* Distributed as part of c3p0 v.0.9.2-pre1
* Copyright (C) 2010 Machinery For Change, Inc.
* Author: Steve Waldman <swaldman@mchange.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this software; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl;
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.stmt.*;
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ConnectionCustomizer;
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.SQLWarnings;
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.UnifiedConnectionTester;
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import javax.sql.ConnectionEvent;
import javax.sql.ConnectionEventListener;
import javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource;
import javax.sql.PooledConnection;
import com.mchange.v1.db.sql.ConnectionUtils;
import com.mchange.v2.async.AsynchronousRunner;
import com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner;
import com.mchange.v2.log.MLevel;
import com.mchange.v2.log.MLog;
import com.mchange.v2.log.MLogger;
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ConnectionTester;
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.QueryConnectionTester;
import com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.CannotAcquireResourceException;
import com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.ResourcePool;
import com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.ResourcePoolException;
import com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.ResourcePoolFactory;
import com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.TimeoutException;
import com.mchange.v2.sql.SqlUtils;
public final class C3P0PooledConnectionPool
private final static boolean ASYNCHRONOUS_CONNECTION_EVENT_LISTENER = false;
private final static Throwable[] EMPTY_THROWABLE_HOLDER = new Throwable[1];
final static MLogger logger = MLog.getLogger( C3P0PooledConnectionPool.class );
final ResourcePool rp;
final ConnectionEventListener cl = new ConnectionEventListenerImpl();
final ConnectionTester connectionTester;
final GooGooStatementCache scache;
final boolean c3p0PooledConnections;
final boolean effectiveStatementCache; //configured for caching and using c3p0 pooled Connections
final int checkoutTimeout;
final AsynchronousRunner sharedTaskRunner;
final AsynchronousRunner deferredStatementDestroyer;;
final ThrowableHolderPool thp = new ThrowableHolderPool();
public int getStatementDestroyerNumConnectionsInUse() { return scache == null ? -1 : scache.getStatementDestroyerNumConnectionsInUse(); }
public int getStatementDestroyerNumConnectionsWithDeferredDestroyStatements() { return scache == null ? -1 : scache.getStatementDestroyerNumConnectionsWithDeferredDestroyStatements(); }
public int getStatementDestroyerNumDeferredDestroyStatements() { return scache == null ? -1 : scache.getStatementDestroyerNumDeferredDestroyStatements(); }
C3P0PooledConnectionPool( final ConnectionPoolDataSource cpds,
final DbAuth auth,
int min,
int max,
int start,
int inc,
int acq_retry_attempts,
int acq_retry_delay,
boolean break_after_acq_failure,
int checkoutTimeout, //milliseconds
int idleConnectionTestPeriod, //seconds
int maxIdleTime, //seconds
int maxIdleTimeExcessConnections, //seconds
int maxConnectionAge, //seconds
int propertyCycle, //seconds
int unreturnedConnectionTimeout, //seconds
boolean debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces,
final boolean testConnectionOnCheckout,
final boolean testConnectionOnCheckin,
int maxStatements,
int maxStatementsPerConnection,
/* boolean statementCacheDeferredClose, */
final ConnectionTester connectionTester,
final ConnectionCustomizer connectionCustomizer,
final String testQuery,
final ResourcePoolFactory fact,
ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner taskRunner,
ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner deferredStatementDestroyer,
final String parentDataSourceIdentityToken) throws SQLException
if (maxStatements > 0 && maxStatementsPerConnection > 0)
this.scache = new DoubleMaxStatementCache( taskRunner, deferredStatementDestroyer, maxStatements, maxStatementsPerConnection );
else if (maxStatementsPerConnection > 0)
this.scache = new PerConnectionMaxOnlyStatementCache( taskRunner, deferredStatementDestroyer, maxStatementsPerConnection );
else if (maxStatements > 0)
this.scache = new GlobalMaxOnlyStatementCache( taskRunner, deferredStatementDestroyer, maxStatements );
this.scache = null;
this.connectionTester = connectionTester;
this.checkoutTimeout = checkoutTimeout;
this.sharedTaskRunner = taskRunner;
this.deferredStatementDestroyer = deferredStatementDestroyer;
this.c3p0PooledConnections = (cpds instanceof WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource);
this.effectiveStatementCache = c3p0PooledConnections && (scache != null);
class PooledConnectionResourcePoolManager implements ResourcePool.Manager
//SynchronizedIntHolder totalOpenedCounter = new SynchronizedIntHolder();
//SynchronizedIntHolder connectionCounter = new SynchronizedIntHolder();
//SynchronizedIntHolder failedCloseCounter = new SynchronizedIntHolder();
final boolean connectionTesterIsDefault = (connectionTester instanceof DefaultConnectionTester);
public Object acquireResource() throws Exception
PooledConnection out;
if ( connectionCustomizer == null)
out = (auth.equals( C3P0ImplUtils.NULL_AUTH ) ?
