* $Id: Parser2.java,v 1.16 2001/09/29 04:17:47 edwingo Exp $
* The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
* Copyright (c) 2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights
* reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
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* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
* the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
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* 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
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* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
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package org.apache.crimson.parser;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
import org.xml.sax.ext.*;
import org.apache.crimson.util.MessageCatalog;
import org.apache.crimson.util.XmlChars;
import org.apache.crimson.util.XmlNames;
// NOTE: when maintaining this code, take care to keep the message
// catalogue(s) up to date!! It's important that the diagnostics
// be informative.
* This implements a fast non-validating SAX2 parser. This one always
* processes external parsed entities, strictly adheres to the XML 1.0
* specification, and provides useful diagnostics. It supports an
* optimization allowing faster processing of valid standalone XML
* documents. For multi-language applications (such as web servers using
* XML processing to create dynamic content), a method supports choosing a
* locale for parser diagnostics which is both understood by the message
* recipient and supported by the parser.
* <P> This conforms to the XML 1.0 specification. To configure an XML
* processor which tests document conformance against XML Namespaces,
* provide a <em>DtdEventListener</em> which examines declarations of
* entities and notations, and have your document listener check other
* constraints such as ensuring <em>xmlns*</em> attribute values properly
* declare all namespace prefixes. (Only element and attribute names may
* contain colons, and even then the name prefix before the colon must be
* properly declared.)
* <P> SAX parsers produce a stream of parse events, which applications
* process to create an object model which is specific to their tasks.
* Applications which do not want to process event streams in that way
* should use an API producing a standardized object model, such as the
* W3C's <em>Document Object Model</em> (DOM). This parser supports
* building fully conformant DOM <em>Document</em> objects, through
* use of DtdEventListener extensions to SAX in conjunction with an
* appropriate implementation of a SAX <em>DocumentHandler</em>. In
* addition, it supports some features (exposing comments, CDATA sections,
* and entity references) which are allowed by DOM but not required to
* be reported by conformant XML processors. (As usual, the default
* handler for parsing events other than fatal errors ignores them.)
* @see ValidatingParser
* @author David Brownell
* @author Rajiv Mordani
* @author Edwin Goei
* @version $Revision: 1.16 $
public class Parser2
// stack of input entities being merged
private InputEntity in;
// temporaries reused during parsing
private AttributesExImpl attTmp;
private StringBuffer strTmp;
private char nameTmp [];
private NameCache nameCache;
private char charTmp [] = new char [2];
private String[] namePartsTmp = new String[3];
// temporaries local to namespace attribute processing in elements
private boolean seenNSDecl;
private NamespaceSupport nsSupport;
* nsAttTmp holds a list of namespace attributes used to check for
* #REQUIRED when validating and (namespaces == true && prefixes ==
* false)
private Vector nsAttTmp;
// NOTE: odd heap behavior, at least with classic VM: if "strTmp" is
// reused, LOTS of extra memory is consumed in some simple situations.
// JVM bug filed; it's no longer a win to reuse it as much, in any case.
// parsing modes
private boolean isValidating = false;
private boolean fastStandalone = false;
private boolean isInAttribute = false;
private boolean namespaces; // new in SAX2
private boolean prefixes; // new in SAX2
// temporary DTD parsing state
private boolean inExternalPE;
private boolean doLexicalPE;
private boolean donePrologue;
// info about the document
private boolean isStandalone;
private String rootElementName;
// DTD state, used during parsing
private boolean ignoreDeclarations;
private SimpleHashtable elements = new SimpleHashtable (47);
private SimpleHashtable params = new SimpleHashtable (7);
// exposed to package-private subclass
Hashtable notations = new Hashtable (7);
SimpleHashtable entities = new SimpleHashtable (17);
// stuff associated with SAX
private ContentHandler contentHandler;
private DTDHandler dtdHandler;
private EntityResolver resolver;
private ErrorHandler errHandler;
private Locale locale;
private Locator locator;
// SAX2 extension API support
private DeclHandler declHandler;
private LexicalHandler lexicalHandler;
// Compile time option: disable validation support for a better
// fit in memory-critical environments (P-Java etc). Doing that
// and removing the validating parser support saves (at this time)
// about 15% in size.
private static final boolean supportValidation = true;
// string constants -- use these copies so "==" works
// package private
static final String strANY = "ANY";
static final String strEMPTY = "EMPTY";
// PARSER methods
* Construct a SAX2 parser object
public Parser2 ()
locator = new DocLocator ();
setHandlers ();
* Set up the namespace related features for this parser. SAX2 specifies
* these are read-only during a parse, read-write otherwise.
void setNamespaceFeatures(boolean namespaces, boolean prefixes) {
this.namespaces = namespaces;
this.prefixes = prefixes;
void setEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver) {
this.resolver = resolver;
public void setDTDHandler(DTDHandler handler) {
dtdHandler = handler;
void setContentHandler(ContentHandler handler) {
contentHandler = handler;
void setErrorHandler (ErrorHandler handler) {
errHandler = handler;
void setLexicalHandler (LexicalHandler handler) {
lexicalHandler = handler;
void setDeclHandler (DeclHandler handler) {
declHandler = handler;
// XXX Maybe we can remove some of these old locale methods
* <b>SAX:</b> Used by applications to request locale for diagnostics.
* @param l The locale to use, or null to use system defaults
* (which may include only message IDs).
* @throws SAXException If no diagnostic messages are available
* in that locale.
public void setLocale (Locale l)
throws SAXException
if (l != null && !messages.isLocaleSupported (l.toString ()))
throw new SAXException (messages.getMessage (locale,
"P-078", new Object [] { l }));
locale = l;
/** Returns the diagnostic locale. */
public Locale getLocale ()
{ return locale; }
* Chooses a client locale to use for diagnostics, using the first
* language specified in the list that is supported by this parser.
* That locale is then set using <a href="#setLocale(java.util.Locale)">
* setLocale()</a>. Such a list could be provided by a variety of user
* preference mechanisms, including the HTTP <em>Accept-Language</em>
* header field.
* @see org.apache.crimson.util.MessageCatalog
* @param languages Array of language specifiers, ordered with the most
* preferable one at the front. For example, "en-ca" then "fr-ca",
* followed by "zh_CN". Both RFC 1766 and Java styles are supported.
* @return The chosen locale, or null.
public Locale chooseLocale (String languages [])
throws SAXException
Locale l = messages.chooseLocale (languages);
if (l != null)
setLocale (l);
return l;
/** <b>SAX:</b> Parse a document. */
public void parse (InputSource in)
throws SAXException, IOException
init ();
parseInternal (in);
* Setting this flag enables faster processing of valid standalone
* documents: external DTD information is not processed, and no
* attribute normalization or defaulting is done. This optimization
* is only permitted in non-validating parsers; for validating
* parsers, this mode is silently disabled.
* <P> For documents which are declared as standalone, but which are
* not valid, a fatal error may be reported for references to externally
* defined entities. That could happen in any nonvalidating parser which
* did not read externally defined entities. Also, if any attribute
* values need normalization or defaulting, it will not be done.
public void setFastStandalone (boolean value)
{ fastStandalone = value && !isValidating; }
* Returns true if standalone documents skip processing of
* all external DTD information.
public boolean isFastStandalone ()
{ return fastStandalone; }
* In support of the HTML DOM model of client side
* <em><xhtml:script></em> tag processing, this method permits
* data to be spliced into the input stream. This method would
* normally be called from an <em>endElement</em> callback to put the
* buffered result of calls such as DOM <em>HTMLDocument.write</em>
* into the input stream.
public void pushInputBuffer (char buf [], int offset, int len)
throws SAXException
if (len <= 0)
// arraycopy is inelegant, but that's the worst penalty for now
if (offset != 0 || len != buf.length) {
char tmp [] = new char [len];
System.arraycopy (buf, offset, tmp, 0, len);
buf = tmp;
pushReader (buf, null, false);
// package private
void setIsValidating (boolean value)
if (supportValidation)
isValidating = value;
throw new RuntimeException (messages.getMessage (locale, "V-000"));
if (value)
fastStandalone = false;
// makes sure the parser's reset to "before a document"
private void init ()
in = null;
// alloc temporary data used in parsing
attTmp = new AttributesExImpl ();
strTmp = new StringBuffer ();
nameTmp = new char [20];
nameCache = new NameCache ();
if (namespaces) {
nsSupport = new NamespaceSupport();
if (supportValidation && isValidating && !prefixes) {
nsAttTmp = new Vector();
// reset doc info
isStandalone = false;
rootElementName = null;
isInAttribute = false;
inExternalPE = false;
doLexicalPE = false;
donePrologue = false;
entities.clear ();
notations.clear ();
params.clear ();
elements.clear ();
ignoreDeclarations = false;
// initialize predefined references ... re-interpreted later
builtin ("amp", "&");
builtin ("lt", "<");
builtin ("gt", ">");
builtin ("quot", "\"");
builtin ("apos", "'");
if (locale == null)
locale = Locale.getDefault ();
if (resolver == null)
resolver = new Resolver ();
setHandlers ();
static private final NullHandler nullHandler = new NullHandler();
private void setHandlers ()
if (contentHandler == null) {
contentHandler = nullHandler;
if (errHandler == null) {
errHandler = nullHandler;
if (dtdHandler == null) {
dtdHandler = nullHandler;
if (lexicalHandler == null) {
lexicalHandler = nullHandler;
if (declHandler == null) {
declHandler = nullHandler;
private void builtin (String entityName, String entityValue)
InternalEntity entity;
entity = new InternalEntity (entityName, entityValue.toCharArray ());
entities.put (entityName, entity);
// parsing is by recursive descent, code roughly
// following the BNF rules except tweaked for simple
// lookahead. rules are more or less in numeric order,
// except where code sharing suggests other structures.
// a classic benefit of recursive descent parsers: it's
// relatively easy to get diagnostics that make sense.
// CHAPTER 2: Documents
private void parseInternal (InputSource input)
throws SAXException, IOException
if (input == null)
fatal ("P-000");
try {
in = InputEntity.getInputEntity (errHandler, locale);
in.init (input, null, null, false);
// doc handler sees the locator, lots of PIs, DTD info
// about external entities and notations, then the body.
