package org.gjt.bugrat.servlet;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import org.gjt.bugrat.db.*;
import org.gjt.bugrat.dbi.*;
import org.gjt.bugrat.mail.StringDataSource;
import org.gjt.bugrat.text.BugFormatter;
import org.gjt.bugrat.text.ReportFormatter;
import org.gjt.bugrat.util.BugRatLogger;
class BugRatServlet
extends HttpServlet
implements BugRatConstants, BugRatLogger, DBConfigChangeListener
private static final String VERSION_STRING = "2.5.3";
protected boolean debug = false;
protected String jdbcUrl = null;
protected Properties jdbcProps = null;
protected String jdbcDriverClassName = null;
protected ServletConfig config = null;
protected ServletContext context = null;
protected DBConfig dbConfig = null;
protected BugRatHTML output = null;
protected MailQueueThread mailQueue = null;
protected String adminServlet = null;
protected String reportServlet = null;
protected String viewerServlet = null;
protected boolean allowsBugComments = true;
protected boolean allowsRepComments = true;
protected boolean commentReqsAdmin = false;
protected boolean newUserReqsAdmin = false;
protected SimpleDateFormat dateFmt = null;
protected BugFormatter bugFmt = null;
protected ReportFormatter reportFmt = null;
protected String
protected ServletConfig
return this.config;
protected ServletContext
return this.context;
protected DBConfig
return this.dbConfig;
protected String
return this.adminServlet;
protected String
return this.reportServlet;
protected String
return this.viewerServlet;
protected BugRatHTML
return this.output;
protected int
getUserId( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws DBIException
int result = 0;
HttpServletRequest req = bReq.getRequest();
String userName = req.getRemoteUser();
if ( userName != null )
Person p = Person.getLoginPerson( userName );
if ( p != null )
result = p.getId();
return result;
* Returns whether or not this servlet has admin authority.
* Subclasses must override in order to set admin to true.
public boolean
return false;
* Returns whether or not this servlet allows comments to be
* added to reports.
public boolean
return this.allowsRepComments;
* Returns whether or not this servlet allows comments to be
* added to bugs.
public boolean
return this.allowsBugComments;
* Returns whether or not the addition of comments to reports
* requires admin authority or not. This applies only to reports,
* since all Bug edits require admin by default.
public boolean
return this.commentReqsAdmin;
* Returns whether or not the creation of new users
* requires admin authority or not.
public boolean
return this.newUserReqsAdmin;
public void
sendCommonHeader( BugRatRequest req, PrintWriter cW )
this.output.sendCommonHeader( req, cW, "BugRat Servlet" );
public void
sendCommonHeader( BugRatRequest req, PrintWriter cW, String title )
this.output.sendCommonHeader( req, cW, title );
public void
sendCommonTrailer( BugRatRequest req, PrintWriter cW )
this.output.sendCommonTrailer( req, cW );
* This is to process GET requests that are common to all of
* the BugRat servlets.
* @return True of the request was processed, otherwise false.
public boolean
commonGet( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws ServletException, IOException
boolean result = true;
String pathInfo = bReq.getPathInfo();
if ( pathInfo == null || pathInfo.length() == 0 )
// Leave the default page to the specific servlet...