cpds.getPooledConnection() :
cpds.getPooledConnection( auth.getUser(),
auth.getPassword() ) );
WrapperConnectionPoolDataSourceBase wcpds = (WrapperConnectionPoolDataSourceBase) cpds;
out = (auth.equals( C3P0ImplUtils.NULL_AUTH ) ?
wcpds.getPooledConnection( connectionCustomizer, parentDataSourceIdentityToken ) :
wcpds.getPooledConnection( auth.getUser(),
connectionCustomizer, parentDataSourceIdentityToken ) );
catch (ClassCastException e)
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("Cannot use a ConnectionCustomizer with a non-c3p0 ConnectionPoolDataSource." +
" ConnectionPoolDataSource: " + cpds.getClass().getName(), e);
if (scache != null)
if (c3p0PooledConnections)
((AbstractC3P0PooledConnection) out).initStatementCache(scache);
// System.err.print("Warning! StatementPooling not ");
// System.err.print("implemented for external (non-c3p0) ");
// System.err.println("ConnectionPoolDataSources.");
logger.warning("StatementPooling not " +
"implemented for external (non-c3p0) " +
// log and clear any SQLWarnings present upon acquisition
Connection con = null;
con = out.getConnection();
SQLWarnings.logAndClearWarnings( con );
//invalidate the proxy Connection
ConnectionUtils.attemptClose( con );
return out;
catch (Exception e)
if (logger.isLoggable( MLevel.WARNING ))
"A PooledConnection was acquired, but an Exception occurred while preparing it for use. Attempting to destroy.",
try { destroyResource( out, false ); }
catch (Exception e2)
if (logger.isLoggable( MLevel.WARNING ))
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING,
"An Exception occurred while trying to close partially acquired PooledConnection.",
e2 );
throw e;
if (logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINEST ))
logger.finest(this + ".acquireResource() returning. " );
//"Currently open Connections: " + connectionCounter.getValue() +
//"; Failed close count: " + failedCloseCounter.getValue() +
//"; Total processed by this pool: " + totalOpenedCounter.getValue());
// the PooledConnection refurbishes itself when
// its Connection view is closed, prior to being
// checked back in to the pool. But we still may want to
// test to make sure it is still good.
public void refurbishResourceOnCheckout( Object resc ) throws Exception
if ( connectionCustomizer != null )
Connection physicalConnection = null;
physicalConnection = ((AbstractC3P0PooledConnection) resc).getPhysicalConnection();
waitMarkPhysicalConnectionInUse( physicalConnection );
if ( testConnectionOnCheckout )
if ( Debug.DEBUG && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINER ) )
finerLoggingTestPooledConnection( resc, "CHECKOUT" );
testPooledConnection( resc );
connectionCustomizer.onCheckOut( physicalConnection, parentDataSourceIdentityToken );
catch (ClassCastException e)
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("Cannot use a ConnectionCustomizer with a non-c3p0 PooledConnection." +
" PooledConnection: " + resc +
"; ConnectionPoolDataSource: " + cpds.getClass().getName(), e);
{ unmarkPhysicalConnectionInUse(physicalConnection); }
if ( testConnectionOnCheckout )
PooledConnection pc = (PooledConnection) resc;
waitMarkPooledConnectionInUse( pc );
assert !Boolean.FALSE.equals(pooledConnectionInUse( pc )); //null or true are okay
if ( Debug.DEBUG && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINER ) )
finerLoggingTestPooledConnection( pc, "CHECKOUT" );
testPooledConnection( pc );
// TODO: refactor this by putting the connectionCustomizer if logic inside the (currently repeated) logic
public void refurbishResourceOnCheckin( Object resc ) throws Exception
if ( connectionCustomizer != null )
Connection physicalConnection = null;
physicalConnection = ((AbstractC3P0PooledConnection) resc).getPhysicalConnection();
// so by the time we are checked in, all marked-for-destruction statements should be closed.
