* $RCSfile: AdvancedSearchEJB.java,v $ $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2005/08/25 17:00:55 $ - $Author: mcallist $
* The contents of this file are subject to the Open Software License
* Version 2.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.centraview.com/opensource/license.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
* under the License.
* The Original Code is: CentraView Open Source.
* The developer of the Original Code is CentraView. Portions of the
* Original Code created by CentraView are Copyright (c) 2004 CentraView,
* LLC; All Rights Reserved. The terms "CentraView" and the CentraView
* logos are trademarks and service marks of CentraView, LLC.
package com.centraview.advancedsearch;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.ejb.CreateException;
import javax.ejb.EJBException;
import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.centraview.common.CVDal;
import com.centraview.contact.individual.IndividualLocal;
import com.centraview.contact.individual.IndividualLocalHome;
import com.centraview.contact.individual.IndividualPK;
import com.centraview.contact.individual.IndividualVO;
* @author Ryan Grier <ryan@centraview.com>
public class AdvancedSearchEJB implements SessionBean
/** The SessionContext of this SessionBean. */
protected SessionContext ctx;
/** The JNDI/DataSource name this EJB will be using. */
private String dataSource = "MySqlDS";
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AdvancedSearchEJB.class);
* Set the associated session context. The container calls
* this method after the instance creation.<p>
* The enterprise Bean instance should store the reference
* to the context object in an instance variable. <p>
* This method is called with no transaction context.
* @param ctx A SessionContext interface for the instance.
* @throws EJBException Thrown by the method to indicate a
* failure caused by a system-level error.
public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx)
throws EJBException
this.ctx = ctx;
} //end of setSessionContext method
* The activate method is called when the instance is
* activated from its "passive" state. The instance
* should acquire any resource that it has released
* earlier in the ejbPassivate() method. <p>
* This method is called with no transaction context.
* @throws EJBException Thrown by the method to indicate a
* failure caused by a system-level error.
* instead of this exception.
public void ejbActivate()
throws EJBException
//Not Implemented
} //end of ejbActivate method
* A container invokes this method before it ends the
* life of the session object. This happens as a result
* of a client's invoking a remove operation, or when a
* container decides to terminate the session object after
* a timeout. <p>
* This method is called with no transaction context.
* @throws EJBException Thrown by the method to indicate a
* failure caused by a system-level error.
public void ejbRemove()
throws EJBException
//Not Implemented
} //end of ejbRemove method
* The passivate method is called before the instance
* enters the "passive" state. The instance should
* release any resources that it can re-acquire later
* in the ejbActivate() method. <p>
* After the passivate method completes, the instance
* must be in a state that allows the container to use the
* Java Serialization protocol to externalize and store
* away the instance's state. <p>
* This method is called with no transaction context.
* @throws EJBException Thrown by the method to indicate a
* failure caused by a system-level error.
public void ejbPassivate()
throws EJBException
//Not Implemented
} //end of ejbPassivate method
* The required ejbCreate() method.
* @throws CreateException An instance of the EJB could not
* be created.
public void ejbCreate()
throws CreateException
//Not Implemented
} //end of ejbCreate method
* This simply sets the target datasource to be used
* for DB interaction.
* @param ds A string that contains the cannonical JNDI
* name of the datasource
public void setDataSource(String ds)
this.dataSource = ds;
} //end of setDataSource method
* Returns the primary table information for
* the primary table of a module. The data is
* returned in a HashMap with the following
* fields:
* <br>
* TableID : The ID of the Table (from the database). <br>
* TableDisplayName : The pretty name of the Table. <br>
* TableName : The name of the Table (from the database) <br>
* TablePrimaryKey : The primary key of the Table (from the database) <br>
* @param moduleID The module ID
* @return A HashMap of information about the primary table of
* a module.
public HashMap getPrimaryTableForModule(int moduleID)
HashMap primaryTableHashMap = new HashMap();
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
String sqlQuery = "SELECT st.SearchTableID, st.DisplayName, "
+ "st.TableName, st.TablePrimaryKey FROM searchtable st,"
+ "searchmodule sm WHERE st.SearchTableID = sm.SearchTableID "
+ "AND sm.IsPrimaryTable = 'Y' AND sm.moduleid = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, moduleID);
Collection resultsCollection = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (resultsCollection != null)
Iterator resultsIterator = resultsCollection.iterator();
if (resultsIterator.hasNext())
HashMap resultsHashMap = (HashMap) resultsIterator.next();
Number tableID = (Number) resultsHashMap.get("SearchTableID");
String tableDisplayName = (String) resultsHashMap.get("DisplayName");
String tableName = (String) resultsHashMap.get("TableName");
String tablePrimaryKey = (String) resultsHashMap.get("TablePrimaryKey");
primaryTableHashMap.put("TableID", tableID);
primaryTableHashMap.put("TableDisplayName", tableDisplayName);
primaryTableHashMap.put("TableName", tableName);
primaryTableHashMap.put("TablePrimaryKey", tablePrimaryKey);
} //end of if statement (resultsIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (resultsCollection != null)
} //end of try block
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("[Exception] AdvancedSearchEJB.getPrimaryTableForModule: "
+ e.toString());
} //end of catch block (Exception)
cvdal = null;
} //end of finally block
return primaryTableHashMap;
} //end of getPrimaryTableForModule method
* Returns a HashMap of tables available
* for this moduleID. The Key of the HashMap
* is the tableID. The value is the Display
* Name of the table.
* @param moduleID The moduleID of the module.
* @return A HashMap of tables available
* for this moduleID
public HashMap getSearchTablesForModule(int individualID, int moduleID)
HashMap tablesHashMap = new HashMap();
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
String sqlQuery = "SELECT st.SearchTableID, st.DisplayName "
+ "FROM searchtable st, searchmodule sm WHERE "
+ "st.SearchTableID = sm.SearchTableID AND sm.moduleid = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, moduleID);
Collection resultsCollection = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (resultsCollection != null)
Iterator resultsIterator = resultsCollection.iterator();
while (resultsIterator.hasNext())
HashMap resultsHashMap = (HashMap) resultsIterator.next();
Number tableID = (Number) resultsHashMap.get("SearchTableID");
String tableName = (String) resultsHashMap.get("DisplayName");
tablesHashMap.put(tableID, tableName);
} //end of while loop (resultsIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (resultsCollection != null)
} //end of try block
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("[Exception] AdvancedSearchEJB.getSearchTablesForModule: "
+ e.toString());
} //end of catch block (Exception)
cvdal = null;
} //end of finally block
return tablesHashMap;
} //end of getSearchTablesForModule method
* Returns a HashMap of fields available
* for this tableID. The Key of the HashMap
* is the fieldID. The value is the Display
* Name of the table.
* @param tableID The tableID of the table.
* @param moduleId the moduleId the search is being done for.
* currently used only for getting the right custom fields.
