* Distributed as part of c3p0 v.0.9.2-pre1
* Copyright (C) 2010 Machinery For Change, Inc.
* Author: Steve Waldman <swaldman@mchange.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this software; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl;
import java.beans.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import com.mchange.v2.c3p0.*;
import com.mchange.v2.cfg.MultiPropertiesConfig;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import com.mchange.lang.ByteUtils;
import com.mchange.v2.encounter.EncounterCounter;
import com.mchange.v2.encounter.EqualityEncounterCounter;
import com.mchange.v2.lang.VersionUtils;
import com.mchange.v2.log.MLevel;
import com.mchange.v2.log.MLog;
import com.mchange.v2.log.MLogger;
import com.mchange.v2.ser.SerializableUtils;
import com.mchange.v2.sql.SqlUtils;
public final class C3P0ImplUtils
// turning this on would only test to generate long tokens
// on 64 bit machines, but since identityHashCode() is not
// GUARANTEED unique under 32-bit JVMs, even if in practice
// always is, we always test to be sure we're not reusing
// an identity token.
private final static boolean CONDITIONAL_LONG_TOKENS = false;
final static MLogger logger = MLog.getLogger( C3P0ImplUtils.class );
public final static DbAuth NULL_AUTH = new DbAuth(null,null);
public final static Object[] NOARGS = new Object[0];
private final static EncounterCounter ID_TOKEN_COUNTER;
boolean long_tokens;
Integer jnb = VersionUtils.jvmNumberOfBits();
if (jnb == null)
long_tokens = true;
else if (jnb.intValue() > 32)
long_tokens = true;
long_tokens = false;
if (long_tokens)
ID_TOKEN_COUNTER = new EqualityEncounterCounter();
ID_TOKEN_COUNTER = new EqualityEncounterCounter();
public final static String VMID_PROPKEY = "com.mchange.v2.c3p0.VMID";
private final static String VMID_PFX;
String vmid = MultiPropertiesConfig.readVmConfig().getProperty(VMID_PROPKEY);
if (vmid == null || (vmid = vmid.trim()).equals("") || vmid.equals("AUTO"))
VMID_PFX = generateVmId() + '|';
else if (vmid.equals("NONE"))
VMID_PFX = "";
VMID_PFX = vmid + "|";
//MT: protected by class' lock
static String connectionTesterClassName = null;
static ConnectionTester cachedTester = null;
private static String generateVmId()
DataOutputStream dos = null;
DataInputStream dis = null;
SecureRandom srand = new SecureRandom();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
dos = new DataOutputStream( baos );
dos.write( InetAddress.getLocalHost().getAddress() );
catch (Exception e)
if (logger.isLoggable(MLevel.INFO))
logger.log(MLevel.INFO, "Failed to get local InetAddress for VMID. This is unlikely to matter. At all. We'll add some extra randomness", e);
dos.write( srand.nextInt() );
dos.write( srand.nextInt() );
int remainder = baos.size() % 4; //if it wasn't a 4 byte inet address
if (remainder > 0)
int pad = 4 - remainder;
byte[] pad_bytes = new byte[pad];
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(32);
byte[] vmid_bytes = baos.toByteArray();
dis = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream( vmid_bytes ) );
for (int i = 0, num_ints = vmid_bytes.length / 4; i < num_ints; ++i)
int signed = dis.readInt();
long unsigned = ((long) signed) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL;
sb.append(Long.toString(unsigned, Character.MAX_RADIX));
return sb.toString();
catch (IOException e)
if (logger.isLoggable(MLevel.WARNING))
"Bizarro! IOException while reading/writing from ByteArray-based streams? " +
"We're skipping the VMID thing. It almost certainly doesn't matter, " +
"but please report the error.",
return "";
// this is like total overkill for byte-array based streams,
// but it's a good habit
try { if (dos != null) dos.close(); }
catch ( IOException e )
{ logger.log(MLevel.WARNING, "Huh? Exception close()ing a byte-array bound OutputStream.", e); }
try { if (dis != null) dis.close(); }
catch ( IOException e )
{ logger.log(MLevel.WARNING, "Huh? Exception close()ing a byte-array bound IntputStream.", e); }
// identityHashCode() is not a sufficient unique token, because they are
// not guaranteed unique, and in practice are occasionally not unique,
// particularly on 64-bit systems.