waitMarkPhysicalConnectionInUse( physicalConnection );
connectionCustomizer.onCheckIn( physicalConnection, parentDataSourceIdentityToken );
SQLWarnings.logAndClearWarnings( physicalConnection );
if ( testConnectionOnCheckin )
if ( Debug.DEBUG && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINER ) )
finerLoggingTestPooledConnection( resc, "CHECKIN" );
testPooledConnection( resc );
catch (ClassCastException e)
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("Cannot use a ConnectionCustomizer with a non-c3p0 PooledConnection." +
" PooledConnection: " + resc +
"; ConnectionPoolDataSource: " + cpds.getClass().getName(), e);
{ unmarkPhysicalConnectionInUse(physicalConnection); }
PooledConnection pc = (PooledConnection) resc;
Connection con = null;
// so by the time we are checked in, all marked-for-destruction statements should be closed.
waitMarkPooledConnectionInUse( pc );
con = pc.getConnection();
if ( testConnectionOnCheckin )
if ( Debug.DEBUG && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINER ) )
finerLoggingTestPooledConnection( resc, con, "CHECKIN" );
testPooledConnection( resc, con );
// close the proxy Connection
unmarkPooledConnectionInUse( pc );
public void refurbishIdleResource( Object resc ) throws Exception
PooledConnection pc = (PooledConnection) resc;
if ( Debug.DEBUG && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINER ) )
finerLoggingTestPooledConnection( resc, "IDLE CHECK" );
testPooledConnection( resc );
private void finerLoggingTestPooledConnection(Object resc, String testImpetus) throws Exception
{ finerLoggingTestPooledConnection( resc, null, testImpetus); }
private void finerLoggingTestPooledConnection(Object resc, Connection proxyConn, String testImpetus) throws Exception
logger.finer("Testing PooledConnection [" + resc + "] on " + testImpetus + ".");
testPooledConnection( resc, proxyConn );
logger.finer("Test of PooledConnection [" + resc + "] on " + testImpetus + " has SUCCEEDED.");
catch (Exception e)
logger.log(MLevel.FINER, "Test of PooledConnection [" + resc + "] on "+testImpetus+" has FAILED.", e);
throw e;
private void testPooledConnection(Object resc) throws Exception
{ testPooledConnection( resc, null ); }
private void testPooledConnection(Object resc, Connection proxyConn) throws Exception
PooledConnection pc = (PooledConnection) resc;
assert !Boolean.FALSE.equals(pooledConnectionInUse( pc )); //null or true are okay
Throwable[] throwableHolder = EMPTY_THROWABLE_HOLDER;
int status;
Connection openedConn = null;
Throwable rootCause = null;
// No! Connection must be maked in use PRIOR TO Connection test
//waitMarkPooledConnectionInUse( pc );
// if this is a c3p0 pooled-connection, let's get underneath the
// proxy wrapper, and test the physical connection sometimes.
// this is faster, when the testQuery would not otherwise be cached,
// and it avoids a potential statusOnException() double-check by the
// PooledConnection implementation should the test query provoke an
// Exception
Connection testConn;
if (scache != null) //when there is a statement cache...
