* $RCSfile: ContactFacadeEJB.java,v $ $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2005/09/01 15:31:04 $ - $Author: mcallist $
* The contents of this file are subject to the Open Software License
* Version 2.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.centraview.com/opensource/license.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is: CentraView Open Source.
* The developer of the Original Code is CentraView. Portions of the
* Original Code created by CentraView are Copyright (c) 2004 CentraView,
* LLC; All Rights Reserved. The terms "CentraView" and the CentraView
* logos are trademarks and service marks of CentraView, LLC.
package com.centraview.contact.contactfacade;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.ejb.CreateException;
import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import javax.ejb.FinderException;
import javax.ejb.RemoveException;
import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.transaction.HeuristicMixedException;
import javax.transaction.HeuristicRollbackException;
import javax.transaction.NotSupportedException;
import javax.transaction.RollbackException;
import javax.transaction.SystemException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBean;
import com.centraview.administration.authorization.ModuleFieldRightMatrix;
import com.centraview.common.AddressList;
import com.centraview.common.AuthorizationFailedException;
import com.centraview.common.CVDal;
import com.centraview.common.CVUtility;
import com.centraview.common.Constants;
import com.centraview.common.EntityList;
import com.centraview.common.GroupList;
import com.centraview.common.IndividualList;
import com.centraview.common.MOCList;
import com.centraview.common.helper.CommonHelperLocal;
import com.centraview.common.helper.CommonHelperLocalHome;
import com.centraview.common.source.SourceLocal;
import com.centraview.common.source.SourceLocalHome;
import com.centraview.common.source.SourcePK;
import com.centraview.common.source.SourceVO;
import com.centraview.contact.contactlist.ContactListLocal;
import com.centraview.contact.contactlist.ContactListLocalHome;
import com.centraview.contact.entity.EntityLocal;
import com.centraview.contact.entity.EntityLocalHome;
import com.centraview.contact.entity.EntityPK;
import com.centraview.contact.entity.EntityVO;
import com.centraview.contact.group.GroupLocal;
import com.centraview.contact.group.GroupLocalHome;
import com.centraview.contact.group.GroupVO;
import com.centraview.contact.helper.AddressVO;
import com.centraview.contact.helper.ContactHelperLocal;
import com.centraview.contact.helper.ContactHelperLocalHome;
import com.centraview.contact.helper.CustomFieldVO;
import com.centraview.contact.helper.MethodOfContactVO;
import com.centraview.contact.individual.IndividualLocal;
import com.centraview.contact.individual.IndividualLocalHome;
import com.centraview.contact.individual.IndividualPK;
import com.centraview.contact.individual.IndividualVO;
import com.centraview.contact.individual.UserLoginAssociationException;
import com.centraview.cvattic.CvAtticLocal;
import com.centraview.cvattic.CvAtticLocalHome;
public class ContactFacadeEJB implements SessionBean
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ContactFacadeEJB.class);
protected javax.ejb.SessionContext ctx;
protected Context environment;
private String dataSource = "MySqlDS";
public Vector getGroupMemberIDs( int userID , int groupId )
Vector v = null ;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
GroupLocalHome home = (GroupLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Group");
GroupLocal remote = home.create();
v = remote.getGroupMemberIDs(userID,groupId );
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getGroupMemberIDs] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return v;
* Gets an Individual with all Basic References
* @param int IndividualID to fetch
* return IndividualVO
public IndividualVO getIndividual(int indId)
IndividualVO iv = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
IndividualLocalHome home = (IndividualLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Individual");
IndividualLocal remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(new IndividualPK(indId,this.dataSource));
// the ejbLoad will take care of setting the dataSource on a findByPrimaryKey.
iv = remote.getIndividualVOWithBasicReferences();
CommonHelperLocalHome chhome= (CommonHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/CommonHelper");
CommonHelperLocal commonhelper= chhome.create();
// we need to explicitly set the dataSource on a stateless session bean.
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getIndividual] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return iv;
* Gets an Entity with all Basic References
* @param int EntityID to fetch
* return EntityVO
public EntityVO getEntity(int entId)
EntityVO ev = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
EntityLocalHome home = (EntityLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Entity");
EntityLocal remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(new EntityPK(entId,this.dataSource));
CommonHelperLocalHome chhome= (CommonHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/CommonHelper");
CommonHelperLocal commonhelper= chhome.create();
// Explicitly set the dataSource on the stateless Session Bean.
ev = remote.getEntityVOWithBasicReferences();
} catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getEntity] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return ev;
* Method to return the marketingList id of the entity related to the entity that
* is passed in. If the EntityId passed in returns no results (doesn't exist in the DB)
* the the Integer 1 will be returned. This method is used mainly for ensuring Individuals
* are created in the "correct" marketing list.
* @author Kevin McAllister <kevin@centraview.com>
* @param entityId
* @return Integer of the marketing list for the entityId, or 1 if something goes wrong.
* @throws RemoteException
public Integer getEntityMarketingList(int entityId)
CVDal cvdl = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
Integer marketingListId = new Integer(1);
try {
// "SELECT entity.entityid, entity.name FROM entity, individual where entity.entityid = individual.entity AND individual.individualid = ?"
cvdl.setInt(1, entityId);
Vector results = (Vector)cvdl.executeQuery();
Iterator iter = results.iterator();
if (iter.hasNext()) // we should only get one result, otherwise we will just return the empty hashmap.
