package jimm.datavision.gui;
import jimm.datavision.*;
import jimm.datavision.field.Field;
import jimm.datavision.source.DataSource;
import jimm.datavision.layout.swing.SwingLE;
import jimm.datavision.gui.sql.*;
import jimm.datavision.gui.cmd.*;
import jimm.util.I18N;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import javax.swing.*;
* The abstract superclass of {@link Report} designer windows and applets.
* @author Jim Menard, <a href=""></a>
public abstract class Designer implements ActionListener, Observer {
public static final int GRID_SIZE = 8;
public static final int ALIGN_TOP = 0;
public static final int ALIGN_MIDDLE = 1;
public static final int ALIGN_BOTTOM = 2;
public static final int ALIGN_LEFT = 3;
public static final int ALIGN_CENTER = 4;
public static final int ALIGN_RIGHT = 5;
public static final int ALIGN_SNAP_TO_GRID = 6;
public static final int SIZE_SAME_WIDTH = 0;
public static final int SIZE_SAME_HEIGHT = 1;
public static final int SIZE_SAME_SIZE = 2;
protected static ArrayList designWindows = new ArrayList();
protected static boolean exitWhenLastWindowClosed = true;
protected static JFileChooser chooser;
protected Report report;
/** The frame may be null; it will be the parent of dialog boxes. */
protected JFrame frame;
/** The container of the root pane---the highest level widget. */
protected RootPaneContainer rootPaneContainer; // Set by subclasses
protected CommandHistory commandHistory;
protected ArrayList sectionWidgets;
protected String reportFilePath;
protected JLayeredPane sectionContainer;
protected ArrayList selectedFields;
protected JScrollPane scroller;
protected JMenuItem undoItem, redoItem, cutItem, copyItem, pasteItem,
delSelectionItem, delGroupItem, delSectionItem, aggrItem, groupItem,
sectItem, formatItem, borderItem, boundsItem, defaultFormatItem,
tableJoinItem, sqlQueryTextItem, connectionItem, selectRecordsItem,
sortByItem, groupByItem, runItem, exportItem, subreportItem;
protected JMenu alignSubmenu, sizeSubmenu, paperSizeSubmenu;
protected boolean placingNewTextField;
protected boolean ignoreKeys;
* Adds a window to the list of open design windows. Also notifies the
* error handler class that we it should use the GUI to display error
* messages.
* @param win a design window
public static void addWindow(Designer win) {
* Returns the design window associated with the specified report, or
* <code>null</code> if one is not found.
* @param r a report
* @return a design window or <code>null</code> if one is not found
public static Designer findWindowFor(Report r) {
for (Iterator iter = designWindows.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Designer win = (Designer);
if ( == r)
return win;
return null;
* Sets value of flag that determines if the application should exit
* when the last design window is closed. The default value is
* <code>true</code>.
public static void setExitWhenLastWinClosed(boolean exit) {
exitWhenLastWindowClosed = exit;
* Deletes a window from the list of windows. If there are no more design
* windows left and <var>exitWhenLastWindowClosed</var> is
* <code>true</code> (which it is by default), exits the application.
* @param win a design window
protected static void deleteWindow(Designer win) {
if (designWindows.isEmpty() && exitWhenLastWindowClosed)
* Closes each open design window (unless user cancels). If all are closed,
* quits the application.
protected static void maybeQuit() {
// Can't use iterator over original list 'cause we're deleting items
// from the list.
ArrayList copy = (ArrayList)designWindows.clone();
for (Iterator iter = copy.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
public static JFileChooser getChooser() {
if (chooser == null)
chooser = new JFileChooser();
return chooser;
* Sets the current directory for the chooser based on
* the directory stored in the java preferences for
* value 'key'. Default key is reportDir
public static void setPrefsDir(JFileChooser jfc, String key) {
// Set the starting report directory (null is default home directory)
// Store the report directory in the preferences for this package
if (jfc != null) {
if (key == null || key.trim().equals(""))
Preferences prefs = Preferences.userRoot().node("/jimm/datavision");
String dir = prefs.get(key,null);
if (dir != null)
jfc.setCurrentDirectory(new File(dir));
* Store the JFileChoosers current directory in the preferences
* this 'remembers' the last directory used so the user isn't
* having to navigate to their report directory each time.
public static void savePrefsDir(JFileChooser jfc, String key) {
if (jfc != null) {
if (key == null || key.trim().equals(""))
String selectedFile = jfc.getSelectedFile().getPath();
if (selectedFile != null) {
Preferences prefs = Preferences.userRoot().node("/jimm/datavision");
String dir = prefs.get(key,null);
// If the file path has changed then store it in the
// preferences
String jfcap=jfc.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
if (jfcap != null) {
File f=new File(jfcap);
String newdir=f.getParent();
if (newdir == null)
if (newdir != null) {
boolean changed=true;
if (dir != null && newdir.compareTo(dir) == 0)
if (changed)
* Constructor. Reads the named report file or, if it's <code>null</code>,
* creates a new, empty report.
