Copyright (c) 2005 Andy Jefferson and others. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package org.datanucleus.metadata;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver;
import org.datanucleus.ObjectManagerImpl;
import org.datanucleus.api.ApiAdapter;
import org.datanucleus.exceptions.ClassNotResolvedException;
import org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException;
import org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException;
import org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils;
import org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger;
import org.datanucleus.util.Localiser;
import org.datanucleus.util.MacroString;
import org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils;
import org.datanucleus.util.ViewUtils;
* Abstract representation of the MetaData of a class/interface.
* Has a parent PackageMetaData that can contain the metadata for several classes/interfaces.
* Is extended by ClassMetaData and InterfaceMetaData.
* Of the things that it contains the main one are the "members" which are the MetaData for
* all fields and properties that are persistable.
public abstract class AbstractClassMetaData extends MetaData
protected static final Localiser LOCALISER_API=Localiser.getInstance("org.datanucleus.Localisation",
/** Suffix to add on to the class name for any generated primary key class. */
public static final String GENERATED_PK_SUFFIX = "_PK";
/** Class name */
protected final String name;
/** Entity name. Required by JPA1 $4.3.1 for accessing this class in queries. */
protected String entityName;
/** Whether the user can persist instances of this class. Will be false if using "MappedSuperclass". */
protected boolean instantiable = true;
/** Identity-type tag value. */
protected IdentityType identityType = IdentityType.DATASTORE;
/** persistence-modifier tag value. */
protected ClassPersistenceModifier persistenceModifier = ClassPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENCE_CAPABLE;
/** persistable-superclass tag value (deprecated). */
protected String persistableSuperclass;
/** objectid-class tag value. */
protected String objectidClass;
/** requires-extent tag value. */
protected boolean requiresExtent = true;
/** detachable tag value. */
protected boolean detachable = false;
/** embedded-only tag value. */
protected boolean embeddedOnly = false;
/** Catalog name (O/R mapping). */
protected String catalog;
/** Schema name (O/R mapping). */
protected String schema;
/** Table name (O/R mapping). This may be of the form "[database].[catalog].[schema].table" */
protected String table;
/** cacheable tag value. */
protected boolean cacheable = true;
/** Full name (e.g org.datanucleus.MyClass) */
protected final String fullName;
/** Version MetaData */
protected VersionMetaData versionMetaData;
/** Identity MetaData */
protected IdentityMetaData identityMetaData;
/** Flag whether the identity was specified by the user. */
protected boolean identitySpecified = false;
/** Inheritance MetaData */
protected InheritanceMetaData inheritanceMetaData;
/** PrimaryKey MetaData */
protected PrimaryKeyMetaData primaryKeyMetaData;
/** EventListeners. Use a list to preserve ordering. */
protected List listeners = null;
/** Flag to exclude superclass listeners. */
protected Boolean excludeSuperClassListeners = null;
/** Flag to exclude default listeners. */
protected Boolean excludeDefaultListeners = null;
/** Fetch Groups for this class. Available to be used in queries and when detaching. */
protected FetchGroupMetaData[] fetchGroupMetaData;
/** Convenience lookup map of fetch group by the name. */
protected Map<String, FetchGroupMetaData> fetchGroupMetaDataByName;
/** Class MetaData for the persistable superclass (if any) */
protected AbstractClassMetaData pcSuperclassMetaData = null;
/** Flag for whether the MetaData here is complete without annotations. Used by JPA. */
protected boolean metaDataComplete = false;
/** Whether to lock objects of this type on read operations. */
protected boolean serializeRead = false;
/** Named queries */
protected Collection<QueryMetaData> queries = null;
/** List of query result MetaData defined for this file. */
protected Collection<QueryResultMetaData> queryResultMetaData = null;
/** JoinMetaData */
protected JoinMetaData[] joinMetaData;
/** IndexMetaData */
protected IndexMetaData[] indexMetaData;
/** ForeignKeyMetaData */
protected ForeignKeyMetaData[] foreignKeyMetaData;
/** UniqueMetaData */
protected UniqueMetaData[] uniqueMetaData;
/** List of members (fields/properties). */
protected List members = new ArrayList();
/** The columns that are present in the datastore yet not mapped to fields in this class. */
protected List<ColumnMetaData> unmappedColumns = null;
// These fields are only used when the MetaData is read by the parser and elements are dynamically added to
// the other elements. At initialise() they are cleared and nulled so shouldn't be used internally.
/** List of joins */
protected List<JoinMetaData> joins = new ArrayList();
/** List of foreign-key */
protected List<ForeignKeyMetaData> foreignKeys = new ArrayList();
/** List of indexes */
protected List<IndexMetaData> indexes = new ArrayList();
/** List of uniqueConstraints */
protected List<UniqueMetaData> uniqueConstraints = new ArrayList();
/** List of fetch-group */
protected List<FetchGroupMetaData> fetchGroups = new ArrayList();
// Fields below here are not represented in the output MetaData. They are for use internally in the operation of the system.
// The majority are for convenience to save iterating through the fields since the fields are fixed once initialised.
* Managed fields/properties of this class. Contains the same AbstractMemberMetaData objects as are in "members".
* Doesnt include any overridden members which are stored separately. All fields will return true to
* "fmd.isJdoField()".
protected AbstractMemberMetaData[] managedMembers;
/** Fields/properties for superclasses that are overridden in this class. */
protected AbstractMemberMetaData[] overriddenMembers;
/** Position numbers of members mapped by the name of the field/property. */
protected Map<String, Integer> memberPositionsByName;
/** Positions of all fields/properties (inc superclasses). */
protected int[] allMemberPositions;
/** Positions of the primary-key fields/properties (inc superclasses). */
protected int[] pkMemberPositions;
/** Positions of the non-primary-key fields/properties (inc superclasses). */
protected int[] nonPkMemberPositions;
/** Flags of the non-primary key fields/properties (inc superclasses). */
protected boolean[] nonPkMemberFlags;
/** Positions of the default-fetch-group fields/properties (inc superclasses). */
protected int[] dfgMemberPositions;
/** Flags of the default-fetch-group state for all fields/properties. */
protected boolean[] dfgMemberFlags;
/** Positions of the SCO mutable fields/properties (inc superclasses). */
protected int[] scoMutableMemberPositions;
/** Flags of the SCO mutable state for all fields/properties. */
protected boolean[] scoMutableMemberFlags;
/** Absolute positions of all SCO fields/properties that aren't containers. */
protected int[] scoNonContainerMemberPositions = null;
/** Absolute positions of the fields/properties that have relations. */
protected int[] relationPositions = null;
/** No of managed fields/properties in superclasses, that are inherited by this class. */
protected int noOfInheritedManagedMembers = 0;
/** if this PersistenceCapable class uses SingleFieldIdentity */
protected boolean usesSingleFieldIdentityClass;
/** number of managed fields/properties from this class plus inherited classes. */
protected int memberCount;
protected boolean implementationOfPersistentDefinition = false;
/** whether the populate method is running **/
boolean populating = false;
/** whether the initialise method is running **/
boolean initialising = false;
/** Cached result of {@link #hasFetchGroupWithPostLoad()} */
protected Boolean fetchGroupMetaWithPostLoad;
/** Cached result of {@link #pkUsesIdentityValueGenerator()} */
protected Boolean pkIsDatastoreAttributed = null;
/** Cached result of {@link #hasRelations(ClassLoaderResolver, MetaDataManager)} */
protected Boolean hasRelations = null;
* Constructor. Set fields using setters, before populate().
* @param parent The package to which this class/interface belongs
* @param name (Simple) name of class (omitting the package name)
protected AbstractClassMetaData(final PackageMetaData parent, final String name)
if (StringUtils.isWhitespace(name))
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044061",parent.name);
this.name = name;
this.fullName = ClassUtils.createFullClassName(parent.name, name);
/** Implementation of "persistent-interface" needing table setting from superclass. */
protected transient boolean persistentInterfaceImplNeedingTableFromSuperclass = false;
/** Implementation of "persistent-interface" needing table setting from subclass. */
protected transient boolean persistentInterfaceImplNeedingTableFromSubclass = false;
* Constructor for creating the ClassMetaData for an implementation of a "persistent-interface".
* @param imd MetaData for the "persistent-interface"
* @param implClassName Name of the implementation class
* @param copyMembers Whether to copy the fields/properties of the interface too
public AbstractClassMetaData(InterfaceMetaData imd, String implClassName, boolean copyMembers)
this((PackageMetaData)imd.parent, implClassName);
implementationOfPersistentDefinition = true;
if (copyMembers)
if (imd.inheritanceMetaData != null)
if (imd.inheritanceMetaData.getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUPERCLASS_TABLE)
// Flag the table as requiring setting based on the next superclass
persistentInterfaceImplNeedingTableFromSuperclass = true;
else if (imd.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE)
// Flag the table as requiring setting based on the next subclass
persistentInterfaceImplNeedingTableFromSubclass = true;
InheritanceMetaData inhmd = new InheritanceMetaData();
if (imd.inheritanceMetaData.getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUPERCLASS_TABLE)
AbstractClassMetaData acmd = imd.getSuperAbstractClassMetaData();
while (acmd != null)
if (acmd.getInheritanceMetaData() != null)
if (acmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy()==InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE)
if (acmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getDiscriminatorMetaData() != null)
new DiscriminatorMetaData(acmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getDiscriminatorMetaData()));
acmd = acmd.getSuperAbstractClassMetaData();
else if (imd.inheritanceMetaData.getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE)
if (imd.getInheritanceMetaData().getDiscriminatorMetaData() != null)
new DiscriminatorMetaData(imd.getInheritanceMetaData().getDiscriminatorMetaData()));
if (imd.joinMetaData != null)
for (int i=0;i<imd.joinMetaData.length;i++)
if (imd.foreignKeyMetaData != null)
for (int i=0;i<imd.foreignKeyMetaData.length;i++)
if (imd.indexMetaData != null)
for (int i=0;i<imd.indexMetaData.length;i++)
if (imd.uniqueMetaData != null)
for (int i=0;i<imd.uniqueMetaData.length;i++)
if (imd.fetchGroupMetaData != null)
for (int i=0;i<imd.fetchGroupMetaData.length;i++)
if (imd.queries != null)
for (QueryMetaData query : imd.queries)
if (imd.listeners != null)
if (listeners == null)
listeners = new ArrayList();
* Constructor for creating the ClassMetaData for an implementation of a "persistent-abstract-class".