* @return A HashMap of fields available
* for this tableID.
public HashMap getSearchFieldsForTable(int individualID, int tableID, int moduleId)
HashMap fieldHashMap = new HashMap();
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
Collection resultsCollection = null;
if (tableID != Integer.parseInt(SearchVO.CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID))
String sqlString = "SELECT SearchFieldID, DisplayName "
+ "FROM searchfield WHERE searchtableid = ?";
//Note: We will need to revisit field authorization
//at a later point in time. Right now, the data
//in modulefieldmapping is too messed up to effectivly
//handle fieldauthorization with the correct field names
//in the database.
cvdal.setInt(1, tableID);
resultsCollection = cvdal.executeQuery();
} else { // end of if (tableID != Integer.parseInt(CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID))
// we need to get the custom fields, first find the id for cvtable
// based on the moduleId.
Number tableId = null;
String sqlString = "SELECT cv.tableid AS id FROM cvtable AS cv, module "
+ "WHERE module.moduleid = ? AND UPPER(cv.name) = UPPER(module.name)";
cvdal.setInt(1, moduleId);
Collection tableIds = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (tableIds != null)
Iterator tableIdsIterator = tableIds.iterator();
if (tableIdsIterator.hasNext())
HashMap tableIdMap = (HashMap)tableIdsIterator.next();
tableId = (Number)tableIdMap.get("id");
} // end if (tableIdsIterator.hasNext())
} // end if (tableIds != null)
// now get the list of Fields.
sqlString = "SELECT customfieldid AS SearchFieldID, name AS DisplayName FROM customfield "
+ "WHERE recordtype = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, tableId.intValue());
resultsCollection = cvdal.executeQuery();
} // end of else (if (tableID != Integer.parseInt(CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID)))
// iterate the results and populate the return HashMap
if (resultsCollection != null)
Iterator resultsIterator = resultsCollection.iterator();
while (resultsIterator.hasNext())
HashMap resultsHashMap = (HashMap) resultsIterator.next();
Number fieldID = (Number) resultsHashMap.get("SearchFieldID");
String fieldName = (String) resultsHashMap.get("DisplayName");
fieldHashMap.put(fieldID, fieldName);
} //end of while loop (resultsIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (resultsCollection != null)
} //end of try block
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("[Exception] AdvancedSearchEJB.getSearchFieldsForTable: "
+ e.toString());
} //end of catch block (Exception)
cvdal = null;
} //end of finally block
return fieldHashMap;
} //end of getSearchFieldsForTable method
* Returns a boolean to determine whether the
* field is viewable to this individual/user.
* <code>false</code> is returned if the individual
* does not have access or if something has
* gone wrong during this query.
* @param individualID The ID of the individual
* getting the fields.
* @param fieldID The field ID we are checking for.
* @return true if the user has access to this
* field, false otherwise.
private boolean isFieldViewable(int individualID, int fieldID)
boolean isViewable = false;
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
String privilegeQuery = "SELECT fa.privilegelevel FROM "
+ "fieldauthorisation fa, usersecurityprofile usp, "
+ "cvtable ct, field f, searchfield sf, searchtable st WHERE "
+ "f.tableid = ct.tableid AND f.fieldid = fa.fieldid AND "
+ "fa.profileid = usp.profileid AND usp.individualid = ? AND "
+ "UPPER(f.name) = UPPER(sf.FieldName) AND "
+ "UPPER(cv.name) = UPPER(st.TableName) AND "
+ "(fa.privilegelevel > 0 AND fa.privilegelevel < 40) AND"
+ "sf.SearchTableID = st.SearchTableID AND sf.SearchFieldID = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, individualID);
cvdal.setInt(2, fieldID);
Collection privilegeResults = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (privilegeResults != null)
Iterator privilegeIterator = privilegeResults.iterator();
if (privilegeIterator.hasNext())
HashMap tableFieldHashMap = (HashMap) privilegeIterator.next();
Number privilegeLevel = (Number)
if (privilegeLevel.intValue() > 0
&& privilegeLevel.intValue() < 40)
isViewable = true;
} //end of if statement (privilegeLevel.intValue() > 0...
} //end of if statement (tableFieldIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (tableFieldResults != null)
} //end of try block
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("[Exception] AdvancedSearchEJB.isFieldViewable: "
+ e.toString());
} //end of catch block (Exception)
cvdal = null;
} //end of finally block
return isViewable;
} //end of isFieldViewable method
* Adds a new Saved Search to the database. If the
* search was saved successfully, then the new
* ID of the search will be returned. If there
* was a problem adding the search, -1 will
* be returned.<p>
* The only values that need to be set in the
* searchVO is the moduleID, the name and the
* searchCriteria. The other attributes of the
* SearchVO will be setup in this method.
* @param individualID The individualID of the
* person creating the new search. Must be a
* valid IndividualID.
* @param searchVO The SearchVO of the new
* search object. Only the moduleID, and name
* need to be set.
* @return The ID of the newly added search.
public int addNewSearch(int individualID, SearchVO searchVO)
int newSearchID = -1;
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
String sqlString = "INSERT INTO search (ModuleID, OwnerID, "
+ "CreatedBy, CreationDate, ModifiedBy, ModifiedDate, SearchName) "
+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
cvdal.setInt(1, searchVO.getModuleID());
cvdal.setInt(2, individualID);
cvdal.setInt(3, individualID);
cvdal.setRealDate(4, new java.sql.Date(new Date().getTime()));
cvdal.setInt(5, individualID);
cvdal.setRealTimestamp(6, new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()));
cvdal.setString(7, searchVO.getName());
newSearchID = cvdal.getAutoGeneratedKey();
Collection searchCriteria = searchVO.getSearchCriteria();
if (searchCriteria != null)
Iterator iterator = searchCriteria.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
SearchCriteriaVO criteria = (SearchCriteriaVO) iterator.next();
this.addNewSearchCriteria(newSearchID, criteria);
} //end of while loop (iterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (searchCriteria != null)
} //end of try block
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("[Exception] AdvancedSearchEJB.addNewSearch: "
+ e.toString());
} //end of catch block (Exception)
cvdal = null;
} //end of finally block
return newSearchID;
} //end of addNewSearch method
* Adds a new search criteria to the database.
* This new search criteria will be related to the
* searchID passed into the method. <P>
* The new ID of the search criteria will be
* returned if all is successful. -1 will
* be returned if the method fails somewhere.
* @param searchID The ID of the search to
* relate this search criteria to.
* @param searchCriteriaVO The VO of the
* search criteria. All fields are necessary.
* @return The ID of the new search criteria.