* @param f an XML report file; may be <code>null</code>
* @param databasePassword string to give to report; OK if it's
* <code>null</code>
* @param rpc the root pane container (the <code>JFrame</code> or
* <code>JApplet</code>)
* @param jframe the design window; may be <code>null</code> (for example,
* when the designer is an applet)
public Designer(File f, String databasePassword,
RootPaneContainer rpc, JFrame jframe)
// In subclasses, calling super(fileName, password, rpc, frame)
// is a pain when frame == rpc because it is difficult to create
// the frame, assign it to a temp, and pass the temp into both frame
// and rpc. Therefore, when you pass in a frame but no rpc we assume
// frame == rpc (because a JFrame is a RootPaneContainer).
frame = jframe;
rootPaneContainer = rpc;
if (frame != null && rootPaneContainer == null)
rootPaneContainer = frame;
ErrorHandler.useGUI(true); // Must set before opening report
selectedFields = new ArrayList();
// Must create command history before asking for database information
// because that can cause a command to be created.
commandHistory = new CommandHistory();
StatusDialog statusDialog =
new StatusDialog(frame, I18N.get("DesignWin.status_title"), false,
f == null
? I18N.get("DesignWin.creating_empty")
: I18N.get("DesignWin.reading_xml"));
// readReport() sets our report ivar as a side-effect.
boolean askForDbConnInfo = readReport(f, databasePassword);
if (report == null ||
(report.getDataSource() == null && !askForDbConnInfo))
// User cancelled when asked for password. Close this window and
// quit if this is the only report open.
Designer.deleteWindow(this); // Will quit if no other windows
if (askForDbConnInfo) {
openDbConnWin(true); // Modally ask for database connection info
if (report.getDataSource() == null) {
// User cancelled. Close this window and quit if this is the
// only report open.
Designer.deleteWindow(this); // Will quit if no other windows
commandHistory.setMenuItems(undoItem, redoItem);
// Might be using this code for dragging to select multiple fields.
// SelectionHandler h = new SelectionHandler();
// frame.addMouseListener(h);
// frame.addMouseMotionListener(h);
// Let the format window start a thread to load font names. It will
// only load them the first time this is called, but that's not our
// problem, now is it?
protected void closeMe() {
if (frame != null)
public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
* Performs a command.
* @param cmd a command
public void performCommand(Command cmd) {
* Adds to the command history a command that has already been performed.
* @param cmd a command
public void addCommand(Command cmd) {
* Reads the named report file or, if it's <code>null</code>, creates
* a new, empty report. Returns <code>true</code> if we need to ask
* the user for connection info because this is a new report.
* @param f report XML file
* @param databasePassword string to give to report; OK if it's
* <code>null</code>
* @return <code>true</code> if we need to ask the user for connection info
protected boolean readReport(File f, String databasePassword) {
if (f != null) {
reportFilePath = f.getPath();
report = new Report();
try {;
return false;
catch (UserCancellationException uce) {
report = null; // Signal report open cancelled
return true; // Doesn't matter what we return
catch (Exception e) {
report = new Report();
return true;
else {
report = new Report();
reportFilePath = null;
return true;
public void setIgnoreKeys(boolean ignore) { ignoreKeys = ignore; }
* Builds the window components.
protected void buildWindow() {
* Builds the window menu bar.
protected JMenuBar buildMenuBar() {
JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
return bar;
* Builds and returns the "File" menu.
* @return a menu
protected JMenu buildFileMenu() {
JMenu menu = MenuUtils.readMenu("DesignWin.menu_file");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_file_new");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_file_open");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_file_save");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_file_save_as");
ButtonGroup orientationGroup = new ButtonGroup();
ButtonGroup nameGroup = new ButtonGroup();
menu.add(paperSizeSubmenu =
orientationGroup, nameGroup));
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_file_close");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_file_quit");
return menu;
* Builds and returns the "Edit" menu.
* @return a menu
protected JMenu buildEditMenu() {
JMenu menu = MenuUtils.readMenu("DesignWin.menu_edit");
undoItem = MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_edit_undo");
redoItem = MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_edit_redo");
cutItem = MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_edit_cut");
copyItem = MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_edit_copy");
pasteItem = MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_edit_paste");
delSelectionItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_edit_del_fields");
delGroupItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_edit_del_group");
delSectionItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_edit_del_section");
return menu;
* Builds and returns the "Insert" menu.
* @return a menu
protected JMenu buildInsertMenu() {
JMenu menu = MenuUtils.readMenu("DesignWin.menu_insert");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_insert_column");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_insert_text");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_insert_formula");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_insert_param");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_insert_usercol");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_insert_special");
aggrItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_insert_aggr");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_insert_image");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_insert_line");
groupItem = MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_insert_group");
sectItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_insert_section");
subreportItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_insert_subreport");
return menu;
* Builds and returns the "Format" menu.
* @return a menu
protected JMenu buildFormatMenu() {
JMenu menu = MenuUtils.readMenu("DesignWin.menu_format");
formatItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_format_format");
borderItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_format_border");
boundsItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_format_bounds");
menu.add(alignSubmenu = MenuUtils.buildAlignMenu(this, null));
menu.add(sizeSubmenu = MenuUtils.buildSizeMenu(this, null));
defaultFormatItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_format_default");
return menu;
* Builds and returns the "Database" menu.