// if it's the slow, default query, faster to test the raw Connection
if (testQuery == null && connectionTesterIsDefault && c3p0PooledConnections)
testConn = ((AbstractC3P0PooledConnection) pc).getPhysicalConnection();
else //test will likely be faster on the proxied Connection, because the test query is probably cached
testConn = (proxyConn == null ? (openedConn = pc.getConnection()) : proxyConn);
else //where there's no statement cache, better to use the physical connection, if we can get it
if (c3p0PooledConnections)
testConn = ((AbstractC3P0PooledConnection) pc).getPhysicalConnection();
testConn = (proxyConn == null ? (openedConn = pc.getConnection()) : proxyConn);
if ( testQuery == null )
status = connectionTester.activeCheckConnection( testConn );
if (connectionTester instanceof UnifiedConnectionTester)
throwableHolder = thp.getThrowableHolder();
status = ((UnifiedConnectionTester) connectionTester).activeCheckConnection( testConn, testQuery, throwableHolder );
else if (connectionTester instanceof QueryConnectionTester)
status = ((QueryConnectionTester) connectionTester).activeCheckConnection( testConn, testQuery );
// System.err.println("[c3p0] WARNING: testQuery '" + testQuery +
// "' ignored. Please set a ConnectionTester that implements " +
// "com.mchange.v2.c3p0.advanced.QueryConnectionTester, or use the " +
// "DefaultConnectionTester, to test with the testQuery.");
logger.warning("[c3p0] testQuery '" + testQuery +
"' ignored. Please set a ConnectionTester that implements " +
"com.mchange.v2.c3p0.QueryConnectionTester, or use the " +
"DefaultConnectionTester, to test with the testQuery.");
status = connectionTester.activeCheckConnection( testConn );
catch (Exception e)
if (Debug.DEBUG)
logger.log(MLevel.FINE, "A Connection test failed with an Exception.", e);
status = ConnectionTester.CONNECTION_IS_INVALID;
// System.err.println("rootCause ------>");
// e.printStackTrace();
rootCause = e;
if (rootCause == null)
rootCause = throwableHolder[0];
else if (throwableHolder[0] != null && logger.isLoggable(MLevel.FINE))
logger.log(MLevel.FINE, "Internal Connection Test Exception", throwableHolder[0]);
if (throwableHolder != EMPTY_THROWABLE_HOLDER)
thp.returnThrowableHolder( throwableHolder );
//debug only
// if (openedConn != null)
// new Exception("OPENEDCONN in testPooledConnection()").printStackTrace();
ConnectionUtils.attemptClose( openedConn ); //invalidate opened proxy connection
// no! Connection should have been marked in use prior to test and should remain in use after
//unmarkPooledConnectionInUse( pc );
switch (status)
case ConnectionTester.CONNECTION_IS_OKAY:
break; //no problem, babe
case ConnectionTester.DATABASE_IS_INVALID:
//intentional cascade...
case ConnectionTester.CONNECTION_IS_INVALID:
Exception throwMe;
if (rootCause == null)
throwMe = new SQLException("Connection is invalid");
throwMe = SqlUtils.toSQLException("Connection is invalid", rootCause);
throw throwMe;
throw new Error("Bad Connection Tester (" +
connectionTester + ") " +
"returned invalid status (" + status + ").");
public void destroyResource(Object resc, boolean checked_out) throws Exception
waitMarkPooledConnectionInUse((PooledConnection) resc);
if ( connectionCustomizer != null )
Connection physicalConnection = null;
physicalConnection = ((AbstractC3P0PooledConnection) resc).getPhysicalConnection();
connectionCustomizer.onDestroy( physicalConnection, parentDataSourceIdentityToken );
catch (ClassCastException e)
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("Cannot use a ConnectionCustomizer with a non-c3p0 PooledConnection." +
" PooledConnection: " + resc +
"; ConnectionPoolDataSource: " + cpds.getClass().getName(), e);
catch (Exception e)
if (logger.isLoggable( MLevel.WARNING ))
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING,
"An exception occurred while executing the onDestroy() method of " + connectionCustomizer +
". c3p0 will attempt to destroy the target Connection regardless, but this issue " +
" should be investigated and fixed.",
e );
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.TRACE == Debug.TRACE_MAX && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINER ))
logger.log( MLevel.FINER, "Preparing to destroy PooledConnection: " + resc);
if (c3p0PooledConnections)
((AbstractC3P0PooledConnection) resc).closeMaybeCheckedOut( checked_out );
((PooledConnection) resc).close();
// inaccurate, as Connections can be removed more than once
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.TRACE == Debug.TRACE_MAX && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINER ))