//Need to initialize this after InputEntity cos locator uses
//InputEntity's systemid, publicid, line no. etc
contentHandler.setDocumentLocator (locator);
contentHandler.startDocument ();
// [1] document ::= prolog element Misc*
// [22] prolog ::= XMLDecl? Misc* (DoctypeDecl Misc *)?
maybeXmlDecl ();
maybeMisc (false);
if (!maybeDoctypeDecl ()) {
if (supportValidation && isValidating)
warning ("V-001", null);
maybeMisc (false);
donePrologue = true;
// One root element ... then basically PIs before EOF.
if (!in.peekc ('<') || !maybeElement (null))
fatal ("P-067");
//Check subclass. Used for validation of id refs.
afterRoot ();
maybeMisc (true);
if (!in.isEOF ())
fatal ("P-001", new Object []
{ Integer.toHexString (((int)getc ())) } );
contentHandler.endDocument ();
} catch (EndOfInputException e) {
if (!in.isDocument ()) {
String name = in.getName ();
do { // force a relevant URI and line number
in = in.pop ();
} while (in.isInternal ());
fatal ("P-002", new Object []
{ name },
} else
fatal ("P-003", null, e);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Don't discard location that triggered the exception
throw new SAXParseException (
e.getMessage () != null
? e.getMessage ()
: e.getClass ().getName (),
locator.getPublicId (), locator.getSystemId (),
locator.getLineNumber (), locator.getColumnNumber (),
} finally {
// recycle temporary data used during parsing
strTmp = null;
attTmp = null;
nameTmp = null;
nameCache = null;
nsAttTmp = null;
// ditto input sources etc
if (in != null) {
in.close ();
in = null;
// get rid of all DTD info ... some of it would be
// useful for editors etc, investigate later.
params.clear ();
entities.clear ();
notations.clear ();
elements.clear ();
afterDocument ();
// package private -- for subclass
void afterRoot () throws SAXException { }
// package private -- for subclass
void afterDocument () { }
// role is for diagnostics
private void whitespace (String roleId) throws IOException, SAXException
// [3] S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xd | #xa)+
if (!maybeWhitespace ())
fatal ("P-004", new Object []
{ messages.getMessage (locale, roleId) });
// S?
private boolean maybeWhitespace () throws IOException, SAXException
if (!(inExternalPE && doLexicalPE))
return in.maybeWhitespace ();
// see getc() for the PE logic -- this lets us splice
// expansions of PEs in "anywhere". getc() has smarts,
// so for external PEs we don't bypass it.
// XXX we can marginally speed PE handling, and certainly
// be cleaner (hence potentially more correct), by using
// the observations that expanded PEs only start and stop
// where whitespace is allowed. getc wouldn't need any
// "lexical" PE expansion logic, and no other method needs
// to handle termination of PEs. (parsing of literals would
// still need to pop entities, but not parsing of references
// in content.)
char c = getc();
boolean saw = false;
while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
saw = true;
// this gracefully ends things when we stop playing
// with internal parameters. caller should have a
// grammar rule allowing whitespace at end of entity.
if (in.isEOF () && !in.isInternal ())
return saw;
c = getc ();
ungetc ();
return saw;
private String maybeGetName ()
throws IOException, SAXException
NameCacheEntry entry = maybeGetNameCacheEntry ();
return (entry == null) ? null : entry.name;
private NameCacheEntry maybeGetNameCacheEntry ()
throws IOException, SAXException
// [5] Name ::= (Letter|'_'|':') (Namechar)*
char c = getc ();
if (!XmlChars.isLetter (c) && c != ':' && c != '_') {
ungetc ();
return null;
return nameCharString (c);
// Used when parsing enumerations
private String getNmtoken ()
throws SAXException, IOException
// [7] Nmtoken ::= (Namechar)+
char c = getc ();
if (!XmlChars.isNameChar (c))
fatal ("P-006", new Object [] { new Character (c) });
return nameCharString (c).name;
// n.b. this gets used when parsing attribute values (for
// internal references) so we can't use strTmp; it's also
// a hotspot for CPU and memory in the parser (called at least
// once for each element) so this has been optimized a bit.
private NameCacheEntry nameCharString (char c)
throws IOException, SAXException
int i = 1;
nameTmp [0] = c;
for (;;) {
if ((c = in.getNameChar ()) == 0)
if (i >= nameTmp.length) {
char tmp [] = new char [nameTmp.length + 10];
System.arraycopy (nameTmp, 0, tmp, 0, nameTmp.length);
nameTmp = tmp;
nameTmp [i++] = c;
return nameCache.lookupEntry (nameTmp, i);
// much similarity between parsing entity values in DTD
// and attribute values (in DTD or content) ... both follow
// literal parsing rules, newline canonicalization, etc
// leaves value in 'strTmp' ... either a "replacement text" (4.5),
// or else partially normalized attribute value (the first bit
// of 3.3.3's spec, without the "if not CDATA" bits).
private void parseLiteral (boolean isEntityValue)
throws IOException, SAXException
// [9] EntityValue ::=
// '"' ([^"&%] | Reference | PEReference)* '"'
// | "'" ([^'&%] | Reference | PEReference)* "'"
// [10] AttValue ::=
// '"' ([^"&] | Reference )* '"'
// | "'" ([^'&] | Reference )* "'"
// Only expand PEs in getc() when processing entity value literals
// and do not expand when processing AttValue. Save state of
// doLexicalPE and restore it before returning.
boolean savedLexicalPE = doLexicalPE;
// doLexicalPE = isEntityValue;
char quote = getc ();
char c;
InputEntity source = in;
if (quote != '\'' && quote != '"')
fatal ("P-007");
// don't report entity expansions within attributes,
// they're reported "fully expanded" via SAX
isInAttribute = !isEntityValue;
// get value into strTmp
strTmp = new StringBuffer ();
// scan, allowing entity push/pop wherever ...
// expanded entities can't terminate the literal!
for (;;) {
if (in != source && in.isEOF ()) {
// we don't report end of parsed entities
// within attributes (no SAX hooks)
in = in.pop ();
if ((c = getc ()) == quote && in == source)
// Basically the "reference in attribute value"
// row of the chart in section 4.4 of the spec
if (c == '&') {
String entityName = maybeGetName ();
if (entityName != null) {
nextChar (';', "F-020", entityName);
// 4.4 says: bypass these here ... we'll catch
// forbidden refs to unparsed entities on use
if (isEntityValue) {
strTmp.append ('&');
strTmp.append (entityName);
strTmp.append (';');
expandEntityInLiteral (entityName, entities, isEntityValue);
// character references are always included immediately
} else if ((c = getc ()) == '#') {
int tmp = parseCharNumber ();
if (tmp > 0xffff) {
tmp = surrogatesToCharTmp (tmp);
strTmp.append (charTmp [0]);
if (tmp == 2)
strTmp.append (charTmp [1]);
} else
strTmp.append ((char) tmp);
} else
fatal ("P-009");
// expand parameter entities only within entity value literals
if (c == '%' && isEntityValue) {
String entityName = maybeGetName ();
if (entityName != null) {
nextChar (';', "F-021", entityName);
if (inExternalPE)
expandEntityInLiteral (entityName,
params, isEntityValue);
fatal ("P-010", new Object [] { entityName });
} else
fatal ("P-011");
// For attribute values ...
if (!isEntityValue) {
// 3.3.3 says whitespace normalizes to space...
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
strTmp.append (' ');
// "<" not legal in parsed literals ...
if (c == '<')
fatal ("P-012");
strTmp.append (c);
isInAttribute = false;
// doLexicalPE = savedLexicalPE;
// does a SINGLE expansion of the entity (often reparsed later)
private void expandEntityInLiteral (
String name,
SimpleHashtable table,
boolean isEntityValue
) throws SAXException, IOException
Object entity = table.get (name);
// Note: if entity is a PE (value.isPE) there is an XML
// requirement that the content be "markkupdecl", but that error
// is ignored here (as permitted by the XML spec).
if (entity instanceof InternalEntity) {
InternalEntity value = (InternalEntity) entity;
if (supportValidation && isValidating
&& isStandalone
&& !value.isFromInternalSubset)
error ("V-002", new Object [] { name });
pushReader (value.buf, name, !value.isPE);
} else if (entity instanceof ExternalEntity) {
if (!isEntityValue) // must be a PE ...
fatal ("P-013", new Object [] { name });
// XXX if this returns false ...
pushReader ((ExternalEntity) entity);
} else if (entity == null) {
// Note: much confusion about whether spec requires such
// errors to be fatal in many cases, but none about whether
// it allows "normal" errors to be unrecoverable!
fatal (
(table == params) ? "V-022" : "P-014",
new Object [] { name });
// [11] SystemLiteral ::= ('"' [^"]* '"') | ("'" [^']* "'")
// for PUBLIC and SYSTEM literals, also "<?xml ...type='literal'?>'
// NOTE: XML spec should explicitly say that PE ref syntax is
// ignored in PIs, comments, SystemLiterals, and Pubid Literal
// values ... can't process the XML spec's own DTD without doing
// that for comments.
private String getQuotedString (String type, String extra)
throws IOException, SAXException
// use in.getc to bypass PE processing
char quote = in.getc ();
if (quote != '\'' && quote != '"')
fatal ("P-015", new Object [] {
messages.getMessage (locale, type, new Object [] { extra })
char c;
strTmp = new StringBuffer ();
while ((c = in.getc ()) != quote)
strTmp.append ((char)c);
return strTmp.toString ();
private String parsePublicId ()
throws IOException, SAXException
// [12] PubidLiteral ::= ('"' PubidChar* '"') | ("'" PubidChar* "'")
// [13] PubidChar ::= #x20|#xd|#xa|[a-zA-Z0-9]|[-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%]
String retval = getQuotedString ("F-033", null);
for (int i = 0; i < retval.length (); i++) {
char c = retval.charAt (i);
if (" \r\n-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%0123456789".indexOf(c) == -1
&& !(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
&& !(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'))
fatal ("P-016", new Object [] { new Character (c) });
strTmp = new StringBuffer ();
strTmp.append (retval);
return normalize (false);
// [14] CharData ::= [^<&]* - ([^<&]* ']]>' [^<&]*)
// handled by: InputEntity.parsedContent()
private boolean maybeComment (boolean skipStart)
throws IOException, SAXException
// [15] Comment ::= '<!--'
// ( (Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-'))*
// '-->'
if (!in.peek (skipStart ? "!--" : "<!--", null))
return false;
boolean savedLexicalPE = doLexicalPE;
doLexicalPE = false;
boolean saveCommentText = lexicalHandler != nullHandler;
if (saveCommentText) {
strTmp = new StringBuffer ();
for (;;) {
try {
// bypass PE expansion, but permit PEs
// to complete ... valid docs won't care.
for (;;) {
int c = getc ();
if (c == '-') {
c = getc ();
if (c != '-') {
if (saveCommentText)
strTmp.append ('-');
ungetc ();
nextChar ('>', "F-022", null);
break oneComment;
if (saveCommentText)
strTmp.append ((char)c);
} catch (EndOfInputException e) {
// This is fatal EXCEPT when we're processing a PE...