HashMap resultMap = (HashMap)iter.next();
if(resultMap.get("list") != null) // If it's not null, it probably resembles a number.
marketingListId = new Integer(((Number)resultMap.get("list")).intValue());
} // end of if(iter.hasNext())
} finally {
cvdl = null;
// The hashmap will have two keys "entityid", "name"
return marketingListId;
* Gets an Source ID with help of passing the Source Name
* @param String sourceName to fetch
* return sourceID
public HashMap getSourceList()
HashMap sourceList = new HashMap();
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
CommonHelperLocalHome chhome= (CommonHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/CommonHelper");
CommonHelperLocal commonhelper= chhome.create();
sourceList = commonhelper.getSourceList();
} catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getSourceList] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return sourceList;
* Creates a new Entity
* @param EntityVO EntityVo for data to be added
* @param int Id of the user performing the action
public int createEntity(EntityVO entityDetails, int ActionUserId)
int entityID = 0;
try {
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
EntityLocalHome home = (EntityLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Entity");
EntityLocal remote = home.create(entityDetails, ActionUserId, this.dataSource);
EntityVO evo = remote.getEntityVOBasic();
entityID = evo.getContactID();
HashMap historyInfo = new HashMap();
historyInfo.put("recordID",new Integer(entityID));
historyInfo.put("recordTypeID", new Integer(Constants.EntityModuleID));
historyInfo.put("operation", new Integer(Constants.CREATED));
historyInfo.put("individualID", new Integer(ActionUserId));
historyInfo.put("referenceActivityID", new Integer(0));
historyInfo.put("recordName", entityDetails.getName());
CVUtility.addHistoryRecord(historyInfo, this.dataSource);
}catch(Exception e){
logger.error("[createEntity] Exception thrown.", e);
return entityID;
* Creates a new Individual
* @param IndividualVO IndividualVo for data to be added
* @param int Id of the user performing the action
* @return indID The IndividualID of the created individual, if it is zero something didn't work review the logs.
public int createIndividual(IndividualVO indDetail,int actionUserId) throws AuthorizationFailedException
if (! CVUtility.isModuleVisible("Individual", actionUserId, this.dataSource))
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("[ContactFacadeEJB] createIndividual() - isModuleVisible returned false for individualID = " +actionUserId);
int indID = 0;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
IndividualLocalHome home = (IndividualLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Individual");
IndividualLocal remote = home.create(indDetail,actionUserId,this.dataSource);
IndividualVO vo = remote.getIndividualVOBasic();
indID = vo.getContactID();
// The code to add the entry in DB is added to IndividualEJB
// The reson is the IndividualCreate method is called directly
//Instead of using ContactFacade ...
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.createIndividual] Exception Thrown: "+e);
}catch (SystemException se){
System.out.println("[SystemException][ContactFacadeEJB.createIndividual] Exception Thrown trying rollback: "+se);
return indID;
} // end createIndividual()
* Creates a new Group
* @param GroupVO GroupVo for data to be added
public int createGroup(int userId, GroupVO groupDetail) throws AuthorizationFailedException
if (! CVUtility.isModuleVisible("Group",userId, this.dataSource))
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Group - createGroup");
int newGroupID = 0;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
GroupLocalHome home = (GroupLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Group");
GroupLocal remote = home.create();
// Transaction not required cause even if adding member fails its ok.
newGroupID = remote.createGroup(userId, groupDetail);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.createGroup] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return newGroupID;
} // end createGroup() method
* Adds all the passed Contacts (Entity/Individual) to a given Group
* @param int[] int Array of all the contact ID's to be added
public void addContactToGroup(int userId,int groupId, int[] contactId)
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
GroupLocalHome home = (GroupLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Group");
GroupLocal remote = home.create();
remote.addContactToGroup(userId, contactId,groupId);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.addContactToGroup] Exception Thrown: "+e);
* Updtaes a given Entity's data
* @param EntityDetail New data to be updated
* @param individualID individualId of user who updates Entity
public void updateEntity(EntityVO entityDetail, int individualID) throws AuthorizationFailedException
if (! CVUtility.canPerformRecordOperation(individualID, "Entity", entityDetail.getContactID(), ModuleFieldRightMatrix.UPDATE_RIGHT, this.dataSource)) {
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Entity - updateEntity");
try {
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
EntityLocalHome home = (EntityLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Entity");
EntityLocal remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(new EntityPK(entityDetail.getContactID(), this.dataSource));
HashMap historyInfo = new HashMap();
historyInfo.put("recordID", new Integer(entityDetail.getContactID()));
historyInfo.put("recordTypeID", new Integer(Constants.EntityModuleID));
historyInfo.put("operation", new Integer(Constants.UPDATED));
historyInfo.put("individualID", new Integer(individualID));
historyInfo.put("referenceActivityID", new Integer(0));
historyInfo.put("recordName", entityDetail.getName());
CVUtility.addHistoryRecord(historyInfo, this.dataSource);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("[updateEntity] Exception thrown.", e);
public void entityMove(int individualId, int listId, String entityIDs[])
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
remote.entityMove(individualId, listId, entityIDs );
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.deleteEntity] Exception Thrown: "+e);
* Deletes a given Entity's data
* @param int EntityID to be deleted
* @param int individualID the indvID of user who deletes entity
public void deleteEntity(int entityId, int individualID) throws AuthorizationFailedException
if (! CVUtility.canPerformRecordOperation(individualID, "Entity", entityId, ModuleFieldRightMatrix.DELETE_RIGHT, this.dataSource))
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Entity - deleteEntity");
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
