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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver;
import org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter;
import org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException;
import org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldPersistenceModifier;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.FieldRole;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager;
import org.datanucleus.state.ObjectProviderFactory;

* Mapping for an embedded PC object.
* The PC object can be embedded directly (1-1 relation) or be the element of
* a collection, or be the key or value of a map.
public abstract class EmbeddedMapping extends SingleFieldMapping
    /** Mappings of the fields of the embedded PC. */
    protected List javaTypeMappings;

    /** ClassLoader resolver */
    protected ClassLoaderResolver clr;

    /** EmbeddedMetaData for the object being embedded. */
    protected EmbeddedMetaData emd;

    /** Type name for the object being embedded. */
    protected String typeName;

    /** Type of PC object. Corresponds to the values in StateManagerImpl. */
    protected short objectType = -1;

    /** MetaData for the embedded class. */
    protected AbstractClassMetaData embCmd = null;

     * Initialize this JavaTypeMapping with the given DatastoreAdapter for the given FieldMetaData.
     * @param container The datastore container storing this mapping (if any)
     * @param clr the ClassLoaderResolver
     * @param fmd FieldMetaData for the field to be mapped (if any)
     * @throws NucleusException
    public void initialize(AbstractMemberMetaData fmd, DatastoreContainerObject container, ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        throw new NucleusException("subclass must override this method").setFatal();
     * Initialize this JavaTypeMapping with the given DatastoreAdapter for the given MetaData.
     * @param fmd metadata for the field
     * @param datastoreContainer Table for persisting this field
     * @param clr The ClassLoaderResolver
     * @param emd Embedded MetaData for the object being embedded
     * @param typeName type of the embedded PC object
     * @param objectType Type of the PC object being embedded (see StateManagerImpl object types)
    public void initialize(AbstractMemberMetaData fmd,
                           DatastoreContainerObject datastoreContainer,
                           ClassLoaderResolver clr,
                           EmbeddedMetaData emd,
                           String typeName,
                           int objectType)
      super.initialize(fmd, datastoreContainer, clr);
        this.clr = clr;
        this.emd = emd;
        this.typeName = typeName;
        this.objectType = (short) objectType;

        // Find the MetaData for the embedded PC class
        MetaDataManager mmgr = datastoreContainer.getStoreManager().getMetaDataManager();
        AbstractClassMetaData pcCmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(typeName, clr);
        if (pcCmd == null)
            // Not found so must be an interface
            if (fmd != null)
                // Try using the fieldTypes on the field/property - we support it if only 1 implementation
                String[] fieldTypes = fmd.getFieldTypes();
                if (fieldTypes != null && fieldTypes.length == 1)
                    pcCmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(fieldTypes[0], clr);
                else if (fieldTypes != null && fieldTypes.length > 1)
                    // TODO Cater for multiple implementations
                    throw new NucleusUserException("Field " + fmd.getFullFieldName() +
                        " is a reference field that is embedded. " +
                        "DataNucleus doesnt support embedded reference fields that have more than 1 implementation");

            if (pcCmd == null)
                // Try a persistent interface
                pcCmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForInterface(clr.classForName(typeName), clr);
                if (pcCmd == null && fmd.getFieldTypes() != null && fmd.getFieldTypes().length == 1)
                    // No MetaData for the type so try "fieldType" specified on the field
                    pcCmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForInterface(clr.classForName(fmd.getFieldTypes()[0]), clr);

        embCmd = pcCmd;

        AbstractMemberMetaData[] embFmds;
        if (emd == null && pcCmd.isEmbeddedOnly())
            // No <embedded> block yet the class is defined as embedded-only so just use its own definition of fields
            embFmds = pcCmd.getManagedMembers();
            // <embedded> block so use those field definitions
            embFmds = emd.getMemberMetaData();

