package de.laures.cewolf.cpp;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.Map;
import de.laures.cewolf.ChartPostProcessor;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.*;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.*;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.*;
import de.laures.cewolf.jfree.XYConditionRenderer;
* A postprocessor for controlling the appearance of shapes at data points
* for use with XYPlot (XYConditionRenderer) and CategoryPlot (LineAndShapeRenderer).
* <BR><b>shapes</b> whether or not to draw shapes at data points; default false
* <BR><b>outline</b> whether to draw shapes as outlines or solid; default false (i.e., solid)
* <BR><b>useFillPaint</b> whether to use the fill paint to draw the interior of shapes; default false
* <BR><b>fillPaint</b> the color to be used for interior of shapes; default: the line color
* <BR><b>useOutlinePaint</b> whether to use the outline paint to draw the outline of shapes; default false
* <BR><b>outlinePaint</b> the color to be used for outline of shapes; default: the line color
* <BR><b>shapeVisibleCondition</b>; optional, (for XY plots only)
* <BR><b>shapeFilledCondition</b>; optional, (for XY plots only)
* <P>
* <b>Usage</b><P>
* <code>
* <cewolf:chartpostprocessor id="lineRenderer"><BR>
* <cewolf:param name="shapes" value="true" /><BR>
* <cewolf:param name="outline" value="true" /><BR>
* <cewolf:param name="useFillPaint" value="true" /><BR>
* <cewolf:param name="fillPaint" value="#FFFFFF" /><BR>
* <cewolf:param name="useOutlinePaint" value="true" /><BR>
* <cewolf:param name="outlinePaint" value="#000000" /><BR>
* <cewolf:param name="shapeVisibleCondition" value="..." /><BR>
* <cewolf:param name="shapeFilledCondition" value="..." /><BR>
* </cewolf:chartpostprocessor>
* </code>
* <P>
* <b>Conditional expressions for shapeFilledCondition and shapeVisibleCondition</b><P>
* Must a mathematical/logical expression that evaluates to true or false.<BR>
* Several variables are available that can be used in the expression:<BR>
* "x" - the x value of the point<BR>
* "y" - the y value of the point<BR>
* "i" - the index of the current point; 0 ≤ i < number of points in the series<BR>
* "s" - the index of the series if there is more than one; 0 ≤ s < number of series<P>
* Furthermore, numerous operators and functions can be used:<BR>
* + - * / ^ % sin() cos() tan() asin() acos() atan() exp() ln() sqrt() cond(,,) min() max()<BR>
* cond works somewhat like the "a ? b : c" construct in C and Java. The 1st argument should evaluate<BR>
* to true or false (the numerical comparison operators can be used); if it's true,<BR>
* cond evaluates to the 2nd argument, otherwise to the 3rd.<BR>
* "PI" and "E" are predefined to be the corresponding mathematical constants.<BR>
* Here's an EBNF of the expressions this class understands:<BR>
* expr: ['-' | '+' ] term {'+' term | '-' term}.<BR>
* term: factor {'*' factor | '/' factor | '%' factor}.<BR>
* factor: primary {'^' factor}.<BR>
* compExpr: ['-' | '+' ] term compOper term<BR>
* compOper: '=' | '<' | '>' | '<>' | '<=' | '>='<BR>
* primary: number | '(' expr ')' | 'sin' '(' expr ')' | 'cos' '(' expr ')' | 'tan' '(' expr ')' |<BR>
* 'exp' '(' expr ')' | 'ln' '(' expr ')' | 'atan' '(' expr ')'| 'acos' '(' expr ')' |<BR>
* 'sqrt' '(' expr ')' | 'cond' '(' compExpr ',' expr ',' expr ')' | 'asin' '(' expr ')'<BR>
* 'min' '(' expr (',' expr) * ')' | 'max' '(' expr (',' expr) * ')' |<BR>
* 'and' '(' expr (',' expr) * ')' | 'or' '(' expr (',' expr) * ')' | 'not' '(' expr ')' | variable <BR>
* variable: [a-zA-Z]+<BR>
* number: intnumber | realnumber.<BR>
* realnumber: [ intnumber ] . [ intnumber ].<BR>
* intnumber: digit {digit}.<BR>
* digit: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | ... | 9<BR>
* <b>Examples</b><P>
* <code>and (x>=0, y>=0)</code> - true for all points in the upper right quadrant<BR>
* <code>or (i>=10, i<=20)</code> - true for points no. 10 through 20 <BR>
public class LineRendererProcessor implements ChartPostProcessor, Serializable
static final long serialVersionUID = -1915129061254557434L;
public void processChart (Object chart, Map params) {
JFreeChart localChart = (JFreeChart) chart;
Plot plot = (Plot) localChart.getPlot();
if (plot instanceof CategoryPlot) {
CategoryPlot catPlot = (CategoryPlot) plot;
CategoryItemRenderer ciRenderer = catPlot.getRenderer();
if (ciRenderer instanceof LineAndShapeRenderer) {
LineAndShapeRenderer lasRenderer = (LineAndShapeRenderer) ciRenderer;
boolean shapes = false;
String str = (String) params.get("shapes");
if (str != null)
shapes = "true".equals(str);
boolean outline = false;
str = (String) params.get("outline");
if (str != null)
outline = "true".equals(str);
boolean useFillPaint = false;
str = (String) params.get("useFillPaint");
if (str != null)
useFillPaint = "true".equals(str);
if (useFillPaint) {
str = (String) params.get("fillPaint");
if (str != null && str.trim().length() > 0) {
try {
Color fillPaint = Color.decode(str);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
boolean useOutlinePaint = false;
str = (String) params.get("useOutlinePaint");
if (str != null)
useOutlinePaint = "true".equals(str);
if (useOutlinePaint) {
str = (String) params.get("outlinePaint");
if (str != null && str.trim().length() > 0) {
try {
Color outlinePaint = Color.decode(str);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
} else if (plot instanceof XYPlot) {
XYPlot xyPlot = (XYPlot) plot;
XYItemRenderer xyRenderer = xyPlot.getRenderer();
if (xyRenderer instanceof XYConditionRenderer) {
XYConditionRenderer xyCondRender = (XYConditionRenderer) xyRenderer;
boolean shapes = false;
String str = (String) params.get("shapes");
if (str != null)
shapes = "true".equals(str);
boolean outline = false;
str = (String) params.get("outline");
if (str != null)
outline = "true".equals(str);
boolean useFillPaint = false;
str = (String) params.get("useFillPaint");
if (str != null)
useFillPaint = "true".equals(str);
if (useFillPaint) {
str = (String) params.get("fillPaint");
if (str != null && str.trim().length() > 0) {
try {
Color fillPaint = Color.decode(str);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
boolean useOutlinePaint = false;
str = (String) params.get("useOutlinePaint");
if (str != null)
useOutlinePaint = "true".equals(str);
if (useOutlinePaint) {
str = (String) params.get("outlinePaint");
if (str != null && str.trim().length() > 0) {
try {
Color outlinePaint = Color.decode(str);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
str = (String) params.get("shapeVisibleCondition");
if (str != null)
str = (String) params.get("shapeFilledCondition");
if (str != null)