// ========================================================================
// Copyright 2008-2009 NEXCOM Systems
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ========================================================================
package org.cipango.server;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.security.Principal;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.servlet.sip.Address;
import javax.servlet.sip.Parameterable;
import javax.servlet.sip.ServletParseException;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipApplicationSession;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipServletMessage;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipSession;
import org.cipango.server.session.AppSession;
import org.cipango.server.session.CallSession;
import org.cipango.server.session.Session;
import org.cipango.server.session.scope.ScopedSession;
import org.cipango.server.transaction.Transaction;
import org.cipango.sip.CSeq;
import org.cipango.sip.LazyParsingException;
import org.cipango.sip.ParameterableImpl;
import org.cipango.sip.SipFields;
import org.cipango.sip.SipGenerator;
import org.cipango.sip.SipHeaders;
import org.cipango.sip.SipHeaders.HeaderInfo;
import org.cipango.sip.SipMethods;
import org.cipango.sip.SipParams;
import org.cipango.sip.SipVersions;
import org.cipango.sip.Via;
import org.cipango.util.ContactAddress;
import org.cipango.util.ListIteratorProxy;
import org.cipango.util.ReadOnlyAddress;
import org.cipango.util.ReadOnlyParameterable;
import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpFields;
import org.eclipse.jetty.io.Buffer;
import org.eclipse.jetty.io.BufferCache.CachedBuffer;
import org.eclipse.jetty.io.ByteArrayBuffer;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Attributes;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.AttributesMap;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.LazyList;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.QuotedStringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.StringUtil;
public abstract class SipMessage implements SipServletMessage, Cloneable
private static final Collection<Locale> __defaultLocale = Collections.singleton(Locale.getDefault());
protected String _characterEncoding;
protected SipFields _fields = new SipFields();
private byte[] _content;
private SipConnection _connection;
private int _initialTransport;
private InetAddress _initialRemoteAddr;
private int _initialRemotePort = -1;
protected CallSession _callSession;
private Transaction _tx;
protected Session _session;
private boolean _committed = false;
private boolean _handled = false;
private Attributes _attributes;
private HeaderForm _headerForm = HeaderForm.DEFAULT;
public SipMessage()
* @see SipServletMessage#addAcceptLanguage(java.util.Locale)
public void addAcceptLanguage(Locale locale)
addHeader(SipHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, locale.toString().replace('_','-')); // TODO
* @see SipServletMessage#addAddressHeader(java.lang.String, javax.servlet.sip.Address, boolean)
public void addAddressHeader(String name, Address address, boolean first)
if (isCommitted())
throw new IllegalStateException("Message is committed");
Buffer buffer = SipHeaders.CACHE.lookup(name);
HeaderInfo hi = SipHeaders.getType(buffer);
if (hi.getType() != HeaderInfo.ADDRESS && hi.getOrdinal() != -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Header: " + name + " is not of address type");
if (isSystemHeader(hi))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " is a system header");
if (address == null || name == null)
throw new NullPointerException("name or address is null");
_fields.addAddress(buffer, address, first);
public void addAddressHeader(Buffer buffer, Address address, boolean first)
_fields.addAddress(buffer, (NameAddr) address, first);
* @see SipServletMessage#addHeader(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public void addHeader(String name, String value)
if (isCommitted())
throw new IllegalStateException("Message is committed");
Buffer buffer = SipHeaders.CACHE.lookup(name);
HeaderInfo hi = SipHeaders.getType(buffer);
if (isSystemHeader(hi))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " is a system header");
if (value == null || name == null)
throw new NullPointerException("name or value is null");
_fields.addString(buffer, value);
* @see SipServletMessage#getAcceptLanguage()
public Locale getAcceptLanguage()
Iterator it = getFields().getValues(SipHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_BUFFER);
if (!it.hasNext())
return Locale.getDefault();