        // Add all fields of the embedded class (that are persistent)
        int[] pcFieldNumbers = pcCmd.getAllMemberPositions();
        for (int i=0;i<pcFieldNumbers.length;i++)
            AbstractMemberMetaData pcFmd = pcCmd.getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(pcFieldNumbers[i]);
            if (pcFmd.getPersistenceModifier() == FieldPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENT)
                if (emd != null && emd.getOwnerMember() != null && emd.getOwnerMember().equals(pcFmd.getName()))
                    // Do nothing since we dont map owner fields (since the owner is the containing object)
                    AbstractMemberMetaData embeddedFmd = null;
                    for (int j=0;j<embFmds.length;j++)
                        // Why are these even possible ? Why are they here ? Why dont they use localised messages ?
                        if (embFmds[j] == null)
                            throw new RuntimeException("embFmds[j] is null"+pcCmd.toString()+" type "+ typeName);
                        if (pcCmd.getMetaDataForMember(embFmds[j].getName()) == null)
                            throw new RuntimeException("pcCmd.getField(embFmds[j].getName()) is null"+
                                pcCmd.toString()+" type "+ typeName+" embFmds[j].getName() "+embFmds[j].getName());

                        // Check if this field has a mapping in the embedded specification
                        if (pcCmd.getMetaDataForMember(embFmds[j].getName()).getAbsoluteFieldNumber() == pcFieldNumbers[i])
                            embeddedFmd = embFmds[j];

                    JavaTypeMapping embFmdMapping;
                    MappingManager mapMgr = datastoreContainer.getStoreManager().getMappingManager();
                    if (embeddedFmd != null)
                        // User has provided a field definition so map with that
                        embFmdMapping = mapMgr.getMapping(datastoreContainer, embeddedFmd, clr, FieldRole.ROLE_FIELD);
                        // User hasn't provided a field definition so map with the classes own definition
                        embFmdMapping = mapMgr.getMapping(datastoreContainer, pcFmd, clr, FieldRole.ROLE_FIELD);

                    for (int j=0; j<embFmdMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings(); j++)
                        DatastoreMapping datastoreMapping = embFmdMapping.getDatastoreMapping(j);
                        if (fmd.isPrimaryKey())
                            // Overall embedded field should be part of PK, so make all datastore fields part of it
                            DatastoreField datastoreFld = datastoreMapping.getDatastoreField();
                            if (datastoreFld != null)

     * Method to prepare a field mapping for use in the datastore.
     * Overridden so it does nothing
    protected void prepareDatastoreMapping()

     * Add a new JavaTypeMapping to manage.
     * @param mapping the JavaTypeMapping
    public void addJavaTypeMapping(JavaTypeMapping mapping)
        if (javaTypeMappings == null)
            javaTypeMappings = new ArrayList();
        if (mapping == null)
            throw new NucleusException("mapping argument in EmbeddedMapping.addJavaTypeMapping is null").setFatal();

     * Accessor for the number of java type mappings
     * @return Number of java type mappings of the fields of the embedded PC element
    public int getNumberOfJavaTypeMappings()
        return javaTypeMappings != null ? javaTypeMappings.size() : 0;

     * Accessor for the java type mappings
     * @param i the index position of the java type mapping
     * @return the java type mapping
    public JavaTypeMapping getJavaTypeMapping(int i)
        if (javaTypeMappings == null)
            return null;
        return (JavaTypeMapping)javaTypeMappings.get(i);

     * Accessor for the sub type mapping for a particular field name
     * @param fieldName The field name
     * @return The type mapping for that field in the embedded object
    public JavaTypeMapping getJavaTypeMapping(String fieldName)
        if (javaTypeMappings == null)
            return null;
        Iterator iter = javaTypeMappings.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext())
            JavaTypeMapping m = (JavaTypeMapping);
            if (m.getMemberMetaData().getName().equals(fieldName))
                return m;
        return null;