* @param cmd MetaData for the implementation of the "persistent-abstract-class"
* @param implClassName Name of the implementation class
public AbstractClassMetaData(ClassMetaData cmd, String implClassName)
this((PackageMetaData)cmd.parent, implClassName);
implementationOfPersistentDefinition = true;
// Mark all artificial fields (added in implementing the abstract class) as non-persistent
for (int i=0; i<cmd.getMemberCount(); i++)
FieldMetaData fmd = new FieldMetaData(this, cmd.getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(i));
fmd.persistenceModifier = FieldPersistenceModifier.NONE;
fmd.primaryKey = Boolean.FALSE;
fmd.defaultFetchGroup = Boolean.FALSE;
public boolean isInstantiable()
return instantiable;
protected AbstractClassMetaData getRootInstantiableClass()
if (pcSuperclassMetaData == null)
if (instantiable)
return this;
AbstractClassMetaData rootCmd = pcSuperclassMetaData.getRootInstantiableClass();
return ((rootCmd == null && instantiable) ? this : rootCmd);
return null;
public boolean isRootInstantiableClass()
return (getRootInstantiableClass() == this);
* Return whether this MetaData is for an implementation of a persistent definition.
* This could be an implementation of a persistent interface or a persistent abstract-class.
* @return Whether this is an implementation
public boolean isImplementationOfPersistentDefinition()
return implementationOfPersistentDefinition;
* Convenience method to copy the properties from an existing interface.
* Adds FieldMetaData for each PropertyMetaData on the persistent-interface.
* @param imd The interface that we copy from
protected void copyMembersFromInterface(InterfaceMetaData imd)
for (int i=0; i<imd.getMemberCount(); i++)
// generate FieldMetaData out of PropertyMetaData
FieldMetaData fmd = new FieldMetaData(this, imd.getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(i));
* Method to check whether the Meta-Data has been initialised.
* @throws NucleusException Thrown if the Meta-Data hasn't been initialised.
protected void checkInitialised()
if (!isInitialised())
throw new NucleusException(LOCALISER.msg("044069",fullName)).setFatal();
* Method to check whether the Meta-Data has been populated.
* @throws NucleusException Thrown if the Meta-Data hasn't been populated.
protected void checkPopulated()
if (!isPopulated() && !isInitialised())
throw new NucleusException(LOCALISER.msg("044070",fullName)).setFatal();
* Method to check that the Meta-Data has not been populated yet.
* @throws NucleusUserException Thrown if the Meta-Data has already been populated.
protected void checkNotYetPopulated()
if (isPopulated() || isInitialised())
// TODO Localise message
throw new NucleusUserException("Already populated/initialised");
* Load the persistent interface/class
* @param clr the ClassLoader
* @param primary the primary ClassLoader to use (or null)
* @param mmgr MetaData manager
* @return the loaded class
protected Class loadClass(ClassLoaderResolver clr, ClassLoader primary, MetaDataManager mmgr)
// No class loader, so use default
if (clr == null)
clr = mmgr.getNucleusContext().getClassLoaderResolver(null);
// Load the class we are modelling
Class cls;
cls = clr.classForName(fullName,primary,false);
if (cls == null)
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044080", fullName);
catch (ClassNotResolvedException cnre)
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044080", fullName);
return cls;
* Determines the identity based on MetaData defaults or user defined MetaData
protected void determineIdentity()
// Provide a default identity type if not supplied
if (this.identityType == null)
if (objectidClass != null)
// PK provided so we use application-identity
identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION;
int noOfPkKeys = 0;
Iterator memberIter = members.iterator();
while (memberIter.hasNext())
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = (AbstractMemberMetaData)memberIter.next();
if (mmd.isPrimaryKey())
if (noOfPkKeys > 0)
// Use application-identity since there are primary-key field(s) defined
identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION; // SingleFieldIdentity
// Use datastore-identity
identityType = IdentityType.DATASTORE;
* Determine the super PersistenceCapable class.
* The persistence-capable-superclass attribute is deprecated for JDO2.0.
* The attribute will be ignored so metadata files from previous releases can be used.
* The persistenceCapableSuperclass we use will be retrieved from the class itself.
* @param clr The ClassLoaderResolver
* @param cls This class
* @param mmgr MetaData manager
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if the declared <code>persistence-capable-superclass</code> super class
* cannot be loaded by the <code>clr</code>.
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if the declared <code>persistence-capable-superclass</code> has
* no reachable MetaData
protected void determineSuperClassName(ClassLoaderResolver clr, Class cls, MetaDataManager mmgr)
if (persistableSuperclass != null)
// Make sure any pc superclass name has the parent package (if omitted during specification)
persistableSuperclass =
ClassUtils.createFullClassName(((PackageMetaData)parent).name, persistableSuperclass);
// Find the true superclass name (using reflection)
String realPcSuperclassName = null;
Collection<Class<?>> superclasses;
if (cls.isInterface())
superclasses = ClassUtils.getSuperinterfaces(cls);
superclasses = ClassUtils.getSuperclasses(cls);
for (Class<?> superclass : superclasses)
AbstractClassMetaData superCmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClassInternal(superclass, clr);
if (superCmd != null &&
superCmd.getPersistenceModifier() == ClassPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENCE_CAPABLE)
realPcSuperclassName = superclass.getName();
// Validate any specified superclass name
if (persistableSuperclass != null &&
// Validate the defined superclass
AbstractClassMetaData superCmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClassInternal(clr.classForName(persistableSuperclass), clr);
if (superCmd == null ||
superCmd.getPersistenceModifier() != ClassPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENCE_CAPABLE)
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044083", name, persistableSuperclass);
catch (ClassNotResolvedException cnre)
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044088", name, persistableSuperclass);
if (realPcSuperclassName != null)
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044087", name, realPcSuperclassName,
// The defined persistenceCapableSuperclass could NOT have been a superclass
// of this class, otherwise it would have been equal to the realPcSuperclassName.
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044082", name,
else if (persistableSuperclass == null && realPcSuperclassName != null)
persistableSuperclass = realPcSuperclassName;
if (NucleusLogger.METADATA.isDebugEnabled())
NucleusLogger.METADATA.debug(LOCALISER.msg("044089", name, persistableSuperclass));
validateSuperClass(clr, cls, superclasses, mmgr);
if (persistableSuperclass != null)
// Inherit detachable flag from superclass
if (!isDetachable() && pcSuperclassMetaData.isDetachable())
detachable = true;
* Check if the previously determined super class implements PersistenceCapable and has
* reachable MetaData file. The super class MetaData is populated if not yet populated or initialised.
* @param clr the ClassLoaderResolver
* @param cls This class
* @param superclasses A List of super classes of this class, starting from the least derived super class up to the root class
* @param mmgr MetaData manager
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if the super class cannot be loaded by the <code>clr</code>.
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if the declared <code>persistence-capable-superclass</code> is not
* actually assignable from <code>cls</code>
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if any of the super classes implements <code>PersistenceCapable</code> interface,
* but the MetaData says that class is not persistent.
private void validateSuperClass(ClassLoaderResolver clr, Class cls, Collection<Class<?>> superclasses, MetaDataManager mmgr)
// "persistence-capable-superclass"
// Check that the class can be loaded, and is a true superclass
if (persistableSuperclass != null)
Class pcsc=null;
// Load using same class loader resolver as this class
pcsc = clr.classForName(persistableSuperclass);
catch (ClassNotResolvedException cnre)
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044081", name, persistableSuperclass);
if (persistableSuperclass.equals(fullName) || !(pcsc.isAssignableFrom(cls)))
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044082", name, persistableSuperclass);
// Retrieve the Meta-Data for the superclass
if (mmgr != null)
// Normal operation will have a MetaDataManager and so ask that for MetaData of superclass.
pcSuperclassMetaData = mmgr.getMetaDataForClassInternal(pcsc, clr);
if (pcSuperclassMetaData == null)
// Superclass isn't persistence capable since no MetaData could be found.
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044083", name, persistableSuperclass);
// The enhancer doesn't need MetaDataManager so just navigate to FileMetaData and find it.
// NOTE : assumes that the class is specified in the same file
String superclass_pkg_name =
PackageMetaData pmd=getPackageMetaData().getFileMetaData().getPackage(superclass_pkg_name);
if (pmd != null)
String superclass_class_name =
pcSuperclassMetaData = pmd.getClass(superclass_class_name);
if (pcSuperclassMetaData == null)
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044084", name, persistableSuperclass);
if (!pcSuperclassMetaData.isPopulated() && !pcSuperclassMetaData.isInitialised())
// Populate the superclass since we will be needing it
pcSuperclassMetaData.populate(clr, cls.getClassLoader(), mmgr);
// Check that none of our real superclasses is PersistenceCapable since this
// class hasn't declared a PC superclass
for (Class<?> superclass : superclasses)
AbstractClassMetaData superCmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClassInternal(superclass, clr);
if (superCmd != null &&
superCmd.getPersistenceModifier() == ClassPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENCE_CAPABLE)
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044091", fullName, superclass.getName());
* Check for conflicts on super class and this class MetaData identity
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if the user tries to overwrite a superclass identity / strategy
protected void validateUserInputForIdentity()
// Check that the user isn't trying to override the datastore-identity strategy!
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
AbstractClassMetaData baseCmd = getBaseAbstractClassMetaData();
IdentityMetaData imd = baseCmd.getIdentityMetaData();
if (baseCmd.identitySpecified && identitySpecified &&
imd != null && imd.getValueStrategy() != null &&
identityMetaData != null && identityMetaData.getValueStrategy() != null &&
identityMetaData.getValueStrategy() != imd.getValueStrategy())
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044094",
fullName, identityMetaData.getValueStrategy(), imd.getValueStrategy());
* Convenience accessor for the AbstractClassMetaData of the base object in this hierarchy.
* @return The AbstractClassMetaData for the base object.
public AbstractClassMetaData getBaseAbstractClassMetaData()
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
return pcSuperclassMetaData.getBaseAbstractClassMetaData();
return this;
* Convenience method to return if this class is a descendant of the supplied class metadata.
* @param cmd The class to check against
* @return Whether the supplied metadata is an ancestor of this
public boolean isDescendantOf(AbstractClassMetaData cmd)
if (pcSuperclassMetaData == null)
return false;
if (pcSuperclassMetaData == cmd)
return true;
return pcSuperclassMetaData.isDescendantOf(cmd);
protected String getBaseInheritanceStrategy()
if (inheritanceMetaData != null && inheritanceMetaData.getStrategyForTree() != null)
return inheritanceMetaData.getStrategyForTree();
else if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
return pcSuperclassMetaData.getBaseInheritanceStrategy();
return null;
* Inherit the identity definition from super classes.
