* Copyright 2005 Ralf Joachim, Gregory Bock, Werner Guttmann
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.castor.persist;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.transaction.Status;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.castor.core.util.Messages;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.ClassNotPersistenceCapableException;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.ConnectionFailedException;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.Database;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.DbMetaInfo;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.DuplicateIdentityException;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.LockNotGrantedException;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.ObjectDeletedException;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.ObjectNotFoundException;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.ObjectNotPersistentException;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.PersistenceException;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.QueryException;
import org.exolab.castor.jdo.TransactionAbortedException;
import org.exolab.castor.mapping.AccessMode;
import org.exolab.castor.persist.ClassMolder;
import org.exolab.castor.persist.LockEngine;
import org.exolab.castor.persist.OID;
import org.exolab.castor.persist.ObjectLock;
import org.exolab.castor.persist.QueryResults;
import org.exolab.castor.persist.TxSynchronizable;
import org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.CallbackInterceptor;
import org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.Identity;
import org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.InstanceFactory;
import org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.PersistenceQuery;
* A transaction context is required in order to perform operations against the
* database. The transaction context is mapped to an API transaction or an XA
* transaction. The only way to begin a new transaction is through the creation
* of a new transaction context. A transaction context is created from an
* implementation class directly or through
* {@link org.exolab.castor.persist.XAResourceImpl}.
* @author <a href="arkin@intalio.com">Assaf Arkin </a>
* @author <a href="mailto:ralf DOT joachim AT syscon DOT eu">Ralf Joachim</a>
* @author <a href="mailto:werner DOT guttmann AT gmx DOT net">Werner Guttmann</a>
* @author <a href="mailto:gblock AT ctoforaday DOT COM">Gregory Block</a>
* @version $Revision: 7951 $ $Date: 2006-04-25 15:08:23 -0600 (Tue, 25 Apr 2006) $
* @since 1.0
public abstract class AbstractTransactionContext implements TransactionContext {
* An object is considered persistent only if it was queried or created
* within the context of this transaction. An object is not persistent if it
* was queried or created by another transactions. An object is not
* persistent if it was queried with read-only access.
* A read lock is implicitly obtained on any object that is queried, and a
* write lock on any object that is queried in exclusive mode, created or
* deleted in this transaction. The lock can be upgraded to a write lock.
* The validity of locks is dependent on the underlying persistence engine
* the transaction mode. Without persistence engine locks provide a strong
* locking mechanism, preventing objects from being deleted or modified in
* one transaction while another transaction is looking at them. With a
* persistent engine in exclusive mode, locks exhibit the same behavior.
* With a persistent engine in read/write mode or a persistent engine that
* does not support locking (e.g. LDAP) an object may be deleted or modified
* concurrently through a direct access mechanism.
/** The <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/">Jakarta Commons
* Logging </a> instance used for all logging. */
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractTransactionContext.class);
/** Default timeout of transaction and waiting for a lock. */
private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30;
/** The ObjectTracker for this transaction, tracking all of the various bits
* of state and co-located information (Engine, OID, etc.) for this entry.
* See ObjectTracker javadocs for more details. */
private final ObjectTracker _tracker = new ObjectTracker();
/** Set while transaction is waiting for a lock. */
private ObjectLock _waitOnLock;
/** The transaction status. See {@link Status}for list of valid values. */
private int _status = -1;
/** The timeout waiting to acquire a new lock. Specified in seconds. */
private int _lockTimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
/** The timeout of this transaction. Specified in seconds. */
private int _txTimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
/** The database to which this transaction belongs. */
private Database _db;
/** True if user prefer all reachable object to be stored automatically.
* False if user want only dependent object to be stored. */
private boolean _autoStore;
/** The default callback interceptor for the data object in this transaction. */
private CallbackInterceptor _callback;
/** The instance factory to that creates new instances of data object. */
private InstanceFactory _instanceFactory;
/** A list of listeners which will be informed about various transaction states. */
private ArrayList _synchronizeList = new ArrayList();
/** Lists all the connections opened for particular database engines
* used in the lifetime of this transaction. The database engine
* is used as the key to an open/transactional connection. */
private Hashtable _conns = new Hashtable();
/** Meta-data related to the RDBMS used. */
private DbMetaInfo _dbInfo;
* Create a new transaction context. This method is used by the explicit
* transaction model.
* @param db Database instance
public AbstractTransactionContext(final Database db) {
_db = db;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#addTxSynchronizable(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.TxSynchronizable)
public final void addTxSynchronizable(final TxSynchronizable synchronizable) {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#removeTxSynchronizable(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.TxSynchronizable)
public final void removeTxSynchronizable(final TxSynchronizable synchronizable) {
* Inform all registered listeners that the transaction was committed.
private void txcommitted() {
for (int i = 0; i < _synchronizeList.size(); i++) {
TxSynchronizable sync = (TxSynchronizable) _synchronizeList.get(i);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
String cls = sync.getClass().getName();
LOG.warn("Exception at " + cls + ".committed()", ex);
* Inform all registered listeners that the transaction was rolled back.