EntityLocalHome home = (EntityLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Entity");
EntityLocal remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(new EntityPK(entityId,this.dataSource));
EntityVO ev = remote.getEntityVOWithBasicReferences();
HashMap hmDetails=new HashMap();
hmDetails.put("owner",new Integer(ev.getOwner()));
hmDetails.put("module",new Integer(1));
hmDetails.put("recordtype",new Integer(1));
InitialContext ctxl=CVUtility.getInitialContext();
CvAtticLocalHome cahome=(CvAtticLocalHome)ctxl.lookup("local/CvAttic");
CvAtticLocal caremote =cahome.create();
int transactionID=caremote.getAtticTransactionID(individualID,Constants.CV_GARBAGE,hmDetails);
HashMap hmentity=new HashMap();
hmentity.put("EntityID",(new Integer(ev.getContactID())).toString());
AddressVO adv = ev.getPrimaryAddress();
if (adv != null)
HashMap hmaddr=new HashMap();
hmaddr.put("AddressID",(new Integer(adv.getAddressID())).toString());
Vector vec = ev.getCustomField();
if (vec != null)
Iterator it = vec.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
CustomFieldVO cfv = (CustomFieldVO)it.next();
String cftablename = "customfieldscalar";
if (cfv.getFieldType() == CustomFieldVO.MULTIPLE)
cftablename = "customfieldmultiple";
HashMap hmcfv=new HashMap();
hmcfv.put("CustomFieldID", (new Integer(cfv.getFieldID())).toString());
caremote.dumpData(individualID, transactionID, cftablename, hmcfv);
Vector mocvec = ev.getMOC();
if (mocvec != null)
Iterator it = mocvec.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
MethodOfContactVO mocv = (MethodOfContactVO)it.next();
HashMap hmmocr=new HashMap();
hmmocr.put("MOCID",(new Integer(mocv.getMocID())).toString());
hmmocr.put("ContactType",(new Integer(1)).toString());
hmmocr.put("ContactID",(new Integer(entityId)).toString());
HashMap hmmoc=new HashMap();
hmmoc.put("methodofcontact",(new Integer(mocv.getMocID())).toString());
HashMap historyInfo = new HashMap();
historyInfo.put("recordID",new Integer(entityId));
historyInfo.put("recordTypeID", new Integer(Constants.EntityModuleID));
historyInfo.put("operation", new Integer(Constants.DELETED));
historyInfo.put("individualID", new Integer(individualID));
historyInfo.put("referenceActivityID", new Integer(0));
historyInfo.put("recordName", ev.getName());
CVUtility.addHistoryRecord(historyInfo , this.dataSource);
}catch(CreateException ce){
throw new EJBException(ce);
}catch(NamingException re){
throw new EJBException(re);
}catch(FinderException fe){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.deleteEntity] Exception Thrown: "+fe);
}catch(RemoveException fe){
throw new EJBException(fe);
}catch(NotSupportedException nse){
throw new EJBException(nse);
}catch(RollbackException rbe){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Entity - deleteEntity");
}catch(SystemException se){
throw new EJBException(se);
}catch(HeuristicMixedException hme){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Entity - deleteEntity");
}catch(HeuristicRollbackException hre){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Entity - deleteEntity");
} // end deleteEntity() method
public void updateModifiedBy(CustomFieldVO customFieldVO, int userID)
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
remote.updateModifiedBy(customFieldVO, userID);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.updateMOC] Exception Thrown: "+e);
* Updates a given Individual's data
* @param IndividualVO Individual data to be updated
* @param individualID The individualID of user who updates Individual
public void updateIndividual(IndividualVO individualDet, int individualID) throws AuthorizationFailedException
if (!CVUtility.canPerformRecordOperation(individualID, "Individual", individualDet.getContactID(), ModuleFieldRightMatrix.UPDATE_RIGHT, this.dataSource)) {
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("[ContactFacadeEJB] updateIndividual() - canPerformRecordOperation() failed for individualID = " + individualID);
try {
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
IndividualLocalHome home = (IndividualLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Individual");
IndividualLocal remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(new IndividualPK(individualDet.getContactID(), this.dataSource));
HashMap historyInfo = new HashMap();
historyInfo.put("recordID", new Integer(individualDet.getContactID()));
historyInfo.put("recordTypeID", new Integer(Constants.IndividualModuleID));
historyInfo.put("operation", new Integer(Constants.UPDATED));
historyInfo.put("individualID", new Integer(individualID));
historyInfo.put("referenceActivityID", new Integer(0));
historyInfo.put("recordName", individualDet.getFirstName() + " " + individualDet.getMiddleName() + " " + individualDet.getLastName());
CVUtility.addHistoryRecord(historyInfo, this.dataSource);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("[updateIndividual] Exception thrown.", e);
} // end updateIndividual() method
* Deletes a given Individual's data
* @param int Individual ID to be deleted
* @param indID the Individual ID of user who delete Individual
public void deleteIndividual(int individualId, int indID) throws AuthorizationFailedException,NamingException, RemoveException
if (!CVUtility.canPerformRecordOperation(indID, "Individual", individualId, ModuleFieldRightMatrix.DELETE_RIGHT, this.dataSource))
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Individual - deleteIndividual");
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
IndividualLocalHome home = (IndividualLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Individual");
IndividualLocal remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(new IndividualPK(individualId,this.dataSource));
IndividualVO indVO = remote.getIndividualVOWithBasicReferences();
HashMap hmDetails=new HashMap();
hmDetails.put("title",indVO.getFirstName() + " " + indVO.getLastName());
hmDetails.put("owner",new Integer(indVO.getOwner()));
hmDetails.put("module",new Integer(1));
hmDetails.put("recordtype",new Integer(2));
InitialContext ctxl=CVUtility.getInitialContext();
CvAtticLocalHome cahome=(CvAtticLocalHome)ctxl.lookup("local/CvAttic");
CvAtticLocal caremote =cahome.create();
int transactionID=caremote.getAtticTransactionID(indID,Constants.CV_GARBAGE,hmDetails);
HashMap hmind=new HashMap();
hmind.put("IndividualID",(new Integer(indVO.getContactID())).toString());
AddressVO adv = indVO.getPrimaryAddress();
if (adv != null)
HashMap hmaddr=new HashMap();
hmaddr.put("AddressID",(new Integer(adv.getAddressID())).toString());
HashMap addressRelateHashMap = new HashMap();
addressRelateHashMap.put("Address",(new Integer(adv.getAddressID())).toString());
caremote.dumpData(indID,transactionID,"addressrelate", addressRelateHashMap);