// in which case a validating processor reports an error.
// External PEs are easy to detect; internal ones we
// infer by being an internal entity outside an element.
if (inExternalPE || (!donePrologue && in.isInternal ())) {
if (supportValidation && isValidating)
error ("V-021", null);
in = in.pop ();
fatal ("P-017");
doLexicalPE = savedLexicalPE;
if (saveCommentText) {
// Convert string to array of chars
int length = strTmp.length();
char[] charArray = new char[length];
if (length != 0) {
// XXX Avoid calling getChars on zero-size array as a
// workaround for a bug that occurs in at least JDK1.2.2
// which has since been fixed in JDK1.3
strTmp.getChars(0, length, charArray, 0);
lexicalHandler.comment(charArray, 0, length);
return true;
private boolean maybePI (boolean skipStart)
throws IOException, SAXException
// [16] PI ::= '<?' PITarget
// (S (Char* - (Char* '?>' Char*)))?
// '?>'
// [17] PITarget ::= Name - (('X'|'x')('M'|'m')('L'|'l')
boolean savedLexicalPE = doLexicalPE;
if (!in.peek (skipStart ? "?" : "<?", null))
return false;
doLexicalPE = false;
String target = maybeGetName ();
if (target == null)
fatal ("P-018");
if ("xml".equals (target))
fatal ("P-019");
if ("xml".equalsIgnoreCase (target))
fatal ("P-020", new Object [] { target });
if (maybeWhitespace ()) {
strTmp = new StringBuffer ();
try {
for (;;) {
// use in.getc to bypass PE processing
char c = in.getc ();
//Reached the end of PI.
if (c == '?' && in.peekc ('>'))
strTmp.append (c);
} catch (EndOfInputException e) {
fatal ("P-021");
contentHandler.processingInstruction (target, strTmp.toString ());
} else {
if (!in.peek ("?>", null))
fatal ("P-022");
contentHandler.processingInstruction (target, "");
doLexicalPE = savedLexicalPE;
return true;
// [18] CDSect ::= CDStart CData CDEnd
// [19] CDStart ::= '<![CDATA['
// [20] CData ::= (Char* - (Char* ']]>' Char*))
// [21] CDEnd ::= ']]>'
// ... handled by InputEntity.unparsedContent()
private void maybeXmlDecl ()
throws IOException, SAXException
// [23] XMLDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo EncodingDecl?
// SDDecl? S? '>'
if (!in.isXmlDeclOrTextDeclPrefix()) {
// Consume '<?xml'
readVersion (true, "1.0");
readEncoding (false);
readStandalone ();
maybeWhitespace ();
if (!peek ("?>")) {
char c = getc ();
fatal ("P-023", new Object []
{ Integer.toHexString (c), new Character (c) });
// collapsing several rules together ...
// simpler than attribute literals -- no reference parsing!
private String maybeReadAttribute (String name, boolean must)
throws IOException, SAXException
// [24] VersionInfo ::= S 'version' Eq \'|\" versionNum \'|\"
// [80] EncodingDecl ::= S 'encoding' Eq \'|\" EncName \'|\"
// [32] SDDecl ::= S 'standalone' Eq \'|\" ... \'|\"
if (!maybeWhitespace ()) {
if (!must)
return null;
fatal ("P-024", new Object [] { name });
if (!peek (name))
if (must)
fatal ("P-024", new Object [] { name });
else {
// To ensure that the whitespace is there so that when we
// check for the next attribute we assure that the
// whitespace still exists.
ungetc ();
return null;
// [25] Eq ::= S? '=' S?
maybeWhitespace ();
nextChar ('=', "F-023", null);
maybeWhitespace ();
return getQuotedString ("F-035", name);
private void readVersion (boolean must, String versionNum)
throws IOException, SAXException
String value = maybeReadAttribute ("version", must);
// [26] versionNum ::= ([a-zA-Z0-9_.:]| '-')+
if (must && value == null)
fatal ("P-025", new Object [] { versionNum });
if (value != null) {
int length = value.length ();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
char c = value.charAt (i);
if (!( (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
|| c == '_' || c == '.'
|| (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
|| (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
|| c == ':' || c == '-')
fatal ("P-026", new Object [] { value });
if (value != null && !value.equals (versionNum))
error ("P-027", new Object [] { versionNum, value });
private void maybeMisc (boolean eofOK)
throws IOException, SAXException
// Misc*
while (!eofOK || !in.isEOF ()) {
// [27] Misc ::= Comment | PI | S
if (maybeComment (false)
|| maybePI (false)
|| maybeWhitespace ())
// common code used by most markup declarations
// ... S (Q)Name ...
private String getMarkupDeclname (String roleId, boolean qname)
throws IOException, SAXException
String name;
whitespace (roleId);
name = maybeGetName ();
if (name == null)
fatal ("P-005", new Object []
{ messages.getMessage (locale, roleId) });
return name;
private boolean maybeDoctypeDecl ()
throws IOException, SAXException
// [28] doctypedecl ::= '<!DOCTYPE' S Name
// (S ExternalID)?
// S? ('[' (markupdecl|PEReference|S)* ']' S?)?
// '>'
if (!peek ("<!DOCTYPE"))
return false;
ExternalEntity externalSubset = null;
rootElementName = getMarkupDeclname ("F-014", true);
if (maybeWhitespace ()
&& (externalSubset = maybeExternalID ()) != null) {
lexicalHandler.startDTD(rootElementName, externalSubset.publicId,
maybeWhitespace ();
} else {
lexicalHandler.startDTD(rootElementName, null, null);
if (in.peekc ('[')) {
for (;;) {
//Pop PEs when they are done.
if (in.isEOF () && !in.isDocument ()) {
in = in.pop ();
if (maybeMarkupDecl ()
|| maybePEReference ()
|| maybeWhitespace ()
else if (peek ("<!["))
fatal ("P-028");
nextChar (']', "F-024", null);
maybeWhitespace ();
nextChar ('>', "F-025", null);
// [30] extSubset ::= TextDecl? extSubsetDecl
// [31] extSubsetDecl ::= ( markupdecl | conditionalSect
// | PEReference | S )*
// ... same as [79] extPE, which is where the code is
if (externalSubset != null) {
externalSubset.name = "[dtd]"; // SAX2 ext specifies this name
externalSubset.isPE = true;
externalParameterEntity (externalSubset);
// params are no good to anyone starting now -- bye!
params.clear ();
// make sure notations mentioned in attributes
// and entities were declared ... those are validity
// errors, but we must always clean up after them!
Vector v = new Vector ();
for (Enumeration e = notations.keys ();
e.hasMoreElements ();
) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement ();
Object value = notations.get (name);
if (value == Boolean.TRUE) {
if (supportValidation && isValidating)
error ("V-003", new Object [] { name });
v.addElement (name);
} else if (value instanceof String) {
if (supportValidation && isValidating)
error ("V-004", new Object [] { name });
v.addElement (name);
while (!v.isEmpty ()) {
Object name = v.firstElement ();
v.removeElement (name);
notations.remove (name);
return true;
private boolean maybeMarkupDecl ()
throws IOException, SAXException
// [29] markupdecl ::= elementdecl | Attlistdecl
// | EntityDecl | NotationDecl | PI | Comment
return maybeElementDecl ()
|| maybeAttlistDecl ()
|| maybeEntityDecl ()
|| maybeNotationDecl ()
|| maybePI (false)
|| maybeComment (false)
private void readStandalone ()
throws IOException, SAXException
String value = maybeReadAttribute ("standalone", false);
// [32] SDDecl ::= ... "yes" or "no"
if (value == null || "no".equals (value))
if ("yes".equals (value)) {
isStandalone = true;
fatal ("P-029", new Object [] { value });
private static final String XmlLang = "xml:lang";
private boolean isXmlLang (String value)
// [33] LanguageId ::= Langcode ('-' Subcode)*
// [34] Langcode ::= ISO639Code | IanaCode | UserCode
// [35] ISO639Code ::= [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z]
// [36] IanaCode ::= [iI] '-' SubCode
// [37] UserCode ::= [xX] '-' SubCode
// [38] SubCode ::= [a-zA-Z]+
// the ISO and IANA codes (and subcodes) are registered,
// but that's neither a WF nor a validity constraint.
int nextSuffix;
char c;
if (value.length () < 2)
return false;
c = value.charAt (1);
if (c == '-') { // IANA, or user, code
c = value.charAt (0);
if (!(c == 'i' || c == 'I' || c == 'x' || c == 'X'))
return false;
nextSuffix = 1;
} else if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')) {
// 2 letter ISO code, or error
c = value.charAt (0);
if (!((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')))
return false;
nextSuffix = 2;
} else
return false;
// here "suffix" ::= '-' [a-zA-Z]+ suffix*
while (nextSuffix < value.length ()) {
c = value.charAt (nextSuffix);
if (c != '-')
while (++nextSuffix < value.length ()) {
c = value.charAt (nextSuffix);
if (!((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')))
return value.length () == nextSuffix && c != '-';
// CHAPTER 3: Logical Structures
private boolean maybeElement (ElementValidator validator)
throws IOException, SAXException
// [39] element ::= EmptyElemTag | Stag content ETag
// [40] STag ::= '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '>'
NameCacheEntry name;
ElementDecl element;
boolean haveAttributes = false;
boolean hasContent = true;
int startLine;
// the leading "<" has already been consumed
name = maybeGetNameCacheEntry ();
// n.b. InputEntity guarantees 1+N char pushback always,
// and maybeGetName won't use more than one to see if
// it's instead "<?", "<!--", "<![CDATA[", or an error.
if (name == null)
return false;
// XXX Test for namespace conformance here
// if (namespaces) {
// some code testing name.name
// }
// report validity errors ASAP
if (validator != null)
validator.consume (name.name);
element = (ElementDecl) elements.get (name.name);
if (supportValidation && isValidating) {
if (element == null || element.contentType == null) {
error ("V-005", new Object [] { name.name });
// minimize repetitive diagnostics
element = new ElementDecl (name.name);
element.contentType = strANY;
elements.put (name.name, element);
if (validator == null
&& rootElementName != null
&& !rootElementName.equals (name.name))
error ("V-006", new Object [] { name.name, rootElementName });
// save the line number here so we can give better diagnostics
// by identifying where the element started; WF errors may be
// reported thousands of lines "late".
startLine = in.getLineNumber ();
// Invariant: attTmp and nsAttTmp are empty except briefly in this
// method they are not empty iff haveAttributes is true
// Track whether we saw whitespace before an attribute;
// in some cases it's required, though superfluous
boolean sawWhite = in.maybeWhitespace ();
// These are exceptions from the first pass; they should be ignored
// if there's a second pass, but reported otherwise. A second pass
// occurs when a namespace declaration is found in the first pass.
