* $RCSfile: OpportunityForm.java,v $ $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2005/09/07 19:35:56 $ - $Author: mcallist $
* The contents of this file are subject to the Open Software License
* Version 2.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.centraview.com/opensource/license.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is: CentraView Open Source.
* The developer of the Original Code is CentraView. Portions of the
* Original Code created by CentraView are Copyright (c) 2004 CentraView,
* LLC; All Rights Reserved. The terms "CentraView" and the CentraView
* logos are trademarks and service marks of CentraView, LLC.
package com.centraview.sale;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages;
import com.centraview.common.Validation;
public class OpportunityForm extends ActionForm {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OpportunityForm.class);
private String opportunityid;
private String activityid;
private String title;
private String description;
private String entityid;
private String entityname;
private String individualid;
private String individualname;
private String sourceid = "0";
private String sourcename;
private String statusid;
private String statusname;
private String stageid;
private String stagename;
private String opportunitytypeid;
private String opportunitytypename;
private String totalamount = "0.00";
// Since the requirement for new Opportunity to select 100% probability thats
// why defaulting to 12 which will internally pick 100%
private String probabilityid = "12";
private String probabilityname;
private String forecastedamount = "0.00";
private String estimatedcloseday;
private String estimatedclosemonth;
private String estimatedcloseyear;
private java.sql.Date estimatedclose;
private java.sql.Date actualclose;
private String actualcloseday;
private String actualclosemonth;
private String actualcloseyear;
private String acctmgrid = "0";
private String acctmgrname;
private String acctteamid;
private String acctteamname;
private String createddate;
private String modifieddate;
private String createdby;
private String modifiedby;
private String createdbyname;
private String modifiedbyname;
public String getAcctmgrid()
return this.acctmgrid;
public void setAcctmgrid(String acctmgrid)
this.acctmgrid = acctmgrid;
public String getAcctmgrname()
return this.acctmgrname;
public void setAcctmgrname(String acctmgrname)
this.acctmgrname = acctmgrname;
public String getAcctteamid()
return this.acctteamid;
public void setAcctteamid(String acctteamid)
this.acctteamid = acctteamid;
public String getAcctteamname()
return this.acctteamname;
public void setAcctteamname(String acctteamname)
this.acctteamname = acctteamname;
public java.sql.Date getActualclose()
return this.actualclose;
public void setActualclose(java.sql.Date actualclose)
this.actualclose = actualclose;
public String getActualcloseday()
return this.actualcloseday;
public void setActualcloseday(String actualcloseday)
this.actualcloseday = actualcloseday;
public String getActualclosemonth()
return this.actualclosemonth;
public void setActualclosemonth(String actualclosemonth)
this.actualclosemonth = actualclosemonth;
public String getActualcloseyear()
return this.actualcloseyear;
public void setActualcloseyear(String actualcloseyear)
this.actualcloseyear = actualcloseyear;
public String getCreateddate()
return this.createddate;
public void setCreateddate(String createddate)
this.createddate = createddate;
public String getDescription()
return this.description;
public void setDescription(String description)
this.description = description;
public String getEntityid()
return this.entityid;
public void setEntityid(String entityid)
this.entityid = entityid;
public String getEntityname()
return this.entityname;
public void setEntityname(String entityname)
this.entityname = entityname;
public java.sql.Date getEstimatedclose()
return this.estimatedclose;
public void setEstimatedclose(java.sql.Date estimatedclose)
this.estimatedclose = estimatedclose;
public String getEstimatedcloseday()
return this.estimatedcloseday;
public void setEstimatedcloseday(String estimatedcloseday)
this.estimatedcloseday = estimatedcloseday;
public String getEstimatedclosemonth()
return this.estimatedclosemonth;
public void setEstimatedclosemonth(String estimatedclosemonth)
this.estimatedclosemonth = estimatedclosemonth;
public String getEstimatedcloseyear()
return this.estimatedcloseyear;
public void setEstimatedcloseyear(String estimatedcloseyear)
this.estimatedcloseyear = estimatedcloseyear;
public String getForecastedamount()
return this.forecastedamount;