private void txrolledback() {
for (int i = 0; i < _synchronizeList.size(); i++) {
TxSynchronizable sync = (TxSynchronizable) _synchronizeList.get(i);
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
String cls = sync.getClass().getName();
LOG.warn("Exception at " + cls + ".rolledback()", ex);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#setAutoStore(boolean)
public final void setAutoStore(final boolean autoStore) {
_autoStore = autoStore;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#isAutoStore()
public final boolean isAutoStore() {
return _autoStore;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#setCallback(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.CallbackInterceptor)
public final void setCallback(final CallbackInterceptor callback) {
_callback = callback;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#setInstanceFactory(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.InstanceFactory)
public final void setInstanceFactory(final InstanceFactory factory) {
_instanceFactory = factory;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#setTransactionTimeout(int)
public final void setTransactionTimeout(final int timeout) {
_txTimeout = timeout;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#getTransactionTimeout()
public final int getTransactionTimeout() {
return _txTimeout;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#getLockTimeout()
public final int getLockTimeout() {
return _lockTimeout;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#setLockTimeout(int)
public final void setLockTimeout(final int timeout) {
_lockTimeout = (timeout >= 0 ? timeout : 0);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#setStatus(int)
public final void setStatus(final int status) {
_status = status;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#getConnection(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.LockEngine)
public final Connection getConnection(final LockEngine engine)
throws ConnectionFailedException {
Connection conn = (Connection) _conns.get(engine);
if (conn == null) {
conn = createConnection(engine);
_conns.put(engine, conn);
return conn;
protected abstract Connection createConnection(final LockEngine engine)
throws ConnectionFailedException;
protected final Iterator connectionsIterator() {
return _conns.values().iterator();
protected final void clearConnections() {
* The derived class must implement this method and commit all the connections
* used in this transaction. If the transaction could not commit fully or
* partially, this method will throw an {@link TransactionAbortedException},
* causing a rollback to occur as the next step.
* @throws TransactionAbortedException The transaction could not commit fully
* or partially and should be rolled back.
protected abstract void commitConnections() throws TransactionAbortedException;
* The derived class must implement this method and close all the connections
* used in this transaction.
* @throws TransactionAbortedException The transaction could not close all the
* connections.
protected abstract void closeConnections() throws TransactionAbortedException;
* The derived class must implement this method and rollback all the
* connections used in this transaction. The connections may be closed, as
* they will not be reused in this transaction. This operation is guaranteed
* to succeed.
protected abstract void rollbackConnections();
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#getConnectionInfo(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.LockEngine)
public final DbMetaInfo getConnectionInfo(final LockEngine engine)
throws PersistenceException {
Connection conn = getConnection(engine);
if (_dbInfo == null) {
_dbInfo = new DbMetaInfo(conn);
return _dbInfo;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext
* #fetch(org.exolab.castor.persist.ClassMolder,
* org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.Identity,
* org.exolab.castor.mapping.AccessMode)
public final synchronized Object fetch(
final ClassMolder molder, final Identity identity,
final AccessMode suggestedAccessMode)
throws PersistenceException {
Object objectInTx;
OID oid;
AccessMode accessMode;
if (identity == null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Identities can't be null!");
LockEngine engine = molder.getLockEngine();
oid = new OID(molder, identity);
accessMode = molder.getAccessMode(suggestedAccessMode);
if (accessMode == AccessMode.ReadOnly) {
objectInTx = _tracker.getObjectForOID(engine, oid, true);
} else {
objectInTx = _tracker.getObjectForOID(engine, oid, false);
if (objectInTx != null) {
// Object exists in this transaction.
// If the object has been loaded in this transaction from a
// different engine this is an error. If the object has been
// deleted in this transaction, it cannot be re-loaded. If the
// object has been created in this transaction, it cannot be
// re-loaded but no error is reported.
if (engine != _tracker.getMolderForObject(objectInTx).getLockEngine()) {
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format(
"persist.multipleLoad", molder.getName(), identity));
// Objects marked deleted in the transaction return null.
if (_tracker.isDeleted(objectInTx)) {
return null;
// ssa, multi classloader feature (note - this code appears to be
// duplicated, yet different, in both cases. Why?)
// ssa, FIXME : Are the two following statements equivalent ? (bug
// 998)
// if ( ! molder.getJavaClass().isAssignableFrom(
// entry.object.getClass() ) )
// if ( ! molder.getJavaClass( _db.getClassLoader()
// ).isAssignableFrom( entry.object.getClass() ) )
if (!molder.isAssignableFrom(objectInTx.getClass())) {
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format(
"persist.typeMismatch", molder.getName(), identity));
// If the object has been created in this transaction, don't bother
// testing access mode.
if (_tracker.isCreated(objectInTx)) {
return objectInTx;
if ((accessMode == AccessMode.Exclusive || accessMode == AccessMode.DbLocked)
&& !_tracker.getOIDForObject(objectInTx).isDbLock()) {
// If we are in exclusive mode and object has not been
// loaded in exclusive mode before, then we have a
// problem. We cannot return an object that is not
// synchronized with the database, but we cannot
// synchronize a live object.