Vector mocvec = indVO.getMOC();
if (mocvec != null)
Iterator it = mocvec.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
MethodOfContactVO mocv = (MethodOfContactVO)it.next();
HashMap hmmocr=new HashMap();
hmmocr.put("MOCID",(new Integer(mocv.getMocID())).toString());
hmmocr.put("ContactType",(new Integer(2)).toString());
hmmocr.put("ContactID",(new Integer(individualId)).toString());
caremote.dumpData(indID, transactionID, "mocrelate", hmmocr);
HashMap hmmoc=new HashMap();
hmmoc.put("MOCID",(new Integer(mocv.getMocID())).toString());
hmmoc.put("MOCType", Integer.toString(mocv.getMocType()));
caremote.dumpData(indID, transactionID, "methodofcontact", hmmoc);
Vector vec = indVO.getCustomField();
if (vec != null)
Iterator it = vec.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
CustomFieldVO cfv = (CustomFieldVO)it.next();
String cftablename = "customfieldscalar";
if (cfv.getFieldType() == CustomFieldVO.MULTIPLE)
cftablename = "customfieldmultiple";
HashMap hmcfv=new HashMap();
hmcfv.put("CustomFieldID",(new Integer(cfv.getFieldID())).toString());
HashMap historyInfo = new HashMap();
historyInfo.put("recordID",new Integer(individualId));
historyInfo.put("recordTypeID", new Integer(Constants.IndividualModuleID));
historyInfo.put("operation", new Integer(Constants.DELETED));
historyInfo.put("individualID", new Integer(indID));
historyInfo.put("referenceActivityID", new Integer(0));
historyInfo.put("recordName", indVO.getFirstName()+ " "+ indVO.getMiddleName()+ " " + indVO.getLastName());
CVUtility.addHistoryRecord(historyInfo , this.dataSource);
}catch(FinderException fe){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.deleteIndividual] Exception Thrown: "+fe);
}catch(RemoveException fe){
if (fe instanceof UserLoginAssociationException) {
try {
} catch (RollbackException rbe){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Individual - deleteIndividual");
} catch (SystemException se){
throw new EJBException(se);
} catch (HeuristicMixedException hme){
throw new EJBException(hme);
} catch (HeuristicRollbackException hre){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Individual - deleteIndividual");
throw new UserLoginAssociationException();
throw new RemoveException();
}catch(RollbackException rbe){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Individual - deleteIndividual");
}catch(SystemException se){
throw new EJBException(se);
}catch(HeuristicMixedException hme){
throw new EJBException(hme);
}catch(HeuristicRollbackException hre){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Individual - deleteIndividual");
}catch(NotSupportedException nse){
throw new EJBException(nse);
}catch(CreateException ce){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Individual - deleteIndividual");
} // end deleteIndividual() method
public void createAddress(int contactId, int contactType, AddressVO addressDet, int individualId)
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
remote.addAddress(addressDet, contactId, contactType, individualId, true);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.createAddress] Exception Thrown: "+e);
} // end createAddress() method
* Updates an Address record.
public void updateAddress(int contactId, AddressVO addressDet)
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
remote.updateAddress(addressDet, contactId, 1,true);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.updateAddress] Exception Thrown: "+e);
} // end updateAddress() method
* Updates an Address and relate record.
public void updateRelateAddress(AddressVO addressVO, int contactType, int contactId, int userId)
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
remote.updateRelateAddress(addressVO, contactType, contactId);
// When a contact method or address is updated, it must alter the modified
// time of the individual or entity record with which it is associated to the current
// time. If this does not happen, sync is broken.
remote.updateModified("address", contactId, userId, addressVO.getAddressID());
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.updateRelatedAddress] Exception Thrown: "+e);
} // end updateAddress() method
* Simply changes the addressrelate table to change an address from relating to
* one contact and relate it to another.
* @author Kevin McAllister <kevin@centraview.com>
* @param mocId the uniqueid of the address you want to re-relate.
* @param contactId the unique id of the contact you want to relate it to.
* @param contactType the type of contact you want to relate it to (Entity = 1, Individual = 2)
* @return an Int for the number or rows effected. (the results from the DataAccessLayer)
public int changeAddressRelate(int address, int contactId, int contactType)
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
int returnValue = 0;
cvdal.setSqlQuery("UPDATE addressrelate SET contacttype = ?, contact = ? WHERE address = ?");
cvdal.setInt(1, contactType);
cvdal.setInt(2, contactId);
cvdal.setInt(3, address);
returnValue = cvdal.executeUpdate();
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.changeAddressRelate] Exception Thrown: "+e);
cvdal = null;
return returnValue;
* In this method Address is deleted from following Table.
* 1) AddressRelate
* 2) Address.
public void deleteAddress(int addressId, int contactId, int userId)
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
remote.deleteAddress(addressId, contactId, userId,true);
remote.updateModified("address", contactId, userId, addressId);
}catch(NamingException re){
throw new EJBException(re);
}catch(CreateException ce){
throw new EJBException(ce);
} // end deleteAddress() method
public void createMOC(int contactId, int contactType, MethodOfContactVO mocDet, int individualId)
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
remote.addMOC(mocDet, contactId, contactType, individualId,true);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.createMOC] Exception Thrown: "+e);
} // end createMOC() method
* Updates the given method of contact record.
public void updateMOC(MethodOfContactVO contactMethod, int contactId, int userId)
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
remote.updateMOC(contactMethod, contactId, userId,true);
// When a contact method or address is updated, it must alter the modified
// time of the individual or entity record with which it is associated to the current
// time. If this does not happen, sync is broken.
remote.updateModified("moc", contactId, userId,contactMethod.getMocID());
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.updateMOC] Exception Thrown: " + e);
} // end updateMOC() method
* Simply changes the mocrelate table to change a MOC from relating to
* one contact and relate it to another.