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if the MetaData of this class conflicts with super classes definition
protected void inheritIdentity()
if (objectidClass != null)
// Make sure the objectid-class is fully-qualified (may have been specified in simple form)
this.objectidClass = ClassUtils.createFullClassName(((PackageMetaData)parent).name, objectidClass);
// "persistence-capable-superclass"
// Check that the class can be loaded, and is a true superclass
if (persistableSuperclass != null)
// Class has superclass, yet has objectid-class defined! ops, this might result in user errors
if (objectidClass != null)
String superObjectIdClass = pcSuperclassMetaData.getObjectidClass();
if (superObjectIdClass == null || !objectidClass.equals(superObjectIdClass))
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044085", name, persistableSuperclass);
// by default users should only specify the object-id class in the root persistent class
NucleusLogger.METADATA.warn(LOCALISER.msg("044086", name, persistableSuperclass));
// get the objectid class from superclass
this.objectidClass = pcSuperclassMetaData.getObjectidClass();
if (this.identityType == null)
this.identityType = pcSuperclassMetaData.getIdentityType();
// Superclass identityType must be the same as this classes identityType
if (!this.identityType.equals(pcSuperclassMetaData.getIdentityType()))
// We can't change the identity type from what was specified in the base class
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044093", fullName);
* Utility to add a defaulted PropertyMetaData to the class.
* Provided as a method since then any derived classes can override it.
* @param name name of property
* @return the new PropertyMetaData
protected AbstractMemberMetaData newDefaultedProperty(String name)
return new PropertyMetaData(this, name);
* Check if the inheritance MetaData is credible.
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if the strategy is superclass-table, yet there are no super class
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if the strategy is superclass-table, yet the super class has not
* specified a discriminator
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if the strategy is superclass-table and discriminator is "value-map",
* yet no value for the discriminator has been specified
protected void validateUserInputForInheritanceMetaData()
// Check that the inheritance strategy is credible
if (inheritanceMetaData != null)
// Check validity of inheritance strategy and discriminator
if (inheritanceMetaData.getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUPERCLASS_TABLE)
AbstractClassMetaData superCmd = getClassManagingTable();
if (superCmd == null)
// We need a superclass table yet there is no superclass with its own table!
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044099", fullName);
DiscriminatorMetaData superDismd = superCmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getDiscriminatorMetaData();
if (superDismd == null)
// If we are using "superclass-table" then the superclass should have specified the discriminator.
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044100", fullName, superCmd.fullName);
DiscriminatorMetaData dismd = inheritanceMetaData.getDiscriminatorMetaData();
if (superDismd.getStrategy() == DiscriminatorStrategy.VALUE_MAP &&
(dismd == null || dismd.getValue() == null))
// If we are using "superclass-table" and the discriminator uses "value-map" then we must specify a value
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044102",
fullName, superCmd.fullName, superDismd.getColumnName());
* Impose a default inheritance strategy when one is not already specified.
* Uses the persistence property for defaultInheritanceStrategy and works to the JDO2 spec etc.
* @param mmgr MetaData manager
protected void determineInheritanceMetaData(MetaDataManager mmgr)
if (inheritanceMetaData == null)
// User hasn't specified the <inheritance> for the class
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
AbstractClassMetaData baseCmd = getBaseAbstractClassMetaData();
if (getBaseInheritanceStrategy() != null)
// A strategy for the full inheritance tree is defined (like in JPA) so use that
String treeStrategy = getBaseInheritanceStrategy();
if (treeStrategy.equals("JOINED"))
inheritanceMetaData = new InheritanceMetaData();
else if (treeStrategy.equals("SINGLE_TABLE"))
inheritanceMetaData = new InheritanceMetaData();
else if (treeStrategy.equals("TABLE_PER_CLASS"))
inheritanceMetaData = new InheritanceMetaData();
if (baseCmd.getInheritanceMetaData() != null &&
baseCmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.COMPLETE_TABLE)
// Root class in tree is set to use COMPLETE_TABLE so all subclasses have own table
inheritanceMetaData = new InheritanceMetaData();
else if (pcSuperclassMetaData.getInheritanceMetaData() != null &&
pcSuperclassMetaData.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE)
// Superclass exists but needs our table so have own table
inheritanceMetaData = new InheritanceMetaData();
// Superclass exists and has a table or uses its superclass, so default based on that
if (mmgr.getNucleusContext().getPersistenceConfiguration().getStringProperty("datanucleus.defaultInheritanceStrategy").equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE_PER_CLASS"))
// Each class has its own table
inheritanceMetaData = new InheritanceMetaData();
// JDO2 behaviour (root class has table, and others share it)
inheritanceMetaData = new InheritanceMetaData();
inheritanceMetaData = new InheritanceMetaData();
if (inheritanceMetaData.getStrategy() == null)
// User has included <inheritance> but not set the strategy, so populate it for them
if (getBaseInheritanceStrategy() != null)
// They set a tree strategy for this level (applying to this and all levels below)
String treeStrategy = getBaseInheritanceStrategy();
if (treeStrategy.equalsIgnoreCase("SINGLE_TABLE"))
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
if (pcSuperclassMetaData.getInheritanceMetaData() != null &&
pcSuperclassMetaData.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE)
// Check if superclass is wanting to persist into table of this class
// Can happen if superclass is mapped-superclass, and we want this to have the table
inheritanceMetaData.strategy = InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE;
inheritanceMetaData.strategy = InheritanceStrategy.SUPERCLASS_TABLE;
inheritanceMetaData.strategy = InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE;
else if (treeStrategy.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE_PER_CLASS"))
inheritanceMetaData.strategy = InheritanceStrategy.COMPLETE_TABLE;
else if (treeStrategy.equalsIgnoreCase("JOINED"))
inheritanceMetaData.strategy = InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE;
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
String treeStrategy = getBaseInheritanceStrategy();
InheritanceStrategy baseStrategy = null;
if (treeStrategy != null && treeStrategy.equalsIgnoreCase("SINGLE_TABLE"))
baseStrategy = InheritanceStrategy.SUPERCLASS_TABLE;
else if (treeStrategy != null && treeStrategy.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE_PER_CLASS"))
baseStrategy = InheritanceStrategy.COMPLETE_TABLE;
else if (treeStrategy != null && treeStrategy.equalsIgnoreCase("JOINED"))
baseStrategy = InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE;
AbstractClassMetaData baseCmd = getBaseAbstractClassMetaData();
if (baseCmd.getInheritanceMetaData() != null)
baseStrategy = baseCmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy();
if (baseStrategy == InheritanceStrategy.COMPLETE_TABLE)
// Base class in tree is set to use COMPLETE_TABLE so all subclasses have own table
inheritanceMetaData.strategy = InheritanceStrategy.COMPLETE_TABLE;
else if (pcSuperclassMetaData.getInheritanceMetaData() != null &&
pcSuperclassMetaData.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE)
// Superclass exists but needs our table so have own table
inheritanceMetaData.strategy = InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE;
// Superclass exists and has a table or uses its superclass, so default based on that
if (mmgr.getNucleusContext().getPersistenceConfiguration().getStringProperty("datanucleus.defaultInheritanceStrategy").equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE_PER_CLASS"))
// Each class has its own table
inheritanceMetaData.strategy = InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE;
// JDO2 behaviour (root class has table, and others share it)
inheritanceMetaData.strategy = InheritanceStrategy.SUPERCLASS_TABLE;
inheritanceMetaData.strategy = InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE;
protected void applyDefaultDiscriminatorValueWhenNotSpecified()
if (inheritanceMetaData != null &&
inheritanceMetaData.getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUPERCLASS_TABLE)
AbstractClassMetaData superCmd = getClassManagingTable();
if (superCmd == null)
throw new NucleusUserException("Class " + getFullClassName() +
" is defined as having \"superclass-table\" inheritance and there is no known superclass with its own table. Duhhhhhhh");
if (superCmd.getInheritanceMetaData() != null)
DiscriminatorMetaData superDismd = superCmd.getInheritanceMetaData().getDiscriminatorMetaData();
DiscriminatorMetaData dismd = inheritanceMetaData.getDiscriminatorMetaData();
if (superDismd != null && superDismd.getStrategy() == DiscriminatorStrategy.VALUE_MAP &&
(dismd == null || dismd.getValue() == null))
// Impose the full class name as the discriminator value since not set
if (dismd == null)
dismd = inheritanceMetaData.newDiscriminatorMetadata();
if (NucleusLogger.METADATA.isDebugEnabled())
NucleusLogger.METADATA.debug("No discriminator value specified for " + getFullClassName() +
" so using fully-qualified class name");
* Convenience method to validate the specified "unmapped" columns.
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if a column is specified without its name.
protected void validateUnmappedColumns()
// Validate any unmapped columns
if (unmappedColumns != null && unmappedColumns.size() > 0)
Iterator unmappedIter = unmappedColumns.iterator();
while (unmappedIter.hasNext())
ColumnMetaData colmd = (ColumnMetaData)unmappedIter.next();
if (colmd.getName() == null)
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044119", getFullClassName());
if (colmd.getJdbcType() == null)
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044120", colmd.getName(), getFullClassName());
* Utility to find the immediate superclass that manages its own table.
* Checks up the inheritance tree for one that uses "new-table" inheritance strategy.
* @return Metadata for the superclass that uses "NEW-TABLE" (or null, if none found).
private AbstractClassMetaData getSuperclassManagingTable()
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
if (pcSuperclassMetaData.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE)
return pcSuperclassMetaData;
return pcSuperclassMetaData.getSuperclassManagingTable();
return null;
* Utility to navigate up to superclasses to find the next class with its own table.
* @return The AbstractClassMetaData of the class managing its own table
private AbstractClassMetaData getClassManagingTable()
if (inheritanceMetaData == null)
return this;
else if (inheritanceMetaData.getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE)
return this;
else if (inheritanceMetaData.getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUPERCLASS_TABLE)
return pcSuperclassMetaData.getClassManagingTable();
return null;
* Accessor for the Meta-Data for the superclass of this class.
* @return MetaData of the superclass
public final AbstractClassMetaData getSuperAbstractClassMetaData()
return pcSuperclassMetaData;
public boolean pkUsesIdentityValueGenerator()
if (pkIsDatastoreAttributed == null)
pkIsDatastoreAttributed = Boolean.FALSE;
if (identityType == IdentityType.APPLICATION)
for (int i=0;i<pkMemberPositions.length;i++)
AbstractMemberMetaData pkMmd = getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(pkMemberPositions[i]);
if (pkMmd.getValueStrategy() == IdentityStrategy.IDENTITY)
pkIsDatastoreAttributed = true;
else if (identityType == IdentityType.DATASTORE)
IdentityMetaData idmd = getBaseIdentityMetaData();
if (idmd != null && idmd.getValueStrategy() == IdentityStrategy.IDENTITY)
pkIsDatastoreAttributed = true;
return pkIsDatastoreAttributed.booleanValue();
* Determine the object id class.
