import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import net.sourceforge.javautil.common.exception.ThrowableManagerRegistry;
import net.sourceforge.javautil.common.logging.ILogger;
import net.sourceforge.javautil.common.logging.LoggingContext;
* A base that can be used for most implementations.
* @author elponderador
* @author $Author: ponderator $
* @version $Id: 2731 2011-02-03 05:04:14Z ponderator $
public abstract class VirtualArtifactAbstract<A extends IVirtualArtifact> implements IVirtualArtifact<A> {
protected static final ILogger log = LoggingContext.getLogger(IVirtualArtifact.class);
protected IVirtualPath path;
public void clearCache () {
this.path = null;
public IVirtualPath getPath() {
if (path == null) {
List<String> parts = new ArrayList<String>();
if (!this.isRootPathPart(getName())) parts.add(getName());
IVirtualArtifact artifact = this;
while (artifact.getOwner() != null) {
String name = (artifact = artifact.getOwner()).getName();
if (!this.isRootPathPart(name)) parts.add(0, name);
this.path = new SimplePath(parts.toArray(new String[parts.size()]));
return path;
public IVirtualArtifact getRootOwner() {
IVirtualArtifact artifact = this;
while (artifact.getOwner() != null) {
artifact = artifact.getOwner();
return artifact;
* @param part The part to validate
* @return True if the path is null, equals '/' or trimmed equals nothing, an empty string, otherwise false
protected boolean isRootPathPart (String part) {
if (part == null) return true;
if ("/".equals(part)) return true;
return "".equals(part.trim());
public boolean equals (Object o) {
if (o == null) return false;
if (!(o instanceof IVirtualArtifact)) return false;
return this.compareTo( (IVirtualArtifact) o ) == 0;
public int compareTo(IVirtualArtifact o) {
if (o == null) return 1;
IVirtualPath tpath = getPath();
IVirtualPath opath = o.getPath();
if (tpath.getPartCount() > opath.getPartCount()) return 1;
if (tpath.getPartCount() < opath.getPartCount()) return -1;
for (int p=0; p<tpath.getPartCount(); p++) {
int pc = tpath.getPart(p).compareTo(opath.getPart(p));
if (pc != 0) return pc;
return 0;
* Facility method using internal {@link VirtualArtifactHandler} for creating virtual URL's. One of the parents of the
* artifact or the artifact itself must be directly related to a {@link VirtualArtifactSystem}, otherwise the URL will break
* when creating new URL's using its protocol and without the special handler.
* @return A new URL that will allow access to the artifact's input/output
protected URL createURL () {
try {
VirtualArtifactSystem vas = VirtualArtifactSystem.getSystemFor(this);
String file = getPath().toString("/") + (this instanceof IVirtualDirectory ? "/" : "");
if (!file.startsWith("/")) file = "/" + file;
return vas == null ?
new URL(VirtualArtifactSystem.VAS_PROTOCOL, null, 0, file, new VirtualArtifactURLStreamHandler(this)) :
new URL(VirtualArtifactSystem.VAS_PROTOCOL, vas.getVASName(), 0, file, new VirtualArtifactURLStreamHandler(this));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw ThrowableManagerRegistry.caught(new VirtualArtifactException(this, e));