* $RCSfile: ExpenseForm.java,v $ $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2005/09/07 19:38:11 $ - $Author: mcallist $
* The contents of this file are subject to the Open Software License
* Version 2.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.centraview.com/opensource/license.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is: CentraView Open Source.
* The developer of the Original Code is CentraView. Portions of the
* Original Code created by CentraView are Copyright (c) 2004 CentraView,
* LLC; All Rights Reserved. The terms "CentraView" and the CentraView
* logos are trademarks and service marks of CentraView, LLC.
package com.centraview.account.expense;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
import org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources;
import com.centraview.account.common.ItemElement;
import com.centraview.account.common.ItemLines;
import com.centraview.common.DDNameValue;
import com.centraview.common.FloatMember;
import com.centraview.common.GlobalMasterLists;
import com.centraview.common.IntMember;
import com.centraview.common.StringMember;
import com.centraview.common.Validation;
public class ExpenseForm extends org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm {
protected static MessageResources messages = MessageResources
/** HTML form elements for Expense * */
// As hidden param
private int expenseID;
private Vector glAccountVec;
private String glAccountID;
private int glAccountIDValue;
private float amount;
private String strAmount;
private String title;
private String expenseDescription;
private String entity;
private String entityID;
private int entityIDValue;
private String dateEntered;
private String statusID;
private String status;
private int statusIDValue;
private Vector statusVec;
private String employee;
private String employeeID;
private int employeeIDValue;
private String project;
private String projectID;
private int projectIDValue;
private String opportunity;
private String opportunityID;
private int opportunityIDValue;
private String supportTicket;
private String supportTicketID;
private int supportTicketIDValue;
/** HTML form elements for Expense ends here* */
/** HTML form elements for Items * */
private String notes;
private String[] priceeach;
private String[] priceExtended;
private String[] sku;
private String[] itemid;
private String[] item;
private String[] description;
private String[] quantity;
private String[] unitprice;
private String[] totalprice;
private String[] unittax;
private String[] taxrate;
private String[] orderquantity;
private String[] pendingquantity;
private String[] lineid;
private String[] linestatus;
private ItemLines itemLines;
// Added to get selected item ids.
private String theitemid;
private String removeID;
/** HTML form elements for Items ends here* */
public void convertFormbeanToValueObject()
try {
if (glAccountID != null && glAccountID.length() != 0)
this.glAccountIDValue = Integer.parseInt(glAccountID);
if (entityID != null && entityID.length() != 0)
this.entityIDValue = Integer.parseInt(entityID);
if (employeeID != null && employeeID.length() != 0)
this.employeeIDValue = Integer.parseInt(employeeID);
if (projectID != null && projectID.length() != 0)
this.projectIDValue = Integer.parseInt(projectID);
if (opportunityID != null && opportunityID.length() != 0)
this.opportunityIDValue = Integer.parseInt(opportunityID);
if (supportTicketID != null && supportTicketID.length() != 0)
this.supportTicketIDValue = Integer.parseInt(supportTicketID);
if (statusID != null && statusID.length() != 0)
this.statusIDValue = Integer.parseInt(statusID);
if (strAmount != null && strAmount.length() != 0)
this.amount = Float.parseFloat(strAmount);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error while converting strings to int" + e);
/* convertItemLines method added for Item Lines */
public void convertItemLines()
itemLines = new ItemLines();
if (itemid != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < itemid.length; i++) {
ItemElement ie = new ItemElement();
IntMember LineId = new IntMember("LineId", Integer.parseInt(lineid[i]), 'D', "", 'T',
false, 20);
IntMember ItemId = new IntMember("ItemId", Integer.parseInt(itemid[i]), 'D', "", 'T',
false, 20);
IntMember Quantity = new IntMember("Quantity", Integer.parseInt(quantity[i]), 'D', "", 'T',
false, 20);