* @return a menu
protected JMenu buildDatabaseMenu() {
JMenu menu = MenuUtils.readMenu("DesignWin.menu_database");
tableJoinItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_database_linker");
// MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_database_join");
// menu.addSeparator();
sqlQueryTextItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_database_sql");
connectionItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_connection");
return menu;
* Builds and returns the "Report" menu.
* @return a menu
protected JMenu buildReportMenu() {
JMenu menu = MenuUtils.readMenu("DesignWin.menu_report");
runItem = MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_report_run");
exportItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_report_export");
selectRecordsItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_report_select");
sortByItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_report_sort");
groupByItem =
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_report_group");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_report_start_formula");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_report_scripting_langs");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_report_summary");
return menu;
* Builds and returns the "Help" menu.
* @return a menu
protected JMenu buildHelpMenu() {
JMenu menu = MenuUtils.readMenu("DesignWin.menu_help");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_help_help");
MenuUtils.addToMenu(this, menu, "DesignWin.menu_help_about");
return menu;
* Builds the sections and adds them to the section container.
protected void buildSections() {
rootPaneContainer.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
sectionWidgets = new ArrayList();
sectionContainer = new JLayeredPane();
sectionContainer.setLayout(new DesignWinLayout());
// Can't just call report.each_section because we want to append
// '(a)', '(b)', etc. if there is more than one section in the group.
// Add headers for each group.
for (Iterator iter = report.groups(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Group g = (Group);
// Add footers for each group, where the groups are in reverse order.
for (Iterator iter = report.groupsReversed(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Group g = (Group);
renameSectionWidgets(); // Muck with section names (e.g., add " (a)")
// Put sectionContainer within scroller and add scroller to content
// pane.
int width = SectionWidget.LHS_WIDTH
+ (int)report.getPaperFormat().getWidth();
scroller = new JScrollPane(sectionContainer);
scroller.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width + 4, 400));
rootPaneContainer.getContentPane().add(scroller, BorderLayout.CENTER);
* Builds the section widgets for the sections in an area and adds them to the
* section container. We name the widgets with a separate call to {@link
* #renameSectionWidgets}.
* <p>
* We also start observing each section. Though our caller is called more than
* once, it is OK to call addObserver() on an Observable multiple times.
* @param area contains sections
protected void buildSectionsInArea(SectionArea area) {
for (Iterator iter = area.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Section sect = (Section);
sect.addObserver(this); // Start observing changes
SectionWidget sw = new SectionWidget(this, sect, "");
// Add to palette layer (one above default layer) because we want
// to move field widgets below section widgets temporarily at the
// end of a drag (see putDown()).
sectionContainer.add(sw, JLayeredPane.PALETTE_LAYER);
* Recalculates section names for all sections in the report. Calls {@link
* #renameSectionWidgetsIn} for each group of sections.
protected void renameSectionWidgets() {
renameSectionWidgetsIn(report.headers(), I18N.get("Report.report_header"),
I18N.get("Report.page_header"), null);
int i = 1;
for (Iterator iter = report.groups(); iter.hasNext(); ++i) {
Group g = (Group);
renameSectionWidgetsIn(g.headers(), I18N.get("") + " #"
+ i + ' ' + I18N.get("DesignWin.header"), g);
renameSectionWidgetsIn(report.details(), I18N.get("Report.detail"), null);
i = 1;
for (Iterator iter = report.groups(); iter.hasNext(); ++i) {
Group g = (Group);
renameSectionWidgetsIn(g.footers(), I18N.get("") + " #"
+ i + ' ' + I18N.get("DesignWin.footer"), g);
renameSectionWidgetsIn(report.footers(), I18N.get("Report.report_footer"),
I18N.get("Report.page_footer"), null);
* Recalculates section names for a collection of sections. Called from {@link
* #renameSectionWidgets}. Also sets the section's popup menu's first item
* text.
* @param area a section area
* @param prefix prepended to all section names in the collection
* @param group the group containing this section list; may be
* <code>null</code>
protected void renameSectionWidgetsIn(SectionArea area, String prefix,
Group group)
SectionWidget firstSectionWidget = null;
boolean firstSectionFixed = false;
int i = 0;
for (Iterator iter = area.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ++i) {
Section s = (Section);
SectionWidget sw = findSectionWidgetFor(s);
if (firstSectionWidget == null) {
firstSectionWidget = sw;
else {
if (!firstSectionFixed) {
firstSectionWidget.setDisplayName(prefix + " (a)");
firstSectionFixed = true;
sw.setDisplayName(prefix + " (" + (char)('a' + i) + ")");
sw.setPopupName(group == null ? prefix : group.getSelectableName());
* Enables or disables menu items based on field and window state.
public void enableMenuItems() {
int numSelected = countSelectedFields();
boolean someFieldSelected = numSelected > 0;
boolean multipleFieldsSelected = numSelected > 1;
FieldWidget first = someFieldSelected ? (FieldWidget)selectedFields.get(0)
: null;
DataSource ds = report.getDataSource();
// Edit menu
Section s = (first == null) ? null : first.getSectionWidget().getSection();
delGroupItem.setEnabled(someFieldSelected && report.isInsideGroup(s));
delSectionItem.setEnabled(someFieldSelected && !report.isOneOfAKind(s));
// Insert menu
if (numSelected == 1) { // One field is selected
// Only enable aggregates if the selected field is a field
// for which aggregates make sense.