logger.log( MLevel.FINER,
"Successfully destroyed PooledConnection: " + resc );
//". Currently open Connections: " + connectionCounter.getValue() +
//"; Failed close count: " + failedCloseCounter.getValue() +
//"; Total processed by this pool: " + totalOpenedCounter.getValue());
catch (Exception e)
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.TRACE == Debug.TRACE_MAX && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINER ))
logger.log( MLevel.FINER, "Failed to destroy PooledConnection: " + resc );
//". Currently open Connections: " + connectionCounter.getValue() +
//"; Failed close count: " + failedCloseCounter.getValue() +
//"; Total processed by this pool: " + totalOpenedCounter.getValue());
throw e;
unmarkPooledConnectionInUse((PooledConnection) resc);
ResourcePool.Manager manager = new PooledConnectionResourcePoolManager();
synchronized (fact)
fact.setMin( min );
fact.setMax( max );
fact.setStart( start );
fact.setIncrement( inc );
fact.setIdleResourceTestPeriod( idleConnectionTestPeriod * 1000);
fact.setResourceMaxIdleTime( maxIdleTime * 1000 );
fact.setExcessResourceMaxIdleTime( maxIdleTimeExcessConnections * 1000 );
fact.setResourceMaxAge( maxConnectionAge * 1000 );
fact.setExpirationEnforcementDelay( propertyCycle * 1000 );
fact.setDestroyOverdueResourceTime( unreturnedConnectionTimeout * 1000 );
fact.setDebugStoreCheckoutStackTrace( debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces );
fact.setAcquisitionRetryAttempts( acq_retry_attempts );
fact.setAcquisitionRetryDelay( acq_retry_delay );
fact.setBreakOnAcquisitionFailure( break_after_acq_failure );
rp = fact.createPool( manager );
catch (ResourcePoolException e)
{ throw SqlUtils.toSQLException(e); }
public PooledConnection checkoutPooledConnection() throws SQLException
//System.err.println(this + " -- CHECKOUT");
PooledConnection pc = (PooledConnection) this.checkoutAndMarkConnectionInUse();
pc.addConnectionEventListener( cl );
return pc;
catch (TimeoutException e)
{ throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("An attempt by a client to checkout a Connection has timed out.", e); }
catch (CannotAcquireResourceException e)
{ throw SqlUtils.toSQLException("Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!", "08001", e); }
catch (Exception e)
{ throw SqlUtils.toSQLException(e); }
private void waitMarkPhysicalConnectionInUse(Connection physicalConnection) throws InterruptedException
if (effectiveStatementCache)
private boolean tryMarkPhysicalConnectionInUse(Connection physicalConnection)
{ return (effectiveStatementCache ? scache.tryMarkConnectionInUse(physicalConnection) : true); }
private void unmarkPhysicalConnectionInUse(Connection physicalConnection)
if (effectiveStatementCache)
private void waitMarkPooledConnectionInUse(PooledConnection pooledCon) throws InterruptedException
if (c3p0PooledConnections)
waitMarkPhysicalConnectionInUse(((AbstractC3P0PooledConnection) pooledCon).getPhysicalConnection());
private boolean tryMarkPooledConnectionInUse(PooledConnection pooledCon)
if (c3p0PooledConnections)
return tryMarkPhysicalConnectionInUse(((AbstractC3P0PooledConnection) pooledCon).getPhysicalConnection());
return true;
private void unmarkPooledConnectionInUse(PooledConnection pooledCon)
if (c3p0PooledConnections)
unmarkPhysicalConnectionInUse(((AbstractC3P0PooledConnection) pooledCon).getPhysicalConnection());
private Boolean physicalConnectionInUse(Connection physicalConnection) throws InterruptedException
if (physicalConnection != null && effectiveStatementCache)
return scache.inUse(physicalConnection);
return null;
private Boolean pooledConnectionInUse(PooledConnection pc) throws InterruptedException
if (pc != null && effectiveStatementCache)
return scache.inUse(((AbstractC3P0PooledConnection) pc).getPhysicalConnection());
return null;
private Object checkoutAndMarkConnectionInUse() throws TimeoutException, CannotAcquireResourceException, ResourcePoolException, InterruptedException
Object out = null;
boolean success = false;
while (! success)
out = rp.checkoutResource( checkoutTimeout );
if (out instanceof AbstractC3P0PooledConnection)
// cast should succeed, because effectiveStatementCache implies c3p0 pooled Connections
AbstractC3P0PooledConnection acpc = (AbstractC3P0PooledConnection) out;
Connection physicalConnection = acpc.getPhysicalConnection();
success = tryMarkPhysicalConnectionInUse(physicalConnection);
success = true; //we don't pool statements from non-c3p0 PooledConnections