* @param mmgr MetaData manager
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if the class 0 or more that one primary key field and no <code>objectid-class</code>
* has been declared in the MetaData
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if the <code>objectid-class</code> has not been set and the primary key field does
* not match a supported SingleFieldIdentity
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if the identity type is APPLICATION but not primary key fields have been set
* @throws InvalidMetaDataException if the <code>objectid-class</code> cannot be loaded by the <code>clr</code>
protected void determineObjectIdClass(MetaDataManager mmgr)
if (identityType != IdentityType.APPLICATION || objectidClass != null)
int no_of_pk_fields = 0;
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd_pk = null;
Iterator memberIter = members.iterator();
while (memberIter.hasNext())
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = (AbstractMemberMetaData)memberIter.next();
if (mmd.isPrimaryKey())
mmd_pk = mmd;
if (no_of_pk_fields == 0 && inheritanceMetaData.getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE &&
getSuperclassManagingTable() == null)
// Case where we have no table for this class (abstract) and no superclass with a table, and no pk fields
// TODO Localise this message
NucleusLogger.METADATA.warn("Class " + getFullClassName() + " has no table of its own, is using application-identity and has no primary key fields. Marking as not persistence instantiable");
instantiable = false;
boolean needsObjectidClass = false;
if (persistableSuperclass == null)
needsObjectidClass = true;
else if (persistableSuperclass != null && getSuperclassManagingTable() == null)
needsObjectidClass = true;
if (needsObjectidClass)
// Update "objectid-class" if required yet not specified
ApiAdapter api = mmgr.getApiAdapter();
if (no_of_pk_fields == 0)
NucleusLogger.METADATA.error(LOCALISER.msg("044065", fullName, "" + no_of_pk_fields));
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044065", fullName, "" + no_of_pk_fields);
else if (no_of_pk_fields > 1)
// More than 1 PK yet no objectidClass - maybe added by enhancer later, so log warning
NucleusLogger.METADATA.warn(LOCALISER.msg("044065", fullName, "" + no_of_pk_fields));
if (!mmgr.isEnhancing())
objectidClass = fullName + GENERATED_PK_SUFFIX;
NucleusLogger.METADATA.debug("Class " + fullName + " has " + getNoOfPrimaryKeyMembers() +
" primary-key field(s) yet no objectidClass defined. Assumed to be " + objectidClass);
// Assign associated SingleField identity class
Class pk_type = mmd_pk.getType();
if (Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(pk_type) ||
objectidClass = api.getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForByte();
else if (Character.class.isAssignableFrom(pk_type) ||
objectidClass = api.getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForChar();
else if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(pk_type) ||
objectidClass = api.getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForInt();
else if (Long.class.isAssignableFrom(pk_type) ||
objectidClass = api.getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForLong();
else if (Short.class.isAssignableFrom(pk_type) ||
objectidClass = api.getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForShort();
else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(pk_type))
objectidClass = api.getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForString();
else if (Object.class.isAssignableFrom(pk_type))
objectidClass = api.getSingleFieldIdentityClassNameForObject();
NucleusLogger.METADATA.error(LOCALISER.msg("044066", fullName, pk_type.getName()));
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044066", fullName, pk_type.getName());
if (NucleusLogger.METADATA.isDebugEnabled())
NucleusLogger.METADATA.debug(LOCALISER.msg("044064", fullName, objectidClass));
// Check no of primary key fields (inc superclass)
int no_of_pk_fields = getNoOfPopulatedPKMembers();
if (no_of_pk_fields == 0 && identityType == IdentityType.APPLICATION)
// No primary key fields found (even in superclasses)
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044077", fullName, objectidClass);
* Validate the objectid-class of this class.
* @param clr ClassLoader resolver
* @param mmgr MetaData manager
protected void validateObjectIdClass(ClassLoaderResolver clr, MetaDataManager mmgr)
if (getPersistenceCapableSuperclass() == null)
// Only check root persistable class PK
if (objectidClass != null)
ApiAdapter api = mmgr.getApiAdapter();
Class obj_cls = null;
// Load the class, using the same class loader resolver as this class
obj_cls = clr.classForName(objectidClass);
catch (ClassNotResolvedException cnre)
// ObjectIdClass not found
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044079", fullName, objectidClass);
boolean validated = false;
Set errors = new HashSet();
// Check against the API Adapter in use for this MetaData
if (api.isValidPrimaryKeyClass(obj_cls, this, clr, getNoOfPopulatedPKMembers(), mmgr))
validated = true;
catch (NucleusException ex)
if (!validated)
// Why is this wrapping all exceptions into 1 single exception?
// This needs coordinating with the test expectations in the enhancer unit tests.
throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER_API.msg("019016", obj_cls.getName()),
(Throwable[]) errors.toArray(new Throwable[errors.size()]));
* Method to provide the details of the class being represented by this
* MetaData. This can be used to firstly provide defaults for attributes
* that aren't specified in the MetaData, and secondly to report any errors
* with attributes that have been specifed that are inconsistent with the
* class being represented.
* <P>
* This method must be invoked by subclasses during populate operations
* </P>
* @param clr ClassLoaderResolver to use in loading any classes
* @param primary the primary ClassLoader to use (or null)
* @param mmgr MetaData manager
abstract public void populate(ClassLoaderResolver clr, ClassLoader primary, MetaDataManager mmgr);
* Method to initialise the sub-objects of this class metadata.
* If populate() is going to be used it should be used BEFORE calling this method.
* Subclasses must overwrite this method and invoke this
* @param clr ClassLoader resolver
* @param mmgr MetaData manager
public abstract void initialise(ClassLoaderResolver clr, MetaDataManager mmgr);
* Method to initialise all convenience information about member positions and what role
* each position performs.
protected void initialiseMemberPositionInformation(MetaDataManager mmgr)
memberCount = noOfInheritedManagedMembers + managedMembers.length;
dfgMemberFlags = new boolean[memberCount];
scoMutableMemberFlags = new boolean[memberCount];
nonPkMemberFlags = new boolean[memberCount];
int pk_field_count=0;
int dfg_field_count=0;
int scm_field_count=0;
for (int i=0;i<memberCount;i++)
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePositionInternal(i);
if (mmd.isPrimaryKey())
nonPkMemberFlags[i] = true;
if (mmd.isDefaultFetchGroup())
dfgMemberFlags[i] = true;
if (mmd.calcIsSecondClassMutable(mmgr))
scoMutableMemberFlags[i] = true;
if (pk_field_count > 0 && identityType != IdentityType.APPLICATION)
// primary key fields found, but not using application identity
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044078",
fullName, Integer.valueOf(pk_field_count), identityType);
else if (pk_field_count > 0)
pkMemberPositions = new int[pk_field_count];
for (int i=0,pk_num=0;i<memberCount;i++)
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePositionInternal(i);
if (mmd.isPrimaryKey())
pkMemberPositions[pk_num++] = i;
else if (instantiable && pk_field_count == 0 && identityType == IdentityType.APPLICATION)
// No primary key fields found even though it does permit instances
throw new InvalidMetaDataException(LOCALISER, "044077", fullName, objectidClass);
nonPkMemberPositions = new int[memberCount-pk_field_count];
for (int i=0,npkf=0;i<memberCount;i++)
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePositionInternal(i);
if (!mmd.isPrimaryKey())
nonPkMemberPositions[npkf++] = i;
dfgMemberPositions = new int[dfg_field_count];
scoMutableMemberPositions = new int[scm_field_count];
for (int i=0,dfg_num=0,scm_num=0;i<memberCount;i++)
if (dfgMemberFlags[i])
dfgMemberPositions[dfg_num++] = i;
if (scoMutableMemberFlags[i])
scoMutableMemberPositions[scm_num++] = i;
* Method to return the ClassMetaData records for classes referenced
* by this object. This adds the entries to orderedCMDs ordered by
* dependency, and to referencedCMDs for fast lookups.
* <p>
* Uses recursion to add all referenced ClassMetaData for any fields,
* objectid classes, superclasses, and extension RDBMS "views".
* </p>
* <p>
* This is the entry point for this process, and provides the core of the
* "persistence-by-reachability" concept.
* </p>
* @param orderedCMDs List of ordered ClassMetaData objects (added to).
* @param referencedCMDs Set of all ClassMetaData objects (added to).
* @param clr the ClassLoaderResolver
* @param mmgr MetaData manager
void getReferencedClassMetaData(final List orderedCMDs, final Set referencedCMDs,
final ClassLoaderResolver clr, final MetaDataManager mmgr)
Map viewReferences = new HashMap();
getReferencedClassMetaData(orderedCMDs, referencedCMDs, viewReferences, clr, mmgr);
* Method to return the ClassMetaData for classes referenced by this
* object. This method does the actual work of addition.
* @param orderedCMDs List of ordered ClassMetaData objects (added to).
* @param referencedCMDs Set of all ClassMetaData objects (added to).
* @param viewReferences Map, mapping class name to set of referenced class for all views.
* @param clr the ClassLoaderResolver
* @param mmgr MetaData manager
private void getReferencedClassMetaData(final List orderedCMDs, final Set referencedCMDs,
final Map viewReferences, final ClassLoaderResolver clr, final MetaDataManager mmgr)
// Recursively call getReferencedClassMetaData(...) before adding them
// to the orderedCmds and referenced. This will ensure that any
// classes with dependencies on them are put in the orderedCmds List
// in the correct order.
if (!referencedCMDs.contains(this))
// Go ahead and add this class to the referenced Set, it will
// get added to the orderedCMDs List after all classes that this
// depends on have been added.
for (int i=0;i<managedMembers.length;i++)
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = managedMembers[i];
mmd.getReferencedClassMetaData(orderedCMDs, referencedCMDs, clr, mmgr);
// Add on any superclass
if (persistableSuperclass != null)
AbstractClassMetaData super_cmd=getSuperAbstractClassMetaData();
super_cmd.getReferencedClassMetaData(orderedCMDs, referencedCMDs, clr, mmgr);
// Add on any objectid class
if (objectidClass != null)
AbstractClassMetaData id_cmd= mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(objectidClass, clr);
if (id_cmd != null)
id_cmd.getReferencedClassMetaData(orderedCMDs, referencedCMDs, clr, mmgr);
// Add on any view-definition for this class
String viewDefStr = getValueForExtension("view-definition");
if (viewDefStr!= null)
MacroString viewDef = new MacroString(fullName, getValueForExtension("view-imports"),
viewDef.substituteMacros(new MacroString.MacroHandler()
public void onIdentifierMacro(MacroString.IdentifierMacro im)
if (!getFullClassName().equals(im.className)) //ignore itself
AbstractClassMetaData view_cmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(im.className, clr);
view_cmd.getReferencedClassMetaData(orderedCMDs, referencedCMDs,
viewReferences, clr, mmgr);
public void onParameterMacro(MacroString.ParameterMacro pm)
throw new NucleusUserException("Parameter macros not allowed in view definitions: " + pm);
* Method to add a reference for views. Check the view references for circular
* dependencies. If there are any circular dependencies, throw a NucleusUserException.