List acceptLanguage = SipFields.qualityList(it);
if (acceptLanguage.size() == 0)
return Locale.getDefault();
int size = acceptLanguage.size();
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
String language = (String)acceptLanguage.get(i);
language=HttpFields.valueParameters(language, null);
String country = "";
int dash = language.indexOf('-');
if (dash > -1)
country = language.substring(dash + 1).trim();
language = language.substring(0, dash).trim();
return new Locale(language, country);
return Locale.getDefault();
* @see SipServletMessage#getAcceptLanguages()
public Iterator<Locale> getAcceptLanguages()
Iterator<String> it = getFields().getValues(SipHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_BUFFER);
if (!it.hasNext())
return __defaultLocale.iterator();
List acceptLanguage = SipFields.qualityList(it);
if (acceptLanguage.size() == 0)
return __defaultLocale.iterator();
Object langs = null;
int size = acceptLanguage.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
String language = (String) acceptLanguage.get(i);
language = HttpFields.valueParameters(language, null);
String country = "";
int dash = language.indexOf('-');
if (dash > -1)
country = language.substring(dash + 1).trim();
language = language.substring(0, dash).trim();
langs = LazyList.ensureSize(langs, size);
langs = LazyList.add(langs, new Locale(language, country));
if (LazyList.size(langs) == 0)
return __defaultLocale.iterator();
List<Locale> l = LazyList.getList(langs);
return l.iterator();
* @see SipServletMessage#getAddressHeader(java.lang.String)
public Address getAddressHeader(String name) throws ServletParseException
Buffer buffer = SipHeaders.CACHE.lookup(name);
HeaderInfo hi = SipHeaders.getType(buffer);
if (hi.getType() != HeaderInfo.ADDRESS && hi.getOrdinal() != -1)
throw new ServletParseException("Header: " + name + " is not of address type");
Address address;
address = _fields.getAddress(buffer);
catch (LazyParsingException e)
throw new ServletParseException(e);
if (buffer == SipHeaders.CONTACT_BUFFER && isSystemHeader(hi) && !isCommitted() && address != null)
return new ContactAddress(address);
else if ((isSystemHeader(hi) || isCommitted()) && address != null)
return new ReadOnlyAddress(address);
return address;
* @see SipServletMessage#getAddressHeaders(String)
public ListIterator<Address> getAddressHeaders(String name) throws ServletParseException
Buffer buffer = SipHeaders.CACHE.lookup(name);
HeaderInfo hi = SipHeaders.getType(buffer);
if (hi.getType() != HeaderInfo.ADDRESS && hi.getOrdinal() != -1)
throw new ServletParseException("Header: " + name + " is not of address type");
ListIterator<Address> it = _fields.getAddressValues(buffer);
while (it.hasNext())
while (it.hasPrevious())
catch (LazyParsingException e)
throw new ServletParseException(e);
if (isSystemHeader(hi) || isCommitted())
return new ListIteratorProxy<Address>(it)
public Address next() { return new ReadOnlyAddress(super.next()); }
public Address previous() { return new ReadOnlyAddress(super.previous()); }
return it;
* @see SipServletMessage#getApplicationSession()
public SipApplicationSession getApplicationSession()
return _session.getApplicationSession();
* @see SipServletMessage#getApplicationSession(boolean)
public SipApplicationSession getApplicationSession(boolean create)
return getApplicationSession();
* @see SipServletMessage#getAttribute(java.lang.String)
public Object getAttribute(String name)
return _attributes == null ? null : _attributes.getAttribute(name);
* @see SipServletMessage#removeAttribute(String)
public void removeAttribute(String name)
if (_attributes != null)
* @see SipServletMessage#getAttributeNames()
public Enumeration<String> getAttributeNames()
if (_attributes == null)
return Collections.enumeration(Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
return AttributesMap.getAttributeNamesCopy(_attributes);
* @see SipServletMessage#getCallId()
public String getCallId()
return _fields.getString(SipHeaders.CALL_ID_BUFFER);
* @see SipServletMessage#getCharacterEncoding()
public String getCharacterEncoding()
if (_characterEncoding != null)
return _characterEncoding;
String contentType = getContentType();
if (contentType != null)
int i0 = contentType.indexOf(';');
if (i0 > 0)
int i1 = contentType.indexOf("charset=", i0 + 1);
if (i1 >= 0)
int i8 = i1+8;
int i2 = contentType.indexOf(';',i8);
if (i2 > 0)
_characterEncoding = QuotedStringTokenizer.unquote(contentType.substring(i8, i2));
_characterEncoding = QuotedStringTokenizer.unquote(contentType.substring(i8));
return _characterEncoding; // TODO contentlanguage ?