try { if (!success && out != null) rp.checkinResource( out );}
catch (Exception e) { logger.log(MLevel.WARNING, "Failed to check in a Connection that was unusable due to pending Statement closes.", e); }
return out;
private void unmarkConnectionInUseAndCheckin(PooledConnection pcon) throws ResourcePoolException
if (effectiveStatementCache)
// cast should generally succeed, because effectiveStatementCache implies c3p0 pooled Connections
// but clients can try to check-in whatever they want, so there are potential failures here
AbstractC3P0PooledConnection acpc = (AbstractC3P0PooledConnection) pcon;
Connection physicalConnection = acpc.getPhysicalConnection();
catch (ClassCastException e)
if (logger.isLoggable(MLevel.SEVERE))
"You are checking a non-c3p0 PooledConnection implementation into" +
"a c3p0 PooledConnectionPool instance that expects only c3p0-generated PooledConnections." +
"This isn't good, and may indicate a c3p0 bug, or an unusual (and unspported) use " +
"of the c3p0 library.", e);
public void checkinPooledConnection(PooledConnection pcon) throws SQLException
//System.err.println(this + " -- CHECKIN");
pcon.removeConnectionEventListener( cl );
unmarkConnectionInUseAndCheckin( pcon );
catch (ResourcePoolException e)
{ throw SqlUtils.toSQLException(e); }
public float getEffectivePropertyCycle() throws SQLException
{ return rp.getEffectiveExpirationEnforcementDelay() / 1000f; }
catch (ResourcePoolException e)
{ throw SqlUtils.toSQLException(e); }
public int getNumThreadsAwaitingCheckout() throws SQLException
{ return rp.getNumCheckoutWaiters(); }
catch (ResourcePoolException e)
{ throw SqlUtils.toSQLException(e); }
public int getStatementCacheNumStatements()
{ return scache == null ? 0 : scache.getNumStatements(); }
public int getStatementCacheNumCheckedOut()
{ return scache == null ? 0 : scache.getNumStatementsCheckedOut(); }
public int getStatementCacheNumConnectionsWithCachedStatements()
{ return scache == null ? 0 : scache.getNumConnectionsWithCachedStatements(); }
public String dumpStatementCacheStatus()
{ return scache == null ? "Statement caching disabled." : scache.dumpStatementCacheStatus(); }
public void close() throws SQLException
{ close( true ); }
public void close( boolean close_outstanding_connections ) throws SQLException
// System.err.println(this + " closing.");
Exception throwMe = null;
try { if (scache != null) scache.close(); }
catch (SQLException e)
{ throwMe = e; }
{ rp.close( close_outstanding_connections ); }
catch (ResourcePoolException e)
if ( throwMe != null && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.WARNING ) )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, "An Exception occurred while closing the StatementCache.", throwMe);
throwMe = e;
if (throwMe != null)
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( throwMe );
class ConnectionEventListenerImpl implements ConnectionEventListener
// We might want to check Connections in asynchronously,
// because this is called
// (indirectly) from a sync'ed method of NewPooledConnection, but
// NewPooledConnection may be closed synchronously from a sync'ed
// method of the resource pool, leading to a deadlock. Checking
// Connections in asynchronously breaks the cycle.
// But then we want checkins to happen quickly and reliably,
// whereas pool shutdowns are rare, so perhaps it's best to
// leave this synchronous, and let the closing of pooled
// resources on pool closes happen asynchronously to break
// the deadlock.
// For now we're leaving both versions around, but with faster
// and more reliable synchronous checkin enabled, and async closing
// of resources in BasicResourcePool.close().
public void connectionClosed(final ConnectionEvent evt)
//System.err.println("Checking in: " + evt.getSource());
Runnable r = new Runnable()
public void run()
{ doCheckinResource( evt ); }
sharedTaskRunner.postRunnable( r );
doCheckinResource( evt );
private void doCheckinResource(ConnectionEvent evt)
//rp.checkinResource( evt.getSource() );
checkinPooledConnection( (PooledConnection) evt.getSource() );
catch (Exception e)
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING,
"An Exception occurred while trying to check a PooledConection into a ResourcePool.",
e );
// We might want to update the pool asynchronously, because this is called
// (indirectly) from a sync'ed method of NewPooledConnection, but
// NewPooledConnection may be closed synchronously from a sync'ed
// method of the resource pool, leading to a deadlock. Updating
// pool status asynchronously breaks the cycle.
