* Copyright (C) 2006 http://www.chaidb.org
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
package org.chaidb.db.index.btree;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.chaidb.db.DbEnvironment;
import org.chaidb.db.KernelContext;
import org.chaidb.db.api.Converter;
import org.chaidb.db.api.keys.IntKey;
import org.chaidb.db.api.keys.NodeId;
import org.chaidb.db.exception.ChaiDBException;
import org.chaidb.db.exception.EncodingException;
import org.chaidb.db.exception.ErrorCode;
import org.chaidb.db.helper.ByteTool;
import org.chaidb.db.index.IDBIndex;
import org.chaidb.db.index.Key;
import org.chaidb.db.index.btree.bufmgr.PageNumber;
import org.chaidb.db.log.logrecord.BTreeSpecLogRecord;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* User: arefool
* Date: Mar 14, 2003
* Time: 11:56:47 AM
public class Id2nodeBTree extends BTree {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AbstractBTree.class);
/* Just for describing a specail tree. Key=DocID, value=DataTree's root */
public BTree indexBTree;
/* Just for describing a specail tree. Key=DocID, value=DataTree's root */ Hashtable id2root = new Hashtable();
public static int MAX_ENTRY_NUMBERS = 2000;
public static int KICK_NUMBERS = 1;
/* Keep clean key2root entrys */ LinkedList cleanIdQueue = new LinkedList();
public Id2nodeBTree() {
public void acquire(KernelContext kContext, int mode) throws ChaiDBException {
public void release(KernelContext kContext) {
protected AbstractBTree GenerateClonedBTree() throws ChaiDBException {
return new Id2nodeBTree();
private byte[] lookupWithoutConverting(Key key, KernelContext kContext) throws ChaiDBException {
if (key == null) return null;
byte[] bytes = null;
try {
int docID;
PageNumber root;
/*Modified by ben zhang at aug, 12, 2002 assumed key type is nodeid */
// Used only by id2node
docID = ((NodeId) key).getDocId();
root = getDocRoot(docID, kContext);
bytes = lookup(key, root, kContext);
} finally {
return bytes;
public Object lookup(Key key, KernelContext kContext) throws ChaiDBException {
byte[] bytes = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
try {
bytes = lookupWithoutConverting(key, kContext);
} catch (ChaiDBException e) {
if (i == 2) {
throw e;
} else {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
}//end for
return decodeFromByteArray(bytes, key);
public Object lookup(Converter localConverter, Key key, KernelContext kContext) throws ChaiDBException {
byte[] bytes = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
try {
bytes = lookupWithoutConverting(key, kContext);
} catch (ChaiDBException e) {
if (i == 2) {
throw e;
} else {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
}//end for
if (bytes == null) return null;
if (converter == null) {
//unlock the one and ONLY one page we got in search
return bytes;
} else {
Object obj;
try {
/* Modified by ben zhang at aug,12,2002 pending issue*/
obj = localConverter.decodeFromByteArray(key, bytes);
//unlock the one and ONLY one page we got in search
return obj;
} catch (EncodingException ee) {
// details -ranjeet
String details = "Converter failed to decode : " + ee.toString() + ".";
throw new ChaiDBException(ErrorCode.CONVERTER_DECODING_ERROR, details);
public ArrayList rangeLookup(Key minKey, Key maxKey, boolean includeMinKey, boolean includeMaxKey, KernelContext kContext) throws ChaiDBException {
return null;
public boolean delete(Key key, KernelContext kContext) throws ChaiDBException {
if (DbEnvironment.READ_ONLY) throw new ChaiDBException(ErrorCode.DATABASE_IS_READONLY);
OperResult result = null;
boolean succ = false;
//retry to finish this operation with maxized MAX_RETRYS times.
