* Copyright (c) 2009-2011, chunquedong(YangJiandong)
* This file is part of ChunMap project
* Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE(Version >=3)
* History:
* 2010-05-05 Jed Young Creation
package chunmap.model.crs.proj;
import chunmap.model.coord.Coordinate2D;
import chunmap.model.coord.CPoint;
import chunmap.model.coord.Transform;
import chunmap.model.crs.Projection;
import chunmap.model.crs.Spheroid;
import static java.lang.Math.*;
public class Mercator extends Projection {
public static double maxDis = 20037508.3427892;//投影宽度的一半
public static double r = 6378137;//地球半径
public Mercator()
this.name = "Mercator";
public Transform getReverseTransform() {
Spheroid s=getSpheroid();
return new MercatorRTransform(s.getA(), s.getB(), s.getE(), s.getE2(), 0, 0);
public Transform getTransform() {
Spheroid s=getSpheroid();
return new MercatorTransform(s.getA(), s.getB(), s.getE(), s.getE2(), 0, 0);
private Spheroid getSpheroid(){
if (getCs() != null && getCs().getSpheroid() != null) {
return getCs().getSpheroid();
} else {
return new Spheroid("circle", r, r);
private static double computeK(double a, double b, double e2, double b0) {
double fz = pow(a, 2) / b;
double fm = sqrt(1 + pow(e2, 2) * pow(cos(b0), 2));
double r = (fz / fm) * cos(b0);
return r;
class MercatorTransform implements Transform {
private double k;
private double l0;
private double e;
public MercatorTransform(double a, double b, double e, double e2,
double b0, double l0) {
this.k = computeK(a, b, e2, b0);
this.l0 = l0;
this.e = e;
public CPoint convert(CPoint p) {
double b = toRadians(p.getY());
double l = toRadians(p.getX());
double y = k * lntan(b, e);
double x = k * (l - l0);
if (y > Mercator.maxDis)
y = Mercator.maxDis;
else if (y < -Mercator.maxDis)
y = -Mercator.maxDis;
return new Coordinate2D(x, y);
private double lntan(double b, double e) {
double d = tan(PI / 4 + b / 2)
* pow((1 - e * sin(b)) / (1 + e * sin(b)), e / 2);
return log(d);
class MercatorRTransform implements Transform {
private double k;
private double l0;
private double e;
public MercatorRTransform(double a, double b, double e, double e2,
double b0, double l0)
this.k = Mercator.computeK(a, b, e2, b0);
this.l0 = l0;
this.e = e;
public CPoint convert(CPoint p)
double B = computeB(p.getY());
double L = getL(p.getX());
double b = Math.toDegrees(B);//weidu
double l = Math.toDegrees(L);//jidu
return new Coordinate2D(l, b);
private double computeB(double x){
double b = getB(0, x);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
double bb = getB(b, x);
if (Math.abs(bb - b) < 0.01) return bb;
b = bb;
return b;
private double getB(double b,double x)
double B=(Math.PI/2) - 2 * Math.atan(exp(b,x));
return B;
private double exp(double b, double x)
double Exp = Math.exp(-(x / k))
* Math.exp(
(e / 2)* Math.log(
(1 - e * Math.sin(b))
/ (1 + e * Math.sin(b))
return Exp;
private double getL(double y)
return (y / k) + l0;