* @author Kevin McAllister <kevin@centraview.com>
* @param mocId the uniqueid of the moc you want to re-relate.
* @param contactId the unique id of the contact you want to relate it to.
* @param contactType the type of contact you want to relate it to (Entity = 1, Individual = 2)
* @return an Int for the number or rows effected. (the results from the DataAccessLayer)
public int changeMOCRelate(int mocId, int contactId, int contactType)
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
int returnValue = 0;
cvdal.setSqlQuery("UPDATE mocrelate SET contacttype = ?, contactid = ? WHERE mocid = ?");
cvdal.setInt(1, contactType);
cvdal.setInt(2, contactId);
cvdal.setInt(3, mocId);
returnValue = cvdal.executeUpdate();
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.changeMOCRelate] Exception Thrown: "+e);
cvdal = null;
return returnValue;
* Returns All Address for contactId and ContactType.
public AddressList getAllAddresses(int contactId,int contactType)
AddressList addressList = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactListLocalHome home = (ContactListLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactList");
ContactListLocal remote = home.create();
addressList = remote.getAddressList(1, contactId,contactType);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getAllAddresses] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return addressList;
} // end getAllAddresses() method
* This method returns what you always wanted, a Collection
* actually implemented as an ArrayList of
* AddressVOs for the particular contactID passed in.
* <p>The collection will be empty if something goes wrong.
* @author Kevin McAllister <kevin@centraview.com>
* @param contactId the contact you want to join the address table against.
* @param contactType the contact type of the contact.
* @return a Collection, actually an ArrayList either empty or full of addressVOs.
public Collection getAllAddressVOs(int contactId, int contactType)
CVDal dl = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
Collection addressVOs = new ArrayList();
Collection rawAddresses = null;
rawAddresses = dl.executeQuery();
// Now we have it, lets build the VOs.
// And put them on the ArrayList
if (rawAddresses != null)
Iterator addressIteration = rawAddresses.iterator();
AddressVO addressVO = new AddressVO();
HashMap hm = (HashMap) addressIteration.next();
addressVO.setStreet1((String) hm.get("street1"));
addressVO.setStreet2((String) hm.get("street2"));
addressVO.setCity((String) hm.get("city"));
addressVO.setStateName((String) hm.get("state"));
addressVO.setZip((String) hm.get("zip"));
addressVO.setCountryName((String) hm.get("country"));
addressVO.setWebsite((String) hm.get("website"));
addressVO.setAddressType(((Number) hm.get("addressType")).intValue());
addressVO.setIsPrimary((String) hm.get("isPrimary"));
} // end while()
} // end if(rawAddress != null)
return addressVOs;
} // getAllAddressesBasic(int contactId, int contactType)
public MOCList getAllMOC(int contactId, int contactType)
MOCList ml = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactListLocalHome home = (ContactListLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactList");
ContactListLocal remote = home.create();
ml = remote.getMOCList(1, contactId,contactType);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getAllMOC] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return ml;
} // end getAllMOC() method
public void createSource(SourceVO svo)
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
SourceLocalHome home = (SourceLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Source");
SourceLocal remote = home.create(svo,this.dataSource);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.createSource] Exception Thrown: "+e);
* @param sourceid id of source
* @param svo source view object
public void updateSource(int sourceId, SourceVO svo)
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
SourceLocalHome home = (SourceLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Source");
SourceLocal remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(new SourcePK(sourceId,this.dataSource));
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.updateSource] Exception Thrown: "+e);
} // end updateSource() method
* @author
* @param id of Source
public void deleteSource(int sourceId)
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
SourceLocalHome home = (SourceLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Source");
SourceLocal remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(new SourcePK(sourceId,this.dataSource));
}catch(NamingException re){
throw new EJBException(re);
}catch(FinderException fe){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.deleteSource] Exception Thrown: "+fe);
}catch(RemoveException fe){
throw new EJBException(fe);
} // end deleteSource() method
public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx)
this.ctx = ctx;
public void ejbActivate() { }
public void ejbPassivate() { }
public void ejbRemove() { }
public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException{ }
public EntityList getAllEntityList( int userId, HashMap preference)
EntityList entityList = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactListLocalHome home = (ContactListLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactList");
ContactListLocal remote = home.create();
entityList = (EntityList)remote.getAllEntityList( userId, preference);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getAllEntityList] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return null;
return entityList;
* Returns and IndividualList object (sub-class of DisplayList).
public IndividualList getAllIndividualList(int userID, HashMap preference)
IndividualList individualList = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactListLocalHome home = (ContactListLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactList");
ContactListLocal remote = home.create();
individualList = (IndividualList)remote.getAllIndividualList(userID, preference);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB] Exception thrown in getAllIndividualList(): " + e);
} // end getAllIndividualList() method
* Returns and IndividualList object (sub-class of DisplayList).
public IndividualList getAllIndividualAndEntityEmailList(int userID, HashMap preference)
IndividualList individualList = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactListLocalHome home = (ContactListLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactList");
ContactListLocal remote = home.create();
individualList = (IndividualList)remote.getAllIndividualAndEntityEmailList(userID, preference);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB] Exception thrown in getAllIndividualAndEntityEmailList(): " + e);
} // end getAllIndividualAndEntityEmailList() method
public HashMap getEmployeeList()
HashMap individualList = new HashMap();
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
individualList = remote.getEmployeeList();
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB] Exception thrown in getAllIndividualList(): " + e);
* This method builds a Collection (ArrayList) of Individual VOs
* where the Individuals related Entity is equal to the entityId.
