package org.connla;
import java.awt.Color;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor;
import com.lowagie.text.Cell;
import com.lowagie.text.Chunk;
import com.lowagie.text.Element;
import com.lowagie.text.Font;
import com.lowagie.text.FontFactory;
public class Connlon {
// value
private String itsValue = "";
// header
private boolean isHeader = false;
// align
private static final short ALIGN_NONE = 0;
private static final short ALIGN_LEFT = 1;
private static final short ALIGN_CENTER = 2;
private static final short ALIGN_RIGHT = 3;
private short itsAlign = ALIGN_NONE;
// bold
private boolean itsBold = false;
// italics
private boolean itsItalic = false;
// underline
private boolean itsUnderline = false;
// strikethru
private boolean itsStrikethru = false;
// foreground color
private String itsForegroundColor = null;
// background color
private String itsBackgroundColor = null;
// value/name?
private String itsName = null;
// disable
private boolean itsDisable = false;
// URL
private String itsURL = null;
private boolean itsURLinPDF = false;
public static final short MODUS_VIEW = 1;
public static final short MODUS_EDIT = 2;
public static final short TYPE_TEXT = 1;
public static final short TYPE_COMBOBOX = 2;
private String itsType = null;
public static final short INPUT_HIDDEN = 1;
public static final short INPUT_TEXT = 2;
public static final short INPUT_CHECKBOX = 3;
public static final short INPUT_SELECT = 4;
// constructors
public Connlon(String theValue) {
itsValue = theValue;
public Connlon() {
itsValue = "";
* public Viewon(String theName, String theLink, String theColor, String
* theBackgroundColor) { itsName = theName; // itsLink = theLink; //
* itsColor = theColor; itsBackgroundColor = theBackgroundColor; }
* Viewon(String theName, String theLink, String theColor, String
* theBackgroundColor, short theAlign, short theFont) { itsName = theName; //
* itsLink = theLink; // itsColor = theColor; itsBackgroundColor =
* theBackgroundColor; itsAlign = theAlign; // itsFont = theFont; }
* Viewon(String theName, String theLink, String theColor, String
* theBackgroundColor, short theAlign) { itsName = theName; // itsLink =
* theLink; // itsColor = theColor; itsBackgroundColor = theBackgroundColor;
* itsAlign = theAlign; }
* public Viewon(String theName, String theLink, String theColor) { itsName =
* theName; // itsLink = theLink; // itsColor = theColor; }
* public Viewon(String theName, String theLink, short theAlign, short
* theFont) { itsName = theName; // itsLink = theLink; itsAlign = theAlign; //
* itsFont = theFont; }
* public Viewon(String theName, String theLink, short theAlign) { itsName =
* theName; // itsLink = theLink; itsAlign = theAlign; }
* public Viewon(String theName, String theLink) { itsName = theName; //
* itsLink = theLink; }
* public Viewon(Short theName, String theLink) { itsName =
* theName.toString(); // itsLink = theLink; itsAlign = ALIGN_RIGHT; }
public Connlon(Short theName) {
itsName = theName.toString();
itsAlign = ALIGN_RIGHT;
public Connlon(Double theName) {
itsName = theName.toString();
itsAlign = ALIGN_RIGHT;
public Connlon(Float theName) {
itsName = theName.toString();
itsAlign = ALIGN_RIGHT;
* // text or checkbox public Viewon(String theName, int theInput, String
* theParameter, String theBackgroundColor) { this(theName, theInput,
* theParameter, false, theBackgroundColor); }
* public Viewon(String theName, int theInput, String theParameter) {
* this(theName, theInput, theParameter, false, null); }
* public Viewon(String theName, int theInput, boolean theDisabled, String
* theParameter) { this(theName, theInput, theParameter, theDisabled, null); } //
* text or checkbox public Viewon(String theName, int theInput, String
* theParameter, boolean theDisabled, String theBackgroundColor) { switch
* (theInput) { case INPUT_TEXT: itsName = " <input type='text'"; if
* (theParameter != null) { itsName += " name='" + theParameter + "'"; } if
* (theName != null) { itsName += " value='" + theName + "'"; } if
* (theDisabled) { itsName += " disabled"; } if (theBackgroundColor != null) {
* itsName += " style='background-color:" + theBackgroundColor + "'"; }
* itsName += ">"; break; case INPUT_CHECKBOX: itsName = " <input
* type='checkbox'"; if (theParameter != null) { itsName += " name='" +