* @param viewReferences The Map of classname to Set of referenced Classes to add the reference to.
* @param referenced_name Class name of the referenced class
* @throws NucleusUserException Thrown if a circular reference is found
private void addViewReference(Map viewReferences,String referenced_name)
if (fullName.equals(referenced_name))
// Add this reference to the Map.
Set referencedSet = (Set)viewReferences.get(referenced_name);
if (referencedSet == null)
referencedSet = new HashSet();
// Check to see if there is a circular dependency. This will
// be true if the referenced class references this class.
// ------------------------------ Accessors --------------------------------
* Accessor for the number of named queries.
* @return no of named queries
public int getNoOfQueries()
return queries.size();
* Accessor for the metadata of the named queries.
* @return Meta-Data for the named queries.
public QueryMetaData[] getQueries()
return (queries == null ? null : ((QueryMetaData[])queries.toArray(new QueryMetaData[queries.size()])));
* Get the query result MetaData registered for this class.
* @return Query Result MetaData defined for this class
public QueryResultMetaData[] getQueryResultMetaData()
if (queryResultMetaData == null)
return null;
return queryResultMetaData.toArray(new QueryResultMetaData[queryResultMetaData.size()]);
* Accessor for Version MetaData for objects stored in this table
* @return Returns the versionMetaData.
public final VersionMetaData getVersionMetaData()
return versionMetaData;
* Convenience accessor for the version metadata applying to this class.
* Differs from getVersionMetaData by searching superclasses.
* @return The version metadata
public final VersionMetaData getVersionMetaDataForClass()
if (versionMetaData != null)
// Version information specified at this level
return versionMetaData;
else if (getSuperAbstractClassMetaData() != null)
// Use superclass version information
return getSuperAbstractClassMetaData().getVersionMetaDataForClass();
return null;
* @return true if version.strategy is neither null nor NONE
public final boolean hasVersionStrategy()
return versionMetaData != null &&
versionMetaData.getVersionStrategy() != null &&
versionMetaData.getVersionStrategy() != VersionStrategy.NONE;
* Convenience method to find the version MetaData defining versioning for the same table
* as this class is using. Traverses up the inheritance tree to find the highest class that uses
* "subclass-table" that has version metadata defined, and returns the MetaData.
* @return Version MetaData for the highest class in this tree using subclass-table
public final VersionMetaData getVersionMetaDataForTable()
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null &&
pcSuperclassMetaData.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE)
VersionMetaData vermd = pcSuperclassMetaData.getVersionMetaDataForTable();
if (vermd != null)
// Superclass has versioning info so return that
return vermd;
// Nothing in superclasses sharing our table so return ours
return versionMetaData;
* Convenience method to find the discriminator MetaData defining the discrim for the same table
* as this class is using. Traverses up the inheritance tree to find the highest class that uses
* "subclass-table" that has discriminator metadata defined, and returns the MetaData.
* @return DiscriminatorMetaData for the highest class in this tree using subclass-table
public final DiscriminatorMetaData getDiscriminatorMetaDataForTable()
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null &&
pcSuperclassMetaData.getInheritanceMetaData().getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE)
DiscriminatorMetaData superDismd = pcSuperclassMetaData.getDiscriminatorMetaDataForTable();
if (superDismd != null)
// A superclass defines the discriminator, so use that definition
return superDismd;
// Nothing in superclasses sharing our table so return ours
return (inheritanceMetaData != null ? inheritanceMetaData.getDiscriminatorMetaData() : null);
* Convenience accessor for the discriminator metadata applying to this class.
* This is specified on the class managing the table if at all.
* @return The discriminator metadata
public final DiscriminatorMetaData getDiscriminatorMetaData()
if (inheritanceMetaData != null && inheritanceMetaData.getDiscriminatorMetaData() != null)
// Discriminator information specified at this level
return inheritanceMetaData.getDiscriminatorMetaData();
else if (getSuperAbstractClassMetaData() != null)
// Use superclass discriminator information
return getSuperAbstractClassMetaData().getDiscriminatorMetaData();
// Undefined
return null;
* Accessor for whether we have a discriminator defined for this class (may be in superclasses).
* @return true if discriminatorStrategy is not null and not NONE
public final boolean hasDiscriminatorStrategy()
DiscriminatorStrategy strategy = getDiscriminatorStrategy();
return strategy != null && strategy != DiscriminatorStrategy.NONE;
* Method to return the discriminator strategy being used by this class.
* Returns the strategy defined on this class (if any), otherwise goes up to the superclass etc
* until it finds a defined strategy.
* @return The discriminator strategy
public final DiscriminatorStrategy getDiscriminatorStrategy()
if (inheritanceMetaData != null && inheritanceMetaData.getDiscriminatorMetaData() != null &&
inheritanceMetaData.getDiscriminatorMetaData().getStrategy() != null)
return inheritanceMetaData.getDiscriminatorMetaData().getStrategy();
else if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
return pcSuperclassMetaData.getDiscriminatorStrategy();
return null;
* Convenience accessor for the discriminator strategy applying to this class.
* This is specified on the class managing the table if at all.
* @return The discriminator strategy
public final DiscriminatorStrategy getDiscriminatorStrategyForTable()
if (inheritanceMetaData == null)
return null;
else if (inheritanceMetaData.getStrategy() == InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE &&
inheritanceMetaData.getDiscriminatorMetaData() != null)
// Discriminator information specified at this level
return inheritanceMetaData.getDiscriminatorMetaData().getStrategy();
else if (getSuperAbstractClassMetaData() != null)
// Use superclass discriminator information
return getSuperAbstractClassMetaData().getDiscriminatorStrategy();
// Undefined
return null;
* Method returning the discriminator value to apply to an instance of this class.
* @return The discriminator value
public Object getDiscriminatorValue()
if (hasDiscriminatorStrategy())
DiscriminatorStrategy str = getDiscriminatorStrategy();
if (str == DiscriminatorStrategy.CLASS_NAME)
return getFullClassName();
else if (str == DiscriminatorStrategy.VALUE_MAP)
return getInheritanceMetaData().getDiscriminatorMetaData().getValue();
return null;
* Accessor for joinMetaData
* @return Returns the joinMetaData.
public final JoinMetaData[] getJoinMetaData()
return joinMetaData;
* Accessor for all MetaData defined for fetch groups for this class.
* This doesn't include superclasses.
* @return Returns the fetchGroupMetaData.
public final FetchGroupMetaData[] getFetchGroupMetaData()
return fetchGroupMetaData;
* Accessor for fetch group metadata for the specified groups (if present).
* The returned metadata is what is defined for this class that matches any of the names in the input set.
* @param groupNames Names of the fetch groups
* @return MetaData for the groups
public FetchGroupMetaData[] getFetchGroupMetaData(Collection groupNames)
Collection results = new HashSet();
for (Iterator iter = groupNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
String groupname = (String) iter.next();
FetchGroupMetaData fgmd = getFetchGroupMetaData(groupname);
if (fgmd != null)
FetchGroupMetaData[] result = new FetchGroupMetaData[results.size()];
return result;
* Accessor for the fetch group metadata for the group specified.
* @param groupname Name of the fetch group
* @return MetaData for this group
public FetchGroupMetaData getFetchGroupMetaData(String groupname)
FetchGroupMetaData fgmd = fetchGroupMetaDataByName.get(groupname);
if (fgmd == null && pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
return pcSuperclassMetaData.getFetchGroupMetaData(groupname);
return fgmd;
public IdentityType getIdentityType()
return identityType;
public synchronized void setIdentityType(IdentityType type)
this.identityType = type;
* Accessor for indexMetaData
* @return Returns the indexMetaData.
public final IndexMetaData[] getIndexMetaData()
return indexMetaData;
* Accessor for foreignKeyMetaData
* @return Returns the foreignKeyMetaData.
public final ForeignKeyMetaData[] getForeignKeyMetaData()
return foreignKeyMetaData;
* Accessor for UniqueMetaData
* @return Returns the UniqueMetaData.
public final UniqueMetaData[] getUniqueMetaData()
return uniqueMetaData;
* Accessor for the unmapped columns require for the datastore table.
* @return The list of unmapped columns
public final List getUnmappedColumns()
return unmappedColumns;
* Accessor for the simple class name (without package name).
* @return class name
public String getName()
return name;
* Accessor for the full class name including any package name.
* @return full class name.
public String getFullClassName()
return fullName;
public String getObjectidClass()
return objectidClass;
public AbstractClassMetaData setObjectIdClass(String objectidClass)
this.objectidClass = (StringUtils.isWhitespace(objectidClass) ? this.objectidClass : objectidClass);
return this;
public String getEntityName()
return entityName;
public AbstractClassMetaData setEntityName(String name)
this.entityName = (StringUtils.isWhitespace(name) ? this.entityName : name);
return this;
public String getCatalog()
if (this.catalog == null)
// Nothing defined here for catalog, so get from package
return ((PackageMetaData)parent).getCatalog();
return catalog;
public AbstractClassMetaData setCatalog(String catalog)
this.catalog = (StringUtils.isWhitespace(catalog) ? this.catalog : catalog);
return this;
public String getSchema()
if (this.schema == null)
// Nothing defined here for schema, so get from package
return ((PackageMetaData)parent).getSchema();
return schema;
public AbstractClassMetaData setSchema(String schema)
this.schema = (StringUtils.isWhitespace(schema) ? this.schema : schema);
return this;
public String getTable()
return table;
public AbstractClassMetaData setTable(String table)
this.table = (StringUtils.isWhitespace(table) ? this.table : table);
return this;
public boolean isRequiresExtent()
return requiresExtent;
public AbstractClassMetaData setRequiresExtent(boolean flag)
this.requiresExtent = flag;
return this;
public AbstractClassMetaData setRequiresExtent(String flag)
if (!StringUtils.isWhitespace(flag))
this.requiresExtent = Boolean.parseBoolean(flag);
return this;
public boolean isDetachable()
return detachable;
public AbstractClassMetaData setDetachable(boolean flag)
this.detachable = flag;
return this;
public AbstractClassMetaData setDetachable(String flag)
if (!StringUtils.isWhitespace(flag))
this.detachable = Boolean.parseBoolean(flag);
return this;
public boolean isCacheable()
return cacheable;
public AbstractClassMetaData setCacheable(boolean cache)
cacheable = cache;
return this;
public AbstractClassMetaData setCacheable(String cache)
if (!StringUtils.isWhitespace(cache))
this.cacheable = Boolean.parseBoolean(cache);
return this;
public boolean isEmbeddedOnly()
return embeddedOnly;
public AbstractClassMetaData setEmbeddedOnly(boolean flag)
embeddedOnly = flag;
return this;
public AbstractClassMetaData setEmbeddedOnly(String flag)
if (!StringUtils.isWhitespace(flag))
this.embeddedOnly = Boolean.parseBoolean(flag);
return this;
* Accessor for identityMetaData
* @return Returns the identityMetaData.
public final IdentityMetaData getIdentityMetaData()
return identityMetaData;
* Convenience method to return the root identity metadata for this inheritance tree.