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format(
"persist.lockConflict", molder.getName(), identity));
return objectInTx;
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#load(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.Identity, org.castor.persist.ProposedEntity,
* org.exolab.castor.mapping.AccessMode)
public final synchronized Object load(
final Identity identity,
final ProposedEntity proposedObject, final AccessMode suggestedAccessMode)
throws PersistenceException {
return load(identity, proposedObject, suggestedAccessMode, null);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#load(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.Identity, org.castor.persist.ProposedEntity,
* org.exolab.castor.mapping.AccessMode, org.exolab.castor.persist.QueryResults)
public final synchronized Object load(
final Identity identity,
final ProposedEntity proposedObject, final AccessMode suggestedAccessMode,
final QueryResults results)
throws PersistenceException {
Object objectInTx;
OID oid;
AccessMode accessMode;
ClassMolder molder = proposedObject.getActualClassMolder();
LockEngine engine = molder.getLockEngine();
if (identity == null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Identities can't be null!");
// Test that the object to be loaded (which we will fill in) is of an
// appropriate type for our molder.
if (proposedObject.getEntity() != null
&& !molder.getJavaClass(_db.getClassLoader()).isAssignableFrom(
proposedObject.getProposedEntityClass())) {
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format("persist.typeMismatch",
molder.getName(), proposedObject.getProposedEntityClass()));
oid = new OID(molder, identity);
accessMode = molder.getAccessMode(suggestedAccessMode);
if (accessMode == AccessMode.ReadOnly) {
objectInTx = _tracker.getObjectForOID(engine, oid, true);
} else {
objectInTx = _tracker.getObjectForOID(engine, oid, false);
if (objectInTx != null) {
// Object exists in this transaction.
// If the object has been loaded, but the instance sugguested to
// be loaded into is not the same as the loaded instance,
// error is reported.
// TODO [WG]: could read && propsedObject != objectInTransaction
if (proposedObject.getEntity() != null
&& proposedObject.getEntity() != objectInTx) {
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format(
"persist.multipleLoad", molder.getName(), identity));
// If the object has been loaded in this transaction from a
// different engine this is an error. If the object has been
// deleted in this transaction, it cannot be re-loaded. If the
// object has been created in this transaction, it cannot be
// re-loaded but no error is reported.
if (engine != _tracker.getMolderForObject(objectInTx).getLockEngine()) {
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format(
"persist.multipleLoad", molder.getName(), identity));
// Objects marked deleted in the transaction therefore we
// throw a ObjectNotFoundException to signal that object isn't
// available any more.
if (_tracker.isDeleted(objectInTx)) {
throw new ObjectNotFoundException(Messages.format(
"persist.objectNotFound", molder.getName(), identity));
// ssa, multi classloader feature (note - this code appears to be
// duplicated, yet different, in both cases. Why?)
// ssa, FIXME : Are the two following statements equivalent ? (bug
// 998)
// if ( ! molder.getJavaClass().isAssignableFrom(
// entry.object.getClass() ) )
// if ( ! molder.getJavaClass( _db.getClassLoader()
// ).isAssignableFrom( entry.object.getClass() ) )
if (!molder.getJavaClass(_db.getClassLoader()).isAssignableFrom(
objectInTx.getClass())) {
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format(
"persist.typeMismatch", molder.getName(),
// If the object has been created in this transaction, don't bother
// testing access mode.
if (_tracker.isCreated(objectInTx)) {
return objectInTx;
if ((accessMode == AccessMode.Exclusive || accessMode == AccessMode.DbLocked)
&& !_tracker.getOIDForObject(objectInTx)
.isDbLock()) {
// If we are in exclusive mode and object has not been
// loaded in exclusive mode before, then we have a
// problem. We cannot return an object that is not
// synchronized with the database, but we cannot
// synchronize a live object.
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format(
"persist.lockConflict", molder.getName(), identity));
return objectInTx;
// Load (or reload, in case the object is stored in a acache) the object
// through the persistence engine with the requested lock. This might report
// failure (object no longer exists), hold until a suitable lock is granted
// (or fail to grant), or report error with the persistence engine.
try {
if (proposedObject.getEntity() != null) {
objectInTx = proposedObject.getEntity();
} else {
// ssa, multi classloader feature
// ssa, FIXME : No better way to do that ?
// object = molder.newInstance();
if (_instanceFactory != null) {
objectInTx = _instanceFactory.newInstance(molder
.getName(), _db.getClassLoader());
} else {
objectInTx = molder.newInstance(_db
molder.setIdentity(this, objectInTx, identity);
_tracker.trackObject(molder, oid, objectInTx);
OID newoid = engine.load(this, oid, proposedObject,
suggestedAccessMode, _lockTimeout, results);
if (proposedObject.isExpanded()) {
// Remove old OID from ObjectTracker
// Create new OID
ClassMolder actualClassMolder = engine.getClassMolder(
OID actualOID = new OID(actualClassMolder, identity);
actualClassMolder.setIdentity(this, proposedObject.getEntity(), identity);
// Create instance of 'expanded object'
Object expandedObject = null;
try {
expandedObject = actualClassMolder.newInstance(getClassLoader());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Cannot create instance of " + molder.getName());
throw new PersistenceException(
"Cannot craete instance of " + molder.getName());
// Add new OID to ObjectTracker
_tracker.trackObject(molder, actualOID, expandedObject);
ProposedEntity proposedExpanded = new ProposedEntity(proposedObject);
// reload 'expanded object' using correct ClassMolder
engine.load(this, actualOID, proposedExpanded,
suggestedAccessMode, _lockTimeout, results);
objectInTx = proposedExpanded.getEntity();
} else {
// rehash the object entry, because oid might have changed!