* theParameter + "'"; } if (theName != null) { itsName += " value='" +
* theName + "'"; } /* todo if (theName != null &&
* theName.toLowerCase().equals("true")) { itsName += " checked"; } if
* (theDisabled) { itsName += " disabled"; }
* itsName += ">"; break; case INPUT_HIDDEN: itsName = " <input
* type='hidden' name='" + theParameter + "' value='" + theName + "'>" +
* theName;//todo disabled?? break; default: break; } } // select public
* Viewon(String theName, int theInput, String theParameter, String[]
* theValues, String[] theLabels, int theSelected) { this(theName,
* theInput, theParameter, theValues, theLabels, theSelected, false); } //
* select public Viewon(String theName, int theInput, String
* theParameter, String[] theValues, String[] theLabels) { this(theName,
* theInput, theParameter, theValues, theLabels, 0, false); } // select
* public Viewon(String theName, int theInput, String theParameter,
* String[] theValues, String[] theLabels, boolean theDisabled) {
* this(theName, theInput, theParameter, theValues, theLabels, 0,
* theDisabled); } // select public Viewon(String theName, int theInput,
* String theParameter, String[] theValues, String[] theLabels, int
* theSelected, boolean theDisabled) { this(theName, null, null, null);
* switch (theInput) { case INPUT_SELECT: itsName = " <select name='" +
* theParameter + "'"; if (theDisabled) { itsName += " disabled"; }
* itsName += ">"; for (int i = 0; i < theValues.length; i++) { itsName += "
* <option value='" + theValues[i] + "'"; if (i == theSelected) { itsName += "
* selected"; } itsName += ">" + theLabels[i] + " </option>"; } itsName += "
* </select>"; break; } }
* protected String getName() { if (itsName == null ||
* itsName.equals("null")) {//TODO return ""; } return itsName; }
* protected String getType() { return itsType; }
* protected boolean hasType() { if (itsType == null) { return false; }
* return true; }
// value
protected int length() {
return itsValue.length();
public String getName() {
return itsValue;
// header
public void setHeader() {
isHeader = true;
// align
protected short getAlign() {
return itsAlign;
public void setAlignLeft() {
itsAlign = ALIGN_LEFT;
public void setAlignCenter() {
itsAlign = ALIGN_CENTER;
public void setAlignRight() {
itsAlign = ALIGN_RIGHT;
// URL
protected boolean hasURL() {
if (itsURL == null) {
return false;
return true;
protected String getURL() {
return itsURL;
protected void setURL(String theURL) {
itsURL = theURL;
protected void showURLinPDF() {
itsURLinPDF = true;
protected void hideURLinPDF() {
itsURLinPDF = false;
// foreground color
protected boolean hasForegroundColor() {
if (itsForegroundColor == null) {
return false;
return true;
protected String getForegroundColor() {
return itsForegroundColor;
protected void setForegroundColor(String theColor) {
itsForegroundColor = theColor;
// background color
protected boolean hasBackgroundColor() {
if (itsBackgroundColor == null) {
return false;
return true;
protected String getBackgroundColor() {
return itsBackgroundColor;
protected void setBackgroundColor(String theColor) {
itsBackgroundColor = theColor;
// bold
public boolean isBold() {
return itsBold;
public void setBold() {
itsBold = true;
public void setBold(boolean aBold) {
itsBold = aBold;
// italics
public boolean isItalic() {
return itsItalic;
public void setItalic() {
itsItalic = true;
public void setItalics(boolean aItalic) {
itsItalic = aItalic;
// underline
public boolean isUnderline() {
return itsUnderline;
public void setUnderline() {
itsUnderline = true;
public void setUnderline(boolean aUnderline) {
itsUnderline = aUnderline;
// striekthru
public boolean isStrikethru() {
return itsStrikethru;
public void setStrikethru() {
itsStrikethru = true;
public void setStrikethru(boolean aStrikethru) {
itsStrikethru = aStrikethru;
// exports
protected String toHTML() {
StringBuffer aSB = new StringBuffer("<");
if (isHeader) {
} else {
// isHeader will be taken care of by CSS
// TODO turn into switch statement?
if (itsAlign == ALIGN_LEFT || itsAlign == ALIGN_NONE) {
aSB.append(" align='left'");
} else if (itsAlign == ALIGN_CENTER) {
aSB.append(" align='center'");
} else if (itsAlign == ALIGN_RIGHT) {
aSB.append(" align='right'");
} else {
//TODO warning?