result = false;
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ListCategories" ) )
this.getOutput().listCategories( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/about" ) )
this.sendAboutPage( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ListPeople" ) )
this.getOutput().listPeople( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ChooseBug" ) )
this.getOutput().sendBugIDForm( bReq, "/ChooseBug" );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ChooseReport" ) )
this.getOutput().sendReportIDForm( bReq, "/ChooseReport" );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ShowProjectAllReports" ) )
this.getOutput().showAllProjectReports( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ShowProjectAllBugs" ) )
this.getOutput().showAllProjectBugs( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ShowAllReports" ) )
this.getOutput().showAllReports( bReq, null );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ShowAllLinkedReports" ) )
this.getOutput().showAllReports( bReq, "linked" );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ShowUnLinkedReports" ) )
this.getOutput().showAllReports( bReq, "unlinked" );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ShowAllBugs" ) )
this.getOutput().showAllBugs( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ReloadConfig" ) )
this.reloadDBConfiguration( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ShowStatistics" ) )
this.getOutput().showAllStatistics( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/images/" ) )
this.getOutput().sendImage( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/SelectAllReports" ) )
this.getOutput().sendSelectAll( bReq, "ShowReports" );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/SelectBugsByResponsible" ) )
this.selectByResponsible( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/SelectReportsBySubmitter" ) )
this.selectBySubmitter( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/BrowseBugs" ) )
this.browseBugs( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/SearchBugs" ) )
this.searchBugs( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/BrowseReports" ) )
this.browseReports( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/SearchReports" ) )
this.searchReports( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/AddBugComment/" ) )
String idStr =
( "/AddBugComment/".length() );
if ( ! this.isAdmin() )
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Requires Admin" );
( bReq, cW,
"You must use the Admin servlet to add "
+ "comments to bugs." );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( ! this.allowsBugComments() )
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Not Allowed" );
( bReq, cW,
"BugRat is configured to not allow comments on bugs." );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else try
int id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.getOutput().sendCommentForm( bReq, "Bug", id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Error Parsing ID" );
( bReq, cW,
"Could not parse Bug ID '" +idStr+ "'" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/AddReportComment/" ) )
int id = -1;
String idStr =
( "/AddReportComment/".length() );
if ( ! this.allowsReportComments() )
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - No Comments" );
( bReq, cW,
"BugRat is configured to not allow comments on reports." );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( this.getCommentsRequireAdmin() && ! this.isAdmin() )
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Requires Admin" );
( bReq, cW,
"BugRat is configured to only allow the admin "
+ "servlet to add comments to reports." );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else try
id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.getOutput().sendCommentForm( bReq, "Report", id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Error Parsing ID" );
( bReq, cW,
"Could not parse Report ID '" +idStr+ "'" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( pathInfo.equals( "/SelectReports" )
|| pathInfo.startsWith( "/SelectReports/" ) )
String selStr =
pathInfo.equals( "/SelectReports" )
? ""
: pathInfo.substring( "/SelectReports/".length() );
String[] selArgs = this.splitString( selStr, "/" );
if ( selArgs == null || selArgs.length == 0 )
this.getOutput().sendSelectProject( bReq, "ShowReports" );
else if ( selArgs.length == 1 )
( bReq, selArgs[0], "ShowReports" );
else if ( selArgs.length == 2 )
( bReq, selArgs[0], selArgs[1], "ShowReports" );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/ShowReports/" ) )
String title = null;
String matchString = null;
String selStr =
pathInfo.substring( "/ShowReports/".length() );
String[] selArgs = this.splitString( selStr, "/" );
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Show Reports" );
if ( selArgs != null && selArgs.length == 1 )
title =
"Reports For " +
this.getDBConfig().getProjectName( selArgs[0] );
matchString =
"SELECT * from report " +
"WHERE project = '" + selArgs[0] + "'";
else if ( selArgs != null && selArgs.length == 2 )
title =
"Reports For " +
this.getDBConfig().getProjectName( selArgs[0] ) +
" / " +
this.getDBConfig().getCategoryName( selArgs[0], selArgs[1] );
matchString =
"SELECT * from report " +
"WHERE project = '" + selArgs[0] + "'" +
" AND category = '" + selArgs[1] + "'";
else if ( selArgs != null && selArgs.length == 3 )
title =
"Reports For " +
this.getDBConfig().getProjectName( selArgs[0] ) +
" / " +
this.getDBConfig().getCategoryName( selArgs[0], selArgs[1] ) +
" / " +
( selArgs[0], selArgs[1], selArgs[2] );
matchString =
"SELECT * from report " +
"WHERE project = '" + selArgs[0] + "'" +
" AND category = '" + selArgs[1] + "'" +
" AND subcat = '" + selArgs[2] + "'";
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"Error, wrong number of arguments for ShowReports." );
if ( matchString != null )
try {
Vector repV = Report.matchReports( matchString );
if ( repV.size() > 0 )
( bReq, cW, title, repV, "ShowReport" );
// UNDONE - Need common method for this!!!!!