_tracker.trackOIDChange(objectInTx, engine, oid, newoid);
} catch (ClassCastException except) {
throw except;
} catch (ObjectNotFoundException except) {
throw except;
} catch (ConnectionFailedException except) {
throw except;
} catch (LockNotGrantedException except) {
throw except;
} catch (ClassNotPersistenceCapableException except) {
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format("persist.nested",
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new PersistenceException(e.getMessage(), e);
// Need to copy the contents of this object from the cached
// copy and deal with it based on the transaction semantics.
// If the mode is read-only we release the lock and forget about
// it in the contents of this transaction. Otherwise we record
// the object in this transaction.
try {
if (_callback != null) {
_callback.using(objectInTx, _db);
_callback.loaded(objectInTx, accessMode);
} else if (molder.getCallback() != null) {
molder.getCallback().using(objectInTx, _db);
molder.getCallback().loaded(objectInTx, accessMode);
} catch (Exception except) {
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format("persist.nested",
if (accessMode == AccessMode.ReadOnly) {
// Mark it read-only.
// Release the lock on this object.
engine.releaseLock(this, oid);
return objectInTx;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#query(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.LockEngine,
* org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.PersistenceQuery,
* org.exolab.castor.mapping.AccessMode, boolean)
public final synchronized QueryResults query(final LockEngine engine,
final PersistenceQuery query, final AccessMode accessMode,
final boolean scrollable)
throws PersistenceException {
// Need to execute query at this point. This will result in a
// new result set from the query, or an exception.
query.execute(getConnection(engine), accessMode, scrollable);
return new QueryResults(this, engine, query, accessMode, _db);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#markCreate(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.ClassMolder,
* java.lang.Object, org.exolab.castor.persist.OID)
public final synchronized void markCreate(
final ClassMolder molder, final Object object, final OID rootObjectOID)
throws PersistenceException {
if (object == null) {
throw new PersistenceException(
"Attempted to mark a null object as created.");
LockEngine engine = molder.getLockEngine();
// Make sure the object has not beed persisted in this transaction.
Identity identity = molder.getIdentity(this, object);
// if autoStore is specified, we relieve user life a little bit here
// so that if an object create automatically and user create it
// again, it won't receive exception
if (_autoStore && _tracker.isTracking(object)) {
if (_tracker.isDeleted(object)) {
OID deletedoid = _tracker.getOIDForObject(object);
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format(
"persist.objectAlreadyPersistent", object.getClass()
.getName(), (deletedoid != null) ? deletedoid
.getIdentity() : null));
// Create the object. This can only happen once for each object in
// all transactions running on the same engine, so after creation
// add a new entry for this object and use this object as the view
// Note that the oid which is created is for a dependent object;
// this is not a change to the rootObjectOID, and therefore doesn't get
// trackOIDChange()d.
OID oid = new OID(molder, rootObjectOID, identity);
// You shouldn't be able to modify an object marked read-only in this
// transaction.
Object trackedObject = _tracker.getObjectForOID(engine, oid, false);
if (identity != null && trackedObject != null) {
if (trackedObject != object) {
throw new DuplicateIdentityException(
"Object being tracked with the OID created for a dependent "
+ "object does not match the object to be marked for "
+ "creation. Fundamental Tracking Error.");
} else if (_tracker.isDeleted(object)) {
// Undelete it.
try {
_tracker.trackObject(molder, oid, object);
if (_callback != null) {
_callback.creating(object, _db);
} else if (molder.getCallback() != null) {
molder.getCallback().creating(object, _db);
engine.markCreate(this, oid, object);
} catch (LockNotGrantedException lneg) {
// yip: do we need LockNotGrantedException, or should we
// removed them?
// Note: This used to throw a very strange empty-string
// DuplicateIdentityException, which is of course bollocks.
throw lneg;
} catch (PersistenceException pe) {
throw pe;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format("persist.nested", e), e);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#create(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.ClassMolder,
* java.lang.Object, org.exolab.castor.persist.OID)
public final synchronized void create(
final ClassMolder molder, final Object object, final OID depended)
throws PersistenceException {
// markCreate will walk the object tree starting from the specified
// object and mark all the object to be created.
markCreate(molder, object, depended);
* After performing create()/update() calls, walk all objects which are to
* be created in association with that call; lastly, perform the necessary
* cache updates to those objects if necessary.
* @throws PersistenceException
private synchronized void walkObjectsToBeCreated() throws PersistenceException {
// After the marking is done, we will actually create the object.
// However, because some objects contains foreign key are key
// generated, such object should be created after some other.
