* $RCSfile: PurchaseOrderForm.java,v $ $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2005/09/07 19:38:09 $ - $Author: mcallist $
* The contents of this file are subject to the Open Software License
* Version 2.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.centraview.com/opensource/license.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is: CentraView Open Source.
* The developer of the Original Code is CentraView. Portions of the
* Original Code created by CentraView are Copyright (c) 2004 CentraView,
* LLC; All Rights Reserved. The terms "CentraView" and the CentraView
* logos are trademarks and service marks of CentraView, LLC.
package com.centraview.account.purchaseorder;
// java import package
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages;
import org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources;
import com.centraview.account.common.AccountConstantKeys;
import com.centraview.account.common.ItemElement;
import com.centraview.account.common.ItemLines;
import com.centraview.common.FloatMember;
import com.centraview.common.IntMember;
import com.centraview.common.StringMember;
import com.centraview.common.Validation;
public class PurchaseOrderForm extends org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm
protected static MessageResources messages = MessageResources.getMessageResources("ApplicationResources");
private String[] linestatus;
* Save vendor id and name
private String vendorId;
private String vendorName;
* Stores bill to and ship to addresses and ids
private String billto;
private String shipto;
private String billtoID;
private String shiptoID;
* Stores statusid and value
private String statusid;
private String statusValue;
* Stores month
private String month;
* Stores date
private String date;
* Stores year
private String year;
private java.sql.Date purchaseOrderDate;
* Stores poid and poname
private String poid;
private String poname;
private String purchaseOrderid;
* Stores terms id and value
private String termid;
private String termValue;
* Stores account manager id and value
private String accountmanagerid;
private String accountmanagerName;
// Variables for the item list follow:
* Stores notes
private String notes;
* Stores priceeach to item
private String[] priceeach;
* Stores priceextended to item
private String[] priceExtended;
* Stores sku related to item
private String[] sku;
* Stores itemid related to item
private String[] itemid;
* Stores item related to item
private String[] item;
* Stores description related to item
private String[] description;
* Stores quqntity related to item
private String[] quantity;
* Stores unit price related to item
private String[] unitprice;
* Stores total price related to item
private String[] totalprice;
* Stores unit tax related to item
private String[] unittax;
* Stores taxrate related to item
private String[] taxrate;
* Stores orderquantity related to item
private String[] orderquantity;
* Stores pendingquantity related to item
private String[] pendingquantity;
* Stores lineid related to item
private String[] lineid;
private ItemLines itemLines ;
private int modifiedBy;
public void convertItemLines()
int count;
itemLines= new ItemLines();
if (itemid != null)
for (int i=0;i<itemid.length;i++)
ItemElement ie = new ItemElement();
IntMember LineId = new IntMember("LineId",Integer.parseInt(lineid[i]),'D',"",'T',false,20);
IntMember ItemId = new IntMember("ItemId",Integer.parseInt(itemid[i]),'D',"",'T',false,20);
IntMember Quantity = new IntMember("Quantity",Integer.parseInt(quantity[i]),'D',"",'T',false,20);
priceeach[i] = priceeach[i].replaceAll(",","");
FloatMember PriceEach = new FloatMember("Price",new Float(priceeach[i]),'D',"",'T',false,20);
StringMember SKU = new StringMember("SKU",sku[i],'D',"",'T',false);
StringMember Description = new StringMember("Description",description[i],'D',"",'T',false);
if(priceExtended[i] != null){
priceExtended[i] = priceExtended[i].replaceAll(",","");
priceExtended[i] = "";
FloatMember PriceExtended = new FloatMember("PriceExtended",new Float(priceExtended[i]),'D',"",'T',false,20);
ie.put ("LineId",LineId);
ie.put ("ItemId",ItemId);
ie.put ("SKU",SKU);
ie.put ("Description",Description);
ie.put ("Quantity",Quantity);
ie.put ("Price",PriceEach);
ie.put ("PriceExtended",PriceExtended);
String status = linestatus[i];
if(status == null)
status = "New";
itemLines.put(new Integer(i),ie);
}// end of for (int i=0;i<itemid.length;i++)
}// end of if (itemid != null)
}// end of public void convertItemLines()
public String getAccountmanagerid()
return this.accountmanagerid;
public void setAccountmanagerid(String accountmanagerid)
this.accountmanagerid = accountmanagerid;
public String getAccountmanagerName()
return this.accountmanagerName;
public void setAccountmanagerName(String accountmanagerName)
this.accountmanagerName = accountmanagerName;
public String getBillto()
return this.billto;
public void setBillto(String billto)
this.billto = billto;
public String getDate()
return this.date;
public void setDate(String date)
this.date = date;
public String[] getDescription()
return this.description;
public void setDescription(String[] description)
this.description = description;
public String[] getItem()
return this.item;
public void setItem(String[] item)
this.item = item;
public String[] getItemid()
return this.itemid;
public void setItemid(String[] itemid)
this.itemid = itemid;
public ItemLines getItemLines()
return this.itemLines;
public void setItemLines(ItemLines itemLines)
this.itemLines = itemLines;
public String[] getLineid()
return this.lineid;
public void setLineid(String[] lineid)
this.lineid = lineid;
public String getMonth()
return this.month;
public void setMonth(String month)
this.month = month;