// Format menu
if (someFieldSelected) {
// Only enable if some field is formattable
boolean enable = someSelectedFieldUsesFormat();
// Database menu
// Report menu
* Returns <code>true</code> if there is some selected field that can
* be formatted.
* @return <code>true</code> if there is some selected field that can
* be formatted
public boolean someSelectedFieldUsesFormat() {
for (Iterator iter = selectedFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
if (((FieldWidget)
return true;
return false;
String action(String name) {
return I18N.get(I18N.MENU_FILE_PREFIX, "DesignWin.menu_" + name
+ ".action");
String action(String menu, String name) {
return I18N.get(I18N.MENU_FILE_PREFIX, menu + ".menu_" + name + ".action");
* Handles user actions.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
if (cmd == null || cmd.length() == 0)
// File menu
if (cmd.equals(action("file_new"))) newReport();
else if (cmd.equals(action("file_open"))) openReport();
else if (cmd.equals(action("file_save"))) saveReport();
else if (cmd.equals(action("file_save_as"))) saveReportAs();
else if (cmd.equals(action("file_close"))) maybeClose();
else if (cmd.equals(action("file_quit"))) maybeQuit();
// Edit menu
else if (cmd.equals(action("edit_undo"))) commandHistory.undo();
else if (cmd.equals(action("edit_redo"))) commandHistory.redo();
else if (cmd.equals(action("edit_cut")))
commandHistory.perform(new CutCommand(this, selectedFields));
else if (cmd.equals(action("edit_copy"))) copySelectedFields();
else if (cmd.equals(action("edit_paste"))) paste();
else if (cmd.equals(action("edit_del_fields"))) deleteSelectedFields();
else if (cmd.equals(action("edit_del_group"))) {
FieldWidget fw = (FieldWidget)selectedFields.get(0);
else if (cmd.equals(action("edit_del_section"))) {
FieldWidget fw = (FieldWidget)selectedFields.get(0);
// Insert menu
else if (cmd.equals(action("insert_column")))
else if (cmd.equals(action("insert_text"))) placeNewTextField();
else if (cmd.equals(action("insert_formula")))
else if (cmd.equals(action("insert_usercol")))
else if (cmd.equals(action("insert_param")))
else if (cmd.equals(action("insert_aggr"))) openAggregateWin();
else if (cmd.equals(action("insert_special")))
else if (cmd.equals(action("insert_image"))) createImageField();
// else if (cmd.equals(action("insert_line"))) placeNewLine();
else if (cmd.equals(action("insert_group"))) openNewGroupWin();
else if (cmd.equals(action("insert_section"))) insertSection();
else if (cmd.equals(action("insert_subreport"))) insertSubreport();
// Format menu
else if (cmd.equals(action("format_format"))) openFormatWin(0);
else if (cmd.equals(action("format_border"))) openFormatWin(1);
else if (cmd.equals(action("format_bounds"))) openBoundsWin();
else if (cmd.equals(action("format_default"))) openDefaultFormatWin();
// Format/Align submenu
else if (cmd.equals(action("Align", "tops"))) align(ALIGN_TOP);
else if (cmd.equals(action("Align", "middles"))) align(ALIGN_MIDDLE);
else if (cmd.equals(action("Align", "bottoms"))) align(ALIGN_BOTTOM);
else if (cmd.equals(action("Align", "lefts"))) align(ALIGN_LEFT);
else if (cmd.equals(action("Align", "centers"))) align(ALIGN_CENTER);
else if (cmd.equals(action("Align", "rights"))) align(ALIGN_RIGHT);
else if (cmd.equals(action("Align", "snap"))) align(ALIGN_SNAP_TO_GRID);
// Format/Size submenu
else if (cmd.equals(action("Size", "same_width"))) size(SIZE_SAME_WIDTH);
else if (cmd.equals(action("Size", "same_height"))) size(SIZE_SAME_HEIGHT);
else if (cmd.equals(action("Size", "same_size"))) size(SIZE_SAME_SIZE);
// Database menu
else if (cmd.equals(action("database_linker"))) openVisTableWin();
else if (cmd.equals(action("database_sql"))) showSQL();
else if (cmd.equals(action("connection"))) openDbConnWin(false);
// Report menu
else if (cmd.equals(action("report_run"))) runReport();
else if (cmd.equals(action("report_export"))) exportReport();
else if (cmd.equals(action("report_select"))) openWhereClauseEditor();
else if (cmd.equals(action("report_sort"))) openSortWin();
else if (cmd.equals(action("report_group"))) openGroupWin();
else if (cmd.equals(action("report_start_formula"))) openStartupScriptEditor();
else if (cmd.equals(action("report_scripting_langs"))) openScriptingWin();
else if (cmd.equals(action("report_summary"))) openDescripWin();
// Help menu
else if (cmd.equals(action("help_help"))) help();
else if (cmd.equals(action("help_about"))) about();
// Paper size menu
else if (cmd.equals(action("MenuUtils", "paper_size_portrait")))
else if (cmd.equals(action("MenuUtils", "paper_size_landscape")))
else {
PaperFormat p =
PaperFormat.get(report.getPaperFormat().getOrientation(), cmd);
protected void changePaperOrientation(int orientation) {
protected void changePaperSize(PaperFormat p) {
if (p != null) {
performCommand(new PaperSizeCommand(report, this, p));
// The paper size menu gets updated as a side effect of the
// command's call to paperSizeChanged().