Vector exceptions = null;
// SAX2 Namespace processing
if (namespaces) {
seenNSDecl = false;
// Each pass through this loop reads
// Name eq AttValue S?
// Loop exits on ">", "/>", or error
for (;;) {
if (in.peekc ('>'))
// [44] EmptyElementTag ::= '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '/>'
if (in.peekc ('/')) {
hasContent = false;
//Need to have a whitespace between attributes.
if (!sawWhite)
fatal ("P-030");
// [41] Attribute ::= Name Eq AttValue
String attQName;
AttributeDecl info;
String value;
attQName = maybeGetName ();
// Need to do this as we have already consumed the
// whitespace and didn't see the end tag.
if (attQName == null)
fatal ("P-031", new Object [] { new Character (getc ()) });
if (attTmp.getValue (attQName) != null)
fatal ("P-032", new Object [] { attQName });
// [25] Eq ::= S? '=' S?
in.maybeWhitespace ();
nextChar ('=', "F-026", attQName);
in.maybeWhitespace ();
// We are not in the DTD => PEs are not recognized => we no
// longer need to expand PEs => don't expand PEs in AttValue =>
// doLexicalPE = false and call parseLiteral(isEntityValue =
// false) both
doLexicalPE = false;
parseLiteral (false);
// We are no longer in the DTD so we never need to expand PEs
sawWhite = in.maybeWhitespace ();
// normalize and check values right away.
info = (element == null)
? null
: (AttributeDecl) element.attributes.get (attQName);
if (info == null) {
if (supportValidation && isValidating)
error ("V-007", new Object [] { attQName, name.name });
value = strTmp.toString ();
} else {
if (!AttributeDecl.CDATA.equals (info.type)) {
value = normalize (!info.isFromInternalSubset);
if (supportValidation && isValidating)
validateAttributeSyntax (info, value);
} else
value = strTmp.toString ();
if (supportValidation && isValidating
&& info.isFixed
&& !value.equals (info.defaultValue))
error ("V-008",
new Object [] {attQName, name.name, info.defaultValue});
// assert(value != null)
if (XmlLang.equals (attQName) && !isXmlLang (value))
error ("P-033", new Object [] { value });
String type = (info == null) ? AttributeDecl.CDATA : info.type;
String defaultValue = (info == null) ? null : info.defaultValue;
if (namespaces) {
exceptions = processAttributeNS(attQName, type, value,
defaultValue, true, false,
} else {
// No namespaces case
attTmp.addAttribute("", "", attQName, type, value,
defaultValue, true);
haveAttributes = true;
if (element != null)
attTmp.setIdAttributeName (element.id);
// if we had ATTLIST decls, handle required & defaulted attributes
// before telling next layer about this element
if (element != null && element.attributes.size () != 0) {
haveAttributes = defaultAttributes(element) || haveAttributes;
// Ensure that this element's namespace declarations apply to all of
// this element's attributes as well. If there was a Namespace
// declaration, we have to make a second pass just to be safe -- this
// will happen very rarely, possibly only once for each document.
if (seenNSDecl) {
// assert(namespaces == true)
int length = attTmp.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
String attQName = attTmp.getQName(i);
if (attQName.startsWith("xmlns")) {
// Could be a namespace declaration
if (attQName.length() == 5 || attQName.charAt(5) == ':') {
// Default or non-default NS declaration
// assert(not a namespace declaration)
String attName[] = processName(attQName, true, false);
attTmp.setURI(i, attName[0]);
attTmp.setLocalName(i, attName[1]);
} else if (exceptions != null && errHandler != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.size(); i++) {
// OK, finally report the event.
if (namespaces) {
String[] parts = processName(name.name, false, false);
contentHandler.startElement(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], attTmp);
} else {
contentHandler.startElement("", "", name.name, attTmp);
// Clear temporaries only when necessary because this may be
// expensive and a doc may have lots of elements w/o attributes
if (haveAttributes) {
if (supportValidation && isValidating && namespaces && !prefixes) {
// prepare to validate the content of this element.
// in nonvalidating parsers, this accepts ANY content
validator = newValidator (element);
if (hasContent) {
content (element, false, validator);
// [42] ETag ::= '</' Name S? '>'
// ... content swallowed "</"
if (!in.peek (name.name, name.chars))
fatal ("P-034", new Object []
{ name.name, new Integer (startLine) });
in.maybeWhitespace ();
nextChar ('>', "F-027", name.name);
validator.done ();
if (namespaces) {
// Split the name. Unfortunately, we can't always reuse the
// info from the startElement event above b/c this element may
// have subelements and a global temporary is used.
String[] parts = processName(name.name, false, false);
// Report appropriate events...
contentHandler.endElement(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]);
Enumeration prefixes = nsSupport.getDeclaredPrefixes();
while (prefixes.hasMoreElements()) {
String prefix = (String)prefixes.nextElement();
} else {
contentHandler.endElement("", "", name.name);
return true;
* Process attributes for namespace support. This is mostly common
* code that gets called from two places and was factored out. The
* <code>isDefaulting</code> param specifies where the code is called
* from.
* @param isDefaulting true iff we are processing this attribute from
* the <code>defaultAttributes(...)</code> method
* The namespace processing code is derived from the SAX2 ParserAdapter
* code. This code should be kept in sync with ParserAdapter bug
* fixes.
* Note: Modifies <code>seenNSDecl</code> iff a xmlns attribute, ie a
* namespace decl, was found. Modifies <code>attTmp</code> and
* <code>nsAttTmp</code>.
private Vector processAttributeNS(String attQName, String type,
String value, String defaultValue,
boolean isSpecified, boolean isDefaulting,
Vector exceptions)
throws SAXException
// assert(namespaces == true)
if (attQName.startsWith("xmlns")) {
// Could be a namespace declaration
boolean defaultNSDecl = attQName.length() == 5;
if (!defaultNSDecl && attQName.charAt(5) != ':') {
// Not a namespace declaration
break nonNamespace;
// Must be some kind of namespace declaration
String prefix;
if (defaultNSDecl) {
// Default namespace, so use empty string as prefix
prefix = "";
} else {
// Non-default namespace decl, extract the prefix
prefix = attQName.substring(6);
if (!nsSupport.declarePrefix(prefix, value)) {
error("P-083", new Object[] { prefix });
contentHandler.startPrefixMapping(prefix, value);
// We may need to add this attribute to appropriate lists
if (prefixes) {
attTmp.addAttribute("", prefix, attQName.intern(),
type, value, defaultValue, isSpecified);
} else if (supportValidation && isValidating && !isDefaulting) {
// Add this namespace attribute to a different list that
// will be used to check for #REQUIRED attributes later.
// Since "prefixes" is false, these are not reported to the
// ContentHandler. This step is not needed during the
// second pass of attribute processing where default values
// are provided.
seenNSDecl = true;
return exceptions;
// This isn't a namespace declaration.
try {
String attName[] = processName(attQName, true, true);
attTmp.addAttribute(attName[0], attName[1], attName[2], type,
value, defaultValue, isSpecified);
} catch (SAXException e) {
if (exceptions == null) {
exceptions = new Vector();
attTmp.addAttribute("", attQName, attQName, type, value,
defaultValue, isSpecified);
return exceptions;
* Process a qualified (prefixed) name.
* <p>If the name has an undeclared prefix, use only the qname
* and make an ErrorHandler.error callback in case the app is
* interested.</p>
* @param qName The qualified (prefixed) name.
* @param isAttribute true if this is an attribute name.
* @return The name split into three parts.
* @exception org.xml.sax.SAXException The client may throw
* an exception if there is an error callback.
private String[] processName(String qName, boolean isAttribute,
boolean useException)
throws SAXException
// assert(namespaces == true)
String parts[] = nsSupport.processName(qName, namePartsTmp,
if (parts == null) {
parts = new String[3];
// SAX should use "" instead of null for parts 0 and 1 ???
parts[0] = "";
String localName = XmlNames.getLocalPart(qName);
parts[1] = localName != null ? localName.intern() : "";
parts[2] = qName.intern();
String messageId = "P-084";
Object[] parameters = new Object[] { qName };
if (useException) {
throw new SAXParseException(
messages.getMessage(locale, messageId, parameters),
error(messageId, parameters);
return parts;
* To validate, subclassers should create an object that can
* accept valid streams of element names, text, and terminate.
// package private ... overriden in validating subclass
ElementValidator newValidator (ElementDecl element)
return ElementValidator.ANY; // "ANY" content is OK
* To validate, subclassers should at this time make sure that
* values are of the declared types:<UL>
* <LI> ID and IDREF(S) values are Names
* <LI> NMTOKEN(S) are Nmtokens
* <LI> ENUMERATION values match one of the tokens
* <LI> NOTATION values match a notation name
* <LI> ENTITIY(IES) values match an unparsed external entity
* </UL>
* <P> Separately, make sure IDREF values match some ID
* provided in the document (in the afterRoot method).