* @return IdentityMetaData at the base
public final IdentityMetaData getBaseIdentityMetaData()
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
return pcSuperclassMetaData.getBaseIdentityMetaData();
return identityMetaData;
* Accessor for inheritanceMetaData
* @return Returns the inheritanceMetaData.
public final InheritanceMetaData getInheritanceMetaData()
return inheritanceMetaData;
* Accessor for primaryKeyMetaData
* @return Returns the primaryKey MetaData.
public final PrimaryKeyMetaData getPrimaryKeyMetaData()
return primaryKeyMetaData;
* Convenience accessor for the parent Package MetaData.
* @return MetaData for parent package.
public PackageMetaData getPackageMetaData()
if (parent != null)
return (PackageMetaData)parent;
return null;
* Convenience accessor for the package name.
* @return package name.
public String getPackageName()
return getPackageMetaData().getName();
* Accessor for the number of fields/properties.
* This is the total number of fields/properties (inc static, final etc) in this class
* @return no of fields/properties.
public int getNoOfMembers()
return members.size();
* Accessor for the metadata of a field/property. Does not include superclasses
* @param index field index relative to this class only starting from 0
* @return Meta-Data for the field/property
public AbstractMemberMetaData getMetaDataForMemberAtRelativePosition(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= members.size())
return null;
return (AbstractMemberMetaData)members.get(index);
public ClassPersistenceModifier getPersistenceModifier()
return persistenceModifier;
public AbstractClassMetaData setPersistenceModifier(ClassPersistenceModifier modifier)
this.persistenceModifier = modifier;
return this;
public String getPersistenceCapableSuperclass()
return persistableSuperclass;
public synchronized void setPersistenceCapableSuperclass(String pcSuperclassName)
this.persistableSuperclass = pcSuperclassName;
* Whether this PersistenceCapable class uses SingleFieldIdentity
* @return true if using SingleFieldIdentity as objectid class
public boolean usesSingleFieldIdentityClass()
return usesSingleFieldIdentityClass;
* Accessor for whether this class is fully specified by this metadata and that any
* annotations should be ignored.
* @return Whether we should ignore any annotations
public boolean isMetaDataComplete()
return metaDataComplete;
* Whether objects of this type should default to serialize read (lock).
* @return Whether to serialise read operations of this type
public boolean isSerializeRead()
return serializeRead;
* Check if the argument cmd is the same as this or a descedent.
* @param cmd the AbstractClassMetaData to be verify if this is an ancestor
* @return true if the argument is a child or same as this
public boolean isSameOrAncestorOf(AbstractClassMetaData cmd)
if (cmd == null)
return false;
if (fullName.equals(cmd.fullName))
return true;
AbstractClassMetaData parent = cmd.getSuperAbstractClassMetaData();
while( parent != null )
if (fullName.equals(parent.fullName))
return true;
parent = parent.getSuperAbstractClassMetaData();
return false;
* Accessor for the names of the primary key fields/properties. Only valid after being populated.
* Provided as a convenience where we need to get the names of the PK members but cant wait til initialisation.
* @return names of the PK fields/properties
public String[] getPrimaryKeyMemberNames()
if (identityType != IdentityType.APPLICATION)
return null;
List memberNames = new ArrayList(); // Use list to preserve ordering
Iterator iter = members.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = (AbstractMemberMetaData)iter.next();
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(mmd.primaryKey))
if (memberNames.size() > 0)
return (String[])memberNames.toArray(new String[memberNames.size()]);
memberNames = null;
return pcSuperclassMetaData.getPrimaryKeyMemberNames();
* Method to check if a field/property exists in this classes definition.
* Will include any superclasses in the check.
* @param memberName Name of field/property
* @return return true if exists.
public boolean hasMember(String memberName)
Iterator iter = members.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = (AbstractMemberMetaData)iter.next();
if (mmd.getName().equals(memberName))
return true;
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
return pcSuperclassMetaData.hasMember(memberName);
return false;
* Accessor for the Meta-Data for a field/property. Include superclasses.
* @param name the name of the field/property
* @return Meta-Data for the field.
public AbstractMemberMetaData getMetaDataForMember(String name)
if (name == null)
return null;
Iterator iter = members.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = (AbstractMemberMetaData)iter.next();
if (mmd.getName().equals(name))
return mmd;
// Check superclass for the field/property with this name
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
return pcSuperclassMetaData.getMetaDataForMember(name);
return null;
* Accessor for the number of managed fields/properties (this class only).
* @return no of managed fields/properties in this class
public int getNoOfManagedMembers()
// checkInitialised();
if (managedMembers == null)
return 0;
return managedMembers.length;
* Accessor for the managed fields/properties in this class (not including superclass, but including overridden).
* @return MetaData for the managed fields/properties in this class
public AbstractMemberMetaData[] getManagedMembers()
return managedMembers;
* Accessor for MetaData for a managed field/property in this class. The position is relative to
* the first field in this class (ignores superclasses).
* @param position The position of the managed field. 0 = first in the class
* @return The managed member at that position
public AbstractMemberMetaData getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtPosition(int position)
if (managedMembers == null)
return null;
if (position < 0 || position >= managedMembers.length)
return null;
return managedMembers[position];
* Accessor for the number of overridden fields/properties (this class only).
* @return no of overridden fields/properties in this class
public int getNoOfOverriddenMembers()
if (overriddenMembers == null)
return 0;
return overriddenMembers.length;
* Accessor for the overridden fields/properties in this class.
* @return The overridden fields/properties in this class
public AbstractMemberMetaData[] getOverriddenMembers()
return overriddenMembers;
* Accessor for MetaData for an overridden field/property in this class.
* @param position The position of the overridden field/property.
* @return MetaData for the field/property at that position
public AbstractMemberMetaData getOverriddenMember(int position)
if (overriddenMembers == null)
return null;
if (position < 0 || position >= overriddenMembers.length)
return null;
return overriddenMembers[position];
* Accessor for an overridden field/property with the specified name.
* @param name Name of the field/property
* @return The MetaData for the field/property
public AbstractMemberMetaData getOverriddenMember(String name)
if (overriddenMembers == null)
return null;
for (int i=0;i<overriddenMembers.length;i++)
if (overriddenMembers[i].getName().equals(name))
return overriddenMembers[i];
return null;
* Convenience method that navigates up a MetaData inheritance tree until it finds the base field/property definition.
* @param name Name of the field/property we require
* @return The AbstractMemberMetaData
protected AbstractMemberMetaData getMemberBeingOverridden(String name)
Iterator iter = members.iterator();
AbstractMemberMetaData apmd = (AbstractMemberMetaData)iter.next();
if (apmd.name.equals(name) && apmd.fieldBelongsToClass())
return apmd;
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
return pcSuperclassMetaData.getMemberBeingOverridden(name);
return null;
* Accessor for the number of inherited managed fields/properties in superclasses.
* @return No of inherited managed fields/properties in superclasses.
public int getNoOfInheritedManagedMembers()
return noOfInheritedManagedMembers;
* Accessor for the number of managed fields/properties from this class plus inherited classes.
* @return The number of managed fields/properties from this class plus inherited classes.
public int getMemberCount()
return memberCount;
* Accessor for a managed field/property including superclass fields.
* @param abs_position The position of the managed member including the
* superclass. Fields are numbered from 0 in the root superclass.
* @return The managed field/property at this "absolute" position.
public AbstractMemberMetaData getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(int abs_position)
return getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePositionInternal(abs_position);
* Internal method to get the field/property for an absolute field number.
* If the field for that absolute field position is overridden by a field in this class
* then this field/property will be returned.
* @param abs_position The position of the managed field including the
* superclass. Fields are numbered from 0 in the root superclass.
* @return The managed field at this "absolute" position.
protected AbstractMemberMetaData getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePositionInternal(int abs_position)
// If the field is in a superclass, go there
if (abs_position < noOfInheritedManagedMembers)
if (pcSuperclassMetaData == null)
return null;
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = pcSuperclassMetaData.getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePositionInternal(abs_position);
if (mmd != null)
for (int i=0;i<overriddenMembers.length;i++)
if (overriddenMembers[i].getName().equals(mmd.getName()) &&
// Return the overriding field if we have one (class and field name is the safest comparison)
return overriddenMembers[i];
return mmd;
return null;
// If the field is in this class, return it
else if (abs_position - noOfInheritedManagedMembers >= managedMembers.length)
return null;
return managedMembers[abs_position - noOfInheritedManagedMembers];
* Accessor for the absolute position for a relative position.
* @param relativePosition The relative field number
* @return The absolute position
public int getAbsoluteMemberPositionForRelativePosition(int relativePosition)
return noOfInheritedManagedMembers + relativePosition;
* Accessor for the position of the field/property with the specified name.
* The returned position is relative to this class only.
* @param memberName Name of the field/property
* @return Position of the field/property in this class.
public int getRelativePositionOfMember(String memberName)
if (memberName == null)
return -1;
Integer i = memberPositionsByName.get(memberName);
return i == null ? -1 : i.intValue();
* Accessor for the absolute position of the field/property with the specified name.
* The absolute position has origin of the root superclass, starting at 0.
* @param memberName Name of the field/property
* @return Absolute position of the field/property.
public int getAbsolutePositionOfMember(String memberName)
if (memberName == null)
return -1;
int i = getRelativePositionOfMember(memberName);
if (i < 0)
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
i = pcSuperclassMetaData.getAbsolutePositionOfMember(memberName);
i += noOfInheritedManagedMembers;
return i;
* Accessor for the absolute position of the field/property with the specified name.
* The absolute position has origin of the root superclass, starting at 0.
* Will only retrieve the absolute field number if the <code>field_name</code>
* is of type given by <code>class_name</code>.
* @param className Name of the class
* @param memberName Name of the field/property
* @return Absolute position of the field/property.
public int getAbsolutePositionOfMember(String className, String memberName)
if (memberName == null)
return -1;
int i=-1;
if (className.equals(getFullClassName()))
if (i < 0)
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
i = pcSuperclassMetaData.getAbsolutePositionOfMember(className,memberName);
i += noOfInheritedManagedMembers;
return i;
* Convenience method to check the number of fields/properties in this class that have been populated and
* that are primary key members. This is only ever called during populate() since the accessor
* for PK members cant be used yet due to lack of initialisation.