// We iterate all object and creating object according the priority.
Collection createableObjects = _tracker
Iterator creatableIterator = createableObjects.iterator();
while (creatableIterator.hasNext()) {
// Must perform creation after object is recorded in transaction
// to prevent circular references.
Object toBeCreated = creatableIterator.next();
OID toBeCreatedOID = _tracker.getOIDForObject(toBeCreated);
ClassMolder toBeCreatedMolder = _tracker.getMolderForObject(toBeCreated);
LockEngine toBeCreatedLockEngine = toBeCreatedMolder.getLockEngine();
try {
// Allow users to create inside the callback.
// We do this by rechecking that the object is still marked
// creatable;
// this will tell us if another process got to it first.
if (_tracker.isCreating(toBeCreated)) {
if (_callback != null) {
_callback.creating(toBeCreated, _db);
} else if (toBeCreatedMolder.getCallback() != null) {
toBeCreatedMolder.getCallback().creating(toBeCreated, _db);
OID oid = toBeCreatedLockEngine.create(this,
toBeCreatedOID, toBeCreated);
if (oid.getIdentity() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"oid.getIdentity() is null after create!");
// rehash the object entry, in case of oid changed
_tracker.trackOIDChange(toBeCreated, toBeCreatedLockEngine,
toBeCreatedOID, oid);
if (_callback != null) {
_callback.using(toBeCreated, _db);
} else if (toBeCreatedMolder.getCallback() != null) {
toBeCreatedMolder.getCallback().using(toBeCreated, _db);
} catch (Exception except) {
if (_callback != null) {
_callback.releasing(toBeCreated, false);
} else if (toBeCreatedMolder.getCallback() != null) {
if (except instanceof DuplicateIdentityException) {
throw (DuplicateIdentityException) except;
} else if (except instanceof PersistenceException) {
throw (PersistenceException) except;
} else {
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format(
"persist.nested", except), except);
private void walkObjectsWhichNeedCacheUpdate() {
// after we create the objects, some cache may invalid because the
// relation are cached on both side. So, we updateCache if it is
// marked to be update from the markCreate state
Collection objectsMarkedForUpdate = _tracker
Iterator it = objectsMarkedForUpdate.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object toCacheUpdate = it.next();
if (_tracker.isCreated(toCacheUpdate)) {
OID toCacheUpdateOID = _tracker.getOIDForObject(toCacheUpdate);
LockEngine toCacheUpdateLocker =
toCacheUpdateLocker.updateCache(this, toCacheUpdateOID, toCacheUpdate);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#markUpdate(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.ClassMolder,
* java.lang.Object, org.exolab.castor.persist.OID)
public final boolean markUpdate(
final ClassMolder molder, final Object object, final OID depended)
throws PersistenceException {
if (object == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
LockEngine engine = molder.getLockEngine();
Identity identity = molder.getActualIdentity(this, object);
if (molder.isDefaultIdentity(identity)) { identity = null; }
OID oid = new OID(molder, depended, identity);
// Check the object is in the transaction.
Object foundInTransaction = _tracker.getObjectForOID(engine, oid, false);
if (_autoStore && foundInTransaction != null
&& foundInTransaction == object) {
return false;
if (foundInTransaction != null) {
if (_tracker.isDeleted(foundInTransaction)) {
throw new ObjectDeletedException(Messages.format(
"persist.objectDeleted", object.getClass(), identity));
throw new DuplicateIdentityException(
"update object which is already in the transaction");
try {
_tracker.trackObject(molder, oid, object);
if (engine.update(this, oid, object, null, 0)) {
// yip: there is one issue here. Because object might be marked
// to be created in the update process. However, we have no easy
// way to fire jdoCreating() events from here.
// TODO How can I do this? This isn't a problem any more,
// because create() can handle being called while it's being
// called elsewhere (is recursive-safe)
// We may as well do it.
} catch (DuplicateIdentityException lneg) {
throw lneg;
} catch (PersistenceException pe) {
throw pe;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format("persist.nested", e), e);
if (!_tracker.isCreating(object)) {
try {
if (_callback != null) {
_callback.using(object, _db);
} else if (molder.getCallback() != null) {
molder.getCallback().using(object, _db);
} catch (Exception except) {
if (except instanceof PersistenceException) {
throw (PersistenceException) except;
throw new PersistenceException(except.getMessage(), except);
return false;
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#update(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.ClassMolder,
* java.lang.Object, org.exolab.castor.persist.OID)
public final synchronized void update(
final ClassMolder molder, final Object object, final OID depended)
throws PersistenceException {
markUpdate(molder, object, depended);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#delete(java.lang.Object)
public final synchronized void delete(final Object object)
throws PersistenceException {
if (object == null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Object to be deleted is null!");
// Get the entry for this object, if it does not exist
// the object has never been persisted in this transaction
if (!_tracker.isTracking(object)) {
throw new ObjectNotPersistentException(Messages.format(
"persist.objectNotPersistent", object.getClass().getName()));
ClassMolder molder = _tracker.getMolderForObject(object);
LockEngine engine = molder.getLockEngine();
OID oid = _tracker.getOIDForObject(object);
// Cannot delete same object twice
if (_tracker.isDeleted(object)) {
throw new ObjectDeletedException(Messages.format(
"persist.objectDeleted", object.getClass().getName(), oid
try {
if (_callback != null) {
} else if (molder.getCallback() != null) {
} catch (Exception except) {
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format("persist.nested",
// Must acquire a write lock on the object in order to delete it,
// prevents object form being deleted while someone else is
// looking at it.
try {
engine.softLock(this, oid, _lockTimeout);
// Mark object as deleted. This will prevent it from being viewed
// in this transaction and will handle it properly at commit time.
