* $RCSfile: SyncFacade.java,v $ $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2005/09/07 21:57:11 $ - $Author: mcallist $
* The contents of this file are subject to the Open Software License
* Version 2.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.centraview.com/opensource/license.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is: CentraView Open Source.
* The developer of the Original Code is CentraView. Portions of the
* Original Code created by CentraView are Copyright (c) 2004 CentraView,
* LLC; All Rights Reserved. The terms "CentraView" and the CentraView
* logos are trademarks and service marks of CentraView, LLC.
package com.centraview.sync;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import javax.naming.CommunicationException;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import com.centraview.activity.ActivityForm;
import com.centraview.activity.activityfacade.ActivityFacade;
import com.centraview.activity.activityfacade.ActivityFacadeHome;
import com.centraview.activity.helper.ActivityVO;
import com.centraview.activity.helper.ActivityVOX;
import com.centraview.administration.authorization.Authorization;
import com.centraview.administration.authorization.AuthorizationHome;
import com.centraview.administration.authorization.ModuleFieldRightMatrix;
import com.centraview.common.CVUtility;
import com.centraview.common.UserObject;
import com.centraview.common.UserPrefererences;
import com.centraview.login.LoginHome;
import com.centraview.syncfacade.SyncFacadeHome;
public class SyncFacade {
private String dataSource = null;
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SyncFacade.class);
* Creates an instance of the LoginEJB and authenticates the user for the Sync
* component of CentraView. This method is called from one place, the Login
* action (SyncLogin.do). It gets the userName and password from the LoginForm
* object and validates using the LoginEJB.authenticateUser() method. It then
* stores a sessionID string in the UserObject in the HttpSession and prints
* the System Date/Time and sessionID to the HttpServletResponse.
* @param form The LoginForm object passed from the Login Action class
* @param request The HttpServletRequest object passed from the Login Action
* class
* @param response The HttpServletResponse object passed from the Login Action
* classs
* @return boolean: true for successful login, false for unsuccessul
public boolean doLogin(ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException
String userName = new String("");
String password = new String("");
PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();
if (form != null) {
// use the LoginForm bean to get the username and password
LoginForm LoginForm = (LoginForm)form;
userName = LoginForm.getUserName();
password = LoginForm.getPassword();
} else {
// if the form wasn't submitted, then the process failed, so return false
return (false);
try {
LoginHome lh = (LoginHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject("com.centraview.login.LoginHome", "Login");
com.centraview.login.Login remote = lh.create();
HashMap loginResult = remote.authenticateUser(userName, password);
if (!loginResult.containsKey("error")) {
// login was successful, generate a sessionID and stick it in the
// HttpSession UserObject
// then generate a sesionID
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
String sessionID = session.getId();
// next, create a UserObject, and pass the sessionID to it
String uoIndividualID = (String)loginResult.get("individualid");
String uoFirstName = (String)loginResult.get("firstName");
String uoLastName = (String)loginResult.get("lastName");
String uoUserType = (String)loginResult.get("type");
UserObject userObject = remote.getUserObject(Integer.parseInt(uoIndividualID),
uoFirstName, uoLastName, uoUserType);
// Please note that the next line has a severe mis-spelling on it.