// package private
void validateAttributeSyntax (AttributeDecl attr, String value)
throws SAXException
* Provide default attributes for an element and check for #REQUIRED
* attributes.
* Note: this method accesses <code>attTmp</code> and
* <code>nsAttTmp</code>
private boolean defaultAttributes(ElementDecl element)
throws SAXException
boolean didDefault = false;
// Go through all declared attributes and:
// 1) Default anything the document didn't provide.
// 2) Check #REQUIRED values.
for (Enumeration e = element.attributes.keys();
e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
// Declared attribute name
String declAttName = (String)e.nextElement();
if (attTmp.getValue(declAttName) != null) {
// Attribute already has value so no defaulting necessary
// If we get here, then declared attribute is not in the list
// of attributes to be reported to ContentHandler.
// Get more info on the declared attribute
AttributeDecl info =
// If this is a #REQUIRED attribute...
if (supportValidation && isValidating && info.isRequired) {
// Under certain conditions, check the auxiliary nsAttTmp
// list for #REQUIRED attributes since these are not in the
// list to be reported to the ContentHandler.
if (namespaces && !prefixes) {
if (nsAttTmp.contains(declAttName)) {
// Namespace attribute is #REQUIRED and already has
// a value
error("V-009", new Object [] { declAttName });
String defaultValue = info.defaultValue;
if (defaultValue != null) {
if (supportValidation && isValidating
&& isStandalone && !info.isFromInternalSubset)
error ("V-010", new Object [] { declAttName });
if (namespaces) {
processAttributeNS(declAttName, info.type, defaultValue,
defaultValue, false, true, null);
} else {
attTmp.addAttribute("", "", declAttName, info.type,
defaultValue, defaultValue, false);
didDefault = true;
return didDefault;
// parses content inside a given element (or parsed entity), optionally
// allowing EOF (when expanding internal or external entities) and
// optionally validating elements/#PCDATA that we see
private void content (
ElementDecl element,
boolean allowEOF,
ElementValidator validator
) throws IOException, SAXException
for (;;) {
// [43] content ::= (element|CharData|Reference
// |CDSect|PI|Comment)*
// markup?
if (in.peekc ('<')) {
if (maybeElement (validator))
// Three cases: Error, and either EOF or ETag.
// Here we check Etag as a common exit.
if (in.peekc ('/'))
// Less commonly, it's a comment, PI, CDATA ...
if (maybeComment (true) || maybePI (true))
// ... CDATA are specially delimited characters; can be
// #PCDATA or whitespace (the latter has validity issues).
if (in.peek("![CDATA[", null)) {
in.unparsedContent(contentHandler, validator,
(element != null) && element.ignoreWhitespace,
&& supportValidation && isValidating
&& !element.isFromInternalSubset)
? "V-023"
: null
// ... or a grammatical error (WF violation).
char c = getc ();
fatal ("P-079", new Object [] {
Integer.toHexString (c), new Character (c) });
// characters? ... whitespace or #PCDATA
if (element != null
&& element.ignoreWhitespace
&& in.ignorableWhitespace (contentHandler)) {
// XXX prefer to report validity error before the
// whitespace was reported ...
if (supportValidation && isValidating
&& isStandalone && !element.isFromInternalSubset)
error ("V-011", new Object [] { element.name });
if (in.parsedContent (contentHandler, validator))
if (in.isEOF ())
// else MUST be an entity reference
if (!maybeReferenceInContent (element, validator))
throw new InternalError ();
if (!allowEOF)
fatal ("P-035");
private boolean maybeElementDecl ()
throws IOException, SAXException
// [45] elementDecl ::= '<!ELEMENT' S Name S contentspec S? '>'
// [46] contentspec ::= 'EMPTY' | 'ANY' | Mixed | children
InputEntity start = peekDeclaration ("!ELEMENT");
if (start == null)
return false;
// n.b. for content models where inter-element whitespace is
// ignorable, we mark that fact here.
String name = getMarkupDeclname ("F-015", true);
ElementDecl element = (ElementDecl) elements.get (name);
boolean declEffective = false;
if (element != null) {
if (element.contentType != null) {
if (supportValidation && isValidating
&& element.contentType != null)
error ("V-012", new Object [] { name });
// don't override previous declaration
element = new ElementDecl (name);
} // else <!ATTLIST name ...> came first
} else {
element = new ElementDecl (name);
if (!ignoreDeclarations) {
elements.put (element.name, element);
declEffective = true;
element.isFromInternalSubset = !inExternalPE;
whitespace ("F-000");
if (peek (strEMPTY)) {
element.contentType = strEMPTY;
element.ignoreWhitespace = true;
} else if (peek (strANY)) {
element.contentType = strANY;
element.ignoreWhitespace = false;
} else
element.contentType = getMixedOrChildren (element);
maybeWhitespace ();
char c = getc ();
if (c != '>')
fatal ("P-036", new Object [] { name, new Character (c) });
if (supportValidation && isValidating && start != in)
error ("V-013", null);
if (declEffective) {
declHandler.elementDecl(element.name, element.contentType);
return true;
// We're leaving the content model as a regular expression;
// it's an efficient natural way to express such things, and
// libraries often interpret them. No whitespace in the
// model we store, though!
private String getMixedOrChildren (ElementDecl element)
throws IOException, SAXException
InputEntity start;
// [47] children ::= (choice|seq) ('?'|'*'|'+')?
strTmp = new StringBuffer ();
nextChar ('(', "F-028", element.name);
start = in;
maybeWhitespace ();
strTmp.append ('(');
if (peek ("#PCDATA")) {
strTmp.append ("#PCDATA");
getMixed (element.name, start);
element.ignoreWhitespace = false;
} else {
element.model = getcps (element.name, start);
element.ignoreWhitespace = true;
return strTmp.toString ();
// package private -- overridden by validating subclass
ContentModel newContentModel (String tag)
return null;
// package private -- overridden by validating subclass
ContentModel newContentModel (char type, ContentModel next)
return null;
// '(' S? already consumed
// matching ')' must be in "start" entity if validating
private ContentModel getcps (
String element,
InputEntity start
) throws IOException, SAXException
// [48] cp ::= (Name|choice|seq) ('?'|'*'|'+')?
// [49] choice ::= '(' S? cp (S? '|' S? cp)* S? ')'
// [50] seq ::= '(' S? cp (S? ',' S? cp)* S? ')'
boolean decided = false;
char type = 0;
ContentModel retval, current, temp;
retval = current = temp = null;
do {
String tag;
tag = maybeGetName ();
if (tag != null) {
strTmp.append (tag);
temp = getFrequency (newContentModel (tag));
} else if (peek ("(")) {
InputEntity next = in;
strTmp.append ('(');
maybeWhitespace ();
temp = getFrequency (getcps (element, next));
} else
fatal ((type == 0) ? "P-039" :
((type == ',') ? "P-037" : "P-038"),
new Object [] { new Character (getc ()) });
maybeWhitespace ();
if (decided) {
char c = getc ();
if (current != null) {
current.next = newContentModel (type, temp);
current = current.next;
if (c == type) {
strTmp.append (type);
maybeWhitespace ();
} else if (c == '\u0029') { // rparen
ungetc ();
} else {
fatal ((type == 0) ? "P-041" : "P-040",
new Object [] {
new Character (c),
new Character (type)
} else {
type = getc ();
if (type == '|' || type == ',') {
decided = true;
retval = current = newContentModel (type, temp);
} else {
retval = current = temp;
ungetc ();
strTmp.append (type);
maybeWhitespace ();
} while (!peek (")"));
if (supportValidation && isValidating && in != start)
error ("V-014", new Object [] { element });
strTmp.append (')');
return getFrequency (retval);
private ContentModel getFrequency (ContentModel original)
throws IOException, SAXException
char c = getc ();
if (c == '?' || c == '+' || c == '*') {
strTmp.append (c);
if (original == null)
return null;
if (original.type == 0) { // foo* etc
original.type = c;
return original;
return newContentModel (c, original);
} else {
ungetc ();
return original;
// '(' S? '#PCDATA' already consumed
// matching ')' must be in "start" entity if validating
private void getMixed (String element, InputEntity start)
throws IOException, SAXException
// [51] Mixed ::= '(' S? '#PCDATA' (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')*'
// | '(' S? '#PCDATA' S? ')'
maybeWhitespace ();
if (peek ("\u0029*") || peek ("\u0029")) {
if (supportValidation && isValidating && in != start)
error ("V-014", new Object [] { element });
strTmp.append (')');
Vector v = null;
if (supportValidation && isValidating)
v = new Vector ();
while (peek ("|")) {
String name;
strTmp.append ('|');
maybeWhitespace ();
name = maybeGetName ();
if (name == null)
fatal ("P-042", new Object []
{ element, Integer.toHexString (getc ()) });
if (supportValidation && isValidating) {
if (v.contains (name))
error ("V-015", new Object [] { name });
v.addElement (name);
strTmp.append (name);
maybeWhitespace ();
if (!peek ("\u0029*")) // right paren
fatal ("P-043", new Object []
{ element, new Character (getc ()) });
if (supportValidation && isValidating && in != start)
error ("V-014", new Object [] { element });
strTmp.append (')');
private boolean maybeAttlistDecl ()
throws IOException, SAXException
// [52] AttlistDecl ::= '<!ATTLIST' S Name AttDef* S? '>'
InputEntity start = peekDeclaration ("!ATTLIST");
if (start == null)
return false;
String name = getMarkupDeclname ("F-016", true);
ElementDecl element = (ElementDecl) elements.get (name);
if (element == null) {
// not yet declared -- no problem.
element = new ElementDecl (name);
if (!ignoreDeclarations)
elements.put (name, element);
maybeWhitespace ();
while (!peek (">")) {
// [53] AttDef ::= S Name S AttType S DefaultDecl
// [54] AttType ::= StringType | TokenizedType | EnumeratedType
name = maybeGetName ();
if (name == null)
fatal ("P-044", new Object [] { new Character (getc ()) });
whitespace ("F-001");
AttributeDecl a = new AttributeDecl (name);
a.isFromInternalSubset = !inExternalPE;
// Note: use the type constants from AttributeDecl
// so that "==" may be used (faster)
// [55] StringType ::= 'CDATA'
if (peek (AttributeDecl.CDATA))
a.type = AttributeDecl.CDATA;
// [56] TokenizedType ::= 'ID' | 'IDREF' | 'IDREFS'
// n.b. if "IDREFS" is there, both "ID" and "IDREF"
// match peekahead ... so this order matters!