( "<h2>No Reports</h2> "
+ "There were no matching bug reports." );
catch ( DBIException ex )
this.log( "/SelectReports/ MATCH CALL", ex );
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"Error, exception trying to match in SelectReports: "
+ ex.getMessage() );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/ShowReport/" ) )
int id = -1;
String idStr =
( "/ShowReport/".length() );
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Show Report #" + idStr );
try {
id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.getOutput().showReport( bReq, cW, id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
( bReq, cW,
"Could not parse Report ID '" + idStr + "'" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/ShowBug/" ) )
int id = -1;
String idStr =
( "/ShowBug/".length() );
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Show Bug #" + idStr );
try {
id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.getOutput().showBug( bReq, cW, id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
( bReq, cW,
"Could not parse Bug ID '" + idStr + "'" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/ShowComment/" ) )
int id = -1;
String idStr =
( "/ShowComment/".length() );
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Show Comment #" + idStr );
try {
id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.getOutput().showComment( bReq, cW, id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
( bReq, cW,
"Could not parse Comment ID '" + idStr + "'" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/ShowReportComments/" ) )
int id = -1;
String idStr =
( "/ShowReportComments/".length() );
try {
id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.getOutput().showComments( bReq, "Report", id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Show Report Comments" );
( bReq, cW,
"Could not parse Report ID '" + idStr + "'" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/ShowBugComments/" ) )
int id = -1;
String idStr =
( "/ShowBugComments/".length() );
try {
id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.getOutput().showComments( bReq, "Bug", id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Error Parsing ID" );
( bReq, cW,
"Could not parse Bug ID '" + idStr + "'" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/ShowBugActions/" ) )
int id = -1;
String idStr =
( "/ShowBugActions/".length() );
try {
id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.getOutput().showActions( bReq, "Bug", id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Error Parsing ID" );
( bReq, cW,
"Could not parse Bug ID '" + idStr + "'" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/ShowReportActions/" ) )
int id = -1;
String idStr =
( "/ShowReportActions/".length() );
try {
id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.getOutput().showActions( bReq, "Report", id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Error Parsing ID" );
( bReq, cW,
"Could not parse Report ID '" + idStr + "'" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/ShowEmail/" ) )
int id = -1;
String idStr =
( "/ShowEmail/".length() );
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Show Email #" + idStr );
try {
id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.getOutput().showEmailMessage( bReq, cW, id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
( bReq, cW,
"Could not parse Email ID '" + idStr + "'" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/EditPerson" ) )
this.getOutput().sendSelectPersonPage( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/EditPerson/" ) )
int id = -1;
String idStr =
( "/EditPerson/".length() );
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
try {
id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Edit Person" );
this.getOutput().sendEditPersonForm( bReq, cW, id, false );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat Error" );
( bReq, cW,
"Could not parse Person ID '" + idStr + "'" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/MailBug/" ) )
int id = -1;
String idStr =
( "/MailBug/".length() );
try {
id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.sendMailItemForm( bReq, "B", id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat Error" );
( bReq, cW,
"Could not parse Bug ID '" +idStr+ "'" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/MailReport/" ) )
int id = -1;
String idStr =
( "/MailReport/".length() );
try {
id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.sendMailItemForm( bReq, "R", id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat Error" );
( bReq, cW,
"Could not parse Report ID '" +idStr+ "'" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
result = false;
return result;
* This is to process POST requests that are common to all of
* the BugRat servlets.
