* Copyright (c) 2009-2011, chunquedong(YangJiandong)
* This file is part of ChunMap project
* Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE(Version >=3)
* History:
* 2010-05-05 Jed Young Creation
package chunmap.model.relate.relateop;
import chunmap.model.geom.Geometry;
import chunmap.model.geom.Ring;
import chunmap.model.geom.Polygon;
import chunmap.model.relate.ComputeIm;
import static chunmap.model.relate.IntersectionMatrix.*;
* @author chunquedong
class LinearRing_LinearRing extends ComputeIm {
public LinearRing_LinearRing(Ring r1, Ring r2) {
g1 = r1.toPolygon();
g2 = r2.toPolygon();
protected int inner2innerDim(Geometry g1, Geometry g2) {
if (im.get(Inner, Border) != EmptyDim)
return AreaDim;
if (im.get(Border, Inner) != EmptyDim)
return AreaDim;
if (im.get(Border, Outer) == EmptyDim)
return AreaDim;
if (im.get(Outer, Border) == EmptyDim)
return AreaDim;
return EmptyDim;
protected boolean within(Geometry g1, Geometry g2) {
Ring r1 = ((Polygon) g1).getShell();
Ring r2 = ((Polygon) g2).getShell();
if (r2.containLineStringIn(r1))
return true;
return false;