public static String allocateIdentityToken(Object o)
if (o == null)
return null;
String shortIdToken = Integer.toString( System.identityHashCode( o ), 16 );
//new Exception( "DEBUG_STACK_TRACE: " + o.getClass().getName() + " " + shortIdToken ).printStackTrace();
String out;
long count;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(128);
if (ID_TOKEN_COUNTER != null && ((count = ID_TOKEN_COUNTER.encounter( shortIdToken )) > 0))
sb.append( shortIdToken );
sb.append( count );
out = sb.toString().intern();
return out;
public static DbAuth findAuth(Object o)
throws SQLException
if ( o == null )
return NULL_AUTH;
String user = null;
String password = null;
String overrideDefaultUser = null;
String overrideDefaultPassword = null;
BeanInfo bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo( o.getClass() );
PropertyDescriptor[] pds = bi.getPropertyDescriptors();
for (int i = 0, len = pds.length; i < len; ++i)
PropertyDescriptor pd = pds[i];
Class propCl = pd.getPropertyType();
String propName = pd.getName();
if (propCl == String.class)
// System.err.println( "---> " + propName );
// System.err.println( o.getClass() );
// System.err.println( pd.getReadMethod() );
Method readMethod = pd.getReadMethod();
if (readMethod != null)
Object propVal = readMethod.invoke( o, NOARGS );
String value = (String) propVal;
if ("user".equals(propName))
user = value;
else if ("password".equals(propName))
password = value;
else if ("overrideDefaultUser".equals(propName))
overrideDefaultUser = value;
else if ("overrideDefaultPassword".equals(propName))
overrideDefaultPassword = value;
if (overrideDefaultUser != null)
return new DbAuth( overrideDefaultUser, overrideDefaultPassword );
else if (user != null)
return new DbAuth( user, password );
return NULL_AUTH;
catch (Exception e)
if (Debug.DEBUG && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINE ))
logger.log( MLevel.FINE, "An exception occurred while trying to extract the default authentification info from a bean.", e );
throw SqlUtils.toSQLException(e);
static void resetTxnState( Connection pCon,
boolean forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions,
boolean autoCommitOnClose,
boolean txnKnownResolved ) throws SQLException
if ( !forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions && !pCon.getAutoCommit() )
if (! autoCommitOnClose && ! txnKnownResolved)
//System.err.println("Rolling back potentially unresolved txn...");
pCon.setAutoCommit( true ); //implies commit if not already rolled back.
public synchronized static ConnectionTester defaultConnectionTester()
String dfltCxnTesterClassName = PoolConfig.defaultConnectionTesterClassName();
if ( connectionTesterClassName != null && connectionTesterClassName.equals(dfltCxnTesterClassName) )
return cachedTester;
cachedTester = (ConnectionTester) Class.forName( dfltCxnTesterClassName ).newInstance();
connectionTesterClassName = cachedTester.getClass().getName();
catch ( Exception e )
if ( logger.isLoggable( MLevel.WARNING ) )
"Could not load ConnectionTester " + dfltCxnTesterClassName + ", using built in default.",
cachedTester = C3P0Defaults.connectionTester();
connectionTesterClassName = cachedTester.getClass().getName();
return cachedTester;
public static boolean supportsMethod(Object target, String mname, Class[] argTypes)
try {return (target.getClass().getMethod( mname, argTypes ) != null); }
catch ( NoSuchMethodException e )
{ return false; }
catch (SecurityException e)
if ( logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINE ) )
"We were denied access in a check of whether " + target + " supports method " + mname +
". Prob means external clients have no access, returning false.",
return false;
private final static String HASM_HEADER = "HexAsciiSerializedMap";
public static String createUserOverridesAsString( Map userOverrides ) throws IOException
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append( ByteUtils.toHexAscii( SerializableUtils.toByteArray( userOverrides ) ) );
return sb.toString();
public static Map parseUserOverridesAsString( String userOverridesAsString ) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
if (userOverridesAsString != null)
String hexAscii = userOverridesAsString.substring(HASM_HEADER.length() + 1, userOverridesAsString.length() - 1);
byte[] serBytes = ByteUtils.fromHexAscii( hexAscii );
return Collections.unmodifiableMap( (Map) SerializableUtils.fromByteArray( serBytes ) );
return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
private C3P0ImplUtils()
// Class methodClass = readMethod.getDeclaringClass();
// Package methodPkg = methodClass.getPackage();
// System.err.println( methodPkg.getName() + '\t' + C3P0ImplUtils.class.getPackage().getName() );
// if (! methodPkg.getName().equals(
// C3P0ImplUtils.class.getPackage().getName() ) )
// {
// System.err.println("public check: " + (methodClass.getModifiers() & Modifier.PUBLIC));
// if ((methodClass.getModifiers() & Modifier.PUBLIC) == 0)
// {
// System.err.println("SKIPPED -- Can't Access!");
// continue;
// }
// }
// System.err.println( o );
private final static ThreadLocal threadLocalConnectionCustomizer = new ThreadLocal();
// used so that C3P0PooledConnectionPool can pass a ConnectionCustomizer
// to WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource without altering that class' public API
public static void setThreadConnectionCustomizer(ConnectionCustomizer cc)
{ threadLocalConnectionCustomizer.set( cc ); }
public static ConnectionCustomizer getThreadConnectionCustomizer()
{ return threadLocalConnectionCustomizer.get(); }
public static void unsetThreadConnectionCustomizer()
{ setThreadConnectionCustomizer( null ); }