public String getNotes()
return this.notes;
public void setNotes(String notes)
this.notes = notes;
public String[] getOrderquantity()
return this.orderquantity;
public void setOrderquantity(String[] orderquantity)
this.orderquantity = orderquantity;
public String[] getPendingquantity()
return this.pendingquantity;
public void setPendingquantity(String[] pendingquantity)
this.pendingquantity = pendingquantity;
public String getPoid()
return this.poid;
public void setPoid(String poid)
this.poid = poid;
public String getPoname()
return this.poname;
public void setPoname(String poname)
this.poname = poname;
public String[] getPriceeach()
return this.priceeach;
public void setPriceeach(String[] priceeach)
this.priceeach = priceeach;
public String[] getPriceExtended()
return this.priceExtended;
public void setPriceExtended(String[] priceExtended)
this.priceExtended = priceExtended;
public String[] getQuantity()
return this.quantity;
public void setQuantity(String[] quantity)
this.quantity = quantity;
public String getShipto()
return this.shipto;
public void setShipto(String shipto)
this.shipto = shipto;
public String[] getSku()
return this.sku;
public void setSku(String[] sku)
this.sku = sku;
public String getStatusid()
return this.statusid;
public void setStatusid(String statusid)
this.statusid = statusid;
public String getStatusValue()
return this.statusValue;
public void setStatusValue(String statusValue)
this.statusValue = statusValue;
public String[] getTaxrate()
return this.taxrate;
public void setTaxrate(String[] taxrate)
this.taxrate = taxrate;
public String getTermid()
return this.termid;
public void setTermid(String termid)
this.termid = termid;
public String getTermValue()
return this.termValue;
public void setTermValue(String termValue)
this.termValue = termValue;
public String[] getTotalprice()
return this.totalprice;
public void setTotalprice(String[] totalprice)
this.totalprice = totalprice;
public String[] getUnitprice()
return this.unitprice;
public void setUnitprice(String[] unitprice)
this.unitprice = unitprice;
public String[] getUnittax()
return this.unittax;
public void setUnittax(String[] unittax)
this.unittax = unittax;
public String getVendorId()
return this.vendorId;
public void setVendorId(String vendorId)
this.vendorId = vendorId;
public String getVendorName()
return this.vendorName;
public void setVendorName(String vendorName)
this.vendorName = vendorName;
public String getYear()
return this.year;
public void setYear(String year)
this.year = year;
public String getBilltoID()
return this.billtoID;
public void setBilltoID(String billtoID)
this.billtoID = billtoID;
public String getShiptoID()
return this.shiptoID;
public void setShiptoID(String shiptoID)
this.shiptoID = shiptoID;
public String getPurchaseOrderid()
return this.purchaseOrderid;
public void setPurchaseOrderid(String purchaseOrderid)
this.purchaseOrderid = purchaseOrderid;
public java.sql.Date getPurchaseOrderDate()
int month = 0;
if(this.getMonth() != null && !((this.getMonth()).equals("")))
month = Integer.parseInt(this.getMonth());
int date = 0;
if(this.getDate() != null && !((this.getDate()).equals("")))
date = Integer.parseInt(this.getDate());
int year = 0;
if(this.getYear() != null && !((this.getYear()).equals("")))
year = Integer.parseInt(this.getYear());
purchaseOrderDate = new java.sql.Date(year,month,date);
return this.purchaseOrderDate;
public void setPurchaseOrderDate(java.sql.Date purchaseOrderDate)
this.purchaseOrderDate = purchaseOrderDate;
public String[] getLinestatus()
return this.linestatus;
public void setLinestatus(String[] linestatus)
this.linestatus = linestatus;
* Validates user input data
* @param mapping ActionMapping
* @param request HttpServletRequest
* @return errors ActionErrors
public ActionErrors validate (ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request)
// initialize new actionerror object
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
// initialize validation
Validation validation = new Validation();
if (this.getVendorId() == null || this.getVendorId().trim().length() <= 0) {
errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.general.requiredField", "Vendor"));
if (this.getBilltoID() == null || this.getBilltoID().trim().length() <= 0) {
errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.general.requiredField", "Billing Address"));
if (this.getShiptoID() == null || this.getShiptoID().trim().length() <= 0) {
errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.general.requiredField", "Shipping Address"));
boolean itemPresent = false;
int counter = 0;
if (this.itemid != null)
ItemLines lines = this.getItemLines();
for (int i=0;i<this.linestatus.length;i++)
if (this.linestatus[i] != null && this.linestatus[i].equalsIgnoreCase("Deleted"))
if (this.itemid.length > 0 && this.linestatus.length != counter)
itemPresent = true;
if (itemPresent == false)
errors.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new ActionMessage("error.general.requiredField", "Items"));
if (errors != null)
request.setAttribute("body", "ADD");
request.setAttribute("clearform", "false");
request.setAttribute("purchaseForm", this);
request.setAttribute(AccountConstantKeys.TYPEOFSUBMODULE, AccountConstantKeys.PURCHASEORDER);
catch (Exception e)
return errors;
* Sets the modifiedBy for this PurchaseOrder.
* @param modifiedBy The new modifiedBy for this PurchaseOrder.
public void setModifiedBy(int modifiedBy)
this.modifiedBy = modifiedBy;
} //end of setModifiedBy method
* @return The modifiedBy for this PurchaseOrder.
public int getModifiedBy()
return this.modifiedBy;
} //end of getModifiedBy method
public static PurchaseOrderForm clearForm(PurchaseOrderForm purchaseForm)
purchaseForm.itemLines = null;
return purchaseForm;