priceeach[i] = priceeach[i].replaceAll(",", "");
FloatMember PriceEach = new FloatMember("Price", new Float(priceeach[i]), 'D', "", 'T',
false, 20);
StringMember SKU = new StringMember("SKU", sku[i], 'D', "", 'T', false);
StringMember Description = new StringMember("Description", description[i], 'D', "", 'T',
if (priceExtended[i] != null) {
priceExtended[i] = priceExtended[i].replaceAll(",", "");
} else {
priceExtended[i] = "";
FloatMember PriceExtended = new FloatMember("PriceExtended", new Float(priceExtended[i]),
'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
ie.put("LineId", LineId);
ie.put("ItemId", ItemId);
ie.put("SKU", SKU);
ie.put("Description", Description);
ie.put("Quantity", Quantity);
ie.put("Price", PriceEach);
ie.put("PriceExtended", PriceExtended);
String status = linestatus[i];
if (status == null)
status = "New";
itemLines.put(new Integer(i), ie);
}// end of for
public float getAmount()
return this.amount;
public void setAmount(float amount)
this.amount = amount;
public String getDateEntered()
return this.dateEntered;
public void setDateEntered(String dateEntered)
this.dateEntered = dateEntered;
public String[] getDescription()
return this.description;
public void setDescription(String[] description)
this.description = description;
public String getEmployee()
return this.employee;
public void setEmployee(String employee)
this.employee = employee;
public String getEmployeeID()
return this.employeeID;
public void setEmployeeID(String employeeID)
this.employeeID = employeeID;
public int getEmployeeIDValue()
return this.employeeIDValue;
public void setEmployeeIDValue(int employeeIDValue)
this.employeeIDValue = employeeIDValue;
public String getEntity()
return this.entity;
public void setEntity(String entity)
this.entity = entity;
public String getEntityID()
return this.entityID;
public void setEntityID(String entityID)
this.entityID = entityID;
public int getEntityIDValue()
return this.entityIDValue;
public void setEntityIDValue(int entityIDValue)
this.entityIDValue = entityIDValue;
public String getExpenseDescription()
return this.expenseDescription;
public void setExpenseDescription(String expenseDescription)
this.expenseDescription = expenseDescription;
public int getExpenseID()
return this.expenseID;
public void setExpenseID(int expenseID)
this.expenseID = expenseID;
public String getGlAccountID()
return this.glAccountID;
public void setGlAccountID(String glAccountID)
this.glAccountID = glAccountID;
public int getGlAccountIDValue()
return this.glAccountIDValue;
public void setGlAccountIDValue(int glAccountIDValue)
this.glAccountIDValue = glAccountIDValue;
public Vector getGlAccountVec(String dataSource)
GlobalMasterLists gml = null;
gml = GlobalMasterLists.getGlobalMasterLists(dataSource);
Vector vec = (Vector)gml.get("GLAccounts");
glAccountVec = vec;
return glAccountVec;
public void setGlAccountVec(Vector glAccountVec)
this.glAccountVec = glAccountVec;
public String[] getItem()
return this.item;
public void setItem(String[] item)
this.item = item;
public String[] getItemid()
return this.itemid;
public void setItemid(String[] itemid)
this.itemid = itemid;
public ItemLines getItemLines()
return this.itemLines;
public void setItemLines(ItemLines itemLines)
this.itemLines = itemLines;
public String[] getLineid()
return this.lineid;
public void setLineid(String[] lineid)
this.lineid = lineid;
public String[] getLinestatus()
return this.linestatus;
public void setLinestatus(String[] linestatus)
this.linestatus = linestatus;
public String getNotes()
return this.notes;
public void setNotes(String notes)
this.notes = notes;
public String getOpportunity()
return this.opportunity;
public void setOpportunity(String opportunity)
this.opportunity = opportunity;
public String getOpportunityID()
return this.opportunityID;
public void setOpportunityID(String opportunityID)
this.opportunityID = opportunityID;
public int getOpportunityIDValue()
return this.opportunityIDValue;
public void setOpportunityIDValue(int opportunityIDValue)
this.opportunityIDValue = opportunityIDValue;
public String[] getOrderquantity()
return this.orderquantity;
public void setOrderquantity(String[] orderquantity)
this.orderquantity = orderquantity;
public String[] getPendingquantity()
return this.pendingquantity;
public void setPendingquantity(String[] pendingquantity)
this.pendingquantity = pendingquantity;