* @author Kevin McAllister <kevin@centraview.com>
* @param entityId
* @return a Collection of IndividualVOs, all related to the passed entityId.
public Collection getAllIndividualVOs(int entityId)
ArrayList individualVOs = new ArrayList();
// Query CVDal for a collection of IndividualIds
// Get the IndividualVOs for each, and send 'em back
// in the collection.
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
Collection results = null;
cvdal.setSqlQuery("SELECT individualid FROM individual WHERE entity = ?");
cvdal.setInt(1, entityId);
results = cvdal.executeQuery();
cvdal = null;
if (results != null)
Iterator resultsIterator = results.iterator();
HashMap resultMap = (HashMap)resultsIterator.next();
int individualId = ((Number)resultMap.get("individualid")).intValue();
IndividualVO individual = this.getIndividual(individualId);
} // end while(resultsIterator.hasNext())
} // end if (results != null)
return individualVOs;
} // end getAllIndividualVOs() method
* Returns a list of Employee (Individual) records for display
* in the Employee lookup screen.
* @return Collection of sql results (each row being a HashMap)
public Collection getEmployeeListCollection(int individualID)
Collection employeeList = (Collection)new ArrayList();
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
HashMap hm = new HashMap();
hm.put("dbID", new Integer(0));
hm.put("ADVANCESEARCHSTRING", "ADVANCE:SELECT IndividualID FROM individual WHERE entity=1");
ContactListLocalHome home = (ContactListLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactList");
ContactListLocal remote = home.create();
employeeList = remote.getAccessIndividualList(individualID, hm);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB] Exception thrown in getAllIndividualList(): " + e);
} // end getEmployeeList() method
* This method just gets the employee list ready for display, in a labelvaluebean.
* Used initially in permission screens, probably various other uses for it as well.
* @return
public Collection getEmployeeListDisplay()
ArrayList employeeList = new ArrayList();
String query = "SELECT individualId AS employeeId, CONCAT(firstName, ' ', lastName) AS name FROM individual WHERE entity = 1 ORDER BY lastName ASC";
CVDal cvdl = new CVDal(dataSource);
try {
Collection results = cvdl.executeQuery();
Iterator i = results.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
HashMap row = (HashMap)i.next();
Number employeeId = (Number)row.get("employeeId");
String name = (String)row.get("name");
employeeList.add(new LabelValueBean(name, employeeId.toString()));
} finally {
cvdl = null;
return employeeList;
* Returns a list of user (Individual) records for display
* in the permission screen.
* @return Collection of sql results (each row being a HashMap)
public Collection getUserListCollection(int individualID)
Collection employeeList = (Collection)new ArrayList();
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
HashMap hm = new HashMap();
hm.put("dbID", new Integer(0));
ContactListLocalHome home = (ContactListLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactList");
ContactListLocal remote = home.create();
employeeList = remote.getAccessIndividualList(individualID, hm);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB] Exception thrown in getAllIndividualList(): " + e);
} // end getUserListCollection() method
public HashMap getEntityList(int listId)
HashMap entityList = new HashMap();
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
entityList = remote.getEntityList(listId);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB] Exception thrown in getAllIndividualList(): " + e);
} // end getEntityList() method
* Returns and GroupList object (sub-class of DisplayList).
public GroupList getAllGroupList(int userId, HashMap preference)
GroupList groupList = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactListLocalHome home = (ContactListLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactList");
ContactListLocal remote = home.create();
groupList = (GroupList)remote.getAllGroupList( userId, preference);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB] Exception thrown in getAllGroupList(): " + e);
return null;
return groupList;
} // end getAllGroupList() method
public GroupVO getGroup(int userId, int groupId)
GroupVO gvo = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
GroupLocalHome home = (GroupLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Group");
GroupLocal remote = home.create();
// Transaction not required cause even if adding member fails its ok.
gvo = remote.getGroupDetails(userId, groupId);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getGroup] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return gvo;
} // end getGroup() method
public void deleteGroup(int userId, int groupId)
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
GroupLocalHome home = (GroupLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Group");
GroupLocal remote = home.create();
// Transaction not required cause even if adding member fails its ok.
}catch(NamingException re){
throw new EJBException(re);
}catch(CreateException ce){
throw new EJBException(ce);
} // end deleteGroup() method
public void deleteGroupMember(int groupMemberId, int groupId)
try {
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
GroupLocalHome home = (GroupLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Group");
GroupLocal remote = home.create();
remote.deleteGroupMember(groupId, groupMemberId);
} catch (NamingException re) {
throw new EJBException(re);
} catch (CreateException ce) {
throw new EJBException(ce);
} // end deleteGroupMember() method
public void updateGroup(int userId, GroupVO groupDetail) throws AuthorizationFailedException
boolean recordFlag = CVUtility.canPerformRecordOperation(userId,"Group",groupDetail.getGroupID(),ModuleFieldRightMatrix.UPDATE_RIGHT, this.dataSource);
if (!recordFlag)
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Group - updateGroup");
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
GroupLocalHome home = (GroupLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Group");
GroupLocal remote = home.create();
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.updateGroup] Exception Thrown: "+e);
} // end updateGroup() method
public void deleteMOC(int mocId, int contactId, int userId)
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
remote.deleteMOC(mocId, contactId, userId,true);
remote.updateModified("moc", contactId, userId, mocId);
}catch(NamingException re){
throw new EJBException(re);
}catch(CreateException ce){
throw new EJBException(ce);
} // end deleteMOC() method
public Vector getStates()
Vector col = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
col = remote.getStates();
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getStates] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return col;
} // end getStates() method
public Vector getCountry()
Vector col = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
col = remote.getCountry();
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getCountry] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return col;
} // end getCountry() method
public Vector getUsers()
Vector col = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
col = remote.getUsers();
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getUsers] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return col;
} // end getUsers() method
public Vector getGroups()
Vector col = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
col = remote.getGroups();
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getGroups] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return col;
} // end getGroups() method
public Vector getMOCType()
Vector col = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
col = remote.getMOCType();
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getMOCType] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return col;
} // end getMOCType() method
public Vector getSyncAs()
Vector col = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
col = remote.getSyncAs();
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getSyncAs] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return col;
} // end getSyncAs() method
public AddressVO getAddress(int addressId)
AddressVO avo = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
// Transaction not required cause even if adding member fails its ok.
