package net.sourceforge.javautil.common;
* This will provide various utility methods that help out in most general
* backup solutions.
* @author elponderador
* @author $Author: ponderator $
* @version $Id: 2297 2010-06-16 00:13:14Z ponderator $
public class BackupUtil {
* @param directory The directory that holds the rotatable backup {@link IVirtualFile}
* @param prefix The prefix for the backup file
* @param extension The extension
* @param maxRotations The maximum rotations that should be made before removing the oldest file
* @return The file that can be used for the backup
public static IVirtualFile rotate (IVirtualDirectory directory, String prefix, String extension, int maxRotations) {
for (int i=maxRotations; i>0; i--) {
IVirtualFile rotation = directory.getFile(getRotatedFileName(prefix, extension, i));
if (rotation != null) {
if (i == maxRotations) rotation.remove();
else rotation.rename(getRotatedFileName(prefix, extension, i+1));
return directory.getFile(getRotatedFileName(prefix, extension, 1), true);
* @param directory The directory containing the backup files
* @param prefix The prefix for the backups
* @param extension The extension for the backups
* @param maxRotations The maximum rotations for the rotated backups
* @return The most recent file available for recovery
public static IVirtualFile reverseRotation (IVirtualDirectory directory, String prefix, String extension, int maxRotations) {
int minimum = -1;
for (int i=1; i<=maxRotations; i++) {
IVirtualFile rotation = directory.getFile(getRotatedFileName(prefix, extension, i));
if (rotation != null) {
if (i == 1) {
IVirtualFile reverse = rotate(directory, prefix + "-reverse", extension, maxRotations);
if (!rotation.remove())
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not remove rotation file: " + rotation);
else {
minimum = i-1;
rotation.rename(getRotatedFileName(prefix, extension, i-1));
return minimum == -1 ? null : directory.getFile(getRotatedFileName(prefix, extension, minimum));
* @param prefix The prefix to use for the rotation
* @param extension The extension
* @param rotation The maximum rotations that should be made before removing the oldest file
* @return A filename for referencing the oldest rotation expected file name
public static String getOldestRotatedFileName (String prefix, String extension, int maxRotations) {
return getRotatedFileName(prefix, extension, maxRotations);
* @param prefix The prefix to use for the rotation
* @param extension The extension
* @return A filename for referencing the most recent rotated expected file name
public static String getMostRecentRotatedFileName (String prefix, String extension) {
return getRotatedFileName(prefix, extension, 1);
* @param prefix The prefix to use for the rotation
* @param extension The extension
* @param rotation The rotation in particular
* @return A filename for referencing the rotated file
public static String getRotatedFileName (String prefix, String extension, int rotation) {
return prefix + "-" + rotation + "." + extension;