* @return True of the request was processed, otherwise false.
public boolean
commonPost( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws ServletException, IOException
boolean result = true;
String pathInfo = bReq.getPathInfo();
if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ChooseBug" ) )
this.getOutput().processChooseBug( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ChooseReport" ) )
this.getOutput().processChooseReport( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/AddComment" ) )
this.processAddComment( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/CommitPerson" ) )
this.processCommitPerson( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/SelectBugsByResponsible" ) )
this.selectBugsByResponsible( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/SelectReportsBySubmitter" ) )
this.selectReportsBySubmitter( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.endsWith( "/BrowseForBugs" ) )
this.processBrowseForBugs( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.endsWith( "/SearchForBugs" ) )
this.processSearchForBugs( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.endsWith( "/BrowseForReports" ) )
this.processBrowseForReports( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.endsWith( "/SearchForReports" ) )
this.processSearchForReports( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ShowReports" ) )
this.processShowReports( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ShowBugs" ) )
this.processShowBugs( bReq );
else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/MailItem" ) )
this.processMailItem( bReq );
result = false;
return result;
private void
sendAboutPage( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - About" );
this.sendPropertyHTML( bReq, cW, "commonServlet.aboutHtml" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
sendPropertyHTML( BugRatRequest bReq, PrintWriter cW, String propName )
throws IOException
String htmlText =
this.getDBConfig().getProperty( propName );
if ( htmlText == null )
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"Could not load the property '" + propName
+ "' from the BugRat database 'property' table." );
Object[] fmtArgs =
htmlText = this.format( htmlText, fmtArgs );
cW.println( htmlText );
protected void
reportError( BugRatRequest bReq, PrintWriter cW, String errorHtml )
throws IOException
this.output.reportError( bReq, cW, errorHtml );
// DBConfigChangeListener interface
public void
this.log( "dbConfigHasChanged() The DB config has changed." );
this.logConfigParameters( this.getServletInfo() );
public void
reloadDBConfiguration( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Reload Configuration" );
try {
cW.println( "<h2>Configuration Reloaded</h2>" );
cW.println( "The BugRat configuration has been " );
cW.println( "successfully reloaded from the database." );
cW.println( "<BR><BR><BR>" );
cW.println( "<a href=\"" + bReq.getServletPath() + "/\">");
cW.println( "Back to the main page...</a>" );
catch ( DBIException ex )
( bReq, cW,
"<h2>ERROR Reloading Configuration</h2>" +
"Reloading the configuration from the " +
"database failed.<p><strong>" + ex.getMessage() +
"</strong>" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
* processAddComment - process the posting of an edited bug
protected void
processAddComment( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
DBConfig config = this.getDBConfig();
String bgColor = config.getProperty( "reportServlet.bgColor" );
String okColor = config.getProperty( "reportServlet.okColor" );
String errColor = config.getProperty( "reportServlet.errColor" );
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Add Comment" );
cW.println( "<h2>Adding Comment</h2>" );
try {
String value;
String[] valAry;
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "target" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
throw RequiredException( "target" );
String target = valAry[0];
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "id" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
throw RequiredException( "id" );
String idStr = valAry[0];
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "commentor" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
throw RequiredException( "commentor" );
String commentorIdStr = valAry[0];
int commentorId = -1;
try { commentorId = Integer.parseInt( commentorIdStr ); }
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
{ commentorId = -1; }
if ( commentorId == -1 )
throw RequiredException
( "commentor" );