* Update paper orientation and size menus.
public void updatePaperSizeMenu(PaperFormat p) {
paperSizeSubmenu.getItem(p.getOrientation() == PaperFormat.PORTRAIT
? 0 : 1)
int i = 3;
for (Iterator iter = PaperFormat.names(); iter.hasNext(); ++i) {
String name = (String);
if (name.equals(p.getName()))
public void paperSizeChanged(PaperFormat p) {
for (Iterator iter = sectionWidgets.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
Dimension d = new Dimension(SectionWidget.LHS_WIDTH
+ (int)report.getPaperFormat().getWidth(),
public Frame getFrame() { return frame; }
public void invalidate() { rootPaneContainer.getRootPane().invalidate(); }
public Report getReport() { return report; }
* Creates a new report in a new design window.
protected void newReport() {
new DesignWin(null); // Open a new window
* Opens an existing report in a new design window.
protected void openReport() {
JFileChooser jfc=getChooser();
int returnVal = jfc.showOpenDialog(frame);
if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
savePrefsDir(jfc,null); // save report directory
new DesignWin(getChooser().getSelectedFile());
* Saves the current report.
protected void saveReport() {
if (reportFilePath == null)
* Saves the current report in a different file.
protected void saveReportAs() {
JFileChooser jfc=getChooser();
int returnVal = jfc.showSaveDialog(frame);
if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
savePrefsDir(jfc,null); // save report directory
reportFilePath = getChooser().getSelectedFile().getPath();
* Writes the current report to the specified file. Also tells the
* command history the report has been saved so it knows how to report
* if any changes have been made from this point on.
* @param fileName a file name
protected void writeReportFile(String fileName) {
* Exports the report output using one of the layout engines.
protected void exportReport() {
new ExportWin(getFrame(), report);
* Saves the report if it is changed (some command has been performed) and
* closes the current design window. If there are no more open design
* windows, exist the application.
protected void maybeClose() {
if (commandHistory.isChanged()) {
String str = I18N.get("DesignWin.save_question");
switch (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(frame, str)) {
case JOptionPane.YES_OPTION:
case JOptionPane.NO_OPTION:
case JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION:
return; // Don't close window
* Runs and displays the report.
protected void runReport() {
report.setLayoutEngine(new SwingLE());;
* Returns the number of selected fields.
* @return the number of selected fields
int countSelectedFields() {
return selectedFields.size();
* Hands each field widget to the specified {@link FieldWidgetWalker}.
* @param perambulator a field widget walker
void withWidgetsDo(FieldWidgetWalker perambulator) {
for (Iterator iter = sectionWidgets.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
SectionWidget sw = (SectionWidget);
Object[] kids = sw.fieldPanel.getComponents();
for (int i = 0; i < kids.length; ++i) {
FieldWidget fw = FieldWidget.findFieldWidgetOwning(kids[i]);
if (fw != null)
* Hands each selected field widget's field to the specified {@link
* FieldWalker}.
* @param perambulator a field walker
void withSelectedFieldsDo(FieldWalker perambulator) {
for (Iterator iter = selectedFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
* Deletes the group that contains the specified section.
* @param section a report section
void deleteGroupContaining(Section section) {
Group group = report.findGroup(section);
if (group != null)
commandHistory.perform(new DeleteGroupCommand(this, report, group));
* Inserts a new section below the section containing the first selected
* field widget. Only called when at least one widget is selected.
void insertSection() {
Field f = firstSelectedFieldWidget().getField();
if (f != null)
* Inserts a new section below the specified section.
* @param s a report section
void insertSectionBelow(Section s) {
commandHistory.perform(new NewSectionCommand(this, report, s));
* Inserts a section widget at the specified position in the list. Also starts
* observing the section and renames all section widgets (adding "(a)", for
* example. Called from {@link NewSectionCommand#perform}.
* @param sw the section widget to insert
* @param putAfter <var>sw</var> goes after this widget; may be
* <code>null</code>
public void insertSectionWidgetAfter(SectionWidget sw, SectionWidget putAfter)
int insertIndex = sectionWidgets.indexOf(putAfter);
sectionWidgets.add(insertIndex + 1, sw);
// Add to palette layer (one above default layer) because
// we want to move field widgets below section widgets
// temporarily at the end of a drag (see putDown()).
sectionContainer.add(sw, JLayeredPane.PALETTE_LAYER, insertIndex + 1);
renameSectionWidgets(); // Muck with names (e.g., add " (a)")
* Deletes the specified section. Does nothing if this section is the only
* one of its kind. (This method should only be called if the section is
* not one-of-a-kind. No harm done if you do, though.)