avo = remote.getAddress(addressId);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getAddress] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return avo;
} // end getAddress() method
public AddressVO getRelatedAddress(int addressId, int contactType, int contactID)
AddressVO avo = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
// Transaction not required cause even if adding member fails its ok.
avo = remote.getRelatedAddress(addressId, contactType, contactID);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getAddress] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return avo;
} // end getAddress() method
public MethodOfContactVO getMOC(int mocId)
MethodOfContactVO mvo = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
// Transaction not required cause even if adding member fails its ok.
mvo = remote.getMoc(mocId);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getMOC] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return mvo;
} // end getMOC() method
public Vector getDBList(int userId)
Vector vecDB = new Vector();
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactListLocalHome home = (ContactListLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactList");
ContactListLocal remote = home.create();
vecDB = (Vector)remote.getDBList(userId);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getDBList] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return null;
return vecDB;
} // end getDBList() method
* This method differs from the getDBList method, in that it
* doesn't provide any record rights, it is used in Administration
* It also differs in that it returns the raw values, an ArrayList (Collection)
* of HashMaps. The keys on the HashMap are listid and title. This
* way you won't have to pull it out of a DDNameValue if that isn't
* your preferred data transfer vehicle.
* @author Kevin McAllister <kevin@centraview.com>
* @return A collection of HashMaps with "listid" and "title".
public Collection getAllMarketingList()
ArrayList marketingListNames = new ArrayList();
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
// SELECT listid, title FROM marketinglist
cvdal = null;
return marketingListNames;
} // end getAllMarketingList() method
* Calls GroupEJB.duplicateGroup() in order to duplicate a
* group and its members in the database. Given a groupID,
* this method duplicates the group record in the database,
* and also adds the origin group's members to the new group.
* @param individualID the individualID of the user who is creating the new group.
* @param groupID the groupID orginal group which is to be duplicated.
* @return int: newGroupID - the groupID of the newly created group.
public int duplicateGroup(int individualID, int groupID)
int newGroupID = 0; // method will return 0 upon failure
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
GroupLocalHome home = (GroupLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Group");
GroupLocal remote = home.create();
newGroupID = remote.duplicateGroup(individualID, groupID);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception] Exception thrown in ContactFacade.duplicateGroup(): " + e);
// e.printStackTrace();
return newGroupID;
} // end duplicateGroup()
* This method uses the CVUtility method getAllAccessible Records
* to create a temporary table called entityaccess, which provides
* all the entity Ids taht the passed individualId is allowed to access
* based on the public record, record authorisation tables and the owner field.
* I believe the Entity Lists that are returned are already sufficiently
* pared down based on this info so I am marking this as deprecated.
* @deprecated the ContactListEJB returns only the Entities which are accessible.
* @param individualId
* @return
public Vector getEntityAccessRecords(int individualId)
Vector allAccRec = new Vector();
CVDal cvdl = new CVDal(dataSource);
CVUtility.getAllAccessibleRecords("Entity", "entityaccess", "entity", "EntityID", "Owner", null, individualId, cvdl);
cvdl.setSqlQuery("select EntityID from entityaccess");
Collection col = cvdl.executeQuery();
Iterator eit = col.iterator();
cvdl.setSqlQuery("drop table entityaccess");
if (eit.hasNext())
while (eit.hasNext())
HashMap hm = (HashMap)eit.next();
if (hm != null)
Number entid = (Number)hm.get("EntityID");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("[Exception] ContactFacadeEJB.getEntityAccessRecords: " + e.toString());
} finally {
cvdl = null;
return allAccRec;
} // end getEntityAccessRecords() method
public Vector getIndividualAccessRecords(int individualId)
Vector allAccRec = new Vector();
CVDal cvdl = new CVDal(dataSource);
CVUtility.getAllAccessibleRecords("Individual", "individualaccess", "individual", "IndividualID", "Owner", null, individualId, cvdl);
cvdl.setSqlQuery("select IndividualID from individualaccess");
Collection col = cvdl.executeQuery();
Iterator eit = col.iterator();
cvdl.setSqlQuery("drop table individualaccess");
if (eit.hasNext())
while (eit.hasNext())
HashMap hm = (HashMap)eit.next();
if (hm!=null)
Integer entid = new Integer(((Long)(hm.get("IndividualID"))).intValue());
}catch (Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception] ContactFacadeEJB.getIndividualAccessRecords: " + e);
cvdl = null;
return allAccRec;
} // end getIndividualAccessRecords() method
public Vector getGroupAccessRecords(int individualId)
Vector allAccRec = new Vector();
CVDal cvdl = new CVDal(dataSource);
CVUtility.getAllAccessibleRecords("Group", "groupaccess", "grouptbl", "GroupID", "owner", null, individualId, cvdl);
cvdl.setSqlQuery("select GroupID from groupaccess");
Collection col = cvdl.executeQuery();
Iterator eit = col.iterator();
cvdl.setSqlQuery("drop table groupaccess");
if (eit.hasNext())
while (eit.hasNext())
HashMap hm = (HashMap)eit.next();
if (hm!=null)
Integer entid = new Integer(((Long)(hm.get("GroupID"))).intValue());
//System.out.println("IQ the enitytid is " + entid);
return allAccRec;
} // end getGroupAccessRecords() method
* @author Kevin McAllister <kevin@centraview.com>
* This simply sets the target datasource to be used for DB interaction
* @param ds A string that contains the cannonical JNDI name of the datasource
public void setDataSource(String ds) {
this.dataSource = ds;
public HashMap getCustomerIndividual(int indId)
HashMap hm=new HashMap();
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
IndividualLocalHome home = (IndividualLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Individual");
IndividualLocal remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(new IndividualPK(indId,this.dataSource));
hm = remote.getCustomerIndividualVOWithBasicReferences();
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Failed in the ContactFacadewhile getting Individual ");
return hm;
} // end getCustomerIndividual() method
* Method to return the entityid and name of the Entity related to a particular
* individualId. Much ligter weight than building a whole IndividualVO to get the info
* This was originally written to support some relatedInfo stuff.