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "email" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
throw RequiredException( "email" );
String emailStr = valAry[0];
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "name" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
throw RequiredException( "name" );
String nameStr = valAry[0];
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "synopsis" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
throw RequiredException( "synopsis" );
String synopsis = valAry[0];
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "comment" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
throw RequiredException( "comment" );
String comment = valAry[0];
int id = -1;
try { id = Integer.parseInt( idStr ); }
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
{ id = -1; }
if ( id == -1 )
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"Bad " + target + " id: '" + idStr + "'" );
Comment cmt = Description.getNewComment();
Description desc = cmt.getDescription();
desc.setSynopsis( synopsis );
desc.setDescription( comment );
desc.setURL( null );
desc.setEmailId( 0 );
( config.isTextHTML( comment ) )
? "text/html" : "text/plain" );
cmt.setTargetId( id );
( target.equalsIgnoreCase( "Report" )
? "R" : "B" );
Person person = Person.getPerson( emailStr );
if ( person == null )
person =
( PERSON_ANON, emailStr, nameStr );
cmt.setCommentorId( person.getId() );
cmt.setCommentorId( commentorId );
cmt.setCommentTime( new java.util.Date() );
cW.println( "Successfully added comment to " );
cW.println( target );
cW.println( " # " + id + ".<p>" );
cW.print ( "<A HREF=\"" );
cW.print ( bReq.getServletPath() );
cW.print ( "/Show" );
cW.print ( target );
cW.print ( "/" + id );
cW.println( "\">" );
cW.println( "Show " + target + " #" + id + "." );
cW.println( "</A>" );
catch ( RequiredException ex )
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"Required field '" + ex.getMessage() + "' is missing!" );
catch ( DBIException ex )
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"Error committing comment to database, "
+ ex.getMessage() );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
sendMailItemForm( BugRatRequest bReq, String selector, int id )
throws IOException
String itemName =
selector.equals( "B" ) ? "Bug" : "Report";
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Mail " + itemName + " #" + id );
cW.println( "<H2>Mail " + itemName + " #" + id + "</H2>" );
cW.println( "Use this form to mail a bug or report to someone." );
cW.println( "The email will be sent to everyone you list in the " );
cW.println( "fields below. " );
try {
Object item =
selector.equals( "B" )
? (Object)Bug.getBug( id )
: (Object)Report.getReport( id );
if ( item == null )
throw new DBIException
( itemName + " ID=" + id + " does not exist" );
int respId =
selector.equals( "B" )
? ((Bug) item).getResponsible()
: ((Report) item).getResponsible();
Person p = Person.getPerson( respId );
cW.print ( "<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"" );
cW.print ( bReq.getServletPath() );
cW.print ( "/MailItem\">" );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"" + id + "\">" );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"selector\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"" + selector + "\">" );
cW.println( "Email the " + itemName + " with ID " );
cW.println( id );
cW.println( " to:<p> " );
cW.println( "<strong>BugRat User:</strong><br>" );
( bReq, cW, -1,
( (p == null) ? -1 : p.getId() ),
"user", null, null );
cW.println( "<P>" );
cW.println( "<strong>Others:</strong>" );
cW.println( "(separate email addresses with commas)" );
cW.println( "<br>" );
cW.println( "<TEXTAREA name=\"other\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"64\">" );
cW.println( "</TEXTAREA>" );
cW.println( "<P>" );
cW.println( "<strong>Comment:</strong>" );
cW.println( "(may be empty)" );
cW.println( "<br>" );
cW.println( "<TEXTAREA name=\"comment\" rows=\"8\" cols=\"64\">" );
cW.println( "</TEXTAREA>" );
cW.println( "<P>" );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"submit\"" );
cW.println( " name=\"submit\" value=\"Send Email\">" );
cW.println( "</FORM>" );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<hr>" );
this.getOutput().reportError( bReq, cW,
"Error getting bug #" + id
+ " to email, " + ex.getMessage() );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
* processEmailBug - email a bug to someone
protected void
processMailItem( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
DBConfig config = this.getDBConfig();