* -1 if the search criteria was not added.
private int addNewSearchCriteria(int searchID, SearchCriteriaVO searchCriteriaVO)
int newSearchCriteriaID = -1;
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
String sqlString = "INSERT INTO searchcriteria (SearchID, "
+ "SearchTableID, SearchFieldID, ConditionID, ExpressionType, "
+ "Value, CriteriaGroup) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
cvdal.setInt(1, searchID);
cvdal.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteriaVO.getTableID()));
cvdal.setInt(3, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteriaVO.getFieldID()));
cvdal.setInt(4, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteriaVO.getConditionID()));
cvdal.setString(5, searchCriteriaVO.getExpressionType());
cvdal.setString(6, searchCriteriaVO.getValue());
cvdal.setInt(7, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteriaVO.getGroupID()));
newSearchCriteriaID = cvdal.getAutoGeneratedKey();
} //end of try block
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("[Exception] AdvancedSearchEJB.addNewSearchCriteria: "
+ e.toString());
} //end of catch block
cvdal = null;
} //end of finally block
return newSearchCriteriaID;
} //end of addNewSearchCriteria method
* This method updates an existing Saved Search. It will
* also update any associated search criteria. If there
* is a new search criteria in the SearchVO, it will
* be created.<p>
* <b>Note</b>: CreatedBy and CreationDate will not
* be updated in this method. It doesn't make sense to
* make this updatable. <p>
* The number of records affected by the
* update is returned. It should always be either
* 0 or 1, if it is something else, something is
* wrong with the update query.
* @param individualID The ID of the Individual updating
* this search.
* @param searchVO The SearchVO of the updated Search.
* @return The number of records affected by the
* update query.
public int updateSavedSearch(int individualID, SearchVO searchVO)
int recordsAffected = 0;
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
StringBuffer sqlString = new StringBuffer();
sqlString.append("UPDATE search SET ModuleID = ?, OwnerID = ?, ");
sqlString.append("ModifiedBy = ?, ModifiedDate = ?, SearchName = ? WHERE ");
sqlString.append("SearchID = ?");
cvdal.setInt(1, searchVO.getModuleID());
cvdal.setInt(2, searchVO.getOwnerID());
cvdal.setInt(3, individualID);
cvdal.setRealTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()));
cvdal.setString(5, searchVO.getName());
cvdal.setInt(6, searchVO.getSearchID());
recordsAffected = cvdal.executeUpdate();
Collection searchCriteria = searchVO.getSearchCriteria();
if (searchCriteria != null)
ArrayList criteriaIds = new ArrayList();
Iterator iterator = searchCriteria.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
SearchCriteriaVO searchCriteriaVO = (SearchCriteriaVO) iterator.next();
if (searchCriteriaVO.getSearchCriteriaID().equals(""))
int newId = this.addNewSearchCriteria(searchVO.getSearchID(), searchCriteriaVO);
} //end of if statement (searchCriteriaVO.getSearchCriteriaID() <= 0)
} //end of else statement (searchCriteriaVO.getSearchCriteriaID() <= 0)
} //end of while loop (iterator.hasNext())
// Delete any Critieria from the database that wasn't included in the
// VO that was passed in.
sqlString.replace(0, sqlString.length(), "DELETE FROM searchcriteria WHERE SearchID = ? AND SearchCriteriaID NOT IN (");
for (int i = 0; i < criteriaIds.size(); i++)
if (i != 0)
sqlString.append(", ");
} // end for (int i = 0; i < criteriaIds.size(); i++)
cvdal.setInt(1, searchVO.getSearchID());
} //end of if statement (searchCriteria != null)
} //end of try block
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("[Exception] AdvancedSearchEJB.updateSavedSearch: "
+ e.toString());
} //end of catch block
cvdal = null;
} //end of finally block
return recordsAffected;
} //end of updateSavedSearch method
* Updates an existing search criteria in
* the database. The SearchID is not updatable.<p>
* The number of records affected by the
* update is returned. It should always be either
* 0 or 1, if it is something else, something is
* wrong with the update query.
* @param searchCriteriaVO The updated search criteria.
* @return The number of records affected by the
* update query.
private int updateSearchCriteria(SearchCriteriaVO searchCriteriaVO)
int recordsAffected = 0;
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
String sqlString = "UPDATE searchcriteria SET SearchTableID = ?, "
+ "SearchFieldID = ?, ConditionID = ?, ExpressionType = ?, "
+ "Value = ?, CriteriaGroup = ? WHERE SearchCriteriaID = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteriaVO.getTableID()));
cvdal.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteriaVO.getFieldID()));
cvdal.setInt(3, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteriaVO.getConditionID()));
cvdal.setString(4, searchCriteriaVO.getExpressionType());
cvdal.setString(5, searchCriteriaVO.getValue());
cvdal.setInt(6, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteriaVO.getGroupID()));
cvdal.setInt(7, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteriaVO.getSearchCriteriaID()));
recordsAffected = cvdal.executeUpdate();
} //end of try block
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("[Exception] AdvancedSearchEJB.updateSearchCriteria: "
+ e.toString());
} //end of catch block
cvdal = null;
} //end of finally block
return recordsAffected;
} //end of updateSearchCriteria method
* Deletes a specific search from the
* database. <p>
* The number of records affected by the
* delete is returned. It should always be either
* 0 or 1, if it is something else, something is
* wrong with the delete query.
* @param searchID The ID of the search
* to be deleted.
* @return The number of records affected by the
* delete query.
public int deleteSearch(int searchID)
int recordsAffected = 0;
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
//There is no need to delete the searchcriteria records
//they are taken care of with the foriegn key cascade delete.
String sqlString = "DELETE FROM search WHERE SearchID = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, searchID);
recordsAffected = cvdal.executeUpdate();
} //end of try block
cvdal = null;
} //end of finally block
return recordsAffected;
} //end of deleteSearch method
* Deletes a specific search criteria from the
* database. <p>
* The number of records affected by the
* delete is returned. It should always be either
* 0 or 1, if it is something else, something is
* wrong with the delete query.
* @param searchCriteriaID The ID of the search
* criteria to be deleted.
* @return The number of records affected by the
* delete query.
public int deleteSearchCriteria(int searchCriteriaID)
int recordsAffected = 0;
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
String sqlString = "DELETE FROM searchcriteria WHERE SearchCriteriaID = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, searchCriteriaID);
recordsAffected = cvdal.executeUpdate();
} //end of try block
cvdal = null;
} //end of finally block
return recordsAffected;
} //end of deleteSearchCriteria method
* Returns a HashMap of Saved Searches owned by a person for a particular
* module. <p>The Key of the HashMap is the ID of the Saved Search. The
* value associated to that key is the name of the saved search.
* @param individualID The Individual ID (owner) of the Searches to look for.
* @param moduleID The module ID of the module to find the searches for.
* @return A HashMap of ID/Name value pairs.
public HashMap getSavedSearchList(int individualID, int moduleID)
HashMap searchHashMap = new HashMap();
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
try {
String sqlString = "SELECT SearchID, SearchName FROM search WHERE OwnerID = ? AND ModuleID = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, individualID);
cvdal.setInt(2, moduleID);
Collection resultsCollection = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (resultsCollection != null) {
Iterator iterator = resultsCollection.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
HashMap resultsHashMap = (HashMap) iterator.next();
Number searchID = (Number) resultsHashMap.get("SearchID");
String searchName = (String) resultsHashMap.get("SearchName");
searchHashMap.put(searchID, searchName);
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("[Exception] AdvancedSearchEJB.getSavedSearchList: " + e.toString());
} finally {
cvdal = null;
return searchHashMap;
} // end getSavedSearchList() method
* Returns the Saved Search from the database
* based on the searchID.