// background color
if (hasBackgroundColor()) {
aSB.append(" bgcolor='");
// foreground color
if (hasForegroundColor()) {
aSB.append("<font color='");
// bold
if (itsBold) {
// italics
if (itsItalic) {
// underline
if (itsUnderline) {
// strikethru
if (itsStrikethru) {
if (itsURL != null) {
aSB.append("<a href='");
// value
if (itsURL != null) {
if (hasForegroundColor()) {
// strikethru
if (itsStrikethru) {
// underline
if (itsUnderline) {
// italics
if (itsItalic) {
// bold
if (itsBold) {
if (isHeader) {
} else {
return aSB.toString();
protected String toCSV() {
return itsValue;
protected String toTXT(int theWidth) {
StringBuffer aSB = new StringBuffer(itsValue);
int aEmpty = theWidth - itsValue.length();
// align
if (itsAlign == ALIGN_LEFT || itsAlign == ALIGN_NONE) {
for (int i = 0; i < aEmpty; i++) {
aSB.append(" ");
} else if (itsAlign == ALIGN_CENTER) {
for (int i = 0; i < aEmpty / 2; i++) {
aSB.insert(0, " ");
for (int i = 0; i < aEmpty / 2 + (aEmpty % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 1); i++) {
aSB.append(" ");
} else if (itsAlign == ALIGN_RIGHT) {
for (int i = 0; i < theWidth - itsValue.length(); i++) {
aSB.insert(0, " ");
} else {
//TODO warning?
return aSB.toString();
public HSSFCell toXLS(HSSFCell theCell, HSSFWorkbook theWorkbook) {
// TODO, recycle styles via cache? research how much extra time and space is used in both cases
HSSFCellStyle aStyle = theWorkbook.createCellStyle();
// align
if (itsAlign == ALIGN_LEFT || itsAlign == ALIGN_NONE) {
} else if (itsAlign == ALIGN_CENTER) {
} else if (itsAlign == ALIGN_RIGHT) {
} else {
//TODO warning?
if (isHeader) {
//TODO bold, italics, underline
if (itsForegroundColor != null) {
if (itsBackgroundColor != null) {
return theCell;
public Cell toPDF() {
Cell aCell = new Cell();
String aFontName = FontFactory.HELVETICA;//TODO make configurable
int aFontSize = 12;
int aFontFace = Font.NORMAL;
// align
if (itsAlign == ALIGN_LEFT || itsAlign == ALIGN_NONE ) {
} else if (itsAlign == ALIGN_CENTER) {
} else if (itsAlign == ALIGN_RIGHT) {
} else {
//TODO warning?
if (isHeader) {
//todo set bottom line
aFontFace = Font.BOLD;
if (itsBold) {
if (itsItalic) {
aFontFace = Font.BOLDITALIC;
} else {
aFontFace = Font.BOLD;
} else if (itsItalic) {
aFontFace = Font.ITALIC;
} else if (itsUnderline) {
aFontFace = Font.UNDERLINE;
} else if (itsStrikethru) {
aFontFace = Font.STRIKETHRU;
//TODO black and white option?
Chunk aChunk = null;
if (itsURL != null && itsURLinPDF) {
try {
aChunk = new Chunk(itsValue, FontFactory.getFont(aFontName, aFontSize, Font.UNDERLINE, getColor("blue")));
aChunk.setAnchor(new URL(""));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} else {
if (itsForegroundColor != null) {
aChunk = new Chunk(itsValue, FontFactory.getFont(aFontName, aFontSize, aFontFace, getColor(itsForegroundColor)));
} else {
aChunk = new Chunk(itsValue, FontFactory.getFont(aFontName, aFontSize, aFontFace));
if (itsBackgroundColor != null) {
return aCell;
//todo unify colors
private static Color getColor(String theColor) {
theColor = theColor.toLowerCase();
if ("black".equals(theColor)) {
} else if ("blue".equals(theColor)) {
} else if ("cyan".equals(theColor)) {
return Color.cyan;
} else if ("darkgray".equals(theColor)) {
return Color.darkGray;
} else if ("gray".equals(theColor)) {
return Color.gray;
} else if ("green".equals(theColor)) {
} else if ("lightgray".equals(theColor)) {
return Color.lightGray;
} else if ("magenta".equals(theColor)) {
return Color.magenta;
} else if ("orange".equals(theColor)) {
} else if ("pink".equals(theColor)) {
} else if ("red".equals(theColor)) {
} else if ("white".equals(theColor)) {
return Color.white;
} else if ("yellow".equals(theColor)) {
return Color.yellow;
} else {
try {
return Color.decode("#" + theColor);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return; //TODO exception or warning?