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Emailed Item" );
try {
String value;
String[] valAry;
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "selector" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
throw RequiredException( "item selector" );
String itemSel = valAry[0];
boolean isBug = itemSel.equals( "B" );
String itemName = isBug ? "Bug" : "Report";
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "id" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
throw RequiredException( "ID" );
String idStr = valAry[0];
int id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
String userIdStr = null;
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "user" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
userIdStr = null;
userIdStr = valAry[0];
String otherStr = null;
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "other" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
otherStr = null;
otherStr = valAry[0];
String commentStr = null;
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "comment" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
commentStr = null;
commentStr = valAry[0];
try {
Object item = isBug
? (Object)Bug.getBug( id )
: (Object)Report.getReport( id );
if ( item == null )
cW.print ( "<h2>Emailing " );
cW.print ( itemName );
cW.println( " #" + id + "</h2>" );
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"Could not retrieve " +itemName+ " #" + id );
InternetAddress addr = null;
Vector vAddr = new Vector(2);
int userId = 0;
Person p = null;
if ( userIdStr != null )
userId = Integer.parseInt( userIdStr );
if ( userId != 0 )
p = Person.getPerson( userId );
if ( p == null )
throw new DBIException
( "Could not find email user #"
+ userId );
if ( p != null )
( new InternetAddress
( p.getEmail(), p.getName() ) );
if ( otherStr != null && otherStr.length() > 0 )
InternetAddress[] oa =
InternetAddress.parse( otherStr );
if ( oa != null && oa.length > 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < oa.length ; ++i )
vAddr.addElement( oa[i] );
InternetAddress fromAddr = null;
int senderId = this.getUserId( bReq );
if ( senderId != 0 )
p = Person.getPerson( senderId );
if ( p != null )
fromAddr = new InternetAddress
( p.getEmail(), p.getName() );
Description desc = isBug
? ((Bug) item).getDescription()
: ((Report) item).getDescription();
String subject =
"BugRat " +itemName+ " #" + id
+ " - " + desc.getSynopsis();
StringBuffer body = new StringBuffer();
if ( commentStr != null )
body.append( "----- Sender's Comment -----" );
body.append( "\n" );
body.append( commentStr );
body.append( "\n" );
body.append( "----- End Of Sender's Comment ---------------------------" );
body.append( "\n" +itemName+ " URL: <" );
body.append( bReq.getServletUrlPrefix() );
body.append( bReq.getViewerServletPath() );
body.append( isBug ? "/ShowBug/" : "/ShowReport/" );
body.append( id );
body.append( ">" );
body.append( "\n\n" );
StringWriter sW = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pW = new PrintWriter( sW );
if ( isBug )
( (Bug)item, bReq, pW, "text/plain", true );
( (Report)item, bReq, pW, "text/plain", true );
body.append( itemName );
body.append( " #" );
body.append( id );
body.append( " Details\n\n" );
body.append( sW.toString() );
Vector attach = null;
sW = new StringWriter();
pW = new PrintWriter( sW );
pW.println( "<html>" );
pW.println( "<head>" );
pW.println( "<title>" );
pW.println( "BugRat " + itemName + " #" );
pW.println( id );
pW.println( "</title>" );
pW.println( "</head>" );
pW.println( "<body>" );
pW.println( "<h2>" );
pW.println( "BugRat " + itemName + " #" );
pW.println( id );
pW.println( "</h2>" );
if ( isBug )
( (Bug)item, bReq, pW, "text/html", true );
( (Report)item, bReq, pW, "text/html", true );
pW.print ( "<p>" );
pW.println( "<center>" );
pW.print ( "<a href=\"" );
pW.print ( bReq.getServletUrlPrefix() );
pW.print ( bReq.getViewerServletPath() );
pW.print ( isBug ? "/ShowBug/" : "/ShowReport/" );
pW.print ( id );
pW.println( "\">" );
pW.println( "View this " + itemName + " online..." );
pW.println( "</a>" );
pW.println( "</center>" );
pW.print ( "</p>" );
pW.println( "</body>" );
pW.println( "</html>" );
attach = new Vector();
StringDataSource ds =
new StringDataSource
( sW.getBuffer().toString(),
( itemName + "-" + id + ".html" ),
"text/html" );
attach.addElement( ds );
InternetAddress[] toAddrs =
new InternetAddress[ vAddr.size() ];
vAddr.copyInto( toAddrs );
( subject, body.toString(),
fromAddr, toAddrs, null, attach );
if ( isBug )
this.getOutput().showBug( bReq, cW, id );