* @param searchID The search ID of the Saved Search.
* @param searchType The searchType is either ADVANCE/SIMPLE.
* @param searchOn The searchOn is used only we if the SearchType is SIMPLE
* @return The SearchVO of the Saved Search.
public SearchVO getSavedSearch(int searchID, String searchType, String searchOn)
// If we are on Advance search the we have to assess the search table
// Else we have to assess the simplesearch table
String searchTable = "search";
if (searchType != null && searchType.equals("SIMPLE")){
searchTable = "simplesearch";
SearchVO searchVO = new SearchVO();
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
String searchQuery = "SELECT SearchID, ModuleID, OwnerID, CreatedBy, "
+ "CreationDate, ModifiedBy, ModifiedDate, SearchName FROM "+searchTable
+ " WHERE SearchID = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, searchID);
Collection searchResultsSet = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (searchResultsSet != null)
Iterator searchIterator = searchResultsSet.iterator();
//Only get the first one
if (searchIterator.hasNext())
HashMap searchHashMap = (HashMap) searchIterator.next();
Number savedSearchID = (Number) searchHashMap.get("SearchID");
Number moduleID = (Number) searchHashMap.get("ModuleID");
Number ownerIdObject = (Number)searchHashMap.get("OwnerID");
Number createdByIdObject = (Number)searchHashMap.get("CreatedBy");
Number modifiedByIdObject = (Number)searchHashMap.get("ModifiedBy");
int ownerId = (ownerIdObject == null) ? 0 : ownerIdObject.intValue();
int createdById = (createdByIdObject == null) ? 0 : createdByIdObject.intValue();
int modifiedById = (modifiedByIdObject == null) ? 0 : modifiedByIdObject.intValue();
String searchName = (String) searchHashMap.get("SearchName");
SimpleDateFormat mysqlDateFormat =
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss");
try {
String createdDateString = (searchHashMap.get("CreationDate")).toString();
Date createdDate = mysqlDateFormat.parse(createdDateString);
} catch (Exception e) {
searchVO.setCreationDate(new Date());
try {
String modifiedDateString = (searchHashMap.get("ModifiedDate")).toString();
Date modifiedDate = mysqlDateFormat.parse(modifiedDateString);
} catch (Exception e) {
searchVO.setModifiedDate(new Date());
this.getSearchCriteriaForSearch(savedSearchID.intValue(), searchType, searchOn));
} //end of if statement (searchIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (searchResultsSet != null)
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("[getSavedSearch]: Exception", e);
throw new EJBException(e);
} finally {
return searchVO;
} //end of getSavedSearch method
* Returns a Collection of SearchCriteriaVOs
* for a specific seach based on the search ID.
* An empty Collection will be returned if there
* are no SearchCriteriaVOs related.
* @param searchID The ID of the search which these
* SearchCriteriaVOs relate to.
* @param searchType The searchType is either ADVANCE/SIMPLE.
* @param searchOn The searchOn is used only we if the SearchType is SIMPLE
* @return A Collection of SearchCriteriaVOs. An empty
* Collection if there are no search criteria.
* @see com.centraview.advancedsearch.SearchCriteriaVO
private Collection getSearchCriteriaForSearch(int searchID,String searchType, String searchOn)
// If we are on Advance search the we have to assess the searchcriteria table
// Else we have to assess the simplesearchcriteria table
String searchTable = "searchcriteria";
if (searchType != null && searchType.equals("SIMPLE")){
searchTable = "simplesearchcriteria";
Collection searchCriteria = new ArrayList();
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
String sqlQuery = "SELECT SearchCriteriaID, SearchID, SearchTableID, "
+ "SearchFieldID, ConditionID, ExpressionType, Value, CriteriaGroup "
+ "FROM "+searchTable+" WHERE SearchID = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, searchID);
Collection resultsCollection = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (resultsCollection != null)
Iterator resultsIterator = resultsCollection.iterator();
while (resultsIterator.hasNext())
SearchCriteriaVO criteriaVO = new SearchCriteriaVO();
HashMap resultsHashMap = (HashMap) resultsIterator.next();
Number searchCriteriaID = (Number) resultsHashMap.get("SearchCriteriaID");
Number searchNumberID = (Number) resultsHashMap.get("SearchID");
Number searchTableID = (Number) resultsHashMap.get("SearchTableID");
Number searchFieldID = (Number) resultsHashMap.get("SearchFieldID");
Number conditionID = (Number) resultsHashMap.get("ConditionID");
Number groupID = (Number) resultsHashMap.get("CriteriaGroup");
String expressionType = (String) resultsHashMap.get("ExpressionType");
String value = (String) resultsHashMap.get("Value");
// If we are on SIMPLE search then we have to override the value to the current searchOn
if (searchType != null && searchType.equals("SIMPLE")){
value = searchOn;
} //end of while loop (resultsIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (searchResultsSet != null)
} //end of try block
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("[Exception] AdvancedSearchEJB.getSearchCriteriaForSearch: "
+ e.toString());
} //end of catch block (Exception)
cvdal = null;
} //end of finally block
return searchCriteria;
} //end of getSearchCriteriaForSearch method
* A private method to return the IndividualVO
* based on the individualID. This method is
* not really necessary, but it allows duplicate
* code not to be created.
* @param individualID The IndividualVO to search for.
* @return
private IndividualVO getIndividualVO(int individualID)
IndividualVO individualVO = new IndividualVO();
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
IndividualLocalHome home = (IndividualLocalHome)
IndividualLocal remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(
new IndividualPK(individualID, this.dataSource));
individualVO = remote.getIndividualVOWithBasicReferences();
} //end of try block
catch (Exception e)
//Give empty information
System.out.println("[Exception] AdvancedSearchEJB.getIndividualVO: "
+ e.toString());
} //end of catch block (Exception)
return individualVO;
} //end of getIndividualVO method
* Returns a Collection of IDs after running
* a specific saved search.
* @param individualID The ID of the user running
* the search.
* @param searchID The ID of the search to run.
* @param searchType The searchType is either ADVANCE/SIMPLE.
* @param searchOn The searchOn is used only we if the SearchType is SIMPLE
* @return A Collection of IDs after running
* a specific saved search.
public Collection performSearch(int individualID, int searchID, String searchType, String searchOn)
SearchVO searchVO = this.getSavedSearch(searchID, searchType, searchOn);
return this.performSearch(individualID, searchVO);
} //end of performSearch method
* Returns a Collection of IDs after running
* a specific saved search.
* @param individualID The ID of the user running
* the search.
* @param searchVO A fully populated SearchVO to
* search with.