for (int retry = 0; retry < BTreeLock.MAX_RETRYS + 1 && !succ; retry++)
try {
// if (islockTree) lm.getLock(MR1WLock.WRITE);
PageNumber root;
root = getDocRoot(((NodeId) key).getDocId(), kContext);
result = delete(key, root, kContext);
succ = true;
if (result.newRoot == null) break;
//save new root
updateDocRoot(((NodeId) key).getDocId(), result.newRoot, kContext);
} catch (ChaiDBException e) {
if (e.getErrorCode() != ErrorCode.LOCK_NO_GRANT || retry == BTreeLock.MAX_RETRYS) throw e;
} finally {
return result.success;
public void store(Key key, Object data, short mode, KernelContext kContext) throws ChaiDBException {
if (DbEnvironment.READ_ONLY) throw new ChaiDBException(ErrorCode.DATABASE_IS_READONLY);
byte[] value = encodeToByteArray(data);
if (value == null) return;
boolean succ = false;
//retry to finish this operation with maxized MAX_RETRYS times.
for (int retry = 0; retry < BTreeLock.MAX_RETRYS + 1 && !succ; retry++)
try {
PageNumber root = getDocRoot(((NodeId) key).getDocId(), kContext);
root = store(key, value, mode, root, kContext);
if (root == null) {
succ = true;
// save new root page number
updateDocRoot(((NodeId) key).getDocId(), root, kContext);
succ = true;
} catch (ChaiDBException e) {
if (e.getErrorCode() != ErrorCode.LOCK_NO_GRANT || retry == BTreeLock.MAX_RETRYS) throw e;
} finally {
public Enumeration keys(KernelContext kContext) {
Id2nodeBTreeEnumerator id2nodeBTreeEnum = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
try {
id2nodeBTreeEnum = new Id2nodeBTreeEnumerator(this, btreeSpec, getBuffer(), kContext);
} catch (ChaiDBException e) {
if (i == 2) {
return null;
} else {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
}//end for
return id2nodeBTreeEnum;
/* public Enumeration keys(int docId, KernelContext kContext) {
try {
return new Id2nodeBTreeEnumerator(this, btreeSpec, getBuffer(),docId, kContext);
}catch(ChaiDBException e) {
return null;
public void open(File dataSource, KernelContext kContext) throws ChaiDBException {
isReady = false;
initId2nodeBTree(dataSource, kContext);
super.open(dataSource, kContext);
* load root of the specified document
private PageNumber getDocRoot(int docID, KernelContext kContext) throws ChaiDBException {
PageNumber docRoot;
docRoot = (PageNumber) id2root.get(new Integer(docID));
if (docRoot != null) {
return docRoot;
Key tmpKey = new IntKey(docID);
indexBTree.acquire(kContext, READ_MODE);
byte[] bRoot = null;
try {
bRoot = (byte[]) indexBTree.lookup(tmpKey, kContext);
} finally {
if (bRoot != null) docRoot = new PageNumber(ByteTool.bytesToInt(bRoot, 0, btreeSpec.isMsbFirst()));
else docRoot = new PageNumber(BTreeSpec.INVALID_PAGENO);
synchronized (cleanIdQueue) {
if (id2root.size() >= MAX_ENTRY_NUMBERS) {
//need to kick out last entry.