* @param s a report section
public void deleteSection(Section s) {
if (s != null && !report.isOneOfAKind(s))
commandHistory.perform(new DeleteSectionCommand(this, report, s));
* Deletes a section from the report and the design window and returns the
* section widget <em>above</em> the section's. If <var>s</var> is the first
* section in the report, returns <code>null</code>. Called from commands;
* don't call this yourself. Insetad call {@link #deleteSection}.
* @param s the section to delete
* @return the section widget above the section's, or <code>null</code>
* if there is none
public SectionWidget doDeleteSection(Section s) {
SectionWidget sw = findSectionWidgetFor(s);
int index = sectionWidgets.indexOf(sw);
SectionWidget widgetBefore = (index == 0) ? null
: (SectionWidget)sectionWidgets.get(index - 1);
return widgetBefore;
* Opens the dialog that starts the process of inserting a sub-report.
protected void insertSubreport() {
new SubreportWin(this, report);
* Rebuilds the group sections and redisplays the report.
public void rebuildGroups() {
if (frame != null)
* Creates and adds a new text field to the first section of the page header.
* @param x where to place the title
* @param width how wide it should be
* @param title the string to display
* @return the newly-created widget
public FieldWidget addTitleField(int x, int width, String title) {
Section s = report.getFirstSectionByArea(SectionArea.PAGE_HEADER);
// Create the field.
Field f = Field.create(null, report, s, "text", title, true);
jimm.datavision.field.Rectangle b = f.getBounds();
b.setBounds(x, 0, width, Field.DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
// Make the field underlined and bold.
// Add the field to the report section.
// Create widget and add to section widget.
TextFieldWidget tfw = new TextFieldWidget(null, f);
return tfw;
* Aligns the selected fields to the first selected field (chronologically
* speaking).
* @param which alignment constant.
protected void align(int which) {
if (selectedFields.isEmpty())
// Align the widgets based on the position of the first selected field.
CompoundCommand cmd =
new CompoundCommand(I18N.get(""));
Field first = firstSelectedFieldWidget().getField();
for (Iterator iter = selectedFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
cmd.add(new FieldAlignCommand((FieldWidget), which, first));
* Resize the selected fields based on the first selected field
* (chronologically speaking) and the specified resize (width, height, both).
* @param which size constant
protected void size(int which) {
if (selectedFields.isEmpty())
// Resize the widgets based on the position of the first selected field.
CompoundCommand cmd =
new CompoundCommand(I18N.get(""));
Field first = firstSelectedFieldWidget().getField();
for (Iterator iter = selectedFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
cmd.add(new FieldResizeCommand((FieldWidget), which,
* Returns first selected field widget (chronologically speaking). May
* return <code>null</code> if no fields are selected
* @return field widget selected the earliest, or <code>null</code> if
* no fields are selected
FieldWidget firstSelectedFieldWidget() {
return selectedFields.isEmpty()
? null : (FieldWidget)selectedFields.get(0);
* Selects a field widget, possibly deselecting all others everywhere.
* Called from section widget.
* @param fieldWidget a field widget
* @param makeSelected new selection state
* @param deselectOthers if <code>true</code>, all other fields in all
* sections are deselected first
public void select(FieldWidget fieldWidget, boolean makeSelected,
boolean deselectOthers)
if (deselectOthers)
if (makeSelected) {
if (!selectedFields.contains(fieldWidget)) // Don't add it twice
else {
* Deselect all fields. Called from {@link SectionWidget#deselectAll}.
public void deselectAll() {
for (Iterator iter = selectedFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
* Copies the selected fields to the clipboard. We need to create {@link
* jimm.datavision.gui.cmd.Pasteable} objects.
protected void copySelectedFields() {
ArrayList pasteables = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator iter = selectedFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
pasteables.add(new FieldClipping((FieldWidget);
protected void paste() {
CompoundCommand cmd = new CompoundCommand(I18N.get(""));
if (selectedFields.size() > 0)
cmd.add(new DeleteCommand(this, selectedFields));
cmd.add(new PasteCommand(this));
* Delete selected fields.
protected void deleteSelectedFields() {
* Delete specified field and all selected fields.
* @param oneMore an additional field to delete; may be <code>null</code>
protected void deleteSelectedFieldsAnd(FieldWidget oneMore) {
ArrayList fields = new ArrayList(selectedFields);
if (oneMore != null && !fields.contains(oneMore))
commandHistory.perform(new DeleteCommand(this, fields));
* Toggles the visibility of all selected fields plus the one passed in.
* Called by a section widget.
* @see FieldWidget#doSetVisibility
void setFieldVisibility(boolean newVisiblity, FieldWidget fw) {
if (selectedFields.isEmpty() && fw == null)
String nameKey = newVisiblity ? ""
: "";
CompoundCommand cmd = new CompoundCommand(I18N.get(nameKey));
for (Iterator iter = selectedFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
cmd.add(new FieldShowHideCommand((FieldWidget), nameKey,
if (fw != null && !selectedFields.contains(fw))
cmd.add(new FieldShowHideCommand(fw, nameKey, newVisiblity));
* Asks design window to create and accepts a new text field. Called from
* {@link SectionWidget#createNewTextField}.