* @return A Collection of IDs after running
* a specific saved search.
public Collection performSearch(int individualID, SearchVO searchVO)
//Note: This method is a mess... please forgive me :(
//resulting IDs
Collection resultsCollection = new ArrayList();
//List of ALL the tables needed for this query
Collection allTables = new ArrayList();
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
//Key: FieldID, Value: comma seperated IDs.
HashMap interumResults = new HashMap();
//Just so I don't have to query the db twice.
//Key: FieldID, Value: Field Name.
HashMap searchFields = new HashMap();
//Just so I don't have to query the db twice.
//Key: TableID, Value: Table Name.
HashMap searchTables = new HashMap();
int numberOfGroups = searchVO.getNumberOfGroups();
int criteriaSize = searchVO.getNumberOfCriteria();
String primaryTable = "";
Number primaryTableID = new Integer(0);
String primaryKey = "";
//Get the Primary Table for this module.
String mainTableQuery = "SELECT st.TablePrimaryKey, st.SearchTableID, "
+ "st.TableName FROM searchtable st, searchmodule sm WHERE "
+ "sm.SearchTableID = st.SearchTableID AND sm.ModuleID = ? "
+ "AND sm.IsPrimaryTable = 'Y'";
cvdal.setInt(1, searchVO.getModuleID());
Collection mainTableResults = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (mainTableResults != null)
Iterator mainTableIterator = mainTableResults.iterator();
//Only get the first one.
if (mainTableIterator.hasNext())
HashMap mainTableHashMap = (HashMap) mainTableIterator.next();
primaryTable = (String) mainTableHashMap.get("TableName");
primaryKey = (String) mainTableHashMap.get("TablePrimaryKey");
primaryTableID = (Number) mainTableHashMap.get("SearchTableID");
} //end of while loop (mainTableIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (mainTableResults != null)
//end of Get the Primary Table for this module.
//Start Criteria Searches
Collection criteriaCollection = searchVO.getSearchCriteria();
if (criteriaCollection != null)
Iterator criteriaIterator = criteriaCollection.iterator();
// There are two paths for a criterion. If it is a standard
// field we have to do a whole bunch of stuff to build a fancy
// query. If it is a custom field then we can rather easily
// get the data we seek.
int searchCriteriaCounter = 0;
while (criteriaIterator.hasNext())
String thisTable = "";
String thisRealTable = "";
String thisPrimaryKey = "";
String thisField = "";
String thisRelationship = "";
SearchCriteriaVO searchCriteria = (SearchCriteriaVO)criteriaIterator.next();
StringBuffer selectQuery = new StringBuffer();
if (searchCriteria.getTableID().equals(SearchVO.CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID))
// We are a custom field criteria
// Find out if we are scalar or multiple.
String customFieldTypeQuery = "SELECT fieldType FROM customfield "
+ "WHERE customFieldId = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteria.getFieldID()));
Collection typeResults = cvdal.executeQuery();
String customFieldType = null;
if (typeResults != null)
Iterator typeIterator = typeResults.iterator();
if (typeIterator.hasNext())
HashMap type = (HashMap)typeIterator.next();
customFieldType = (String)type.get("fieldType");
} // end if (typeResults != null)
} // end if (typeIterator.hasNext())
if (customFieldType.equals("SCALAR"))
selectQuery.append("SELECT cfv.recordId FROM customfieldscalar AS cfv, "
+ "customfield AS cf WHERE cf.customfieldid = cfv.customfieldid "
+ "AND cf.customfieldid = ");
} else {
selectQuery.append("SELECT cfm.recordId FROM customfieldmultiple AS cfm, "
+ "customfieldvalue AS cfv, customfield AS cf "
+ "WHERE cfm.valueid = cfv.valueid AND cf.customfieldid = cfm.customfieldid "
+ "AND cf.customfieldid = ");
selectQuery.append(" AND cfv.value ");
String valueCondition = (String) this.getConditionString(
searchCriteria.getValue(), "value", "cfv",
thisPrimaryKey = "recordId";
searchTables.put(new Integer(searchCriteria.getTableID()), primaryTable);
searchFields.put(new Integer(searchCriteria.getFieldID()), primaryKey);
} else {
// Gather table information for each criterion
String tableInfoString = "SELECT TableName, TablePrimaryKey "
+ "FROM searchtable WHERE SearchTableID = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteria.getTableID()));
Collection tableResults = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (tableResults != null)
Iterator tableIterator = tableResults.iterator();
if (tableIterator.hasNext())
HashMap tableHashMap = (HashMap) tableIterator.next();
thisTable = (String) tableHashMap.get("TableName");
thisPrimaryKey = (String) tableHashMap.get("TablePrimaryKey");
searchTables.put(new Integer(searchCriteria.getTableID()), thisTable);
searchFields.put(new Integer(searchCriteria.getFieldID()), thisPrimaryKey);
if (!allTables.contains(thisTable))
} //end of if statement (!tables.contains(tableName))
} //end of while loop (tableIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (tableResults != null)
// Gather Field Information for each criterion
String fieldInfoString = "SELECT FieldName, "
+ "IsOnTable, RelationshipQuery, RealTableName "
+ "FROM searchfield WHERE SearchFieldID = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteria.getFieldID()));
Collection fieldResults = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (fieldResults != null)
Iterator fieldIterator = fieldResults.iterator();
if (fieldIterator.hasNext())
HashMap fieldHashMap = (HashMap) fieldIterator.next();
String isOnTable = (String) fieldHashMap.get("IsOnTable");
thisField = (String) fieldHashMap.get("FieldName");
if (isOnTable.equalsIgnoreCase("N"))
thisRealTable = (String) fieldHashMap.get("RealTableName");
if (!allTables.contains(thisRealTable))
} //end of if statement (!tables.contains(tableName))
// alias determination
Collection alias = new ArrayList();
StringTokenizer aliasCommaTokens = new StringTokenizer(thisRealTable, ",");
String aliasRealTable = aliasCommaTokens.nextToken();
StringTokenizer aliasTokens = new StringTokenizer(aliasRealTable, " ");
int tokenLen = aliasTokens.countTokens();
if(tokenLen > 1){
String tempTableName = aliasTokens.nextToken();
}//end of if(aliasTokens.hasMoreTokens())
}//end of while(aliasCommaTokens.hasMoreTokens())
thisRelationship = (String) fieldHashMap.get("RelationshipQuery");
if (thisRelationship != null)
StringTokenizer relationshipTokens = new StringTokenizer(thisRelationship, " ");
while (relationshipTokens.hasMoreTokens())
String thisToken = relationshipTokens.nextToken();
int index = thisToken.indexOf(".");
if (index > -1)
String tableName = null;
if (thisToken.indexOf("(") == 0) { // grrrrrrr
tableName = thisToken.substring(1, index);
} else {
tableName = thisToken.substring(0, index);
//Incase if you added the new line to the Query then before
//check for the occurance. We will eliminate the new line return character.