* @author Kevin McAllister <kevin@centraview.com>
* @param individualId an int of the IndividualId
* @return HashMap with two keys "entityid" and "name", if there wasn't a match it will be an empty hashmap.
* @throws RemoteException per the EJB spec.
public HashMap getIndividualRelatedEntity(int individualId)
CVDal cvdl = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
HashMap relatedEntity = new HashMap();
// "SELECT entity.entityid, entity.name FROM entity, individual where entity.entityid = individual.entity AND individual.individualid = ?"
cvdl.setInt(1, individualId);
Vector results = (Vector)cvdl.executeQuery();
Iterator iter = results.iterator();
if (iter.hasNext()) // we should only get one result, otherwise we will just return the empty hashmap.
relatedEntity = (HashMap)iter.next();
cvdl = null;
// The hashmap will have two keys "entityid", "name"
return relatedEntity;
} // end of getIndividualRelatedEntity(int)
* Deletes a given set of Entity's data which are belonging to the ListID
* @param listID The List ID which we are going to process and delete the Entity in that List
// TODO: CHANGE THE NAME OF THIS METHOD!!!!! deleteEntity(int listID)
public void deleteEntity(int listID) throws AuthorizationFailedException
CVDal cvdl = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
EntityLocalHome home = (EntityLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Entity");
cvdl.setSqlQuery("SELECT EntityID from entity where list="+listID);
Collection results = cvdl.executeQuery();
if (results != null)
Iterator iter = results.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
HashMap entityList = (HashMap)iter.next();
if (entityList != null)
int entityId = ((Number)entityList.get("EntityID")).intValue();
EntityLocal remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(new EntityPK(entityId,this.dataSource));
}catch(NamingException fe){
throw new EJBException(fe);
}catch(RemoveException fe){
throw new EJBException(fe);
}catch(FinderException fe){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.deleteEntity] Exception Thrown: "+fe);
}catch(NotSupportedException nse){
throw new EJBException(nse);
}catch(RollbackException rbe){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Entity - deleteEntity");
}catch(SystemException se){
throw new EJBException(se);
}catch(HeuristicMixedException hme){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Entity - deleteEntity");
}catch(HeuristicRollbackException hre){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Entity - deleteEntity");
} // end deleteEntity() method
* Deletes a given set of Individual's data which are belonging to the ListID
* @param listID The List ID which we are going to process and delete the individual in that List
// TODO: CHANGE THE NAME OF THIS METHOD!!!!! deleteIndividual(int listID)
public void deleteIndividual(int listID) throws AuthorizationFailedException
CVDal cvdl = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
IndividualLocalHome home = (IndividualLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/Individual");
cvdl.setSqlQuery("SELECT IndividualID from individual where list="+listID);
Collection results = cvdl.executeQuery();
if (results != null)
Iterator iter = results.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
HashMap individualList = (HashMap)iter.next();
if (individualList != null)
int individualId = ((Number)individualList.get("EntityID")).intValue();
IndividualLocal remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(new IndividualPK(individualId,this.dataSource));
}catch(NamingException re){
throw new EJBException(re);
}catch(FinderException fe){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.deleteIndividual] Exception Thrown: "+fe);
}catch(RemoveException fe){
throw new EJBException(fe);
}catch(NotSupportedException nse){
throw new EJBException(nse);
}catch(RollbackException rbe){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Individual - deleteIndividual");
}catch(SystemException se){
throw new EJBException(se);
}catch(HeuristicMixedException hme){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Individual - deleteIndividual");
}catch(HeuristicRollbackException hre){
//TODO we shouldn't do like this Since we aren't parsing the record information.
// Its a time being hack.
throw new AuthorizationFailedException("Individual - deleteIndividual");
} // end deleteIndividual() method
* This method returns the entity ID for the associated Individual.
* @param individualID The individualID is for the Individual.
* @return toList The entityID for the Associated Individual.
public int getEntityIDForIndividual(int individualID)
int entityID = 0;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
entityID = remote.getEntityIDForIndividual(individualID);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getEntityIDForIndividual] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return entityID;
* This method returns whether an individualID is also
* a user in the system.
* @param individualID The individualID to check to see if
* it's a user.
* @return true if the individual is also a user, false otherwise.
public boolean isIndividualAUser(int individualID){
boolean isUser = false;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
isUser = remote.isIndividualAUser(individualID);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getEntityIDForIndividual] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return isUser;
* This method returns the String with the email address belonging to the individual/Entity.
* @param contactID You can pass either EntityID or IndividualID and get their primary emailAddress.
* @param contactType It will define wheather you are looking for the Entity or Individual EmailAddress.
* @return emailAddress It returns the emailAddress belonging to the individual/Entity.
public String getPrimaryEmailAddress(int contactID,int contactType){
String emailAddress = null;
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ContactHelperLocalHome home = (ContactHelperLocalHome)ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal remote = home.create();
emailAddress = remote.getPrimaryEmailAddress(contactID,contactType);
}catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("[Exception][ContactFacadeEJB.getPrimaryEmailAddress] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return emailAddress;
}// end of getPrimaryEmailAddress(int contactID,int contactType)
} // end class definition