* @see Designer#createNewTextField
void createNewTextField(SectionWidget sw, MouseEvent e) {
commandHistory.perform(new NewTextFieldCommand(sw, e));
// Accept the drop
* Picks up the field widget because field dragging is starting.
* Called from SectionWidget#pickUp.
* @param mouseScreenPos the location of the mouse in screen coordinates
void pickUp(java.awt.Point mouseScreenPos) {
Dimension size = sectionContainer.getBounds().getSize();
for (Iterator iter = selectedFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
FieldWidget fw = (FieldWidget);
// Add to the drag layer of our section container.
sectionContainer.add(fw.getComponent(), JLayeredPane.DRAG_LAYER);
// Recalculate bounds relative to the section container.
jimm.datavision.field.Rectangle b = fw.getField().getBounds();
b.setBounds(b.x + SectionWidget.LHS_WIDTH,
b.y + fw.getSectionWidget().getBounds().y,
b.width, b.height);
* Puts the dragged field widgets down inside the sections they are floating
* above. Called from {@link SectionWidget#putDown}.
* @param f the field widget being dragged; all other selected fields
* have been dragged along with it
* @param origScreenPos the original location of the field in screen
* coordinates
* @param mouseScreenPos the current mouse position in screen coordinates;
* note
void putDown(FieldWidget f, java.awt.Point origScreenPos,
java.awt.Point mouseScreenPos)
// Move all dragged fields under everything else so getComponentAt()
// will not return this field.
for (Iterator iter = selectedFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
CompoundCommand cmd =
new CompoundCommand(I18N.get(""));
// Move to new section. Each field may be dropped into a different
// section.
for (Iterator iter = selectedFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
FieldWidget fw = (FieldWidget);
SectionWidget sw =
if (sw == null) // Field snaps back to orig pos if sw is null
cmd.add(new FieldMoveCommand(fw, sw));
if (cmd.numCommands() > 0)
* Starts stretching all selected fields. Called from {@link
* SectionWidget#startStretching}.
* @param mouseScreenPos the location of the mouse in screen coordinates
void startStretching(java.awt.Point mouseScreenPos) {
for (Iterator iter = selectedFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
FieldWidget fw = (FieldWidget);
* Tells each field to stop stretching and creates a command that will undo
* all that stretching. Called from {@link SectionWidget#stopStretching}.
* @param f the field widget being dragged; all other selected fields
* have been dragged along with it
* @param origBounds the field's original bounds
void stopStretching(FieldWidget f, jimm.datavision.field.Rectangle origBounds)
CompoundCommand cmd =
new CompoundCommand(I18N.get(""));
for (Iterator iter = selectedFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
FieldWidget fw = (FieldWidget);
cmd.add(new FieldStretchCommand(fw, origBounds));
if (cmd.numCommands() > 0)
* Returns the section widget under the mouse. Returns <code>null</code>
* unless the mouse is over a section field panel (the white area on
* which fields belong).
* @param screenPos a position in screen coordinates
* @return the SectionWidget under the mouse
protected SectionWidget getSectionWidgetUnder(java.awt.Point screenPos) {
// Translate screenPos to sectionContainer coords
java.awt.Point scScreenPos = sectionContainer.getLocationOnScreen();
java.awt.Point scPos = new java.awt.Point(screenPos.x - scScreenPos.x,
screenPos.y - scScreenPos.y);
if (scPos.x < SectionWidget.LHS_WIDTH) // Reject if in LHS name
return null;
// We've landed on a section field panel, a field in the section, or a
// section name label. Crawl up the parent hierarchy until we find
// first the section field panel (insuring we are in the right place)
// and then the section.
Component c = sectionContainer.getComponentAt(scPos);
while (c != null && !(c instanceof SectionWidget))
c = c.getParent();
return (SectionWidget)c;
* Drags the selected field widgets a few pixels. Called from section that
* contains field being dragged.
* @param action a {@link FieldWidget}<code>.ACTION_*</code> constant
* @param mouseScreenPos mouse screen position
protected void dragSelectedWidgets(int action, java.awt.Point mouseScreenPos) {
for (Iterator iter = selectedFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
((FieldWidget), mouseScreenPos);
* Opens a new or existing field picker window.
* @param startingType the index of the starting type to display
protected void openFieldPickerWin(int startingType) {
new FieldPickerWin(this, report, startingType);
* Opens a new or existing field aggregate window. We should
* only get here if there is exactly one selected field.
protected void openAggregateWin() {
new AggregatesWin(this, (FieldWidget)selectedFields.get(0));
* Opens a dialog that asks the user to select an image file. Creates an
* image in the report header.
protected void createImageField() {
String url =
new AskStringDialog(frame, I18N.get("DesignWin.image_url_title"),
if (url != null) {
Section s = report.getFirstSectionByArea(SectionArea.REPORT_HEADER);
NewImageFieldCommand cmd =
new NewImageFieldCommand(findSectionWidgetFor(s), url);
* Opens a new or existing new group window.
protected void openNewGroupWin() {
new NewGroupWin(this, report);
* Sets the flag that tells everyone else that the user wants to place
* a new text field.
protected void placeNewTextField() {
placingNewTextField = true;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the user is trying to place a new text field.