else if (peek (AttributeDecl.IDREFS))
a.type = AttributeDecl.IDREFS;
else if (peek (AttributeDecl.IDREF))
a.type = AttributeDecl.IDREF;
else if (peek (AttributeDecl.ID)) {
a.type = AttributeDecl.ID;
if (element.id != null) {
if (supportValidation && isValidating)
error ("V-016", new Object [] { element.id });
} else
element.id = name;
} else if (peek (AttributeDecl.ENTITY))
a.type = AttributeDecl.ENTITY;
else if (peek (AttributeDecl.ENTITIES))
a.type = AttributeDecl.ENTITIES;
else if (peek (AttributeDecl.NMTOKENS))
a.type = AttributeDecl.NMTOKENS;
else if (peek (AttributeDecl.NMTOKEN))
a.type = AttributeDecl.NMTOKEN;
// [57] EnumeratedType ::= NotationType | Enumeration
// [58] NotationType ::= 'NOTATION' S '(' S? Name
// (S? '|' S? Name)* S? ')'
else if (peek (AttributeDecl.NOTATION)) {
a.type = AttributeDecl.NOTATION;
whitespace ("F-002");
nextChar ('(', "F-029", null);
maybeWhitespace ();
Vector v = new Vector ();
do {
if ((name = maybeGetName ()) == null)
fatal ("P-068");
// permit deferred declarations
if (supportValidation && isValidating
&& notations.get (name) == null)
notations.put (name, name);
v.addElement (name);
maybeWhitespace ();
if (peek ("|"))
maybeWhitespace ();
} while (!peek (")"));
a.values = new String [v.size ()];
for (int i = 0; i < v.size (); i++)
a.values [i] = (String)v.elementAt (i);
// [59] Enumeration ::= '(' S? Nmtoken (S? '|' Nmtoken)* S? ')'
} else if (peek ("(")) {
a.type = AttributeDecl.ENUMERATION;
maybeWhitespace ();
Vector v = new Vector ();
do {
name = getNmtoken ();
v.addElement (name);
maybeWhitespace ();
if (peek ("|"))
maybeWhitespace ();
} while (!peek (")"));
a.values = new String [v.size ()];
for (int i = 0; i < v.size (); i++)
a.values [i] = (String)v.elementAt (i);
} else
fatal ("P-045",
new Object [] { name, new Character (getc ()) });
// [60] DefaultDecl ::= '#REQUIRED' | '#IMPLIED'
// | (('#FIXED' S)? AttValue)
whitespace ("F-003");
if (peek ("#REQUIRED")) {
a.valueDefault = AttributeDecl.REQUIRED;
a.isRequired = true;
} else if (peek ("#FIXED")) {
if (supportValidation && isValidating
&& a.type == AttributeDecl.ID)
error ("V-017", new Object [] { a.name });
a.valueDefault = AttributeDecl.FIXED;
a.isFixed = true;
whitespace ("F-004");
// Don't expand PEs in AttValue => doLexicalPE = false and
// call parseLiteral(isEntityValue = false) both
doLexicalPE = false;
// We are in DTD so set this back to true
doLexicalPE = true;
if (a.type != AttributeDecl.CDATA)
a.defaultValue = normalize (false);
a.defaultValue = strTmp.toString ();
if (a.type != AttributeDecl.CDATA)
validateAttributeSyntax (a, a.defaultValue);
} else if (peek ("#IMPLIED")) {
a.valueDefault = AttributeDecl.IMPLIED;
} else {
if (supportValidation && isValidating
&& a.type == AttributeDecl.ID)
error ("V-018", new Object [] { a.name });
// By default a.valueDefault == null here
// Don't expand PEs in AttValue => doLexicalPE = false and
// call parseLiteral(isEntityValue = false) both
doLexicalPE = false;
// We are in DTD so set this back to true
doLexicalPE = true;
if (a.type != AttributeDecl.CDATA)
a.defaultValue = normalize (false);
a.defaultValue = strTmp.toString ();
if (a.type != AttributeDecl.CDATA)
validateAttributeSyntax (a, a.defaultValue);
if (XmlLang.equals (a.name)
&& a.defaultValue != null
&& !isXmlLang (a.defaultValue))
error ("P-033", new Object [] { a.defaultValue });
if (!ignoreDeclarations
&& element.attributes.get (a.name) == null) {
element.attributes.put (a.name, a);
// Report attribute declaration to SAX DeclHandler
String saxType;
if (a.type == AttributeDecl.ENUMERATION
|| a.type == AttributeDecl.NOTATION) {
StringBuffer fullType = new StringBuffer();
if (a.type == AttributeDecl.NOTATION) {
fullType.append(" ");
if (a.values.length > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < a.values.length; i++) {
if (i + 1 < a.values.length) {
if (a.values.length > 1) {
saxType = fullType.toString();
} else {
saxType = a.type;
declHandler.attributeDecl(element.name, a.name, saxType,
a.valueDefault, a.defaultValue);
maybeWhitespace ();
if (supportValidation && isValidating && start != in)
error ("V-013", null);
return true;
// used when parsing literal attribute values,
// or public identifiers.
// input in strTmp
private String normalize (boolean invalidIfNeeded)
throws SAXException
// this can allocate an extra string...
String s = strTmp.toString ();
String s2 = s.trim ();
boolean didStrip = false;
if (s != s2) {
s = s2;
s2 = null;
didStrip = true;
strTmp = new StringBuffer ();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length (); i++) {
char c = s.charAt (i);
if (!XmlChars.isSpace (c)) {
strTmp.append (c);
strTmp.append (' ');
while (++i < s.length () && XmlChars.isSpace (s.charAt (i)))
didStrip = true;
if (supportValidation && isValidating && isStandalone) {
if (invalidIfNeeded && (s2 == null || didStrip))
// XXX would like to tell the name of the attribute
// which shouldn't have needed normalization
error ("V-019", null);
if (didStrip)
return strTmp.toString ();
return s;
private boolean maybeConditionalSect ()
throws IOException, SAXException
// [61] conditionalSect ::= includeSect | ignoreSect
if (!peek ("<!["))
return false;
String keyword;
InputEntity start = in;
maybeWhitespace ();
if ((keyword = maybeGetName ()) == null)
fatal ("P-046");
maybeWhitespace ();
nextChar ('[', "F-030", null);
// [62] includeSect ::= '<![' S? 'INCLUDE' S? '['
// extSubsetDecl ']]>'
if ("INCLUDE".equals (keyword)) {
for (;;) {
while (in.isEOF () && in != start)
in = in.pop ();
if (in.isEOF ()) {
if (supportValidation && isValidating)
error ("V-020", null);
in = in.pop ();
if (peek ("]]>"))
doLexicalPE = false;
if (maybeWhitespace ())
if (maybePEReference ())
doLexicalPE = true;
if (maybeMarkupDecl () || maybeConditionalSect ())
fatal ("P-047");
// [63] ignoreSect ::= '<![' S? 'IGNORE' S? '['
// ignoreSectcontents ']]>'
// [64] ignoreSectcontents ::= Ignore ('<!['
// ignoreSectcontents ']]>' Ignore)*
// [65] Ignore ::= Char* - (Char* ('<![' | ']]>') Char*)
} else if ("IGNORE".equals (keyword)) {
int nestlevel = 1;
// ignoreSectcontents
doLexicalPE = false;
while (nestlevel > 0) {
char c = getc (); // will pop input entities
if (c == '<') {
if (peek ("!["))
} else if (c == ']') {
if (peek ("]>"))
} else
} else
fatal ("P-048", new Object [] { keyword });
return true;
// CHAPTER 4: Physical Structures
private boolean maybeReferenceInContent (
ElementDecl element,
ElementValidator validator
) throws IOException, SAXException
// [66] CharRef ::= ('&#' [0-9]+) | ('&#x' [0-9a-fA-F]*) ';'
// [67] Reference ::= EntityRef | CharRef
// [68] EntityRef ::= '&' Name ';'
if (!in.peekc ('&'))
return false;
if (!in.peekc ('#')) {
String name = maybeGetName ();
if (name == null)
fatal ("P-009");
nextChar (';', "F-020", name);
expandEntityInContent (element, name, validator);
return true;
validator.text ();
contentHandler.characters (charTmp, 0,
surrogatesToCharTmp (parseCharNumber ()));
return true;
// parse decimal or hex numeric character reference
private int parseCharNumber ()
throws SAXException, IOException
char c;
int retval = 0;
// n.b. we ignore overflow ...
if (getc () != 'x') {
ungetc ();
for (;;) {
c = getc ();
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
retval *= 10;
retval += (c - '0');
if (c == ';')
return retval;
fatal ("P-049");
} else for (;;) {
c = getc ();
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
retval <<= 4;
retval += (c - '0');
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
retval <<= 4;
retval += 10 + (c - 'a');
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
retval <<= 4;
retval += 10 + (c - 'A');
if (c == ';')
return retval;
fatal ("P-050");
// parameter is a UCS-4 character ... i.e. not just 16 bit UNICODE,
// though still subject to the 'Char' construct in XML
private int surrogatesToCharTmp (int ucs4)
throws SAXException
if (ucs4 <= 0xffff) {
if (XmlChars.isChar (ucs4)) {
charTmp [0] = (char) ucs4;
return 1;
} else if (ucs4 <= 0x0010ffff) {
// we represent these as UNICODE surrogate pairs
ucs4 -= 0x10000;
charTmp [0] = (char) (0xd800 | ((ucs4 >> 10) & 0x03ff));
charTmp [1] = (char) (0xdc00 | (ucs4 & 0x03ff));
return 2;
fatal ("P-051", new Object [] { Integer.toHexString (ucs4) });
return -1;
private void expandEntityInContent (
ElementDecl element,
String name,
ElementValidator validator
) throws SAXException, IOException
Object entity = entities.get (name);
InputEntity last = in;
if (entity == null) {
// Note: much confusion about whether spec requires such
// errors to be fatal in many cases, but none about whether
// it allows "normal" errors to be unrecoverable!
fatal ("P-014", new Object [] { name });
if (entity instanceof InternalEntity) {
InternalEntity e = (InternalEntity) entity;
// we need to expand both entities and markup here...
if (supportValidation && isValidating
&& isStandalone
&& !e.isFromInternalSubset)
error ("V-002", new Object [] { name });
pushReader (e.buf, name, true);
content (element, true, validator);
if (in != last && !in.isEOF ()) {
while (in.isInternal ())
in = in.pop ();
fatal ("P-052", new Object [] { name });
in = in.pop ();
} else if (entity instanceof ExternalEntity) {
ExternalEntity e = (ExternalEntity) entity;
if (e.notation != null)
fatal ("P-053", new Object [] { name });
if (supportValidation && isValidating
&& isStandalone
&& !e.isFromInternalSubset)
error ("V-002", new Object [] { name });
externalParsedEntity (element, e, validator);
} else
throw new InternalError (name);
private boolean maybePEReference ()
throws IOException, SAXException
// This is the SYNTACTIC version of this construct.