* @see SipServletMessage#getContent()
public Object getContent() throws UnsupportedEncodingException
String contentType = getContentType();
if (_content != null && contentType != null
&& (StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(contentType, "text") || contentType.equalsIgnoreCase("application/sdp")))
String charset = getCharacterEncoding();
if (charset == null)
charset = StringUtil.__UTF8;
return new String(_content, charset);
return _content;
* @see SipServletMessage#getContentLanguage()
public Locale getContentLanguage()
String s = getHeader(SipHeaders.CONTENT_LANGUAGE);
if (s == null)
return null;
return new Locale(s);
* @see SipServletMessage#getContentLength()
public int getContentLength()
int length = (int) _fields.getLong(SipHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH_BUFFER);
if (length == -1)
if (_content == null)
return 0;
return _content.length;
return length;
* @see SipServletMessage#getContentType()
public String getContentType()
return getHeader(SipHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE); // TODO parse
* @see SipServletMessage#getExpires()
public int getExpires()
return (int) _fields.getLong(SipHeaders.EXPIRES_BUFFER);
* @see SipServletMessage#getFrom()
public Address getFrom()
return new ReadOnlyAddress(_fields.getAddress(SipHeaders.FROM_BUFFER));
* @see SipServletMessage#getHeader(java.lang.String)
public String getHeader(String name)
if (name == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null name");
return _fields.getString(name);
* @see SipServletMessage#getHeaders(java.lang.String)
public ListIterator<String> getHeaders(String name)
if (name == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null name");
return _fields.getValues(name);
* @see SipServletMessage#getHeaderNames()
public Iterator<String> getHeaderNames()
return _fields.getNames();
* @see SipServletMessage#getLocalAddr()
public String getLocalAddr()
return _connection != null ?_connection.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress() : null;
* @see SipServletMessage#getLocalPort()
public int getLocalPort()
return _connection != null ? _connection.getLocalPort() : -1;
* @see SipServletMessage#getProtocol()
public String getProtocol()
return SipVersions.SIP_2_0;
* @see SipServletMessage#getRawContent()
public byte[] getRawContent()
return _content;
* @see SipServletMessage#getRemoteAddr()
public String getRemoteAddr()
return _connection != null ? _connection.getRemoteAddress().getHostAddress() : null;
* @see SipServletMessage#getRemotePort()
public int getRemotePort()
return _connection != null ? _connection.getRemotePort() : null;
* @see SipServletMessage#getRemoteUser()
public String getRemoteUser()
return null;
* @see SipServletMessage#getSession()
public SipSession getSession()
return new ScopedSession(_session);
* @see SipServletMessage#getSession(boolean)
public SipSession getSession(boolean create)
return getSession();
* @see SipServletMessage#getTo()
public Address getTo()
return new ReadOnlyAddress(_fields.getAddress(SipHeaders.TO_BUFFER));
* @see SipServletMessage#getTransport()
public String getTransport()
if (_connection == null)
return null;
return _connection.getConnector().getTransport();
* @see SipServletMessage#getUserPrincipal()
public Principal getUserPrincipal()
return null;
* @see SipServletMessage#isCommitted()
public boolean isCommitted()
return _committed;
* @see SipServletMessage#isSecure()
public boolean isSecure()
return false; // TODO
* @see SipServletMessage#isUserInRole(java.lang.String)
public boolean isUserInRole(String role)
return false;
* @see SipServletMessage#removeHeader(java.lang.String)
public void removeHeader(String name)
if (isCommitted())
throw new IllegalStateException("Message is committed");
Buffer buffer = SipHeaders.CACHE.lookup(name);
HeaderInfo hi = SipHeaders.getType(buffer);
if (isSystemHeader(hi))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " is a system header");
* @see SipServletMessage#setAcceptLanguage(java.util.Locale)
public void setAcceptLanguage(Locale locale)
setHeader(SipHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, locale.toString().replace('_', '-'));
* @see SipServletMessage#setAddressHeader(java.lang.String, javax.servlet.sip.Address)
public void setAddressHeader(String name, Address addr)
if (isCommitted())
throw new IllegalStateException("Message is committed");
Buffer buffer = SipHeaders.CACHE.lookup(name);
HeaderInfo hi = SipHeaders.getType(buffer);
if (isSystemHeader(hi))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " is a system header");
_fields.setAddress(buffer, addr);
* @see SipServletMessage#setAttribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
public void setAttribute(String name, Object value)
if (value == null || name == null)
throw new NullPointerException("name or value is null");
if (_attributes == null)
_attributes = new AttributesMap();
_attributes.setAttribute(name, value);
* @see SipServletMessage#setCharacterEncoding(java.lang.String)
public void setCharacterEncoding(String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
_characterEncoding = encoding;
* @see SipServletMessage#setContent(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String)
public void setContent(Object o, String type) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
// TODO add sdp, ...
