//$Id: $
//JBoss Jetty Integration
//Licensed under LGPL.
//See license terms at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
package org.cipango.security;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.security.Principal;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.MBeanServerFactory;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import org.cipango.jboss.JBossSipAppContext;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.security.AuthenticationManager;
import org.jboss.security.NobodyPrincipal;
import org.jboss.security.RealmMapping;
import org.jboss.security.RunAsIdentity;
import org.jboss.security.SecurityAssociation;
import org.jboss.security.SimplePrincipal;
import org.jboss.security.SubjectSecurityManager;
import org.mortbay.jetty.Request;
import org.mortbay.jetty.Response;
import org.mortbay.jetty.security.Credential;
import org.mortbay.jetty.security.HashSSORealm;
import org.mortbay.jetty.security.SSORealm;
import org.mortbay.jetty.security.UserRealm;
* JBossUserRealm
* An implementation of UserRealm that integrates with the JBossSX security
* manager associted with the web application.
* @author Scott_Stark@displayscape.com
* @author Cert Auth by pdawes@users.sf.net
* @author SSO Patch by steve.g@byu.edu
* @version $Revision: 1.9 $
public class JBossUserRealm implements UserRealm, SSORealm
private final Logger _log;
protected final String _realmName;
protected final String _subjAttrName;
protected SubjectSecurityManager _subjSecMgr = null;
protected AuthenticationManager _authMgr = null;
private final HashMap _users = new HashMap();
protected RealmMapping _realmMapping = null;
protected JBossSipAppContext _jbossWebAppContext = null;
* Since there is a seperate instance of JBossUserRealm per web-app
* regardless of whether the realm-name is the same, this creates an
* instance of HashSSORealm shared between all JBossUserRealms that have the
* same realm-name.
private final static HashMap _sharedHashSSORealms = new HashMap();
private String _ssoRealmName = null;
private HashSSORealm _ssoRealm = null;
* JBossUserPrincipal
static class JBossUserPrincipal implements Principal, Serializable
protected transient Logger _logRef;
protected transient JBossUserRealm _realm;
protected Principal _principal;
private String _password;
private Stack _roleStack= new Stack();;
JBossUserPrincipal() {}
JBossUserPrincipal(String name, Logger log)
_principal = new SimplePrincipal(name);
this._logRef = log;
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("created JBossUserRealm::JBossUserPrincipal: " + name);
void associateWithRealm(JBossUserRealm realm)
this._realm = realm;
private boolean isAuthenticated(String password)
boolean authenticated = false;
if (password == null) password = "";
char[] passwordChars = password.toCharArray();
if (_logRef.isDebugEnabled())
_logRef.debug("authenticating: Name:" + _principal + " Password:****"/* +password */);
Subject subjectCopy = new Subject();
if (_realm._subjSecMgr != null && _realm._subjSecMgr.isValid(this._principal, passwordChars, subjectCopy))
if (_logRef.isDebugEnabled())
_logRef.debug("authenticated: " + _principal);
authenticated = true;
_logRef.warn("authentication failure: " + _principal);
return authenticated;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (o == this) return true;
if (o == null) return false;
if (getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
String myName = this.getName();
String yourName = ((JBossUserPrincipal) o).getName();
if (myName == null && yourName == null) return true;
if (myName != null && myName.equals(yourName)) return true;
return false;
public String getName()
return _realm._realmMapping.getPrincipal(_principal).getName();
public boolean authenticate(String password, Request request)
_password = password;
boolean authenticated = false;
authenticated = isAuthenticated(_password);
if (authenticated && _realm._subjSecMgr != null)
Subject subject = _realm._subjSecMgr.getActiveSubject();
request.setAttribute(_realm._subjAttrName, subject);
return authenticated;
public boolean isAuthenticated()
return isAuthenticated(_password);
public boolean isUserInRole(String role)
boolean isUserInRole = false;
if (!_roleStack.isEmpty() && _roleStack.peek().equals(role))
return true;
Set requiredRoles = Collections.singleton(new SimplePrincipal(role));
if (_realm._realmMapping != null
&& _realm._realmMapping.doesUserHaveRole(this._principal,requiredRoles))
if (_logRef.isDebugEnabled())
_logRef.debug("JBossUserPrincipal: " + _principal + " is in Role: " + role);
isUserInRole = true;
if (_logRef.isDebugEnabled())
_logRef.debug("JBossUserPrincipal: " + _principal + " is NOT in Role: " + role);
return isUserInRole;
public String toString()
return getName();
public void push (String roleName)
public void pop ()
* JBossNobodyUserPrincipal
* Represents the default user.