// When processing external entities, there is also
// a LEXICAL version; see getc() and doLexicalPE.
// [69] PEReference ::= '%' Name ';'
if (!in.peekc ('%'))
return false;
String name = maybeGetName ();
Object entity;
if (name == null)
fatal ("P-011");
nextChar (';', "F-021", name);
entity = params.get (name);
if (entity instanceof InternalEntity) {
InternalEntity value = (InternalEntity) entity;
pushReader (value.buf, name, false);
} else if (entity instanceof ExternalEntity) {
externalParameterEntity ((ExternalEntity)entity);
} else if (entity == null) {
// NOTE: by treating undefined parameter entities as
// nonfatal, we are assuming that the contradiction
// between them being a WFC versus a VC is resolved in
// favor of the latter. Further, we are assuming that
// validating parsers should behave like nonvalidating
// ones in such a case: ignoring further declarations.
ignoreDeclarations = true;
if (supportValidation && isValidating)
error ("V-022", new Object [] { name });
warning ("V-022", new Object [] { name });
return true;
private boolean maybeEntityDecl ()
throws IOException, SAXException
// [70] EntityDecl ::= GEDecl | PEDecl
// [71] GEDecl ::= '<!ENTITY' S Name S EntityDef S? '>'
// [72] PEDecl ::= '<!ENTITY' S '%' S Name S PEDEF S? '>'
// [73] EntityDef ::= EntityValue | (ExternalID NDataDecl?)
// [74] PEDef ::= EntityValue | ExternalID
InputEntity start = peekDeclaration ("!ENTITY");
if (start == null)
return false;
String entityName;
SimpleHashtable defns;
ExternalEntity externalId;
boolean doStore;
// PE expansion gets selectively turned off several places:
// in ENTITY declarations (here), in comments, in PIs.
// Here, we allow PE entities to be declared, and allows
// literals to include PE refs without the added spaces
// required with their expansion in markup decls.
doLexicalPE = false;
whitespace ("F-005");
if (in.peekc ('%')) {
whitespace ("F-006");
defns = params;
} else
defns = entities;
ungetc (); // leave some whitespace
doLexicalPE = true;
entityName = getMarkupDeclname ("F-017", false);
whitespace ("F-007");
externalId = maybeExternalID ();
// first definition sticks ... e.g. internal subset PEs are used
// to override DTD defaults. It's also an "error" to incorrectly
// redefine builtin internal entities, but since reporting such
// errors is optional we only give warnings ("just in case") for
// non-parameter entities.
doStore = (defns.get (entityName) == null);
if (!doStore && defns == entities)
warning ("P-054", new Object [] { entityName });
// if we skipped a PE, ignore declarations since the
// PE might have included an ovrriding declaration
doStore &= !ignoreDeclarations;
// internal entities
if (externalId == null) {
char value [];
InternalEntity entity;
doLexicalPE = false; // "ab%bar;cd" -maybe-> "abcd"
parseLiteral (true);
doLexicalPE = true;
if (doStore) {
value = new char [strTmp.length ()];
if (value.length != 0)
strTmp.getChars (0, value.length, value, 0);
entity = new InternalEntity (entityName, value);
entity.isPE = (defns == params);
entity.isFromInternalSubset = !inExternalPE;
defns.put (entityName, entity);
// Report event
if (defns == params) {
entityName = "%" + entityName;
declHandler.internalEntityDecl(entityName, new String(value));
// external entities (including unparsed)
} else {
// [76] NDataDecl ::= S 'NDATA' S Name
if (defns == entities && maybeWhitespace ()
&& peek ("NDATA")) {
externalId.notation = getMarkupDeclname ("F-018", false);
// flag undeclared notation for checking after
// the DTD is fully processed
if (supportValidation && isValidating
&& notations.get (externalId.notation) == null)
notations.put (externalId.notation, Boolean.TRUE);
externalId.name = entityName;
externalId.isPE = (defns == params);
externalId.isFromInternalSubset = !inExternalPE;
if (doStore) {
defns.put (entityName, externalId);
if (externalId.notation != null) {
dtdHandler.unparsedEntityDecl (entityName,
externalId.publicId, externalId.systemId,
} else {
// Parsed external entity, either general or parameter
if (defns == params) {
entityName = "%" + entityName;
externalId.publicId, externalId.systemId);
maybeWhitespace ();
nextChar ('>', "F-031", entityName);
if (supportValidation && isValidating && start != in)
error ("V-013", null);
return true;
private ExternalEntity maybeExternalID ()
throws IOException, SAXException
// [75] ExternalID ::= 'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral
// | 'PUBLIC' S' PubidLiteral S Systemliteral
String temp = null;
ExternalEntity retval;
if (peek ("PUBLIC")) {
whitespace ("F-009");
temp = parsePublicId ();
} else if (!peek ("SYSTEM"))
return null;
retval = new ExternalEntity (in);
retval.publicId = temp;
whitespace ("F-008");
retval.verbatimSystemId = getQuotedString("F-034", null);
retval.systemId = resolveURI(retval.verbatimSystemId);
return retval;
private String parseSystemId()
throws IOException, SAXException
String uri = getQuotedString("F-034", null);
return resolveURI(uri);
private String resolveURI(String uri)
throws SAXException
int temp = uri.indexOf (':');
// resolve relative URIs ... must do it here since
// it's relative to the source file holding the URI!
// "new java.net.URL (URL, string)" conforms to RFC 1630,
// but we can't use that except when the URI is a URL.
// The entity resolver is allowed to handle URIs that are
// not URLs, so we pass URIs through with scheme intact
if (temp == -1 || uri.indexOf ('/') < temp) {
String baseURI;
baseURI = in.getSystemId ();
if (baseURI == null)
fatal ("P-055", new Object [] { uri });
if (uri.length () == 0)
uri = ".";
baseURI = baseURI.substring (0, baseURI.lastIndexOf ('/') + 1);
if (uri.charAt (0) != '/')
uri = baseURI + uri;
else {
// We have relative URI that begins with a '/'
// Extract scheme including colon from baseURI
String baseURIScheme;
int colonIndex = baseURI.indexOf(':');
if (colonIndex == -1) {
// Base URI does not have a scheme so default to
// "file:" scheme
baseURIScheme = "file:";
} else {
baseURIScheme = baseURI.substring(0, colonIndex + 1);
uri = baseURIScheme + uri;
// letting other code map any "/xxx/../" or "/./" to "/",
// since all URIs must handle it the same.
// check for fragment ID in URI
if (uri.indexOf ('#') != -1)
error ("P-056", new Object [] { uri });
return uri;
private void maybeTextDecl ()
throws IOException, SAXException
// [77] TextDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo? EncodingDecl S? '?>'
if (!in.isXmlDeclOrTextDeclPrefix()) {
// Consume '<?xml'
readVersion (false, "1.0");
readEncoding (true);
maybeWhitespace ();
if (!peek ("?>"))
fatal ("P-057");
// returns true except in case of nonvalidating parser which
// chose to ignore the entity.
private boolean externalParsedEntity (
ElementDecl element,
ExternalEntity next,
ElementValidator validator
) throws IOException, SAXException
// [78] ExtParsedEnt ::= TextDecl? content
if (!pushReader (next)) {
if (!isInAttribute) {
return false;
maybeTextDecl ();
content (element, true, validator);
if (!in.isEOF ())
fatal ("P-058", new Object [] { next.name });
in = in.pop ();
if (!isInAttribute) {
return true;
private void externalParameterEntity (ExternalEntity next)
throws IOException, SAXException
// Reap the intended benefits of standalone declarations:
// don't deal with external parameter entities, except to
// validate the standalone declaration.
// XXX perhaps: also add an option to skip reading external
// PEs when not validating, so this behaves like the parsers
// in Gecko and IE5. Means setting ignoreDeclarations ...
if (isStandalone && fastStandalone)
// n.b. "in external parameter entities" (and external
// DTD subset, same grammar) parameter references can
// occur "within" markup declarations ... expansions can
// cross syntax rules. Flagged here; affects getc().
// [79] ExtPE ::= TextDecl? extSubsetDecl
// [31] extSubsetDecl ::= ( markupdecl | conditionalSect
// | PEReference | S )*
InputEntity pe;
inExternalPE = true;
// Check for common case of file not found and throw a
// SAXParseException
try {
// XXX if this returns false ...
pushReader (next);
} catch (IOException e) {
fatal ("P-082", new Object [] { next.systemId }, e);
pe = in;
// Check for common case of bad URL and throw a SAXParseException.
