Package com.centraview.mail

Source Code of com.centraview.mail.ReplyHandler

* $RCSfile:,v $    $Revision: 1.4 $  $Date: 2005/09/07 19:38:09 $ - $Author: mcallist $
* The contents of this file are subject to the Open Software License
* Version 2.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is: CentraView Open Source.
* The developer of the Original Code is CentraView.  Portions of the
* Original Code created by CentraView are Copyright (c) 2004 CentraView,
* LLC; All Rights Reserved.  The terms "CentraView" and the CentraView
* logos are trademarks and service marks of CentraView, LLC.

package com.centraview.mail;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.naming.CommunicationException;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages;
import org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm;

import com.centraview.common.CVUtility;
import com.centraview.common.DDNameValue;
import com.centraview.common.UserObject;
import com.centraview.common.UserPrefererences;
import com.centraview.file.CvFileException;
import com.centraview.file.CvFileFacade;
import com.centraview.file.CvFileVO;
import com.centraview.file.CvFolderVO;
import com.centraview.settings.Settings;

* This class handles the request sent from the "Reply" and "Reply To All"
* buttons on the email message detail screen. This will populate a
* DynaActionForm bean ("composeMailForm"), with the details of the original
* message, and forward to com.centraview.mail.ComposeHandler.
* @author CentraView, LLC.
public class ReplyHandler extends org.apache.struts.action.Action {
  private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ReplyHandler.class);

  public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws RuntimeException, IOException, ServletException, CommunicationException, NamingException
    String dataSource = Settings.getInstance().getSiteInfo(CVUtility.getHostName(super.getServlet().getServletContext())).getDataSource();

    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    UserObject userObject = (UserObject) session.getAttribute("userobject");

    int individualID = userObject.getIndividualID(); // logged in user

    ActionErrors allErrors = new ActionErrors();
    String forward = "displayComposeForm";
    String errorForward = "errorOccurred";

    // "composeMailForm", defined in struts-config-email.xml
    DynaActionForm emailForm = (DynaActionForm) form;
    MailHome home = (MailHome) CVUtility.getHomeObject("com.centraview.mail.MailHome", "Mail");

    try {
      // get the message ID from the form bean
      Integer messageID = (Integer) emailForm.get("messageID");

      // now, check the message ID on the form...
      if (messageID == null || messageID.intValue() <= 0) {
        // if Message ID is not set on the form, then there is
        // no point in continuing forward. Show user the door. :-)
        allErrors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.general.requiredField", "Message ID"));
        return (mapping.findForward(errorForward));

      Mail remote = home.create();
      MailMessageVO messageVO = remote.getEmailMessageVO(individualID, messageID.intValue());

      // set the subject on the form bean. Don't forget to prepend "Re: "
      String prevSubject = messageVO.getSubject();
      StringBuffer newSubject = new StringBuffer("");
      if (prevSubject != null && prevSubject.length() > 0) {
        if ((prevSubject.toLowerCase()).startsWith("re: ")) {
          // If the subject already has "Re:" pre-pended,
          // do not add another "Re:"
        } else {
          newSubject.append("Re: " + prevSubject);
      } else {
        newSubject.append("Re: your message");
      emailForm.set("subject", newSubject.toString());

      String linebreak = "\n";
      UserPrefererences userPref = userObject.getUserPref();
      if ((userPref.getContentType()).equals("HTML")) {
        linebreak = "<br>\n";

      StringBuffer body = new StringBuffer();
      body.append(linebreak + linebreak + "---- Original Message: ----" + linebreak);
      body.append("From: " + messageVO.getFromAddress() + linebreak);
      body.append("Sent: " + messageVO.getReceivedDate() + linebreak);
      body.append("Subject: " + messageVO.getSubject() + linebreak + linebreak);

      // if the original message is an HTML message, we can only quote
      // it if the user is using IE (with HTMLArea). Otherwise, we need
      // to attach the original message as an attachment to the new message
      boolean saveOrigBodyAsAttachment = false;
      String originalBody = messageVO.getBody();
      originalBody = originalBody.replaceAll("\r", "");
      originalBody = originalBody.replaceAll("\n", linebreak);


      String messageBody = body.toString();
      emailForm.set("body", messageBody);

      // we always reply with the From: address as the new To: address
      // keep in mind that we should use ReplyTo: if it was supplied
      String from = messageVO.getFromAddress();
      String replyTo = messageVO.getReplyTo();
      if (replyTo != null && replyTo.length() > 0) {
        emailForm.set("to", replyTo);
      } else {
        emailForm.set("to", from);

      Boolean replyToAll = (Boolean) emailForm.get("replyToAll");
      if (replyToAll != null && replyToAll.booleanValue()) {
        // if we're replying to all recipients, we put all
        // the previous To: addresses and Cc: addresses in
        // the new Cc: field
        StringBuffer cc = new StringBuffer();

        ArrayList toList = (ArrayList) messageVO.getToList();

        // make sure to add a , between the first set of addresses,
        // and the second set, if the first set was not empty
        if (cc.length() > 0) {
          cc.append(", ");

        ArrayList ccList = (ArrayList) messageVO.getCcList();

        emailForm.set("cc", cc.toString());
      } // end if (replyToAll != null && replyToAll.booleanValue())

      ArrayList attachmentMap = new ArrayList();
      if (saveOrigBodyAsAttachment) {
        CvFolderVO attachmentFolderVO = remote.getAttachmentFolder(individualID);
        int attachmentFolderID = attachmentFolderVO.getFolderId();
        int newFileID = -1;

        // somehow create a file using CvFileFacade, and get a CvFileVO from
        // that.
        CvFileVO fileVO = new CvFileVO();
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM_dd_yyyy_hh_mm_ss_S");
        String prependDate = df.format(new Date());
        fileVO.setName("OriginalMessage_#" + messageID.intValue() + "_" + prependDate + ".html");
        fileVO.setTitle("OriginalMessage_#" + messageID.intValue());
        fileVO.setFileSize(0.0f); // float

        ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(originalBody.getBytes());

        try {
          CvFileFacade fileFacade = new CvFileFacade();
          newFileID = fileFacade.addFile(individualID, attachmentFolderID, fileVO, inputStream, dataSource);
        } catch (CvFileException cfe) {
          // I guess do nothing

        if (newFileID > 0) {
          // Add the CvFileVO to attachmentList, and the following line for the
          // attachmentMap
          String strFileID = String.valueOf(newFileID);
          String strFileName = "OriginalMessage_" + messageID.intValue();

          attachmentMap.add(new DDNameValue(strFileID + "#" + strFileName, strFileName));
      } // end if (saveOrigBodyAsAttachment)

      if (!attachmentMap.isEmpty()) {
        emailForm.set("attachmentList", attachmentMap);

    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("[Exception] ReplyHandler.Execute Handler ", e);
    return (mapping.findForward(forward));
  } // end execute() method

   * Takes an ArrayList if InternetAddress objects, and converts it into a
   * comma-delimited String represenation of those addresses.
   * @param addressList ArrayList of InternetAddress objects.
   * @return Comma-delimited String of addresses.
  private String appendCcAddresses(ArrayList addressList)
    StringBuffer addresses = new StringBuffer();
    Iterator iter = addressList.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      InternetAddress address = (InternetAddress);
      if (iter.hasNext()) {
        addresses.append(", ");
    return (addresses.toString());
  } // end appendCcAddresses(ArrayList)
} // end class definition

Related Classes of com.centraview.mail.ReplyHandler

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