static class JBossNobodyUserPrincipal extends JBossUserPrincipal
public JBossNobodyUserPrincipal(Logger log)
_principal = new NobodyPrincipal();
this._logRef = log;
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("created JBossUserRealm::JBossNobodyUserPrincipal");
public boolean isAuthenticated()
return true;
public boolean authenticate(String password, Request request)
return true;
* JBossCertificatePrincipal
* Represents a user which has been authenticated elsewhere
* (e.g. at the fronting server), and thus doesnt have credentials
static class JBossCertificatePrincipal extends JBossUserPrincipal
private X509Certificate[] _certs;
JBossCertificatePrincipal(String name, Logger log, X509Certificate[] certs)
super(name, log);
_certs = certs;
if (_logRef.isDebugEnabled())
_logRef.debug("created JBossUserRealm::JBossCertificatePrincipal: "+ name);
public boolean isAuthenticated()
// TODO I'm dubious if this is correct???
_logRef.debug("JBossUserRealm::isAuthenticated called");
return true;
public boolean authenticate()
boolean authenticated = false;
if (_logRef.isDebugEnabled())
_logRef.debug("authenticating: Name:" + _principal);
// Authenticate using the cert as the credential
Subject subjectCopy = new Subject();
if (_realm._subjSecMgr != null && _realm._subjSecMgr.isValid(_principal, _certs, subjectCopy))
if (_logRef.isDebugEnabled())
_logRef.debug("authenticated: " + _principal);
authenticated = true;
_logRef.warn("authentication failure: " + _principal);
return authenticated;
public JBossUserRealm(String realmName, String subjAttrName)
_realmName = realmName;
_log = Logger.getLogger(JBossUserRealm.class.getName() + "#"+ _realmName);
_subjAttrName = subjAttrName;
//always add a default user?
JBossUserPrincipal nobody = new JBossNobodyUserPrincipal(_log);
_users.put("nobody", nobody);
public void init()
_log.debug("initialising realm "+_realmName);
InitialContext iniCtx = new InitialContext();
Context securityCtx = (Context) iniCtx.lookup("java:comp/env/security");
_authMgr = (AuthenticationManager) securityCtx.lookup("securityMgr");
_realmMapping = (RealmMapping) securityCtx.lookup("realmMapping");
iniCtx = null;
if (_authMgr instanceof SubjectSecurityManager)
_subjSecMgr = (SubjectSecurityManager) _authMgr;
catch (NamingException e)
_log.error("java:comp/env/security does not appear to be correctly set up", e);
// this is going to cause contention - TODO
private synchronized JBossUserPrincipal ensureUser(String userName)
JBossUserPrincipal user = (JBossUserPrincipal) _users.get(userName);
if (user == null)
user = new JBossUserPrincipal(userName, _log);
_users.put(userName, user);
return user;
public Principal getPrincipal(String username)
return (Principal) _users.get(username);
* @deprecated
public Principal getUserPrincipal(String username)
return (Principal) _users.get(username);
public Principal authenticate(String userName, Object credential,
Request request)
if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
_log.debug("JBossUserPrincipal: " + userName);
// until we get DigestAuthentication sorted JBoss side...