// For bad URL case, JDK does not throw an exception when
// URLConnection.getInputStream() is called but later when the app
// tries to read from the stream in maybeTextDecl().
try {
maybeTextDecl ();
} catch (IOException e) {
// Pop invalid InputEntity so Locator info will be correct
in = in.pop ();
fatal ("P-082", new Object [] { next.systemId }, e);
while (!pe.isEOF ()) {
// pop internal PEs (and whitespace before/after)
if (in.isEOF ()) {
in = in.pop ();
doLexicalPE = false;
if (maybeWhitespace ())
if (maybePEReference ())
doLexicalPE = true;
if (maybeMarkupDecl () || maybeConditionalSect ())
// if (in != pe) throw new InternalError ("who popped my PE?");
if (!pe.isEOF ())
fatal ("P-059", new Object [] { in.getName () });
in = in.pop ();
inExternalPE = !in.isDocument ();
doLexicalPE = false;
private void readEncoding (boolean must)
throws IOException, SAXException
// [81] EncName ::= [A-Za-z] ([A-Za-z0-9._] | '-')*
String name = maybeReadAttribute ("encoding", must);
if (name == null)
for (int i = 0; i < name.length (); i++) {
char c = name.charAt (i);
if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
|| (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'))
if (i != 0
&& ((c >= '0' && c <= '9')
|| c == '-'
|| c == '_'
|| c == '.'
fatal ("P-060", new Object [] { new Character (c) });
// This should be the encoding in use, and it's even an error for
// it to be anything else (in certain cases that are impractical to
// to test, and may even be insufficient). So, we do the best we
// can, and warn if things look suspicious. Note that Java doesn't
// uniformly expose the encodings, and that the names it uses
// internally are nonstandard. Also, that the XML spec allows
// such "errors" not to be reported at all.
String currentEncoding = in.getEncoding ();
if (currentEncoding != null
&& !name.equalsIgnoreCase (currentEncoding))
warning ("P-061", new Object [] { name, currentEncoding });
private boolean maybeNotationDecl ()
throws IOException, SAXException
// [82] NotationDecl ::= '<!NOTATION' S Name S
// (ExternalID | PublicID) S? '>'
// [83] PublicID ::= 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral
InputEntity start = peekDeclaration ("!NOTATION");
if (start == null)
return false;
String name = getMarkupDeclname ("F-019", false);
ExternalEntity entity = new ExternalEntity (in);
whitespace ("F-011");
if (peek ("PUBLIC")) {
whitespace ("F-009");
entity.publicId = parsePublicId ();
if (maybeWhitespace ()) {
if (!peek (">"))
entity.systemId = parseSystemId ();
ungetc ();
} else if (peek ("SYSTEM")) {
whitespace ("F-008");
entity.systemId = parseSystemId ();
} else
fatal ("P-062");
maybeWhitespace ();
nextChar ('>', "F-032", name);
if (supportValidation && isValidating && start != in)
error ("V-013", null);
if (entity.systemId != null && entity.systemId.indexOf ('#') != -1)
error ("P-056", new Object [] { entity.systemId });
Object value = notations.get (name);
if (value != null && value instanceof ExternalEntity)
warning ("P-063", new Object [] { name });
// if we skipped a PE, ignore declarations since the
// PE might have included an ovrriding declaration
else if (!ignoreDeclarations) {
notations.put (name, entity);
dtdHandler.notationDecl (name, entity.publicId,
return true;
private char getc () throws IOException, SAXException
if (!(inExternalPE && doLexicalPE)) {
char c = in.getc ();
if (c == '%' && doLexicalPE)
fatal ("P-080");
return c;
// External parameter entities get funky processing of '%param;'
// references. It's not clearly defined in the XML spec; but it
// boils down to having those refs be _lexical_ in most cases to
// include partial syntax productions. It also needs selective
// enabling; "<!ENTITY % foo ...>" must work, for example, and
// if "bar" is an empty string PE, "ab%bar;cd" becomes "abcd"
// if it's expanded in a literal, else "ab cd". PEs also do
// not expand within comments or PIs, and external PEs are only
// allowed to have markup decls (and so aren't handled lexically).
// This PE handling should be merged into maybeWhitespace, where
// it can be dealt with more consistently.
// Also, there are some validity constraints in this area.
char c;
while (in.isEOF ()) {
if (in.isInternal () || (doLexicalPE && !in.isDocument ()))
in = in.pop ();
else {
fatal ("P-064", new Object [] { in.getName () });
if ((c = in.getc ()) == '%' && doLexicalPE) {
// PE ref ::= '%' name ';'
String name = maybeGetName ();
Object entity;
if (name == null)
fatal ("P-011");
nextChar (';', "F-021", name);
entity = params.get (name);
// push a magic "entity" before and after the
// real one, so ungetc() behaves uniformly
pushReader (" ".toCharArray (), null, false);
if (entity instanceof InternalEntity)
pushReader (((InternalEntity) entity).buf, name, false);
else if (entity instanceof ExternalEntity)
// PEs can't be unparsed!
// XXX if this returns false ...
pushReader ((ExternalEntity) entity);
else if (entity == null)
// see note in maybePEReference re making this be nonfatal.
fatal ("V-022");
throw new InternalError ();
pushReader (" ".toCharArray (), null, false);
return in.getc ();
return c;
private void ungetc () // throws IOException, SAXException
{ in.ungetc (); }
private boolean peek (String s) throws IOException, SAXException
{ return in.peek (s, null); }
// Return the entity starting the specified declaration
// (for validating declaration nesting) else null.
private InputEntity peekDeclaration (String s)
throws IOException, SAXException
InputEntity start;
if (!in.peekc ('<'))
return null;
start = in;
if (in.peek (s, null))
return start;
in.ungetc ();
return null;
private void nextChar (char c, String location, String near)
throws IOException, SAXException
while (in.isEOF () && !in.isDocument ())
in = in.pop ();
if (!in.peekc (c))
fatal ("P-008", new Object []
{ new Character (c),
messages.getMessage (locale, location),
(near == null ? "" : ('"' + near + '"'))});
private void pushReader (char buf [], String name, boolean isGeneral)
throws SAXException
if (isGeneral && !isInAttribute) {
InputEntity r = InputEntity.getInputEntity (errHandler, locale);
r.init (buf, name, in, !isGeneral);
in = r;
// returns false if the external entity is being ignored ...
// potentially possible in nonvalidating parsers, but not
// currently supported. (See notes everywhere this is called;
// both error handling, and reporting start/stop of entity
// expansion, are issues! Also, SAX has no way to say "don't
// read this entity".)
private boolean pushReader (ExternalEntity next)
throws SAXException, IOException
if (!next.isPE && !isInAttribute) {
InputEntity r = InputEntity.getInputEntity (errHandler, locale);
InputSource s = next.getInputSource (resolver);
r.init (s, next.name, in, next.isPE);
in = r;
return true;
// error handling convenience routines
private void warning (String messageId, Object parameters [])
throws SAXException
SAXParseException x;
x = new SAXParseException (
messages.getMessage (locale, messageId, parameters),
// continuable, minor ... "this may matter to you..."
errHandler.warning (x);
// package private ... normally returns.
void error (String messageId, Object parameters [])
throws SAXException
SAXParseException x = new SAXParseException (
messages.getMessage (locale, messageId, parameters),
// continuable, major ... e.g. invalid document
errHandler.error (x);
private void fatal (String message) throws SAXException
fatal (message, null, null);
private void fatal (String message, Object parameters [])
throws SAXException
fatal (message, parameters, null);
private void fatal (String messageId, Object parameters [], Exception e)
throws SAXException
SAXParseException x = new SAXParseException (
messages.getMessage (locale, messageId, parameters),
locator, e);
errHandler.fatalError (x);
// not continuable ... e.g. basic well-formedness errors
throw x;
// LOCATOR -- used for err reporting. the app calls us,
// we tell where the parsing current event happened.
class DocLocator implements Locator {
public String getPublicId ()
return (in == null) ? null : in.getPublicId ();
public String getSystemId ()
return (in == null) ? null : in.getSystemId ();
public int getLineNumber ()
return (in == null) ? -1 : in.getLineNumber ();
public int getColumnNumber ()
return (in == null) ? -1 : in.getColumnNumber ();
// Map char arrays to strings ... cuts down both on memory and
// CPU usage for element/attribute/other names that are reused.
// Documents typically repeat names a lot, so we more or less
// intern all the strings within the document; since some strings
// are repeated in multiple documents (e.g. stylesheets) we go
// a bit further, and intern globally.
static class NameCache {
// Unless we auto-grow this, the default size should be a
// reasonable bit larger than needed for most XML files
// we've yet seen (and be prime). If it's too small, the
// penalty is just excess cache collisions.
NameCacheEntry hashtable [] = new NameCacheEntry [541];
// Usually we just want to get the 'symbol' for these chars
String lookup (char value [], int len)
return lookupEntry (value, len).name;
// Sometimes we need to scan the chars in the resulting
// string, so there's an accessor which exposes them.
// (Mostly for element end tags.)
NameCacheEntry lookupEntry (char value [], int len)
int index = 0;
NameCacheEntry entry;
// hashing to get index
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
index = index * 31 + value [i];
index &= 0x7fffffff;
index %= hashtable.length;
// return entry if one's there ...
for (entry = hashtable [index];
entry != null;
entry = entry.next) {
if (entry.matches (value, len))
return entry;
// else create new one
entry = new NameCacheEntry ();
entry.chars = new char [len];
System.arraycopy (value, 0, entry.chars, 0, len);
entry.name = new String (entry.chars);
// NOTE: JDK 1.1 has a fixed size string intern table,
// with non-GC'd entries. It can panic here; that's a
// JDK problem, use 1.2 or later with many identifiers.
entry.name = entry.name.intern (); // "global" intern
entry.next = hashtable [index];
hashtable [index] = entry;
return entry;
static class NameCacheEntry {
String name;
char chars [];
NameCacheEntry next;
boolean matches (char value [], int len)
if (chars.length != len)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (value [i] != chars [i])
return false;
return true;
// A combined handler class that does nothing
private static class NullHandler extends DefaultHandler
implements LexicalHandler, DeclHandler
public void startDTD (String name, String publicId, String systemId) {}
public void endDTD () {}
public void startEntity (String name) {}
public void endEntity (String name) {}
public void startCDATA () {}
public void endCDATA () {}
public void comment (char ch[], int start, int length) {}
public void elementDecl (String name, String model) {}
public void attributeDecl (String eName, String aName, String type,
String valueDefault, String value) {}
public void internalEntityDecl (String name, String value) {}
public void externalEntityDecl (String name, String publicId,
String systemId) {}
// Message catalog for diagnostics.
static final Catalog messages = new Catalog();
static final class Catalog extends MessageCatalog {
Catalog() {