// The write lock will prevent it from being viewed in another
// transaction.
engine.markDelete(this, oid, object, _lockTimeout);
try {
if (_callback != null) {
} else if (molder.getCallback() != null) {
} catch (Exception except) {
throw new PersistenceException(Messages.format(
"persist.nested", except));
} catch (ObjectDeletedException except) {
// Object has been deleted outside this transaction,
// forget about it
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#writeLock(java.lang.Object, int)
public final synchronized void writeLock(final Object object, final int timeout)
throws PersistenceException {
if (object == null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Object to acquire lock is null!");
// Get the entry for this object, if it does not exist
// the object has never been persisted in this transaction
if (!_tracker.isTracking(object)) {
throw new ObjectNotPersistentException(Messages.format(
"persist.objectNotPersistent", object.getClass().getName()));
LockEngine engine = _tracker.getMolderForObject(object).getLockEngine();
OID oid = _tracker.getOIDForObject(object);
if (_tracker.isDeleted(object)) {
throw new ObjectDeletedException(Messages.format(
"persist.objectDeleted", object.getClass(), oid.getIdentity()));
try {
engine.writeLock(this, oid, timeout);
} catch (ObjectDeletedException except) {
// Object has been deleted outside this transaction,
// forget about it
throw new ObjectNotPersistentException(Messages.format(
"persist.objectNotPersistent", object.getClass().getName()));
} catch (LockNotGrantedException except) {
// Can't get lock, but may still keep running
throw except;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#markModified(
* java.lang.Object, boolean, boolean)
public final synchronized void markModified(final Object object,
final boolean updatePersist,
final boolean updateCache) {
if (updatePersist) {
if (updateCache) {
* Releases the lock granted on the object. The object is removed from this
* transaction and will not participate in transaction commit/abort. Any
* changes done to the object are lost.
* @param object The object to release the lock.
* @throws PersistenceException The object was not queried or created in this
* transaction.An error occured talking to the persistence engine.
private synchronized void release(final Object object) throws PersistenceException {
if (object == null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Object to release lock is null!");
// Get the entry for this object, if it does not exist
// the object has never been persisted in this transaction
if (!_tracker.isTracking(object)) {
throw new ObjectNotPersistentException(Messages.format(
"persist.objectNotPersistent", object.getClass().getName()
ClassMolder molder = _tracker.getMolderForObject(object);
LockEngine engine = molder.getLockEngine();
OID oid = _tracker.getOIDForObject(object);
if (_tracker.isDeleted(object)) {
throw new ObjectDeletedException(Messages.format(
"persist.objectDeleted", object.getClass().getName(), oid
// Release the lock, forget about the object in this transaction
engine.releaseLock(this, oid);
if (_callback != null) {
_callback.releasing(object, false);
} else if (molder != null && molder.getCallback() != null) {
molder.getCallback().releasing(object, false);
if (engine == null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Release: "
+ "Missing engine during release call; fundamental tracking error.");
if (molder == null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Release: "
+ "Missing molder during release call; fundamental tracking error.");
if (oid == null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Release: "
+ "Missing OID during release call; fundamental tracking error.");
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#prepare()
public final synchronized boolean prepare() throws TransactionAbortedException {
ArrayList todo = new ArrayList();
ArrayList done = new ArrayList();
if (_status == Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK) {
throw new TransactionAbortedException("persist.markedRollback");
if (_status != Status.STATUS_ACTIVE) {
throw new IllegalStateException(Messages
try {
// No objects in this transaction -- this is a read only transaction
// Put it into the try block to close connections
if (_tracker.readWriteSize() == 0) {
_status = Status.STATUS_PREPARED;
return false;
Collection readWriteObjects = _tracker.getReadWriteObjects();
while (readWriteObjects.size() != done.size()) {
Iterator rwIterator = readWriteObjects.iterator();
while (rwIterator.hasNext()) {
Object object = rwIterator.next();
if (!done.contains(object)) {
Iterator todoIterator = todo.iterator();
while (todoIterator.hasNext()) {
Object object = todoIterator.next();
// Anything not marked 'deleted' or 'creating' is ready to
// consider for store.
if ((!_tracker.isDeleted(object))
&& (!_tracker.isCreating(object))) {
LockEngine engine =
OID oid = _tracker.getOIDForObject(object);
OID newoid = engine.preStore(this, oid, object, _lockTimeout);
if (newoid != null) {
_tracker.trackOIDChange(object, engine, oid, newoid);
// preStore will actually walk all existing object and it might
// marked
// some object to be created (and to be removed).