private static short getHSSFColorIndex(String theColor) {
theColor = theColor.toUpperCase();
if ("AQUA".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.AQUA().getIndex();
} else if ("BLACK".equals(theColor) || "000000".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.BLACK().getIndex();
} else if ("BLUE".equals(theColor) || "0000FF".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.BLUE().getIndex();
} else if ("BLUE_GREY".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.BLUE_GREY().getIndex();
} else if ("BRIGHT_GREEN".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.BRIGHT_GREEN().getIndex();
} else if ("BROWN".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.BROWN().getIndex();
} else if ("CORAL".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.CORAL().getIndex();
} else if ("CORNFLOWER_BLUE".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.CORNFLOWER_BLUE().getIndex();
} else if ("DARK_BLUE".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE().getIndex();
} else if ("DARK_GREEN".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.DARK_GREEN().getIndex();
} else if ("DARK_RED".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.DARK_RED().getIndex();
} else if ("DARK_TEAL".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.DARK_TEAL().getIndex();
} else if ("DARK_YELLOW".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.DARK_YELLOW().getIndex();
} else if ("GOLD".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.GOLD().getIndex();
} else if ("GREEN".equals(theColor) || "00FF00".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.GREEN().getIndex();
} else if ("GREY_25_PERCENT".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT().getIndex();
} else if ("GREY_40_PERCENT".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.GREY_40_PERCENT().getIndex();
} else if ("GREY_50_PERCENT".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.GREY_50_PERCENT().getIndex();
} else if ("GREY_80_PERCENT".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.GREY_80_PERCENT().getIndex();
} else if ("INDIGO".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.INDIGO().getIndex();
} else if ("LAVENDER".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.LAVENDER().getIndex();
} else if ("LEMON_CHIFFON".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.LEMON_CHIFFON().getIndex();
} else if ("LIGHT_BLUE".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.LIGHT_BLUE().getIndex();
} else if ("LIGHT_CORNFLOWER_BLUE".equals(theColor)
|| "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.LIGHT_CORNFLOWER_BLUE().getIndex();
} else if ("LIGHT_GREEN".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.LIGHT_GREEN().getIndex();
} else if ("LIGHT_ORANGE".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.LIGHT_ORANGE().getIndex();
} else if ("LIGHT_TURQUOISE".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.LIGHT_TURQUOISE().getIndex();
} else if ("LIGHT_YELLOW".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.LIGHT_YELLOW().getIndex();
} else if ("LIME".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.LIME().getIndex();
} else if ("MAROON".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.MAROON().getIndex();
} else if ("OLIVE_GREEN".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.OLIVE_GREEN().getIndex();
} else if ("ORANGE".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.ORANGE().getIndex();
} else if ("ORCHID".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.ORCHID().getIndex();
} else if ("PALE_BLUE".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.PALE_BLUE().getIndex();
} else if ("PINK".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.PINK().getIndex();
} else if ("PLUM".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.PLUM().getIndex();
} else if ("RED".equals(theColor) || "FF0000".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.RED().getIndex();
} else if ("ROSE".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.ROSE().getIndex();
} else if ("ROYAL_BLUE".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.ROYAL_BLUE().getIndex();
} else if ("SEA_GREEN".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.SEA_GREEN().getIndex();
} else if ("SKY_BLUE".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.SKY_BLUE().getIndex();
} else if ("TAN".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.TAN().getIndex();
} else if ("TEAL".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.TEAL().getIndex();
} else if ("TURQUOISE".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.TURQUOISE().getIndex();
} else if ("VIOLET".equals(theColor) || "".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.VIOLET().getIndex();
} else if ("WHITE".equals(theColor) || "FFFFFF".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.WHITE().getIndex();
} else if ("YELLOW".equals(theColor) || "00FFFF".equals(theColor)) {
return new HSSFColor.YELLOW().getIndex();
return 0;//TODO exception or warning?