JOpenChart Java Charting Library and Toolkit
Copyright (C) 2001 Sebastian M�ller
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Created on 28. Juni 2001, 20:41
package de.progra.charting.model;
import de.progra.charting.CoordSystem;
import de.progra.charting.ChartUtilities;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashMap;
* Implements a default ChartModel. It uses a DataSet[] and the columns
* are numeric. It's purely read-only.
* @author mueller
* @version 1.0
public class DefaultChartDataModel extends AbstractChartDataModel {
/** The sorted x-axis values used for calculating the constraints. */
protected TreeSet columnSet = new TreeSet();
/** The DataSet list.*/
protected ArrayList data = new ArrayList();
/** A HashMap containing the ordered data used for calculating the constraints. */
protected HashMap valuesbyaxis = new HashMap();
/** The constraints for the first and second y-axes.*/
protected ChartDataModelConstraints constraints1, constraints2;
/** Creates a new empty DefaultChartDataModel.
public DefaultChartDataModel() {
TreeSet set1 = new TreeSet();
valuesbyaxis.put(new Integer(CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS), set1);
TreeSet set2 = new TreeSet();
valuesbyaxis.put(new Integer(CoordSystem.SECOND_YAXIS), set2);
constraints1 = new DefaultChartDataModelConstraints(this, CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS);
constraints2 = new DefaultChartDataModelConstraints(this, CoordSystem.SECOND_YAXIS);
/** Creates new DefaultChartDataModel with the default axis binding.
* @param data the array of values. The first index specifies the
* datasets, the last one is the value index.
* @param columns the array of x-axis values. The length of the
* datasets and the length of the column should be equal and the columns should
* be ordered.
* @param rows the array of DataSet titles. It has to have the same
* length as the number of DataSets.
public DefaultChartDataModel(Number[][] data,
double[] columns,
String[] rows) {
TreeSet set = (TreeSet)valuesbyaxis.get(new Integer(CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS));
ChartUtilities.addDataToSet(set, data);
for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
this.data.add(new DefaultDataSet(data[i],
/** Creates new DefaultChartDataModel.
* @param data the array of values. The first index specifies the
* datasets, the last one is the value index.
* @param columns the array of x-axis values. The length of the
* datasets and the length of the column should be equal and
* the columns should be ordered.
* @param rows the array of DataSet titles. It has to have the same
* length as the number of DataSets.
public DefaultChartDataModel(int[][] data,
double[] columns,
String[] rows) {
Number[][] numdata = ChartUtilities.transformArray(data);
TreeSet set =
(TreeSet)valuesbyaxis.get(new Integer(CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS));
ChartUtilities.addDataToSet(set, numdata);
for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
this.data.add(new DefaultDataSet(numdata[i],
/** Creates new DefaultChartDataModel.
* @param data the array of values. The first index specifies the
* datasets, the last one is the value index.
* @param columns the array of x-axis values. The length of the
* datasets and the length of the column should be equal and
* the columns should be ordered.
* @param rows the array of DataSet titles. It has to have the same
* length as the number of DataSets.
public DefaultChartDataModel(double[][] data,
double[] columns,
String[] rows) {
Number[][] numdata = ChartUtilities.transformArray(data);
TreeSet set =
(TreeSet)valuesbyaxis.get(new Integer(CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS));
ChartUtilities.addDataToSet(set, numdata);
for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
this.data.add(new DefaultDataSet(numdata[i],
/** Creates a new DefaultChartDataModel using the
* given array of DataSets, effectively enabling the creation
* of DataModels with differently sized DataSets.
* @param ds the array of DataSets to be used.
public DefaultChartDataModel(DataSet[] ds) {
TreeSet set;
for(int i = 0; i < ds.length; i++) {
set = (TreeSet)valuesbyaxis.get(new Integer(ds[i].getYAxis()));
for(int j = 0; j < ds[i].getDataSetLength(); j++) {
/** Returns the length of a certain dataset.
* @param set the DataSet
* @return the length of the DataSet
public int getDataSetLength(int set) {
return ((DataSet)data.get(set)).getDataSetLength();
/** Returns the total amount of datasets.
* @return the amount of DataSets
public int getDataSetNumber() {
return data.size();
/** Returns the title of the DataSet. This is the number of
* the DataSet per default.
* @param set the DataSet index
* @return the String title
public String getDataSetName(int set) {
return ((DataSet)data.get(set)).getTitle();
/** Returns the axis binding for a DataSet
* @param set the DataSet index
* @return an axis binding constant
public int getAxisBinding(int set) {
return ((DataSet)data.get(set)).getYAxis();
/** Returns true if the columns are numeric.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE>
public boolean isColumnNumeric() {
return true;
/** Returns the class of the column values.
* @return <CODE>Double.class</CODE>
public Class getColumnClass() {
return Double.class;
/** Returns the Value in a specific dataset at a certain index. *
* @param set the DataSet index
* @param index the value index
* @return the Number value at the specified position
public Number getValueAt(int set, int index) {
return (Number)((DataSet)data.get(set)).getValueAt(index);
/** Use getColumnValue(int set, int col) instead, because DefaultChartDataModel
* can contain DataSets with different lengths and column values.
* @return null
public Object getColumnValueAt(int col) {
return null;
/** Returns a specific column value.
* @return the column value or <code>null</code> if the column doesn't exist.
* @param col the column index
* @param set the DataSet of which the column value is desired
public Object getColumnValueAt(int set, int col) {
// PENDING: Why do we create a new Double here?
if(col < getDataSetLength(set))
return new Double(((Number)((DataSet)data.get(set)).getColumnValueAt(col)).doubleValue());
return null;
/** Returns a ChartDataModelConstraints Object for a given axis.
* This way, there are different constraints for the first and for
* the second y-axis. If the model is empty, the maximum values are 1 and
* the minimum values are 0, thus enabling proper rendering.
* @param axis the axis constant.
* @return a ChartDataModelConstraints object with the constraints
* for the specified y-axis.
public ChartDataModelConstraints getChartDataModelConstraints(final int axis) {
if(axis == CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS)
return constraints1;
return constraints2;
/** Sets the ChartDataModelConstraints object for the given
* axis binding.
* @param axis the Axis constant
* @param constraints the ChartDataModelConstraints object
* @return a ChartDataModelConstraints object.
public void setChartDataModelConstraints(int axis, ChartDataModelConstraints constraints) {
if(axis == CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS)
constraints1 = constraints;
constraints2 = constraints;
/** Removes infinite and NaN values from a TreeSet. Called with the TreeSet
* containing all values. If asymptotic functions are plotted, infinite values
* are the max / min values, resulting in bogus point-to-pixel rations. Therefore,
* these values are omitted from these calculations.
protected void trimSet(TreeSet s) {
while(((Number)s.first()).doubleValue() == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
double last = ((Number)s.last()).doubleValue();
while(last == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
|| last != last) {
last = ((Number)s.last()).doubleValue();
/** Returns an ordered set of all data values for the specified axis.
* This is called by the ChartDataModelConstraints classes.
protected TreeSet getOrderedValues(int axis) {
return (TreeSet)valuesbyaxis.get(new Integer(axis));
/** Returns the first ordered column value for use by the ChartDataModelConstraints. */
protected double getFirstColumnValue() {
return ((Number)columnSet.first()).doubleValue();
/** Returns the last ordered column value for use by the ChartDataModelConstraints. */
protected double getLastColumnValue() {
return ((Number)columnSet.last()).doubleValue();