package de.laures.cewolf.cpp;
import java.util.*;
import de.laures.cewolf.ChartPostProcessor;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot3D;
* A postprocessor for changing details of a Pie plot.
* <BR><b>interiorGap</b> gap between plot and exterior boundary; default is 0.05, which means 5%
* <BR><b>labelGap</b> gap between the edge of the pie and the labels, expressed as a percentage of the plot width.
* <BR><b>startAngle</b> angle at which to start drawing; default is 0
* <BR><b>showSectionLabels</b> whether or not to show labels for the pie sections; default is true.
* In lieu of labels it's possible to use a legend.
* <BR><b>simpleLabels</b> whether or not to use simple labels on the pie sections; default is false, which means
* to move the labels away from the chart, and to draw a line to the associated pie section
* <BR><b>explode_</b> breaks a particular section of the pie out of it; the distance it is moved out is appended
* to the "explode_" as a percentage, e.g. "explode_0.25"; the value being passed is the name of the section.
* More than one section can be broken out, but since there can be no two parameters with the same name,
* slightly different percentages must be used; see the usage example below. Note that 3D pie charts do not support
* exploded sections.
* <P>
* <b>Usage:</b><P>
* <chart:chartpostprocessor id="pieEnhancer"><BR>
* <chart:param name="interiorGap" value="0.25" /><BR>
* <chart:param name="labelGap" value="0.05" /><BR>
* <chart:param name="startAngle" value="30" /><BR>
* <chart:param name="showSectionLabels" value="true"/><BR>
* <chart:param name="simpleLabels" value="true" /><BR>
* <chart:param name="explode_0.25" value="apples" /><BR>
* <chart:param name="explode_0.26" value="bananas" /><BR>
* </chart:chartpostprocessor>
public class PieEnhancer implements ChartPostProcessor, Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2295977907208852725L;
public void processChart (Object chart, Map params) {
Plot plot = ((JFreeChart) chart).getPlot();
if (plot instanceof PiePlot) {
PiePlot piePlot = (PiePlot) plot;
double interiorGap = piePlot.getInteriorGap();
double labelGap = piePlot.getLabelGap();
double startAngle = piePlot.getStartAngle();
boolean simpleLabels = piePlot.getSimpleLabels();
boolean showSectionLabels = piePlot.getLabelGenerator() != null;
String str = (String) params.get("interiorGap");
if (str != null) {
try {
interiorGap = Double.parseDouble(str);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
str = (String) params.get("labelGap");
if (str != null) {
try {
labelGap = Double.parseDouble(str);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
str = (String) params.get("startAngle");
if (str != null) {
try {
startAngle = Double.parseDouble(str);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
str = (String) params.get("simpleLabels");
if (str != null)
simpleLabels = "true".equals(str);
str = (String) params.get("showSectionLabels");
if (str != null)
showSectionLabels = "true".equals(str);
if (! showSectionLabels)
// The following section deals with whether individual pie sections are exploded or not.
// Although PiePlot3D extends PiePlot, it does not support exploded sections.
if (! (plot instanceof PiePlot3D)) {
PieDataset ds = piePlot.getDataset();
for (Iterator paramIter=params.entrySet().iterator(); paramIter.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
String paramKey = (String) entry.getKey();
if (paramKey.startsWith("explode_")) {
double explodePercent = Double.valueOf(paramKey.substring(8)).doubleValue();
String paramValue = (String) entry.getValue();
for (Iterator keyIter=ds.getKeys().iterator(); keyIter.hasNext(); ) {
Comparable key = (Comparable);
if (key.equals(paramValue)) {
piePlot.setExplodePercent(key, explodePercent);