Integer doc_id = null;
//Todo: cleanIdQueue.size == 0 , exist memory leak
for (int i = 0; i < KICK_NUMBERS && cleanIdQueue.size() > 0; i++) {
doc_id = (Integer) cleanIdQueue.removeLast();
id2root.put(new Integer(docID), docRoot);
cleanIdQueue.addFirst(new Integer(docID));
return docRoot;
* Called when do normal operation
private void updateDocRoot(int docID, PageNumber docRoot, KernelContext kContext) throws ChaiDBException {
int txnId = kContext.getLocker();
boolean needLog = kContext.getNeedLog();
//search key2root first
Integer idocID = new Integer(docID);
PageNumber subRoot = (PageNumber) id2root.get(idocID);
if (subRoot == null) {
Key tmpKey = new IntKey(docID);
indexBTree.acquire(kContext, READ_MODE);
byte[] bRoot = null;
try {
bRoot = (byte[]) indexBTree.lookup(tmpKey, kContext);
} finally {
if (bRoot != null) subRoot = new PageNumber(ByteTool.bytesToInt(bRoot, 0, btreeSpec.isMsbFirst()));
else subRoot = null;
if (needLog) {
BTreeSpecLogRecord logRec = new BTreeSpecLogRecord(id, subRoot == null ? -1 : subRoot.getPageNumber(), docRoot.getPageNumber(), BTreeSpecLogRecord.DOC_ROOT_PAGE_NUMBER_FLAG, txnId, docID, IDBIndex.ID2NODE_BTREE);
if (subRoot == null) id2root.put(idocID, docRoot);
else subRoot.setPageNumber(docRoot);
//This situation occurs to do commit like operation(such as delete, modify node etc)after getDocument operation
synchronized (cleanIdQueue) {
//if no txn, flush it to disk directly
if (!needLog) flushDocRoot(idocID, kContext);
else getBuffer().addChangedDoc(kContext.getLocker(), idocID, docRoot.getTreeId());
//called when a txn commits if txn exists OR btree destroy if no txn
public void flushDocRoot(Integer docID, KernelContext kContext) throws ChaiDBException {
PageNumber docRoot = (PageNumber) id2root.get(docID);
if (docRoot == null) {
//Due to dirty root don't join into clean queue, so don't be kick out.
//so there is no entry in memory, it represents it don't need be flushed.
// if (Debug.DEBUG_ID2ROOT){ //Todo: remove it
// new Throwable("doc id " + docID.intValue()).printStackTrace(System.err);
// }
/*Appended by ben zhang at aug, 14, 2002 */
IntKey tmpKey = new IntKey(docID.intValue());
try {
indexBTree.acquire(kContext, WRITE_MODE);
if (docRoot.getPageNumber() <= 0) {
indexBTree.delete(tmpKey, kContext);
} else {
indexBTree.store(tmpKey, ByteTool.intToBytes(docRoot.getPageNumber(), btreeSpec.isMsbFirst()), STORE_REPLACE, kContext);
} finally {
* Called when rolling back or recovery
public void updateDocRootForRollBack(byte[] docID, PageNumber docRoot) {
byte[] ba = new byte[4];
System.arraycopy(docID, 0, ba, 1, docID.length);
Integer idocID = new Integer(ByteTool.bytesToInt(ba, 0, btreeSpec.isMsbFirst()));
if (docRoot.getPageNumber() == BTreeSpec.INVALID_PAGENO) {
//This situation occurs to do rollback like operation(such as delete, modify node etc)after getDocument operation
synchronized (cleanIdQueue) {
PageNumber subRoot = (PageNumber) id2root.get(idocID);
if (subRoot == null) id2root.put(idocID, docRoot);
else subRoot.setPageNumber(docRoot);
synchronized (cleanIdQueue) {
public short getType() {
return IDBIndex.ID2NODE_BTREE;
private void initId2nodeBTree(File dataSource, KernelContext kContext) throws ChaiDBException {
String dir = dataSource.getAbsolutePath();
dir = dir.substring(0, dir.lastIndexOf(File.separator));
BTreeSpec indexSpec = getBuffer().getBTreeSpec(dir + File.separator + IMPLICITLY_OPEN_FILE, IDBIndex.BTREE, kContext);
indexBTree = (BTree) indexSpec.btree;
//for index tree, adopting locking the whole tree
id2root = new Hashtable();
cleanIdQueue = new LinkedList();
* Delete the subtree of a document
* //Caller codes guarantee lock this subtree(document), so that now it's unnecessary
* //to lock subtree.
* @param docId document id
* @param kContext
* @throws ChaiDBException
public void deleteSubTree(int docId, KernelContext kContext) throws ChaiDBException {
PageNumber subRoot = new PageNumber(getDocRoot(docId, kContext));
updateDocRoot(docId, new PageNumber(BTreeSpec.INVALID_PAGENO), kContext);
delSubTreeCore(subRoot, false, kContext);