* @return <code>true</code> if the user is trying to place a new text field
boolean isPlacingNewTextField() {
return placingNewTextField;
* The caller has accepted the new text field.
void acceptNewTextField() {
placingNewTextField = false;
* The caller has rejected the new text field.
void rejectNewTextField() {
* Opens a new or existing field format window.
* @param whichTab the index of the tab to display when opened
protected void openFormatWin(int whichTab) {
FieldWidget fw = firstSelectedFieldWidget();
if (fw != null)
new FormatWin(this, fw.getField(), whichTab);
* Opens a new or existing field format window that lets the user edit the
* report's default format and border.
protected void openDefaultFormatWin() {
new FormatWin(this, report.getDefaultField(), 0);
* Opens a new or existing bounds editor window.
protected void openBoundsWin() {
FieldWidget fw = firstSelectedFieldWidget();
if (fw != null)
new BoundsWin(this, fw.getField());
* Opens a new or existing visible table joiner window.
protected void openVisTableWin() {
new VisTableWin(this, report);
* Opens a new or existing where clause editor.
protected void openWhereClauseEditor() {
new WhereClauseWin(this, report);
* Opens a new or existing sort order window.
protected void openSortWin() {
new SortWin(this, report);
* Opens a new or existing group order window.
protected void openGroupWin() {
new GroupWin(this, report);
* Opens a starutp script editor.
protected void openStartupScriptEditor() {
new StartupScriptEditor(this, report);
* Opens a new or existing report formula language window.
protected void openScriptingWin() {
new ScriptingWin(this, report.getScripting());
* Opens a new or existing report description (name, title, etc.) window.
protected void openDescripWin() {
new DescripWin(this, report);
* Opens the help window.
protected void help() {
HelpWin helpWin = HelpWin.instance();
helpWin.setState(Frame.NORMAL); // De-iconify. Why is this necessary?
* Opens the about box.
protected void about() {
String msg = I18N.get("DesignWin.about_1") + info.Version + "\n"
+ I18N.get("DesignWin.about_2") + "\n"
+ info.URL + "\n\n"
+ info.Copyright + ".\n\n"
+ I18N.get("DesignWin.about_3");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg, I18N.get("DesignWin.about_title"),
* Opens a new or existing database connection info window.
* @param modal passed on to dialog constructor
protected void openDbConnWin(boolean modal) {
new DbConnWin(this, report, modal);
* Opens a new window containing the SQL query text.
protected void showSQL() {
new SQLQueryWin(frame, report.getDataSource().getQuery().toString());
* Returns the section widget containing the specified section.
* @param s section
* @return the section widget containing the section
public SectionWidget findSectionWidgetFor(Section s) {
for (Iterator iter = sectionWidgets.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
SectionWidget sw = (SectionWidget);
if (sw.section == s)
return sw;
return null;
* Snaps the rectangle to the grid.
* @param r a rectangle
public void snapToGrid(jimm.datavision.field.Rectangle r) {
int coord = (int)r.x;
int mod = coord % GRID_SIZE;
if (mod != 0) {
if (mod <= GRID_SIZE / 2)
r.setX(coord - mod);
r.setX(coord + GRID_SIZE - mod);
coord = (int)r.y;
mod = coord % GRID_SIZE;
if (mod != 0) {
if (mod < GRID_SIZE / 2)
r.setY(coord - mod);
r.setY(coord + GRID_SIZE - mod);
// Might be using this code for dragging to select multiple fields. It
// should eventually live in a separate file.
// class SelectionHandler extends MouseInputAdapter {
// protected java.awt.Rectangle rect;
// protected HashSet fields;
// protected JPanel selectionOutline;
// public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
// int x = e.getX() - SectionWidget.LHS_WIDTH;
// if (x < 0)
// return;
// deselectAll();
// int y = e.getY();
// rect = new java.awt.Rectangle(x, y, 0, 0);
// selectionOutline = new JPanel();
// selectionOutline.setBounds(rect);
// rootPaneContainer.getContentPane().add(selectionOutline, 0); // Add to top of visual stack
// }
// public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
// updateSize(e);
// }
// public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
// updateSize(e);
// remove(selectionOutline);
// }
// /*
// * Updates the size of the current rectangle, changes selection list, and
// * calls {@link #repaint}. Because rect always has the same origin,
// * translate it if the width or height is negative.
// *
// * For efficiency, specify the painting region using arguments to the
// * {@link #repaint} call.
// */
// void updateSize(MouseEvent e) {
// if (selectionOutline == null)
// return;
// int x = e.getX();
// int y = e.getY();
// rect.setSize(x - rect.x, y - rect.y);
// selectionOutline.setSize(x - rect.x, y - rect.y);
// // selectFieldsWithin(rect);
// // java.awt.Rectangle totalRepaint = rectToDraw.union(previousRectDrawn);
// // repaint(totalRepaint.x, totalRepaint.y,
// // totalRepaint.width, totalRepaint.height);
// }
// }