public void setForecastedamount(String forecastedamount)
this.forecastedamount = forecastedamount;
public String getIndividualid()
return this.individualid;
public void setIndividualid(String individualid)
this.individualid = individualid;
public String getIndividualname()
return this.individualname;
public void setIndividualname(String individualname)
this.individualname = individualname;
public String getModifieddate()
return this.modifieddate;
public void setModifieddate(String modifieddate)
this.modifieddate = modifieddate;
public String getOpportunityid()
return this.opportunityid;
public void setOpportunityid(String opportunityid)
this.opportunityid = opportunityid;
public String getOpportunitytypeid()
return this.opportunitytypeid;
public void setOpportunitytypeid(String opportunitytypeid)
this.opportunitytypeid = opportunitytypeid;
public String getOpportunitytypename()
return this.opportunitytypename;
public void setOpportunitytypename(String opportunitytypename)
this.opportunitytypename = opportunitytypename;
public String getProbabilityid()
return this.probabilityid;
public void setProbabilityid(String probabilityid)
this.probabilityid = probabilityid;
public String getProbabilityname()
return this.probabilityname;
public void setProbabilityname(String probabilityname)
this.probabilityname = probabilityname;
public String getSourceid()
return this.sourceid;
public void setSourceid(String sourceid)
this.sourceid = sourceid;
public String getSourcename()
return this.sourcename;
public void setSourcename(String sourcename)
this.sourcename = sourcename;
public String getStageid()
return this.stageid;
public void setStageid(String stageid)
this.stageid = stageid;
public String getStagename()
return this.stagename;
public void setStagename(String stagename)
this.stagename = stagename;
public String getStatusid()
return this.statusid;
public void setStatusid(String statusid)
this.statusid = statusid;
public String getStatusname()
return this.statusname;
public void setStatusname(String statusname)
this.statusname = statusname;
public String getTitle()
return this.title;
public void setTitle(String title)
this.title = title;
public String getTotalamount()
return this.totalamount;
public void setTotalamount(String totalamount)
this.totalamount = totalamount;
public String getCreatedby()
return this.createdby;
public void setCreatedby(String createdby)
this.createdby = createdby;
public String getModifiedby()
return this.modifiedby;
public void setModifiedby(String modifiedby)
this.modifiedby = modifiedby;
* Validates user input data.
* @param mapping ActionMapping
* @param request HttpServletRequest
* @return ActionErrors
public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request)
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
try {
Validation validation = new Validation();
// title
if (this.getTitle() == null || this.getTitle().trim().length() <= 0) {
errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.general.requiredField", "Title"));
// entity
if (this.getEntityname() == null || this.getEntityname().trim().length() <= 0) {
errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.general.requiredField", "Entity"));
// total amount
if ((this.getTotalamount() != null) && !this.getTotalamount().trim().equals("")) {
String Totalamount = this.getTotalamount();
Totalamount = Totalamount.replaceAll(",", "");
// forecasted amount
if ((this.getForecastedamount() != null) && !this.getForecastedamount().trim().equals("")) {
String ForecastedAmount = this.getForecastedamount();
ForecastedAmount = ForecastedAmount.replaceAll(",", "");
// redirect to jsp if errors present
if (errors != null) {
request.setAttribute(SaleConstantKeys.CURRENTTAB, SaleConstantKeys.DETAIL);
request.setAttribute(SaleConstantKeys.TYPEOFOPERATION, request.getParameter(SaleConstantKeys.TYPEOFOPERATION));
request.setAttribute(SaleConstantKeys.WINDOWID, request.getParameter(SaleConstantKeys.WINDOWID));
// set request parameter as set in viewhandler and newhandler
request.setAttribute("opportunityeform", this);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("[validate]: Exception", e);
return errors;
public String getCreatedbyname()
return this.createdbyname;
public void setCreatedbyname(String createdbyname)
this.createdbyname = createdbyname;
public String getModifiedbyname()
return this.modifiedbyname;
public void setModifiedbyname(String modifiedbyname)
this.modifiedbyname = modifiedbyname;
public String getActivityid()
return this.activityid;
public void setActivityid(String activityid)
this.activityid = activityid;
} // end of OpportunityForm class