tableName = tableName.replaceAll("\n","");
if ((!allTables.contains(tableName)) && (!alias.contains(tableName)))
} //end of if statement (!tables.contains(tableName))
} //end of if statement (index > -1)
} //end of while loop (relationshipTokens.hasMoreTokens())
} //end of if statement (thisRelationship != null)
} //end of if statement (isOnTable.equalsIgnoreCase("N"))
} //end of if statement (fieldIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (fieldResults != null)
if (thisRealTable.length() < 1)
thisRealTable = thisTable;
} //end of if statement (thisRealTable.length() < 1)
// This is the actual interesting part of the WHERE clause
String valueCondition = (String) this.getConditionString(
searchCriteria.getValue(), thisField, thisRealTable,
// Build the criterion Query
selectQuery.append("SELECT ");
selectQuery.append(" FROM ");
Iterator thisTableIterator = allTables.iterator();
while (thisTableIterator.hasNext())
String currentTable = (String) thisTableIterator.next();
if (thisTableIterator.hasNext())
selectQuery.append(", ");
} //end of if statement (thisTableIterator.hasNext())
} //end of while loop (thisTableIterator.hasNext())
// The actual Question the user is asking about this field:
StringBuffer fieldCriterion = new StringBuffer();
//If there is a relationship, this following piece
//should be setup in the database.
if (thisRelationship == null || thisRelationship.length() < 1)
} //end of if statement (thisRelationship == null ...
fieldCriterion.append(" ");
// the following things don't have "record" rights applied
// they can be skipped and just do this thing.
if (thisRealTable.equalsIgnoreCase("methodofcontact")
|| thisRealTable.equalsIgnoreCase("customfield")
|| thisRealTable.equalsIgnoreCase("address")
|| (thisRelationship != null && thisRelationship.length() > 0))
//This is bad.... bad bad bad, but there isn't an easier way
//to do this.
selectQuery.append(" WHERE ");
if (thisRelationship != null && thisRelationship.length() > 0)
selectQuery.append(" AND ");
} //end of if statement (thisRelationship != null ...
} //end of if statement (thisTable.equals("methodofcontact"))...
// Gotta do some record rights crap.
thisRealTable, thisPrimaryKey, selectQuery, fieldCriterion,
} //end of else statement (thisTable.equals("methodofcontact"))...
} // end else for if (searchCriteria.getTableID().equals(CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID))
// built the query now get iterum results.
Collection searchResults = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (searchResults != null)
StringBuffer commaDelimitedIDs = new StringBuffer("");
Iterator resultsIterator = searchResults.iterator();
while (resultsIterator.hasNext())
HashMap resultsHashMap = (HashMap) resultsIterator.next();
Number primaryID = (Number) resultsHashMap.get(thisPrimaryKey);
if (resultsIterator.hasNext())
commaDelimitedIDs.append(", ");
} //end of if statement (resultsIterator.hasNext())
} //end of while loop (resultsIterator.hasNext())
if (commaDelimitedIDs.length() < 1)
} //end of if statement (commaDelimitedIDs.length() < 1)
// interumResults are now keyed on a unique counter
interumResults.put(new Integer(searchCriteriaCounter), commaDelimitedIDs.toString());
} //end of if statement (searchResults != null)
// whack the tables from this list
// The guaranteed unique counter is now stored in the collection of searchCriteria
// which we are working with.
} //end of while loop (criteriaIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (criteriaCollection != null)
//End Criteria Searches
// Build the relationship and get out the primary keys we need.
if (criteriaCollection != null)
Iterator criteriaIterator = criteriaCollection.iterator();
while (criteriaIterator.hasNext())
SearchCriteriaVO searchCriteria = (SearchCriteriaVO) criteriaIterator.next();
Integer searchCriteriaId = new Integer(searchCriteria.getSearchCriteriaID());
// See if its worth finding the relationship, etc. If there is no
// interum results then there will most definitely be no final results
String ids = (String)interumResults.get(searchCriteriaId);
String relationshipQuery = "";
if (ids != null && ids.length() > 0 && !ids.equals("0")) // oh yeah, and if it equals 0, we can skip it too.
// if the table for this criteria is not the primary table, then we need to
// get the relationship query from searchtablerelate, and run a query to
// reduce back to the primarykey.
if ((primaryTableID.intValue() != Integer.parseInt(searchCriteria.getTableID()))
&& !(searchCriteria.getTableID().equals(SearchVO.CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID)))
String tableString = "SELECT RelationshipQuery FROM searchtablerelate " +
"WHERE (LeftSearchTableID = ? AND RightSearchTableID = ?) " +
"OR (LeftSearchTableID = ? AND RightSearchTableID = ?)";
cvdal.setInt(1, primaryTableID.intValue());
cvdal.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteria.getTableID()));
cvdal.setInt(3, Integer.parseInt(searchCriteria.getTableID()));
cvdal.setInt(4, primaryTableID.intValue());
Collection relationCollection = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (relationCollection != null)
Iterator relationIterator = relationCollection.iterator();
if (relationIterator.hasNext())
HashMap relationHashMap = (HashMap)relationIterator.next();
relationshipQuery = (String)relationHashMap.get("RelationshipQuery");
// build up a collection of all the tables referenced in the relationship
// query.
StringTokenizer relationshipTokens = new StringTokenizer(relationshipQuery, " ");
while (relationshipTokens.hasMoreTokens())
String thisToken = relationshipTokens.nextToken();
int index = thisToken.indexOf(".");
if (index > -1)
String tableName = thisToken.substring(0, index);
if (!allTables.contains(tableName))
} //end of if statement (!tables.contains(tableName))
} //end of if statement (index > -1)
} //end of while loop (relationshipTokens.hasMoreTokens())
} //end of if statement (relationIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (relationCollection != null)
// Run another query for each criteria that now gets the
// PrimaryTable.PrimaryKey for each set of interum results.
// In this way the final query will be done to sort out the
if (!allTables.contains(primaryTable))
StringBuffer primaryKeyQuery = new StringBuffer("SELECT ");
primaryKeyQuery.append(primaryTable + "." + primaryKey);
primaryKeyQuery.append(" FROM ");
Iterator tableIterator = allTables.iterator();
while (tableIterator.hasNext())
String thisTable = (String) tableIterator.next();
if (tableIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (tableIterator.hasNext())
primaryKeyQuery.append(" ");
} //end of while loop (tableIterator.hasNext())
primaryKeyQuery.append(" WHERE ");
if (!relationshipQuery.equals(""))
primaryKeyQuery.append(" AND ");
primaryKeyQuery.append((String)searchTables.get(new Integer(searchCriteria.getTableID())));
primaryKeyQuery.append((String) searchFields.get(new Integer(searchCriteria.getFieldID())));
primaryKeyQuery.append(" IN ( ");
primaryKeyQuery.append(") ");
// This is the collection of primary ids based on the criteria query
Collection primaryKeyCollection = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (primaryKeyCollection != null)
StringBuffer commaDelimitedIDs = new StringBuffer("");
Iterator resultsIterator = primaryKeyCollection.iterator();
while (resultsIterator.hasNext())
HashMap resultsHashMap = (HashMap)resultsIterator.next();
Number primaryID = (Number)resultsHashMap.get(primaryKey);
if (resultsIterator.hasNext())
commaDelimitedIDs.append(", ");
} //end of if statement (resultsIterator.hasNext())
} //end of while loop (resultsIterator.hasNext())
if (commaDelimitedIDs.length() < 1)
} //end of if statement (commaDelimitedIDs.length() < 1)
// replace the existing iterumResults with the new improved interumResults
// Which now are actual primaryKey ids, so the final query will have no
// joins, only boolean logic and IN operators.