// Now mark anything ready for create to create them.
_status = Status.STATUS_PREPARING;
_status = Status.STATUS_PREPARED;
return true;
} catch (Exception except) {
if (except instanceof TransactionAbortedException) {
throw (TransactionAbortedException) except;
// Any error is reported as transaction aborted
throw new TransactionAbortedException(Messages.format(
"persist.nested", except), except);
private void prepareForCreate() throws PersistenceException {
Collection allObjects = _tracker.getReadWriteObjects();
Iterator it = allObjects.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object toPrepare = it.next();
boolean isCreating = _tracker.isCreating(toPrepare);
boolean isDeleted = _tracker.isDeleted(toPrepare);
boolean needsPersist = _tracker.isUpdatePersistNeeded(toPrepare);
boolean needsCache = _tracker.isUpdateCacheNeeded(toPrepare);
ClassMolder molder = _tracker.getMolderForObject(toPrepare);
LockEngine engine = molder.getLockEngine();
OID oid = _tracker.getOIDForObject(toPrepare);
if (!isDeleted && !isCreating) {
if (needsPersist) {
engine.store(this, oid, toPrepare);
if (needsCache) {
engine.softLock(this, oid, _lockTimeout);
// do the callback
if (!isDeleted && _callback != null) {
try {
_callback.storing(toPrepare, needsCache);
} catch (Exception except) {
throw new TransactionAbortedException(Messages.format(
"persist.nested", except), except);
} else if (!isDeleted && molder.getCallback() != null) {
try {
molder.getCallback().storing(toPrepare, needsCache);
// updatePersistNeeded implies updateCacheNeeded
} catch (Exception except) {
throw new TransactionAbortedException(Messages.format(
"persist.nested", except), except);
private void prepareForDelete() throws PersistenceException {
Collection objectsToDelete = _tracker
Iterator it = objectsToDelete.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object object = it.next();
LockEngine engine = _tracker.getMolderForObject(object).getLockEngine();
OID oid = _tracker.getOIDForObject(object);
engine.delete(this, oid);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#commit()
public final synchronized void commit() throws TransactionAbortedException {
// Never commit transaction that has been marked for rollback
if (_status == Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK) {
throw new TransactionAbortedException("persist.markedRollback");
if (_status != Status.STATUS_PREPARED) {
throw new IllegalStateException(Messages
try {
_status = Status.STATUS_COMMITTING;
// Go through all the connections opened in this transaction,
// commit and close them one by one.
} catch (Exception except) {
// Any error that happens, we're going to rollback the transaction.
throw new TransactionAbortedException(Messages.format(
"persist.nested", except), except);
// Assuming all went well in the connection department,
// no deadlocks, etc. clean all the transaction locks with
// regards to the persistence engine.
Collection readWriteObjects = _tracker.getReadWriteObjects();
Iterator it = readWriteObjects.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object toCommit = it.next();
ClassMolder molder = _tracker.getMolderForObject(toCommit);
LockEngine engine = molder.getLockEngine();
OID oid = _tracker.getOIDForObject(toCommit);
if (_tracker.isDeleted(toCommit)) {
// Object has been deleted inside transaction,
// engine must forget about it.
engine.forgetObject(this, oid);
} else {
// Object has been created/accessed inside the
// transaction, release its lock.
if (_tracker.isUpdateCacheNeeded(toCommit)) {
engine.updateCache(this, oid, toCommit);
engine.releaseLock(this, oid);
// Call our release callback on all processed objects.
if (_callback != null) {
_callback.releasing(toCommit, true);
} else if (molder.getCallback() != null) {
molder.getCallback().releasing(toCommit, true);
// Call txcommited() before objects are removed to allow
// TxSynchronizable to iterate through the objects.
// Forget about all the objects in this transaction,
// and mark it as completed.
_status = Status.STATUS_COMMITTED;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#iterateReadWriteObjectsInTransaction()
public final Iterator iterateReadWriteObjectsInTransaction() {
return _tracker.getReadWriteObjects().iterator();
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#rollback()
public final synchronized void rollback() {
if (_status != Status.STATUS_ACTIVE
&& _status != Status.STATUS_PREPARED
&& _status != Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK) {
throw new IllegalStateException(Messages
// Go through all the connections opened in this transaction,
// rollback and close them one by one.
// un-delete object first
// Clean the transaction locks with regards to the database engine.
Collection readWriteObjects = _tracker.getReadWriteObjects();
OID oid = null;
try {
Iterator it = readWriteObjects.iterator();
// First revert all objects
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object object = it.next();
LockEngine engine = _tracker.getMolderForObject(object).getLockEngine();
oid = _tracker.getOIDForObject(object);
if (!_tracker.isCreating(object)) {
engine.revertObject(this, oid, object);
// then forget object or release lock on them
it = readWriteObjects.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object object = it.next();
ClassMolder molder = _tracker.getMolderForObject(object);
LockEngine engine = molder.getLockEngine();
oid = _tracker.getOIDForObject(object);
if (!_tracker.isCreating(object)) {
if (_tracker.isCreated(object)) {
// Object has been created in this transaction,
// it no longer exists, forget about it in the engine.
engine.forgetObject(this, oid);
} else {
// Object has been queried (possibly) deleted in this
// transaction and release the lock.
engine.releaseLock(this, oid);
if (_callback != null) {
_callback.releasing(object, false);
} else if (molder.getCallback() != null) {
molder.getCallback().releasing(object, false);
} catch (Exception except) {
// Don't thow exceptions during a rollback. Just report them.