if (isCommitted())
throw new IllegalStateException("Is committed");
if (o == null)
_content = null;
else if (o instanceof byte[])
_content = (byte[]) o;
else if (o instanceof String && type.startsWith("text/"))
String s = (String) o;
String charset = getCharacterEncoding();
if (charset == null)
charset = StringUtil.__UTF8;
_content = s.getBytes(charset);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported object type");
* @see SipServletMessage#setContentLanguage(java.util.Locale)
public void setContentLanguage(Locale locale)
if (locale == null)
getFields().setString(SipHeaders.CONTENT_LANGUAGE_BUFFER, locale.toString().replace('_','-'));
if (_characterEncoding == null)
_characterEncoding = _session.appSession().getContext().getLocaleEncoding(locale);
* @see SipServletMessage#setContentLength(int)
public void setContentLength(int length)
if (isCommitted())
throw new IllegalStateException("Message is committed");
setHeader(SipHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, Integer.toString(length));
* @see SipServletMessage#setContentType(java.lang.String)
public void setContentType(String contentType)
if (isCommitted())
throw new IllegalStateException("Message is committed");
if (contentType == null)
int i0 = contentType.indexOf(';');
if (i0 > 0)
int i1 = contentType.indexOf("charset=", i0 + 1);
if (i1 >= 0)
int i8 = i1+8;
int i2 = contentType.indexOf(';',i8);
if (i2 > 0)
_characterEncoding = QuotedStringTokenizer.unquote(contentType.substring(i8, i2));
_characterEncoding = QuotedStringTokenizer.unquote(contentType.substring(i8));
getFields().setString(SipHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE_BUFFER, contentType);
* @see SipServletMessage#setExpires(int)
public void setExpires(int seconds)
if (seconds < 0)
setHeader(SipHeaders.EXPIRES, Long.toString(seconds));
* @see SipServletMessage#setHeader(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public void setHeader(String name, String value)
if (isCommitted())
throw new IllegalStateException("Message is committed");
if (name == null || value == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null value or name");
Buffer buffer = SipHeaders.CACHE.lookup(name);
HeaderInfo hi = SipHeaders.getType(buffer);
if (isSystemHeader(hi))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " is a system header");
getFields().setString(buffer, value);
* @see SipServletMessage#addParameterableHeader(String, Parameterable, boolean)
public void addParameterableHeader(String name, Parameterable value, boolean first)
if (isCommitted())
throw new IllegalStateException("Message is committed");
Buffer buffer = SipHeaders.CACHE.lookup(name);
HeaderInfo hi = SipHeaders.getType(buffer);
if (isSystemHeader(hi))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " is a system header");
if (hi.getType() != HeaderInfo.PARAMETERABLE && hi.getOrdinal() != -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Header " + name + " is not of parameterable type");
getFields().addParameterable(buffer, (ParameterableImpl) value, first);
* @see SipServletMessage#getParameterableHeader(String)
public Parameterable getParameterableHeader(String name) throws ServletParseException
Buffer buffer = SipHeaders.CACHE.lookup(name);
HeaderInfo hi = SipHeaders.getType(buffer);
if (hi.getType() != HeaderInfo.PARAMETERABLE && hi.getType() != HeaderInfo.ADDRESS && hi.getOrdinal() != -1)
throw new ServletParseException("Header: " + name + " is not of parameterable type");
Parameterable p = getFields().getParameterable(buffer);
if ((isSystemHeader(hi) || isCommitted()) && p != null)
return new ReadOnlyParameterable(p);
return p;
* @see SipServletMessage#getParameterableHeaders(String)
public ListIterator<? extends Parameterable> getParameterableHeaders(String name) throws ServletParseException
Buffer buffer = SipHeaders.CACHE.lookup(name);
HeaderInfo hi = SipHeaders.getType(buffer);
if (hi.getType() != HeaderInfo.PARAMETERABLE && hi.getType() != HeaderInfo.ADDRESS && hi.getOrdinal() != -1)
throw new ServletParseException("Header: " + name + " is not of parametrable type");
ListIterator<Parameterable> it = getFields().getParameterableValues(buffer);
if (isSystemHeader(hi) || isCommitted())
return new ListIteratorProxy<Parameterable>(it)
public Parameterable next() { return new ReadOnlyParameterable(super.next()); }
public Parameterable previous() { return new ReadOnlyParameterable(super.previous()); }
return it;
* @see SipServletMessage#setParameterableHeader(String, Parameterable)
public void setParameterableHeader(String name, Parameterable value)
if (isCommitted())
throw new IllegalStateException("Message is committed");
Buffer buffer = SipHeaders.CACHE.lookup(name);
HeaderInfo hi = SipHeaders.getType(buffer);