public String[] getPriceeach()
return this.priceeach;
public void setPriceeach(String[] priceeach)
this.priceeach = priceeach;
public String[] getPriceExtended()
return this.priceExtended;
public void setPriceExtended(String[] priceExtended)
this.priceExtended = priceExtended;
public String getProject()
return this.project;
public void setProject(String project)
this.project = project;
public String getProjectID()
return this.projectID;
public void setProjectID(String projectID)
this.projectID = projectID;
public int getProjectIDValue()
return this.projectIDValue;
public void setProjectIDValue(int projectIDValue)
this.projectIDValue = projectIDValue;
public String[] getQuantity()
return this.quantity;
public void setQuantity(String[] quantity)
this.quantity = quantity;
public String[] getSku()
return this.sku;
public void setSku(String[] sku)
this.sku = sku;
public String getStatusID()
return this.statusID;
public void setStatusID(String statusID)
this.statusID = statusID;
public int getStatusIDValue()
return this.statusIDValue;
public void setStatusIDValue(int statusIDValue)
this.statusIDValue = statusIDValue;
public Vector getStatusVec()
Vector vec = new Vector();
vec.add(new DDNameValue(1, "Paid"));
vec.add(new DDNameValue(2, "Unpaid"));
vec.add(new DDNameValue(3, "Reimbursed"));
statusVec = vec;
return statusVec;
public void setStatusVec(Vector statusVec)
this.statusVec = statusVec;
public String getSupportTicket()
return this.supportTicket;
public void setSupportTicket(String supportTicket)
this.supportTicket = supportTicket;
public String getSupportTicketID()
return this.supportTicketID;
public void setSupportTicketID(String supportTicketID)
this.supportTicketID = supportTicketID;
public int getSupportTicketIDValue()
return this.supportTicketIDValue;
public void setSupportTicketIDValue(int supportTicketIDValue)
this.supportTicketIDValue = supportTicketIDValue;
public String[] getTaxrate()
return this.taxrate;
public void setTaxrate(String[] taxrate)
this.taxrate = taxrate;
public String getTitle()
return this.title;
public void setTitle(String title)
this.title = title;
public String[] getTotalprice()
return this.totalprice;
public void setTotalprice(String[] totalprice)
this.totalprice = totalprice;
public String[] getUnitprice()
return this.unitprice;
public void setUnitprice(String[] unitprice)
this.unitprice = unitprice;
public String[] getUnittax()
return this.unittax;
public void setUnittax(String[] unittax)
this.unittax = unittax;
public String getRemoveID()
return this.removeID;
public void setRemoveID(String removeID)
this.removeID = removeID;
public String getTheitemid()
return this.theitemid;
public void setTheitemid(String theitemid)
this.theitemid = theitemid;
public String getStrAmount()
return this.strAmount;
public void setStrAmount(String strAmount)
this.strAmount = strAmount;
/* For Form Validation */
public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request)
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
// cache the form data
try {
Validation validation = new Validation();
validation.checkForMaxlength("label.account.expense.description", this
.getExpenseDescription(), "error.application.maxlength", errors, 40);
validation.checkForRequired("label.account.expense.entity", this.getEntity(),
"error.application.required", errors);
validation.checkForRequired("label.account.expense.employee", this.getEmployee(),
"error.application.required", errors);
// validation.checkForRequired("label.account.expense.project",this.getProject(),"error.application.required","",errors);
boolean itemPresent = false;
int counter = 0;
if (this.itemid != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.linestatus.length; i++) {
if (this.linestatus[i] != null && this.linestatus[i].equalsIgnoreCase("Deleted")) {
if (this.linestatus.length > 0 && this.linestatus.length != counter) {
itemPresent = true;
if (itemPresent == false) {
ActionMessage error = new ActionMessage("error.application.required", messages
errors.add("error.application.required", error);
if (errors != null && errors.size() > 0) {
request.setAttribute("TYPEOFSUBMODULE", "ORDER");
request.setAttribute("body", "EDIT");
request.setAttribute("expenseform", this);
} catch (Exception e) {
return errors;
public String getStatus()
return this.status;
public void setStatus(String status)
this.status = status;