     * Mutator for the embedded object in the datastore.
     * @param ec execution context
     * @param ps The Prepared Statement
     * @param param Param numbers in the PreparedStatement for the fields of this object
     * @param value The embedded object to use
    public void setObject(ExecutionContext ec, Object ps, int[] param, Object value)
        setObject(ec, ps, param, value, null, -1);

     * Mutator for the embedded object in the datastore.
     * @param ec ExecutionContext
     * @param ps The Prepared Statement
     * @param param Param numbers in the PreparedStatement for the fields of this object
     * @param value The embedded object to use
     * @param ownerSM StateManager of the owning object containing this embedded object
     * @param ownerFieldNumber Field number in the owning object where this is stored
    public void setObject(ExecutionContext ec, Object ps, int[] param, Object value, ObjectProvider ownerSM, int ownerFieldNumber)
        if (value == null)
            int n = 0;
            String nullColumn = null;
            String nullValue = null;
            if (emd != null)
                nullColumn = emd.getNullIndicatorColumn();
                nullValue = emd.getNullIndicatorValue();
            for (int i=0; i<javaTypeMappings.size(); i++)
                JavaTypeMapping mapping = ((JavaTypeMapping)javaTypeMappings.get(i));
                int[] posMapping = new int[mapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
                for (int j=0; j<posMapping.length; j++)
                    posMapping[j] = param[n++];

                // Null out this field unless it is the null-indicator column and has a value
                // in which case apply the required value
                if (nullColumn != null && nullValue != null &&
                    mapping.getMemberMetaData().getColumnMetaData().length > 0 &&
                    // Try to cater for user having an integer based column and value
                    if (mapping instanceof IntegerMapping ||
                        mapping instanceof BigIntegerMapping ||
                        mapping instanceof LongMapping ||
                        mapping instanceof ShortMapping)
                        Object convertedValue = null;
                            if (mapping instanceof IntegerMapping ||
                                mapping instanceof ShortMapping)
                                convertedValue = Integer.valueOf(nullValue);
                            else if (mapping instanceof LongMapping ||
                                mapping instanceof BigIntegerMapping)
                                convertedValue = Long.valueOf(nullValue);
                        catch (Exception e)
                        mapping.setObject(ec, ps, posMapping, convertedValue);
                        mapping.setObject(ec, ps, posMapping, nullValue);
                    if (mapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings() > 0)
                        mapping.setObject(ec, ps, posMapping, null);
            ApiAdapter api = ec.getApiAdapter();
            if (!api.isPersistable(value))
                throw new NucleusException(LOCALISER.msg("041016",
                    value.getClass(), value)).setFatal();

            AbstractClassMetaData embCmd = ec.getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(value.getClass(), ec.getClassLoaderResolver());
            ObjectProvider embSM = ec.findObjectProvider(value);
            if (embSM == null || api.getExecutionContext(value) == null)
                // Assign a StateManager to manage our embedded object
                embSM = ObjectProviderFactory.newForEmbedded(ec, value, false, ownerSM, ownerFieldNumber);

            int n = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<javaTypeMappings.size(); i++)
                JavaTypeMapping mapping = ((JavaTypeMapping)javaTypeMappings.get(i));
                int[] posMapping = new int[mapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
                for (int j=0; j<posMapping.length; j++)
                    posMapping[j] = param[n++];

                // Retrieve value of field from Embedded StateManager
                int embAbsFieldNum = embCmd.getAbsolutePositionOfMember(mapping.getMemberMetaData().getName());
                Object fieldValue = embSM.provideField(embAbsFieldNum);

                if (mapping instanceof EmbeddedPCMapping)
                    mapping.setObject(ec, ps, posMapping, fieldValue, embSM, embAbsFieldNum);
                    if (mapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings() > 0)
                        mapping.setObject(ec, ps, posMapping, fieldValue);