if (isSystemHeader(hi))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " is a system header");
if (hi.getType() != HeaderInfo.PARAMETERABLE && hi.getOrdinal() != -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Header " + name + " is not of parameterable type");
getFields().setParameterable(buffer, (ParameterableImpl) value);
* @see SipServletMessage#getHeaderForm()
public HeaderForm getHeaderForm()
return _headerForm;
* @see SipServletMessage#setHeaderForm(javax.servlet.sip.SipServletMessage.HeaderForm)
public void setHeaderForm(HeaderForm form)
if (form == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Null form");
_headerForm = form;
* @see SipServletMessage#@ialRemoteAddr()
public String getInitialRemoteAddr()
if (_initialRemoteAddr == null)
return null;
return _initialRemoteAddr.getHostAddress();
* @see SipServletMessage#getInitialRemotePort()
public int getInitialRemotePort()
return _initialRemotePort;
* @see SipServletMessage#getInitialTransport()
public String getInitialTransport()
return SipConnectors.getName(_initialTransport);
// --
protected abstract boolean canSetContact();
public void setConnection(SipConnection connection)
_connection = connection;
public SipConnection getConnection()
return _connection;
public Address from()
return _fields.getAddress(SipHeaders.FROM_BUFFER);
public Address to()
return _fields.getAddress(SipHeaders.TO_BUFFER);
public Object clone()
SipMessage clone = (SipMessage) super.clone();
clone._fields = (SipFields) _fields.clone();
clone._committed = false;
clone._tx = null;
clone._attributes = null;
clone._connection = null;
//clone._session = null;
return clone;
catch (CloneNotSupportedException _)
throw new RuntimeException("!cloneable");
public boolean isAck()
return SipMethods.ACK.equalsIgnoreCase(getMethod());
public boolean isBye()
return SipMethods.BYE.equalsIgnoreCase(getMethod());
public boolean isCancel()
return SipMethods.CANCEL.equalsIgnoreCase(getMethod());
public boolean isInvite()
return SipMethods.INVITE.equalsIgnoreCase(getMethod());
public boolean isNotify()
return SipMethods.NOTIFY.equalsIgnoreCase(getMethod());
public boolean isPrack()
return SipMethods.PRACK.equalsIgnoreCase(getMethod());
public boolean isRefer()
return SipMethods.REFER.equalsIgnoreCase(getMethod());
public boolean isRegister()
return SipMethods.REGISTER.equalsIgnoreCase(getMethod());
public boolean isSubscribe()
return SipMethods.SUBSCRIBE.equalsIgnoreCase(getMethod());
public boolean isOptions()
return SipMethods.OPTIONS.equalsIgnoreCase(getMethod());
public boolean isUpdate()
return SipMethods.UPDATE.equalsIgnoreCase(getMethod());
protected boolean isSystemHeader(String name)
CachedBuffer buffer = SipHeaders.CACHE.get(name);
if (buffer == null)
return false;
SipHeaders.HeaderInfo type = SipHeaders.__types[buffer.getOrdinal()];
return (type.isSystem() ||
(buffer.getOrdinal() == SipHeaders.CONTACT_ORDINAL && !canSetContact()));
protected boolean isSystemHeader(HeaderInfo type)
return (type.isSystem() ||
(type.getOrdinal() == SipHeaders.CONTACT_ORDINAL && !canSetContact()));
public abstract boolean isRequest();
public abstract boolean needsContact();
public CSeq getCSeq()
return _fields.getCSeq();
catch (ServletParseException e)
return null;
public String getDialogId()
return getDialogId(true);
public String getDialogId(boolean fromFirst)
String fromTag = getFrom().getParameter("tag");
String toTag = getTo().getParameter("tag");
if (fromFirst)
return getCallId() + "|" +
(fromTag == null ? "?" : fromTag) + "|" +
(toTag == null ? "?" : toTag);
return getCallId() + "|" +
(toTag == null ? "?" : toTag) + "|" +
(fromTag == null ? "?" : fromTag);
public Via getTopVia()
return _fields.getVia();
public SipFields getFields()
return _fields;
public void setCallSession(CallSession callSession)
_callSession = callSession;
public CallSession getCallSession()
if (_callSession != null)
return _callSession;
else if (_session != null)
return _session.getCallSession();
return null;
public void setCommitted(boolean b)
_committed = b;
public void setRawContent(byte[] content)
_content = content;
public void setSession(Session session)
_session = session;
public void setTransaction(Transaction tx)
_tx = tx;
public void setToTag(String tag)
Address to = _fields.getAddress(SipHeaders.TO_BUFFER);
to.setParameter(SipParams.TAG, tag);
public Transaction getTransaction()
return _tx;
public Session session()
return _session;
public AppSession appSession()
return _session.appSession();
public void setHandled(boolean handled)
_handled = handled;
public boolean isHandled()
return _handled;
public abstract String getRequestLine();
public String toString()
Buffer buffer = new ByteArrayBuffer(64000);
new SipGenerator().generate(buffer, this);
return buffer.toString();