// The class name was mis-spelled when it was created, and it was
// never fixed. So please be careful when trying to use the class
// "UserPrefererences" - make sure you spell it wrong intentionally
UserPrefererences userPrefs = userObject.getUserPref();
AuthorizationHome authHome = (AuthorizationHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject(
"com.centraview.administration.authorization.AuthorizationHome", "Authorization");
Authorization authRemote = authHome.create();
ModuleFieldRightMatrix rightsMatrix = authRemote.getUserSecurityProfileMatrix(userObject
if (!rightsMatrix.isModuleVisible("Synchronize")) {
return (false);
// now, save the userObject in the request session
session.setAttribute("userobject", userObject);
// print the server date/time and sessionID
Date date = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
String currentDateTime = dateFormatter.format(date);
writer.print(currentDateTime + "\n" + sessionID);
return (true);
return (false);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("[Exception] SyncFacade.doLogin ", e);
return (false);
} // end try/catach
} // end doLogin()
* ********************************* ACTIVITIES RELATED CODE STARTS *
* *********************************
* ****************************** Appointment Start
* *******************************
* This method adds appointment to DataBase
public String addActivity(ActivityForm form, int userId) throws CommunicationException,
int results = 0;
ActivityVOX activityVOX = new ActivityVOX(form);
ActivityVO activityVO = activityVOX.getVO();
ActivityFacadeHome activityFacade = (ActivityFacadeHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject(
"com.centraview.activity.activityfacade.ActivityFacadeHome", "ActivityFacade");
try {
String entityName = form.getLinkCompany();
if (entityName != null && !entityName.equals("")) {
// first, check to see if a entity with a matching name exists
// if yes, then associate this invidivual with that entity
// if no, then create a new entity, and associate this individual with
// that entity
SyncFacadeHome syncHome = (SyncFacadeHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject(
"com.centraview.syncfacade.SyncFacadeHome", "SyncFacade");
com.centraview.syncfacade.SyncFacade sfremote = syncHome.create();
int newEntityID = sfremote.findCompanyNameMatch(entityName, userId);
ActivityFacade remote = activityFacade.create();
results = remote.addActivity(activityVO, userId);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("[Exception] SyncFacade.addActivity ", e);
return ("FAIL");
return Integer.toString(results);
* This method update the appointment to DataBase
public String updateActivity(ActivityForm form, int userId) throws CommunicationException,
ActivityVOX activityVOX = new ActivityVOX(form);
ActivityVO activityVO = activityVOX.getVO();
ActivityFacadeHome activityFacade = (ActivityFacadeHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject(
"com.centraview.activity.activityfacade.ActivityFacadeHome", "ActivityFacade");
try {
ActivityFacade remote = activityFacade.create();
remote.updateActivity(activityVO, userId);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("[Exception] SyncFacade.updateActivity ", e);
return ("FAIL");
return ("OK");
* Returns a fully populated <code>ActivityVO</code> object representing the
* Activity record for the given <code>activityId</code>.
* @param activityId The activityID of the activity record being requested.
* @param userId The <strong>IndividualID</strong> of the user who is
* requesting the data.
* @return A fully populated <code>ActivityVO</code> object
public ActivityVO getActivity(int activityId, int userId)
throws CommunicationException, NamingException
ActivityVO vo = null;
ActivityFacadeHome activityFacade = (ActivityFacadeHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject(
"com.centraview.activity.activityfacade.ActivityFacadeHome", "ActivityFacade");
try {
ActivityFacade remote = activityFacade.create();
vo = remote.getActivity(activityId, userId);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("[Exception] SyncFacade.getActivity ", e);
return vo;
* I have added this method to get the ActivityType of an existing activity.
* The current scheme insists that you know the activity type BEFORE obtaining
* the Activity Information.
* @param activityID The ID of the activity.
* @return An int with the activity type. -1 if the activity type isn't set.
public int getActivityType(int activityID)
int returnValue = -1;
try {
ActivityFacadeHome activityFacade = (ActivityFacadeHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject(
"com.centraview.activity.activityfacade.ActivityFacadeHome", "ActivityFacade");
ActivityFacade remote = activityFacade.create();
returnValue = remote.getActivityType(activityID);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("[Exception] SyncFacade.getActivityType ", e);
return returnValue;
} // end of getActivityType method
* this method delete the activity // OK for success // FAIL for failure
public String deleteActivity(int individualID, String activityIDString, boolean adminstratorUserFlag) throws CommunicationException, NamingException
ActivityFacadeHome aa = (ActivityFacadeHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject(
"com.centraview.activity.activityfacade.ActivityFacadeHome", "ActivityFacade");
try {
int activityID = Integer.parseInt(activityIDString);
AuthorizationHome authHome = (AuthorizationHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject(
"com.centraview.administration.authorization.AuthorizationHome", "Authorization");
Authorization authorizationLocal = authHome.create();
HashMap ownerInfo = authorizationLocal.getOwner("Activities", activityID);
String ownerIDString = ownerInfo.get("id").toString();
int ownerID = -1;
if (ownerIDString != null && !ownerIDString.equals("")) {
ownerID = Integer.parseInt(ownerIDString);
ActivityFacade remote = aa.create();
if (adminstratorUserFlag == true && ownerID != -1 && individualID != ownerID) {
remote.deleteIndividualFromAttendee(activityID, individualID);
} else {
remote.deleteActivity(activityID, individualID);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("[Exception] SyncFacade.deleteActivity ", e);
return ("FAIL");
return activityIDString;
* ******************************* ACTIVITIES RELATED CODE ENDS *
* *******************************
* @author Kevin McAllister <kevin@centraview.com> This simply sets the target
* datasource to be used for DB interaction
* @param ds A string that contains the cannonical JNDI name of the datasource
public void setDataSource(String ds)
this.dataSource = ds;
} // end class SyncFacade definition