* Recurses to its superclass if it has a superclass.
* @return The number of PK members
private int getNoOfPopulatedPKMembers()
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
return pcSuperclassMetaData.getNoOfPopulatedPKMembers();
Iterator fields_iter = members.iterator();
int noOfPks = 0;
while (fields_iter.hasNext())
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = (AbstractMemberMetaData)fields_iter.next();
if (mmd.isPrimaryKey())
return noOfPks;
* Accessor for the number of primary key fields/properties.
* @return no of primary key fields/properties
public int getNoOfPrimaryKeyMembers()
if (pkMemberPositions == null)
return 0;
return pkMemberPositions.length;
* Accessor for all field/property positions.
* These are absolute numbers and include superclasses and are really just 0, 1, 2, ... n.
* @return The positions of all (managed) fields/properties.
public int[] getAllMemberPositions()
if (allMemberPositions == null)
allMemberPositions = new int[memberCount];
for (int i=0;i<memberCount;i++)
allMemberPositions[i] = i;
return allMemberPositions;
* Accessor for the field numbers of the primary key fields/properties.
* These are absolute numbers (including superclasses).
* @return The positions of the primary key fields/properties.
public int[] getPKMemberPositions()
return pkMemberPositions;
* Accessor for the positions of the non primary key fields/properties (inc superclass fields).
* @return The member positions
public int[] getNonPKMemberPositions()
return nonPkMemberPositions;
* Accessor for the flags of the non primary key fields/properties (inc superclass members).
* @return The flags whether the field/property is non primary key
public boolean[] getNonPKMemberFlags()
return nonPkMemberFlags;
* Accessor for the absolute positions of the default fetch group fields/properties (inc superclasses).
* @return The positions of the DFG fields/properties (inc superclasses).
public int[] getDFGMemberPositions()
return dfgMemberPositions;
* Accessor for the flags of the DFG fields/properties (inc superclass).
* @return The flags whether the field/property is in the DFG
public boolean[] getDFGMemberFlags()
return dfgMemberFlags;
* Accessor for the absolute positions of fields/properties that are considered basic.
* This category includes members of all basic (primitive and immutable
* object class) types as defined in section 6.4 of the specification,
* including String, Date and its jdbc subtypes, Locale, Currency, and Enum types.
* Includes all inherited multivalued positions.
* WARNING : this includes transient fields. DO NOT USE as a way of getting the persistent fields in the class.
* @param clr ClassLoader resolver
* @param mmgr MetaData manager
* @return The absolute positions
public int[] getBasicMemberPositions(ClassLoaderResolver clr, MetaDataManager mmgr)
// Do double pass on members - first pass to get number of members, and second to set up array
// Could do single pass with ArrayList but want primitives and in JDK1.3/4 can't put direct in ArrayList
Iterator iter = members.iterator();
int numBasics = 0;
while (iter.hasNext())
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = (AbstractMemberMetaData)iter.next();
if (mmd.getRelationType(clr) == Relation.NONE && !mmd.isPersistentInterface(clr, mmgr) &&
!Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(mmd.getType()) &&
!Map.class.isAssignableFrom(mmd.getType()) &&
int[] inheritedBasicPositions = null;
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
inheritedBasicPositions = pcSuperclassMetaData.getBasicMemberPositions(clr, mmgr);
int[] basicPositions = new int[numBasics +
(inheritedBasicPositions != null ? inheritedBasicPositions.length : 0)];
int number = 0;
if (inheritedBasicPositions != null)
for (int i=0;i<inheritedBasicPositions.length;i++)
basicPositions[number++] = inheritedBasicPositions[i];
iter = members.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = (AbstractMemberMetaData)iter.next();
if (mmd.getRelationType(clr) == Relation.NONE && !mmd.isPersistentInterface(clr, mmgr) &&
!Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(mmd.getType()) &&
!Map.class.isAssignableFrom(mmd.getType()) &&
basicPositions[number++] = mmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber();
return basicPositions;
* Accessor for the absolute positions of fields/properties that are considered multi-valued
* This category includes members of all multi-valued types, including
* Collection, array, and Map types of basic and relationship types.
* Includes all inherited multivalued positions.
* @return The absolute positions
public int[] getMultivaluedMemberPositions()
// Do double pass on members - first pass to get number of members, and second to set up array
// Could do single pass with ArrayList but want primitives and in JDK1.3/4 can't put direct in ArrayList
Iterator iter = members.iterator();
int numMultivalues = 0;
while (iter.hasNext())
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = (AbstractMemberMetaData)iter.next();
if (mmd.getType().isArray() ||
Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(mmd.getType()) ||
int[] inheritedMultivaluePositions = null;
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
inheritedMultivaluePositions = pcSuperclassMetaData.getMultivaluedMemberPositions();
int[] multivaluePositions = new int[numMultivalues +
(inheritedMultivaluePositions != null ? inheritedMultivaluePositions.length : 0)];
int number = 0;
if (inheritedMultivaluePositions != null)
for (int i=0;i<inheritedMultivaluePositions.length;i++)
multivaluePositions[number++] = inheritedMultivaluePositions[i];
iter = members.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = (AbstractMemberMetaData)iter.next();
if (mmd.getType().isArray() ||
Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(mmd.getType()) ||
multivaluePositions[number++] = mmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber();
return multivaluePositions;
* Accessor for the absolute positions of the second class mutable fields/properties.
* @return The field numbers of the second class mutable fields (inc superclasses).
public int[] getSCOMutableMemberPositions()
return scoMutableMemberPositions;
* Accessor for the absolute positions of all SCO fields/properties that are NOT containers (e.g Dates, Points, etc)
* @return Field numbers of all SCO non-container fields/properties
public int[] getSCONonContainerMemberPositions()
if (scoNonContainerMemberPositions == null)
int[] noncontainerMemberPositions;
int numberNonContainerSCOFields = 0;
for (int i=0;i<scoMutableMemberPositions.length;i++)
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(scoMutableMemberPositions[i]);
if (!(java.util.Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(mmd.getType())) &&
noncontainerMemberPositions = new int[numberNonContainerSCOFields];
int nonContNum = 0;
for (int i=0;i<scoMutableMemberPositions.length;i++)
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(scoMutableMemberPositions[i]);
if (!(java.util.Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(mmd.getType())) &&
noncontainerMemberPositions[nonContNum++] = scoMutableMemberPositions[i];
scoNonContainerMemberPositions = noncontainerMemberPositions;
return scoNonContainerMemberPositions;
/** Positions of all SCO fields/properties that are containers. */
protected int[] secondClassContainerMemberPositions = null;
* Accessor for the absolute positions of all SCO fields/properties that are containers.
* @return Positions of all SCO container fields/properties.
public int[] getSCOContainerMemberPositions()
if (secondClassContainerMemberPositions == null)
int[] containerMemberPositions;
int numberContainerSCOFields = 0;
for (int i=0;i<scoMutableMemberPositions.length;i++)
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(scoMutableMemberPositions[i]);
if (java.util.Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(mmd.getType()) ||
containerMemberPositions = new int[numberContainerSCOFields];
int contNum = 0;
for (int i=0;i<scoMutableMemberPositions.length;i++)
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(scoMutableMemberPositions[i]);
if (java.util.Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(mmd.getType()) ||
containerMemberPositions[contNum++] = scoMutableMemberPositions[i];
secondClassContainerMemberPositions = containerMemberPositions;
return secondClassContainerMemberPositions;
* Accessor for the flags of the SCO mutable fields (inc superclass fields).
* @return The flags whether the field is second class mutable
public boolean[] getSCOMutableMemberFlags()
return scoMutableMemberFlags;
* Convenience method to return if the class has relations to other objects. Includes superclasses.
* @return Whether the class has any relations (that it knows about)
public boolean hasRelations(ClassLoaderResolver clr, MetaDataManager mmgr)
if (hasRelations == null)
hasRelations = (getRelationMemberPositions(clr, mmgr).length > 0);
return hasRelations.booleanValue();
* Convenience method to return the absolute positions of all fields/properties that have relations.
* @param clr ClassLoader resolver
* @param mmgr MetaData manager
* @return The absolute positions of all fields/properties that have relations
public int[] getRelationMemberPositions(ClassLoaderResolver clr, MetaDataManager mmgr)
if (relationPositions == null)
int[] superclassRelationPositions = null;
if (pcSuperclassMetaData != null)
superclassRelationPositions = pcSuperclassMetaData.getRelationMemberPositions(clr, mmgr);
int numRelationsSuperclass =
(superclassRelationPositions != null ? superclassRelationPositions.length : 0);
int numRelations = numRelationsSuperclass;
for (int i=0;i<managedMembers.length;i++)
if (managedMembers[i].getRelationType(clr) != Relation.NONE ||
managedMembers[i].isPersistentInterface(clr, mmgr))
relationPositions = new int[numRelations];
int num = 0;
if (numRelationsSuperclass > 0)
for (int i=0;i<superclassRelationPositions.length;i++)
relationPositions[num++] = superclassRelationPositions[i];
if (numRelations > numRelationsSuperclass)
for (int i=0;i<managedMembers.length;i++)
if (managedMembers[i].getRelationType(clr) != Relation.NONE ||
managedMembers[i].isPersistentInterface(clr, mmgr))
relationPositions[num++] = managedMembers[i].getAbsoluteFieldNumber();
return relationPositions;
* Convenience method to return the absolute positions of fields/properties that have bidirectional
* relations.
* @param clr ClassLoader resolver
* @param mmgr MetaData manager
* @return Absolute positions of bidirectional relation fields/properties
public int[] getBidirectionalRelationMemberPositions(ClassLoaderResolver clr, MetaDataManager mmgr)
if (relationPositions == null)
getRelationMemberPositions(clr, mmgr);
int numBidirs = 0;
for (int i=0;i<relationPositions.length;i++)
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(relationPositions[i]);
int relationType = mmd.getRelationType(clr);
if (relationType == Relation.ONE_TO_ONE_BI || relationType == Relation.ONE_TO_MANY_BI ||
relationType == Relation.MANY_TO_ONE_BI || relationType == Relation.MANY_TO_MANY_BI)
int[] bidirRelations = new int[numBidirs];
numBidirs = 0;
for (int i=0;i<relationPositions.length;i++)
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition(relationPositions[i]);
int relationType = mmd.getRelationType(clr);
if (relationType == Relation.ONE_TO_ONE_BI || relationType == Relation.ONE_TO_MANY_BI ||
relationType == Relation.MANY_TO_ONE_BI || relationType == Relation.MANY_TO_MANY_BI)
bidirRelations[numBidirs] = mmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber();
return bidirRelations;
// ------------------------------- Mutators --------------------------------
public void setSerializeRead(boolean serialise)
serializeRead = serialise;
* Method to set that this class is "metadata complete" (see JPA spec).
