package de.laures.cewolf.cpp;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.util.Map;
import de.laures.cewolf.ChartPostProcessor;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.dial.*;
* A postprocessor for changing details of a Dial plot.
* <BR><b>pointerType</b> "pin" or "pointer"; default pointer
* <BR><b>dialText</b> text to display on the dial; optional
* <BR><b>lowerBound</b> optional; default 0; starting value for the scale
* <BR><b>upperBound</b> optional; default 100; end value for the scale
* <BR><b>majorTickIncrement</b> optional; default 10; value increment between major tick marks
* <BR><b>minorTickCount</b> optional; default 4; minor tick marks to put between major tick marks
* <P>
* Usage:<P>
* <chart:chartpostprocessor id="dialEnhancer"><BR>
* <chart:param name="pointerType" value="pin"/><BR>
* <chart:param name="dialText" value="(km/h)"/><BR>
* <chart:param name="lowerBound" value="0.1"/><BR>
* <chart:param name="upperBound" value="0.1"/><BR>
* <chart:param name="majorTickIncrement" value="20"/><BR>
* <chart:param name="minorTickCount" value="9"/><BR>
* </chart:chartpostprocessor>
// TODO: capFill, capRadius and capOutline don't work yet
* <BR><b>capFill</b> optional; default #000000 (i.e., black)
* <BR><b>capOutline</b> optional; default #FFFFFF (i.e., white)
* <BR><b>capRadius</b> optional; 0.0 < radius < 1.0; default 0.05
* <chart:param name="capFill" value="#FF8800"/><BR>
* <chart:param name="capOutline" value="#0088FF"/><BR>
* <chart:param name="capRadius" value="0.1"/><BR>
public class DialEnhancer implements ChartPostProcessor, Serializable
static final long serialVersionUID = 6708371054518325470L;
public void processChart (Object chart, Map params) {
String pointerType = "pointer";
String dialText = null;
Color capFillPaint = new Color(0, 0, 0);
Color capOutlinePaint = new Color(255, 255, 255);
double capRadius = 0.05;
boolean setCap = false;
double lowerBound = 0.0;
double upperBound = 100.0;
double majorTickIncrement = 10.0;
int minorTickCount = 4;
boolean setScale = false;
String str = (String) params.get("pointerType");
if (str != null && str.trim().length() > 0)
pointerType = str.trim();
str = (String) params.get("dialText");
if (str != null && str.trim().length() > 0)
dialText = str.trim();
str = (String) params.get("capRadius");
if (str != null) {
try {
capRadius = Double.parseDouble(str);
setCap = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
str = (String) params.get("capFill");
if (str != null && str.trim().length() > 0) {
try {
capFillPaint = Color.decode(str);
setCap = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
str = (String) params.get("capOutline");
if (str != null && str.trim().length() > 0) {
try {
capOutlinePaint = Color.decode(str);
setCap = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
str = (String) params.get("lowerBound");
if (str != null) {
try {
lowerBound = Double.parseDouble(str);
setScale = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
str = (String) params.get("upperBound");
if (str != null) {
try {
upperBound = Double.parseDouble(str);
setScale = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
str = (String) params.get("majorTickIncrement");
if (str != null) {
try {
majorTickIncrement = Double.parseDouble(str);
setScale = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
str = (String) params.get("minorTickCount");
if (str != null) {
try {
minorTickCount = Integer.parseInt(str);
setScale = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { }
Plot plot = ((JFreeChart) chart).getPlot();
if (plot instanceof DialPlot) {
DialPlot dplot = (DialPlot) plot;
if ("pin".equals(pointerType)) {
dplot.addPointer(new DialPointer.Pin());
} else if ("pointer".equals(pointerType)) {
dplot.addPointer(new DialPointer.Pointer());
if (setCap) {
DialCap cap = new DialCap();
if (setScale) {
StandardDialScale scale = (StandardDialScale) dplot.getScale(0);
if (dialText != null) {
DialTextAnnotation annotation = new DialTextAnnotation(dialText);
annotation.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 10));