     * Accessor for the embedded object from the result set
     * @param ec ExecutionContext
     * @param rs The ResultSet
     * @param param Array of param numbers in the ResultSet for the fields of this object
     * @return The embedded object
    public Object getObject(ExecutionContext ec, Object rs, int[] param)
        return getObject(ec, rs, param, null, -1);

     * Accessor for the embedded object from the result set
     * @param ec ExecutionContext
     * @param rs The ResultSet
     * @param param Array of param numbers in the ResultSet for the fields of this object
     * @param ownerSM StateManager of the owning object containing this embedded object
     * @param ownerFieldNumber Field number in the owning object where this is stored
     * @return The embedded object
    public Object getObject(ExecutionContext ec, Object rs, int[] param, ObjectProvider ownerSM, int ownerFieldNumber)
        Object value = null;

        // Create a PersistenceCapable to put the values into
        Class embeddedType = getJavaType();
        if (mmd.getFieldTypes() != null && mmd.getFieldTypes().length > 0)
            // Embedded type has field-type defined so use that as our embedded type
            embeddedType = ec.getClassLoaderResolver().classForName(mmd.getFieldTypes()[0]);
        ObjectProvider embSM = ObjectProviderFactory.newForHollow(ec, embeddedType, (Object)null);
        value = embSM.getObject();

        String nullColumn = null;
        String nullValue = null;
        if (emd != null)
            nullColumn = emd.getNullIndicatorColumn();
            nullValue = emd.getNullIndicatorValue();

        int n = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<javaTypeMappings.size(); i++)
            JavaTypeMapping mapping = ((JavaTypeMapping)javaTypeMappings.get(i));
            int embAbsFieldNum = embCmd.getAbsolutePositionOfMember(mapping.getMemberMetaData().getName());
            if (mapping instanceof EmbeddedPCMapping)
                // We have a nested embedded
                int numSubParams = mapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings();
                int[] subParam = new int[numSubParams];
                int k = 0;
                for (int j=n;j<n+numSubParams;j++)
                    subParam[k++] = param[j];
                n += numSubParams;

                // Use the sub-object mapping to extract the value for that object
                Object subValue = mapping.getObject(ec, rs, subParam, embSM, embAbsFieldNum);
                if (subValue != null)
                    embSM.replaceFieldMakeDirty(embAbsFieldNum, subValue);

                // TODO Check the null column and its value in the sub-embedded ?
                // Extract the value(s) for this field and update the PC if it is not null
                int[] posMapping = new int[mapping.getNumberOfDatastoreMappings()];
                for (int j=0; j<posMapping.length; j++)
                    posMapping[j] = param[n++];
                Object fieldValue = mapping.getObject(ec, rs, posMapping);
                if (fieldValue != null)
                    embSM.replaceFieldMakeDirty(embAbsFieldNum, fieldValue);
                    // If the value is null, but the field is not a primitive update it
                    AbstractMemberMetaData embFmd = embCmd.getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(embAbsFieldNum);
                    if (!embFmd.getType().isPrimitive())
                        embSM.replaceFieldMakeDirty(embAbsFieldNum, fieldValue);

                // Check for the null column and its value
                if (nullColumn != null &&
                    if ((nullValue == null && fieldValue == null) ||
                        (nullValue != null && fieldValue.toString().equals(nullValue)))
                        value = null;

        // Update owner field in the element (if present)
        if (emd != null)
            String ownerField = emd.getOwnerMember();
            if (ownerField != null)
                int ownerFieldNumberInElement = embCmd.getAbsolutePositionOfMember(ownerField);
                if (ownerFieldNumberInElement >= 0)
                    embSM.replaceFieldMakeDirty(ownerFieldNumberInElement, ownerSM.getObject());
        // Register our owner now that we have our values set
        if (value != null && ownerSM != null)
            embSM.addEmbeddedOwner(ownerSM, ownerFieldNumber);

        return value;

     * Accessor for the Java type being represented here.
     * @return The Java type
    public Class getJavaType()
        return clr.classForName(typeName);

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