* Means that any annotations will be ignored.
public void setMetaDataComplete()
metaDataComplete = true;
* Method to add a named query to this class. Rejects the addition of
* duplicate named queries.
* @param qmd Meta-Data for the query.
public void addQuery(QueryMetaData qmd)
if (qmd == null)
if (queries == null)
queries = new HashSet();
qmd.parent = this;
* Method to create a new QueryMetadata, add it to the registered queries and return it.
* @param queryName Name of the query
* @return The Query metadata
public QueryMetaData newQueryMetadata(String queryName)
QueryMetaData qmd = new QueryMetaData(queryName);
return qmd;
* Method to register a query-result MetaData.
* @param resultMetaData Query-Result MetaData to register
public void addQueryResultMetaData(QueryResultMetaData resultMetaData)
if (queryResultMetaData == null)
queryResultMetaData = new HashSet();
if (!queryResultMetaData.contains(resultMetaData))
resultMetaData.parent = this;
* Method to add an index to this class.
* @param idxmd Meta-Data for the index.
public void addIndex(IndexMetaData idxmd)
if (idxmd == null)
if (isInitialised())
throw new NucleusUserException("Already initialised");
idxmd.parent = this;
* Method to create a new index metadata, add it, and return it.
* @return The index metadata
public IndexMetaData newIndexMetadata()
IndexMetaData idxmd = new IndexMetaData();
return idxmd;
* Method to add an foreign-key to this class.
* @param fkmd Meta-Data for the foreign-key.
public void addForeignKey(ForeignKeyMetaData fkmd)
if (fkmd == null)
if (isInitialised())
throw new NucleusUserException("Already initialised");
fkmd.parent = this;
* Method to create a new FK metadata, add it, and return it.
* @return The FK metadata
public ForeignKeyMetaData newForeignKeyMetadata()
ForeignKeyMetaData fkmd = new ForeignKeyMetaData();
return fkmd;
* Method to add a unique constraint to this class.
* @param unimd Meta-Data for the unique constraint.
public void addUniqueConstraint(UniqueMetaData unimd)
if (unimd == null)
if (isInitialised())
throw new NucleusUserException("Already initialised");
unimd.parent = this;
* Method to create a new unique metadata, add it, and return it.
* @return The unique metadata
public UniqueMetaData newUniqueMetadata()
UniqueMetaData unimd = new UniqueMetaData();
return unimd;
* Method to add an unmapped column.
* @param colmd The metadata for the unmapped column
public final void addUnmappedColumn(ColumnMetaData colmd)
if (unmappedColumns == null)
unmappedColumns = new ArrayList();
colmd.parent = this;
public ColumnMetaData newUnmappedColumnMetaData()
ColumnMetaData colmd = new ColumnMetaData();
return colmd;
* Method to create a new field metadata, add it, and return it.
* @param fieldName Name of the field
* @return The metadata
public FieldMetaData newFieldMetadata(String fieldName)
FieldMetaData fmd = new FieldMetaData(this, fieldName);
return fmd;
* Method to create a new property metadata, add it, and return it.
* @param propName Name of the property
* @return The metadata
public PropertyMetaData newPropertyMetadata(String propName)
PropertyMetaData pmd = new PropertyMetaData(this, propName);
return pmd;
* Method to add a field/property to this interface.
* Rejects the addition of duplicate named fields/properties.
* @param mmd Field/Property MetaData
public void addMember(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
if (mmd == null)
if (isInitialised())
// TODO Localise this message
throw new NucleusUserException("adding field/property " + mmd.getName() + " when already initialised!");
// Check for conflicting fields/properties
Iterator iter = members.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
AbstractMemberMetaData md = (AbstractMemberMetaData)iter.next();
if (mmd.getName().equals(md.getName()))
if ((mmd instanceof PropertyMetaData && md instanceof PropertyMetaData) ||
(mmd instanceof FieldMetaData && md instanceof FieldMetaData))
// Duplicate entry for the same field or property
throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("044090", fullName, mmd.getName()));
String existingName = md.getName();
boolean existingIsProperty = (md instanceof PropertyMetaData);
if (existingIsProperty)
existingName = ((PropertyMetaData)md).getFieldName();
if (existingName == null)
// "fieldName" not specified so default to the property name
existingName = md.getName();
String newName = mmd.getName();
boolean newIsProperty = (mmd instanceof PropertyMetaData);
if (newIsProperty)
newName = ((PropertyMetaData)mmd).getFieldName();
if (newName == null)
// "fieldName" not specified so default to the property name
newName = mmd.getName();
if (existingName.equals(newName))
if (existingIsProperty && newIsProperty)
// Duplicate entry for the same field or property
throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("044090", fullName, mmd.getName()));
else if (existingIsProperty && !newIsProperty)
// We have the property and this is a field so ignore it
// TODO Check if one is not persistent before discarding
NucleusLogger.METADATA.info("Ignoring metadata for field " + mmd.getFullFieldName() +
" since we already have MetaData for the property " + md.getFullFieldName());
else if (!existingIsProperty && newIsProperty)
// We have the field and this is property so replace the field with it
// TODO Check if one is not persistent before discarding
NucleusLogger.METADATA.info("Ignoring existing metadata for field " + md.getFullFieldName() +
" since now we have MetaData for the property " + mmd.getFullFieldName());
mmd.parent = this;
* Method to add a fetch-group to this class.
* @param fgmd Meta-Data for the fetch-group.
public void addFetchGroup(FetchGroupMetaData fgmd)
if (fgmd == null)
if (isInitialised())
throw new NucleusUserException("Already initialised");
fgmd.parent = this;
* Method to create a new fetchgroup metadata, add it, and return it.
* @param name Name of the group
* @return The fetchgroup metadata
public FetchGroupMetaData newFetchGroupMetaData(String name)
FetchGroupMetaData fgmd = new FetchGroupMetaData(name);
return fgmd;
* Method to add a join to this class.
* Rejects the addition of duplicate named fields.
* @param jnmd Meta-Data for the join.
public void addJoin(JoinMetaData jnmd)
if (jnmd == null)
if (isInitialised())
throw new NucleusUserException("Already initialised");
jnmd.parent = this;
* Method to create a new join metadata, add it, and return it.
* @return The join metadata
public JoinMetaData newJoinMetaData()
JoinMetaData joinmd = new JoinMetaData();
return joinmd;
* Add a listener class name
* @param listener the listener metadata. Duplicated classes are ignored
public void addListener(EventListenerMetaData listener)
if (listeners == null)
listeners = new ArrayList();
if (!listeners.contains(listener))
listener.parent = this;
* Accessor for the EventListener info for an EventListener class name
* @param className Name of the event listener class
* @return EventListener info for this class (or null if the class isnt an EventListener)
public EventListenerMetaData getListenerForClass(String className)
if (listeners == null)
return null;
for (int i=0;i<listeners.size();i++)
EventListenerMetaData elmd = (EventListenerMetaData)listeners.get(i);
if (elmd.getClassName().equals(className))
return elmd;
return null;
* Get the event listeners
* @return the event listeners
public List getListeners()
return listeners;
* Toogle exclude super class listeners
public void excludeSuperClassListeners()
this.excludeSuperClassListeners = Boolean.TRUE;
* Whether super classes listeners are not going to be invoked
* @return true if super class listeners are not invoked
public boolean isExcludeSuperClassListeners()
if (excludeSuperClassListeners != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(excludeSuperClassListeners))
return true;
return false;
* Method to exclude default listeners.
public void excludeDefaultListeners()
this.excludeDefaultListeners = Boolean.TRUE;
* Whether default listeners are not going to be invoked
* @return true if default listeners are not invoked
public boolean isExcludeDefaultListeners()
if (excludeDefaultListeners != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(excludeDefaultListeners))
return true;
return false;
* Mutator for the Version MetaData.
* @param versionMetaData The versionMetaData to set.
public final void setVersionMetaData(VersionMetaData versionMetaData)
this.versionMetaData = versionMetaData;
if (this.versionMetaData != null)
this.versionMetaData.parent = this;
* Method to create a new version metadata, set to use it, and return it.
* @return The version metadata
public VersionMetaData newVersionMetadata()
VersionMetaData vermd = new VersionMetaData();
return vermd;
* Mutator for the identity MetaData.
* @param identityMetaData The identityMetaData to set.
public final void setIdentityMetaData(IdentityMetaData identityMetaData)
this.identityMetaData = identityMetaData;
if (this.identityMetaData != null)
this.identityMetaData.parent = this;
identitySpecified = true;
* Method to create a new identity metadata, set to use it, and return it.
* @return The identity metadata
public IdentityMetaData newIdentityMetadata()
IdentityMetaData idmd = new IdentityMetaData();
return idmd;
* Mutator for the inheritance MetaData.
* @param inheritanceMetaData The inheritanceMetaData to set.
public final void setInheritanceMetaData(InheritanceMetaData inheritanceMetaData)
this.inheritanceMetaData = inheritanceMetaData;
if (this.inheritanceMetaData != null)
this.inheritanceMetaData.parent = this;
* Method to create a new inheritance metadata, set to use it, and return it.
* @return The inheritance metadata
public InheritanceMetaData newInheritanceMetadata()
InheritanceMetaData inhmd = new InheritanceMetaData();
return inhmd;
* Mutator for the PrimaryKey MetaData.
* @param primaryKeyMetaData The PrimaryKey MetaData to set.
public final void setPrimaryKeyMetaData(PrimaryKeyMetaData primaryKeyMetaData)
this.primaryKeyMetaData = primaryKeyMetaData;
if (this.primaryKeyMetaData != null)
this.primaryKeyMetaData.parent = this;
* Method to create a new primary key metadata, set to use it, and return it.
* @return The primary key metadata
public PrimaryKeyMetaData newPrimaryKeyMetadata()
PrimaryKeyMetaData pkmd = new PrimaryKeyMetaData();
return pkmd;
* Whether this class or any super class has any fetch group definition
* with {@link FetchGroupMetaData#getPostLoad()}==true.
* @return Whether there is a fetch-group definition with post-load
public final boolean hasFetchGroupWithPostLoad()
if (fetchGroupMetaWithPostLoad == null)
fetchGroupMetaWithPostLoad = Boolean.FALSE;
for (int i = 0; i < fetchGroupMetaData.length; i++)
if (fetchGroupMetaData[i].getPostLoad().booleanValue())
fetchGroupMetaWithPostLoad = Boolean.TRUE;
if (getSuperAbstractClassMetaData()!=null)
return getSuperAbstractClassMetaData().hasFetchGroupWithPostLoad() || fetchGroupMetaWithPostLoad.booleanValue();
return fetchGroupMetaWithPostLoad.booleanValue();