package net.sourceforge.javautil.common.logging;
import net.sourceforge.javautil.common.context.Context;
import net.sourceforge.javautil.common.logging.standard.LoggingFrameworkWriter;
* The context in which {@link ILoggingFramework}'s are accessed.
* @author elponderador
* @author $Author$
* @version $Id$
public class LoggingContext extends Context {
* Facility for using class names for logger names.
public static LoggerContextual getContextualLogger (Class clazz) {
return getContextualLogger(clazz.getName());
* @param name The name of the logger
* @return A new contextual logger instance
public static LoggerContextual getContextualLogger (String name) {
return new LoggerContextual(name);
* @return The logging context related to the current thread
public static LoggingContext getInstance () {
LoggingContext context = Context.get(LoggingContext.class);
if (context == null) {
synchronized (LoggingContext.class) {
context = Context.get(LoggingContext.class);
if (context == null) {
(context = new LoggingContext(new LoggingFrameworkWriter(new PrintWriter(System.out, true)))).setGlobal();
return context;
* @param name The name of the logger
* @return The logger associated with the name
public static ILogger getLogger (String name) { return getInstance().getNamedLogger(name); }
* @param clazz The clazz for which a logger is desired
* @return The logger for this class
public static ILogger getLogger (Class clazz) { return getInstance().getClassLogger(clazz); }
protected final ILoggingFramework<?> framework;
public LoggingContext(ILoggingFramework<?> framework) {
this.framework = framework;
* @return The framework for this context
public ILoggingFramework<?> getFramework () { return framework; }
* @param name The name of the logger
* @return The logger associated with the name
public ILogger getNamedLogger (String name) { return framework.getLogger(name); }
* @param clazz The clazz for which a logger is desired
* @return The logger associated with this class
public ILogger getClassLogger (Class clazz) { return getNamedLogger(clazz.getName()); }