// But then we want checkins to happen quickly and reliably,
// whereas pool shutdowns are rare, so perhaps it's best to
// leave all ConnectionEvent handling synchronous, and let the closing of pooled
// resources on pool closes happen asynchronously to break
// the deadlock.
// For now we're leaving both versions around, but with faster
// and more reliable synchrounous ConnectionEventHandling enabled, and async closing
// of resources in BasicResourcePool.close().
public void connectionErrorOccurred(final ConnectionEvent evt)
// System.err.println("CONNECTION ERROR OCCURRED!");
// System.err.println();
if ( logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINE ) )
final PooledConnection pc = (PooledConnection) evt.getSource();
int status;
if (pc instanceof C3P0PooledConnection)
status = ((C3P0PooledConnection) pc).getConnectionStatus();
else if (pc instanceof NewPooledConnection)
status = ((NewPooledConnection) pc).getConnectionStatus();
else //default to invalid connection, but not invalid database
status = ConnectionTester.CONNECTION_IS_INVALID;
final int final_status = status;
Runnable r = new Runnable()
public void run()
{ doMarkPoolStatus( pc, final_status ); }
sharedTaskRunner.postRunnable( r );
doMarkPoolStatus( pc, final_status );
private void doMarkPoolStatus(PooledConnection pc, int status)
switch (status)
case ConnectionTester.CONNECTION_IS_OKAY:
throw new RuntimeException("connectionErrorOcccurred() should only be " +
"called for errors fatal to the Connection.");
case ConnectionTester.CONNECTION_IS_INVALID:
rp.markBroken( pc );
case ConnectionTester.DATABASE_IS_INVALID:
if (logger.isLoggable(MLevel.WARNING))
logger.warning("A ConnectionTest has failed, reporting that all previously acquired Connections are likely invalid. " +
"The pool will be reset.");
throw new RuntimeException("Bad Connection Tester (" + connectionTester + ") " +
"returned invalid status (" + status + ").");
catch ( ResourcePoolException e )
//System.err.println("Uh oh... our resource pool is probably broken!");
logger.log(MLevel.WARNING, "Uh oh... our resource pool is probably broken!", e);
public int getNumConnections() throws SQLException
try { return rp.getPoolSize(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
public int getNumIdleConnections() throws SQLException
try { return rp.getAvailableCount(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
public int getNumBusyConnections() throws SQLException
synchronized ( rp )
{ return (rp.getAwaitingCheckinCount() - rp.getExcludedCount()); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
public int getNumUnclosedOrphanedConnections() throws SQLException
try { return rp.getExcludedCount(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
public long getStartTime() throws SQLException
try { return rp.getStartTime(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
public long getUpTime() throws SQLException
try { return rp.getUpTime(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
public long getNumFailedCheckins() throws SQLException
try { return rp.getNumFailedCheckins(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
public long getNumFailedCheckouts() throws SQLException
try { return rp.getNumFailedCheckouts(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
public long getNumFailedIdleTests() throws SQLException
try { return rp.getNumFailedIdleTests(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
public Throwable getLastCheckinFailure() throws SQLException
try { return rp.getLastCheckinFailure(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
public Throwable getLastCheckoutFailure() throws SQLException
try { return rp.getLastCheckoutFailure(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
public Throwable getLastIdleTestFailure() throws SQLException
try { return rp.getLastIdleCheckFailure(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
public Throwable getLastConnectionTestFailure() throws SQLException
try { return rp.getLastResourceTestFailure(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
public Throwable getLastAcquisitionFailure() throws SQLException
try { return rp.getLastAcquisitionFailure(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
* Discards all Connections managed by the pool
* and reacquires new Connections to populate.
* Current checked out Connections will still
* be valid, and should still be checked into the
* pool (so the pool can destroy them).
public void reset() throws SQLException
try { rp.resetPool(); }
catch ( Exception e )
logger.log( MLevel.WARNING, null, e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException( e );
final static class ThrowableHolderPool
LinkedList l = new LinkedList();
synchronized Throwable[] getThrowableHolder()
if (l.size() == 0)
return new Throwable[1];
return (Throwable[]) l.remove(0);
synchronized void returnThrowableHolder(Throwable[] th)
th[0] = null;