JBossUserPrincipal user = null;
if (credential instanceof java.lang.String) // password
user = ensureUser(userName);
if (!user.authenticate((String) credential, request))
user = null;
else if (credential instanceof X509Certificate[]) // certificate
X509Certificate[] certs = (X509Certificate[]) credential;
user = this.authenticateFromCertificates(certs);
if (user != null)
return user;
public boolean reauthenticate(Principal user)
return ((JBossUserPrincipal) user).isAuthenticated();
* @deprecated Use reauthenticate
public boolean isAuthenticated(Principal user)
return ((JBossUserPrincipal) user).isAuthenticated();
public boolean isUserInRole(Principal user, String role)
return ((JBossUserPrincipal) user).isUserInRole(role);
public JBossUserPrincipal authenticateFromCertificates(
X509Certificate[] certs)
JBossCertificatePrincipal user = (JBossCertificatePrincipal) _users
if (user == null)
user = new JBossCertificatePrincipal(getFilterFromCertificate(certs[0]), _log, certs);
_users.put(certs[0], user);
if (user.authenticate())
_log.debug("authenticateFromCertificates - authenticated");
return user;
_log.debug("authenticateFromCertificates - returning NULL");
return null;
* Takes an X509Certificate object and extracts the certificate's serial
* number and issuer in order to construct a unique string representing that
* certificate.
* @param cert the user's certificate.
* @return an LDAP filter for retrieving the user's entry.
private String getFilterFromCertificate(X509Certificate cert)
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
String serialNumber = cert.getSerialNumber().toString(16).toUpperCase();
if (serialNumber.length() % 2 != 0) buff.append("0");
buff.append(" ");
String filter = buff.toString();
return filter;
public void disassociate(Principal user)
public Principal pushRole(Principal user, String role)
RunAsIdentity runAs = new RunAsIdentity(role, (user==null?null:user.getName()));
if (user==null)
user = (JBossUserPrincipal)_users.get("nobody");
//set up security for Jetty
//set up security for calls to jboss ejbs
return user;
public Principal popRole(Principal user)
//clear a run-as role set for jboss ejb calls
return user;
public void logout(Principal user)
// yukky hack to try and force JBoss to actually
// flush the user from the jaas security manager's cache therefore
// forcing logincontext.logout() to be called
Principal pUser = user;
if (user instanceof JBossUserPrincipal)
pUser = ((JBossUserPrincipal) user)._principal;
java.util.ArrayList servers = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null);
if (servers.size() != 1)
_log.warn("More than one MBeanServer found, choosing first");
MBeanServer server = (MBeanServer) servers.get(0);
server.invoke(new ObjectName("jboss.security:service=JaasSecurityManager"),
new Object[] { getName(), pUser },
new String[] {"java.lang.String", "java.security.Principal" });
catch (Exception e)
catch (Error err)
* @param name The name of a Single Sign On realm. Realms that share a sso
* realm will share authentication for users. Null if no SSO
* realm.
public void setSSORealmName(String name)
_ssoRealmName = name;
_ssoRealm = null;
* @return The name of a Single Sign On realm. Realms that share a sso realm
* will share authentication for users. Null if no SSO realm.
public String getSSORealmName()
return _ssoRealmName;
public Credential getSingleSignOn(Request request, Response response)
if (!isSSORealm()) return null;
Credential singleSignOnCredential = _ssoRealm.getSingleSignOn(request,
if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
_log.debug("getSingleSignOn principal="
+ request.getUserPrincipal() + " credential="
+ singleSignOnCredential);
return singleSignOnCredential;
public void setSingleSignOn(Request request, Response response,
Principal principal, Credential credential)
if (!isSSORealm()) return;
if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
_log.debug("setSingleSignOn called. principal=" + principal
+ " credential=" + credential);
_ssoRealm.setSingleSignOn(request, response, principal, credential);
public void clearSingleSignOn(String username)
if (!isSSORealm()) return;
if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
_log.debug("clearSingleSignOn called. username=" + username);
private boolean isSSORealm()
if (_ssoRealm == null && _ssoRealmName != null)
synchronized (_sharedHashSSORealms)
_ssoRealm = (HashSSORealm) _sharedHashSSORealms
if (_ssoRealm == null)
_log.debug("created SSORealm for " + _ssoRealmName);
_ssoRealm = new HashSSORealm();
_sharedHashSSORealms.put(_ssoRealmName, _ssoRealm);
return _ssoRealm != null;
public String getName()
return _realmName;