interumResults.put(searchCriteriaId, commaDelimitedIDs.toString());
// clear this every time, as we will only be needing it for the preceding query
} //end if ((primaryTableID.intValue() != Integer.parseInt(searchCriteria.getTableID())) && !(searchCriteria.getTableID().equals(SearchVO.CUSTOM_FIELD_TABLEID)))
} // end if (ids != null && ids.length() > 0 && !ids.equals("0"))
} //end of while loop (criteriaIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (criteriaCollection != null)
//End of build the relationship
//Build the final query
StringBuffer finalQuery = new StringBuffer();
finalQuery.append("SELECT DISTINCT ");
finalQuery.append(primaryTable + "." + primaryKey);
finalQuery.append(" FROM ");
finalQuery.append(" WHERE ");
// count is the number of criteria stuck on the end of this query
int count = 0;
Integer[] groupIDs = searchVO.getGroupIDs();
for (int i = 0; i < groupIDs.length; i++)
Collection groupCollection = null;
// just do a seek and destroy mission. This way is probably better, saves DB access
// to get the collection of criteria for this group.
groupCollection = this.getSearchCriteriaForGroup(groupIDs[i].intValue(), criteriaCollection);
HashMap searchConditions = SearchVO.getConditionOptions();
if (groupCollection != null)
boolean firstCriteria = true;
Iterator groupIterator = groupCollection.iterator();
while (groupIterator.hasNext())
SearchCriteriaVO searchCriteria = (SearchCriteriaVO) groupIterator.next();
String ids = (String)interumResults.get(new Integer(searchCriteria.getSearchCriteriaID()));
// Check to see if it is worth appending this critieria on the Query.
// if the interumResults don't exist or there isn't at least 1 id then skip it.
if (ids != null && ids.length() > 0)
if (i != 0) // For all but first group.
finalQuery.append(" ");
finalQuery.append(" ");
} //end of if statement (i != 0)
if (!firstCriteria) // for all but first criteria in a group
finalQuery.append(" ");
finalQuery.append(" ");
} //end of if statement (!firstCriteria)
else // The first criteria in a group should open a parens.
firstCriteria = false;
} //end of else statement (!firstCriteria)
finalQuery.append("("); // every criteria is surrounded by individual parens
finalQuery.append(" IN ( ");
finalQuery.append(") ");
finalQuery.append(") ");
if (!groupIterator.hasNext())
finalQuery.append(") ");
} //end of if statement (groupIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (ids.length() > 0)
} //end of while loop (groupIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (groupCollection != null)
} //end of for loop (int i = 0; i < groupIDs.length; i++)
//End of build the final query
// If we haven't appended any criteria
// we need to make sure we don't get anything from this query
if (count == 0)
//Just so we don't get ALL!! of the results.
finalQuery.append(" 1=0 ");
//Run the final query
Collection rawResults = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (rawResults != null)
Iterator rawIterator = rawResults.iterator();
while (rawIterator.hasNext())
HashMap rawHashMap = (HashMap) rawIterator.next();
Number primaryID = (Number) rawHashMap.get(primaryKey);
} //end of while loop (rawIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (rawResults != null)
//End of Run the final query
} //end of try block
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("[Exception] AdvancedSearchEJB.performSearch: " + e);
} //end of catch block (Exception)
cvdal = null;
} //end of finally block
return resultsCollection;
} //end of performSearch method
* Returns the Condition String based on the
* value and the conditionID. This method can
* currently handle the following conditions:
* Begins With, Ends With, Equals, Greater Than,
* Less Than, and Has (kind of).
* @param value The Value we are searching for
* @param field The Field to do the comparison on.
* Note: only used for the <code>has</code> condition.
* @param table The Table to do the comparison on.
* Note: only used for the <code>has</code> condition.
* @param conditionID The ConditionID.
* @return The SQL segment needed to run this
* query. An empty String if an unknown condition
* is used.
* @see com.centraview.advancedsearch.SearchVO#getConditionOptions()
private String getConditionString(String value, String field, String table, int conditionID)
HashMap conditions = SearchVO.getConditionOptions();
Integer conditionIntID = new Integer(conditionID);
String valueCondition = "";
if (conditions.get(conditionIntID) != null)
String conditionString = (String) conditions.get(conditionIntID);
if (conditionString.equals(SearchVO.BEGINS_WITH_STRING))
valueCondition = "LIKE '" + value + "%' ";
} //end of if statement (conditionString.equals(...
else if (conditionString.equals(SearchVO.ENDS_WITH_STRING))
valueCondition = "LIKE '%" + value + "' ";
} //end of if statement (conditionString.equals(...
else if (conditionString.equals(SearchVO.CONTAINS_STRING))
valueCondition = "LIKE '%" + value+ "%' ";
} //end of if statement (conditionString.equals(...
else if (conditionString.equals(SearchVO.EQUALS_STRING))
valueCondition = "= '" + value + "' ";
} //end of if statement (conditionString.equals(...
else if (conditionString.equals(SearchVO.GREATER_THAN_STRING))
valueCondition = "> '" + value + "' ";
} //end of if statement (conditionString.equals(...
else if (conditionString.equals(SearchVO.LESS_THAN_STRING))
valueCondition = "< '" + value + "' ";
} //end of if statement (conditionString.equals(...
else if (conditionString.equals(SearchVO.HAS_STRING))
//TODO: Figure out how to do do a has.
valueCondition = "IS NOT NULL OR " + table + "."
+ field + " != 0 OR LENGTH(" + table + "." + field + ") > 0";
} //end of if statement (conditionString.equals(SearchVO.HAS_STRING))
} //end of if statement (conditions.get(conditionID) != null)
return valueCondition;
} //end of getConditionString method
* Builds and returns the RecordPermission segment
* of the SQL queries in the performSearch method.<p>
* This code could have been left there, but it would
* have resulted in duplicate code (which is evil).
* @param individualID The ID of the individual
* doing the search.
* @param realTableName The table we are checking
* against.
* @param primaryKey The primary key name we are
* checking against.
