi.hssf.util.Region region;
/* Merge cells if required */
if(endCell != i) {
region = new org.apache.poi.hssf.util.Region(rowAt, (short)i, rowAt, (short)endCell);
new HSSFRichTextString(tmpField.getStringValue()));
/* Setup the correct cell formating */
HSSFFont tmpFont = wb.createFont();
String fontName = tmpField.getFormat().getFont().getFontName();
String useFontName = "Times New Roman";
// TODO: Add these as I find other font translations
if(fontName.startsWith("Times New Roman")) useFontName = "Times New Roman";
if(tmpField.getFormat().isBold()) tmpFont.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD);
if(tmpField.getFormat().isUnderline()) tmpFont.setUnderline(HSSFFont.U_SINGLE);
HSSFCellStyle hcs = wb.createCellStyle();
/* Set proper alignment */
if(tmpField.getFormat().getAlign() == Format.ALIGN_CENTER)
if(tmpField.getFormat().getAlign() == Format.ALIGN_LEFT)
if(tmpField.getFormat().getAlign() == Format.ALIGN_RIGHT)
/* Enabling wordwrap seems to break stuff at the moment */
//if(tmpField.getFormat().isWrap()) hcs.setWrapText(true);
/* Set the appropriate column widths and convert pixels back into whatever Excel uses */
s.setColumnWidth(i, (short)(fm.colWidths[i] * 38.46));
/* Do some garbage collection as some of this stuff generates a lot of waste */
fm = null;
protected void doEnd() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
protected void doStartPage() {
protected void doOutputField(Field field) {
Rectangle rect = null;
rect = field.getBounds();
boolean showRow = true;
if(!this.showPageHeaders) {
if((this.currentSection.getArea().getArea() == SectionArea.PAGE_HEADER) && (pageNum > 1)) showRow = false;
if((this.currentSection.getArea().getArea() == SectionArea.PAGE_HEADER) && (pageNum > 1)) showRow = false;
if(showRow) {
if(this.pastPageUsed != this.pageHeightUsed) {
pastPageUsed = this.pageHeightUsed;
row = fm.createRow();
if(lastSection != currentSection) {
lastSection = currentSection;
row = fm.createRow();
protected void doOutputImage(ImageField imageField) {
/* TODO: Implement image export in POI-HSSF and then implement the image output
* in DataVision
protected void doOutputLine(jimm.datavision.Line line) {
/* TODO: Just 'TODO' in general */