LOG.error("Caught exception at rollback of object with OID " + oid, except);
// Forget about all the objects in this transaction,
// and mark it as completed.
_status = Status.STATUS_ROLLEDBACK;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#close()
public final synchronized void close() throws TransactionAbortedException {
if (_status != Status.STATUS_ACTIVE
&& _status != Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK) {
throw new IllegalStateException(Messages
try {
// Go through all the connections opened in this transaction,
// close them one by one.
} catch (Exception except) {
// Any error that happens, we're going to rollback the transaction.
throw new TransactionAbortedException(Messages.format(
"persist.nested", except), except);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#isCreated(java.lang.Object)
public final boolean isCreated(final Object object) {
return _tracker.isCreated(object);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#isUpdateCacheNeeded(java.lang.Object)
public final boolean isUpdateCacheNeeded(final Object object) {
return _tracker.isUpdateCacheNeeded(object);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#isUpdatePersistNeeded(java.lang.Object)
public final boolean isUpdatePersistNeeded(final Object object) {
return _tracker.isUpdatePersistNeeded(object);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#isPersistent(java.lang.Object)
public final boolean isPersistent(final Object object) {
return (_tracker.isTracking(object) && !_tracker.isDeleted(object));
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#isRecorded(java.lang.Object)
public final boolean isRecorded(final Object object) {
return _tracker.isTracking(object);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#isDepended(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.OID, java.lang.Object)
public final boolean isDepended(final OID master, final Object dependent) {
OID oid = _tracker.getOIDForObject(dependent);
if (oid == null) {
return false;
OID depends = oid.getDepends();
if (depends == null) {
return false;
return depends.equals(master);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#getStatus()
public final int getStatus() {
return _status;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#isOpen()
public final boolean isOpen() {
return ((_status == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE)
|| (_status == Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK));
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#setWaitOnLock(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.ObjectLock)
public final void setWaitOnLock(final ObjectLock lock) {
_waitOnLock = lock;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#getWaitOnLock()
public final ObjectLock getWaitOnLock() {
return _waitOnLock;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#isDeleted(java.lang.Object)
public final boolean isDeleted(final Object object) {
return _tracker.isDeleted(object);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#isDeletedByOID(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.OID)
public final boolean isDeletedByOID(final OID oid) {
Object o = _tracker.getObjectForOID(oid.getMolder().getLockEngine(), oid, false);
if (o != null) {
return _tracker.isDeleted(o);
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#getClassLoader()
public final ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
return _db.getClassLoader();
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#expireCache(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.ClassMolder,
* org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.Identity)
public final synchronized void expireCache(
final ClassMolder molder, final Identity identity)
throws PersistenceException {
OID oid;
LockEngine engine = molder.getLockEngine();
if (identity == null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Identities can't be null!");
oid = new OID(molder, identity);
Object trackedObject = _tracker.getObjectForOID(engine, oid, false);
if (trackedObject == null) {
try {
// the call to engine.expireCache may result in a
// recursive call to this.expireCache, therefore,
// an entry is added to the object list to prevent
// infinite loops due to bi-directional references
_tracker.trackObject(molder, oid, identity);
if (engine.expireCache(this, oid, _lockTimeout)) {
engine.releaseLock(this, oid);
} catch (LockNotGrantedException except) {
throw except;
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#isCached(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.ClassMolder,
* java.lang.Class, org.exolab.castor.persist.spi.Identity)
public final boolean isCached(final ClassMolder molder,
final Class cls, final Identity identity)
throws PersistenceException {
if (identity == null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Identities can't be null!");
OID oid = new OID(molder, identity);
return molder.getLockEngine().isCached(cls, oid);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#isReadOnly(java.lang.Object)
public final boolean isReadOnly(final Object object) {
return _tracker.isReadOnly(object);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#getDatabase()
public final Database getDatabase() {
return _db;
* Returns true if the object given is locked.
* @param cls Class instance of the object to be investigated.
* @param identity Identity of the object to be investigated.
* @param lockEngine Current LcokEngine instance
* @return True if the object in question is locked.
public final boolean isLocked(final Class cls, final Identity identity,
final LockEngine lockEngine) {
OID oid = new OID(lockEngine.getClassMolder(cls), identity);
return lockEngine.isLocked(cls, oid);
* @inheritDoc
* @see org.castor.persist.TransactionContext#getNamedQuery(
* org.exolab.castor.persist.ClassMolder,
* java.lang.String)
public String getNamedQuery(final ClassMolder molder, final String name)
throws QueryException {
if (molder == null) {
throw new QueryException("Invalid argument - molder is null");
return molder.getNamedQuery(name);