* @return The SQL segment needed to check the
* record permissions in this query.
private String getRecordPermissionQuery(int individualID,
String realTableName, String primaryKey, StringBuffer initialQuery,
StringBuffer fieldCriterion, int moduleId, Collection allTabls)
String recordOwnerField = "";
String recordOwnerTable = "";
StringBuffer selectQuery = new StringBuffer();
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
// opporunities are activities, so the owner field can be found there.
if (realTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("opportunity") || realTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("literaturerequest") || realTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("task"))
selectQuery.append(", activity");
} //end of if statement (thisRealTable.equalsIgnoreCase(...
// we don't have the owner column for the Vendor, Employee, Glaccount
else if (moduleId == 50 || moduleId == 54 || moduleId == 47){
}//end of if statement (moduleId == 50 || ...
// get the owner field for the module
String moduleOwnerString = "SELECT primarytable, ownerfield "
+ "FROM module WHERE moduleid = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, moduleId);
Collection ownerResults = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (ownerResults != null)
Iterator ownerIterator = ownerResults.iterator();
if (ownerIterator.hasNext())
HashMap ownerHashMap = (HashMap) ownerIterator.next();
recordOwnerField = (String) ownerHashMap.get("ownerfield");
recordOwnerTable = (String) ownerHashMap.get("primarytable");
} //end of if statement (ownerIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (ownerResults != null)
} //end of else statement (thisRealTable.equalsIgnoreCase(...
if ((!allTabls.contains(recordOwnerTable))&&(!recordOwnerTable.equals("")))
selectQuery.append(", " + recordOwnerTable);
// Record Owner
selectQuery.append(" WHERE ");
if (realTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("opportunity"))
selectQuery.append("opportunity.activityid = activity.activityid AND ");
selectQuery.append("opportunity.opportunityid = " + primaryKey);
selectQuery.append(" AND activity.owner = " + individualID);
selectQuery.append(" AND ");
} //end of if statement (thisRealTable.equalsIgnoreCase(...
else if (realTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("literaturerequest"))
selectQuery.append("literaturerequest.activityid = activity.activityid AND ");
selectQuery.append("activity.owner = " + individualID);
selectQuery.append(" AND ");
} //end of if statement (thisRealTable.equalsIgnoreCase(...
else if (realTableName.equalsIgnoreCase("task"))
selectQuery.append("task.activityid = activity.activityid AND ");
selectQuery.append(" activity.owner = " + individualID);
selectQuery.append(" AND ");
} //end of if statement (thisRealTable.equalsIgnoreCase(...
// we don't have the owner column for the Vendor, Employee, Glaccount
else if (moduleId == 50 || moduleId == 54 || moduleId == 47)
} //end of if statement (moduleId == 50 || ...
selectQuery.append(recordOwnerTable + ".");
selectQuery.append(recordOwnerField + " = " + individualID);
selectQuery.append(" AND ");
} //end of else statement (thisRealTable.equalsIgnoreCase(...
//End Record Owner
// Public Record
selectQuery.append(" UNION ");
selectQuery.append(", publicrecords WHERE publicrecords.moduleid = ");
selectQuery.append(" AND publicrecords.recordid = ");
selectQuery.append(realTableName + "." + primaryKey);
selectQuery.append(" AND ");
// End Public Record
// Record Permissions
selectQuery.append(" UNION ");
selectQuery.append(", recordauthorisation WHERE recordauthorisation.recordid = ");
selectQuery.append(realTableName + "." + primaryKey);
selectQuery.append(" AND recordauthorisation.recordtypeid = ");
selectQuery.append(" AND recordauthorisation.privilegelevel > 0 AND ");
selectQuery.append("recordauthorisation.privilegelevel < 40 AND ");
selectQuery.append("recordauthorisation.individualid = " + individualID);
selectQuery.append(" AND ");
// End Record Permissions
} //end of try block
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("[Exception] AdvancedSearchEJB.getRecordPermissionString: "
+ e.toString());
} //end of catch block (Exception)
cvdal = null;
} //end of try block
return selectQuery.toString();
} //end of getRecordPermissionString method
* This method is used Exclusively by the Report Facade
* to run a search and provide the requisite WHERE clause to
* filter against matching results.
* @param userId
* @param search
* @return
public String getWhereClauseForReport(int userId, SearchVO search, String alias)
StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer("");
// Only perform the search if there actually is one to run.
if (search != null && search.getSearchCriteria().size() > 0)
String primaryKey = "";
String primaryTable = "";
Collection col = this.performSearch(userId,search);
primaryKey = ((HashMap)this.getPrimaryTableForModule(search.getModuleID())).get("TablePrimaryKey").toString();
primaryTable = ((HashMap)this.getPrimaryTableForModule(search.getModuleID())).get("TableName").toString();
// For some standard reports we had to hardcode the alias for the primary table.
if(alias == null || alias.equals(""))
alias = primaryTable;
if (col.size() > 0)
where.append(" AND ");
where.append(primaryTable + "." + primaryKey);
where.append(" in (");
boolean first = true;
for (Iterator it = col.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
if (first) {
first = false;
else {
where.append(", ");
where.append(") ");
} else { // nothing matched the search, so we don't get any results in our report.
where.append( " AND 1=0 ");
} // end if (search.getSearchID() > 0)
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("[Exception][ReportFacadeEJB.getQueryForResultReport] Exception Thrown: "+e);
return where.toString();
* This Method Iterates the passed in collection of SearchCriteriaVO
* and returns Collection of criteria that belong to the group that was
* pased in.
* @param groupId
* @param criteria
* @return Collection of criteria for the group.
private Collection getSearchCriteriaForGroup(int groupId, Collection criteria)
ArrayList matchingCriteria = new ArrayList();
if (criteria != null)
Iterator criteriaIterator = criteria.iterator();
while (criteriaIterator.hasNext())
SearchCriteriaVO currentCriterion = (SearchCriteriaVO)criteriaIterator.next();
if (currentCriterion.getGroupID().equals(String.valueOf(groupId)))
return matchingCriteria;
* Returns The ID of a simple search on basis of module.
* @param moduleID The module ID
* @return A Integer The ID of the search on basis of module.
public Integer getSearchID(int moduleID)
Integer searchID = new Integer(0);
CVDal cvdal = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
String sqlQuery = "SELECT SearchID FROM simplesearch WHERE ModuleID = ?";
cvdal.setInt(1, moduleID);
Collection resultsCollection = cvdal.executeQuery();
if (resultsCollection != null)
Iterator resultsIterator = resultsCollection.iterator();
if (resultsIterator.hasNext())
HashMap resultsHashMap = (HashMap) resultsIterator.next();
int searchId = ((Number) resultsHashMap.get("SearchID")).intValue();
searchID = new Integer(searchId);
} //end of if statement (resultsIterator.hasNext())
} //end of if statement (resultsCollection != null)
} //end of try block
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("[getSearchID] Exception thrown.", e);
} //end of catch block (Exception)
cvdal = null;
} //end of finally block
return searchID;
} //end of getSearchID method
} //end of AdvancedSearchEJB class