this.getOutput().showReport( bReq, cW, id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Mailing " +itemName+ "</h2>" );
throw RequiredException
( "could not parse '"
+ ( (id == -1) ? "bug" : "person" )
+ "' id, " + ex.getMessage() );
catch ( AddressException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Mailing " +itemName+ "</h2>" );
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"Error parsing email address '"
+ otherStr + "', " + ex.getMessage() );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Mailing " +itemName+ "</h2>" );
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"Error committing reassignment of bug #"
+ id + ", " + ex.getMessage() );
catch ( RequiredException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Required Field Missing</h2>" );
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"The required field '" + ex.getMessage() + "' is missing!" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
browseBugs( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
Vector lpV = null;
DBConfig config = this.getDBConfig();
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Browse Bugs" );
cW.println( "<H2>Browse Bugs</h2>" );
cW.println( "Browse bugs in database by choosing from among the " );
cW.println( "following choices. Choose as many as you wish." );
cW.println( "<BR><BR>" );
cW.print ( "<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"" );
cW.print ( bReq.getServletPath() );
cW.println( "/BrowseForBugs\">" );
cW.println( "<TABLE width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\">" );
cW.println( "<TR bgcolor=\"#F0F0FF\">" );
cW.println( "<TH align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" );
cW.println( "Project:" );
cW.println( "</TH>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR>" );
cW.println( "<TD width=\"100%\" align=\"top\" colspan=\"2\">" );
cW.println( "<TABLE width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">" );
cW.println( "<TR>" );
cW.println( "<TD>" );
Vector projects = config.getProjects();
for ( int i = 0, sz = projects.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
Category pc = (Category) projects.elementAt(i);
String projStr = pc.getProject();
String projectName = pc.getName();
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"radio\" name=\"project\"" );
cW.print ( " value = \"" + projStr + "\">" );
cW.println( " " + projectName + "<BR>" );
cW.println( "</INPUT>" );
if ( i > 10 && ( i == ( sz / 2 ) ) )
cW.println( "</TD><TD>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "</TABLE>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR bgcolor=\"#F0F0FF\">" );
cW.println( "<TH align=\"left\">Status of Bug:</TH>" );
cW.println( "<TH align=\"left\">Priority of Bug:</TH>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR>" );
cW.println( "<TD align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">" );
lpV = config.getStates();
for ( int i = 0, sz = lpV.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
LevelParam lp = (LevelParam) lpV.elementAt(i);
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"status\"" );
cW.println( " value = \"" + lp.getId() + "\">" );
cW.println( lp.getName() + "<BR>" );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "<TD align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">" );
lpV = config.getPriorities();
for ( int i = 0, sz = lpV.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
LevelParam lp = (LevelParam) lpV.elementAt(i);
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"priority\"" );
cW.println( " value = \"" + lp.getId() + "\">" );
cW.println( lp.getName() + "<BR>" );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR bgcolor=\"#F0F0FF\">" );
cW.println( "<TH align=\"left\">Severity of Bug:</TH>" );
cW.println( "<TH align=\"left\">Class of Bug:</TH>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR>" );
cW.println( "<TD align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">" );
lpV = config.getSeverities();
for ( int i = 0, sz = lpV.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
LevelParam lp = (LevelParam) lpV.elementAt(i);
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"severity\"" );
cW.println( " value = \"" + lp.getId() + "\">" );
cW.println( lp.getName() + "<BR>" );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "<TD align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">" );
lpV = config.getClasses();
for ( int i = 0, sz = lpV.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
LevelParam lp = (LevelParam) lpV.elementAt(i);
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"class\"" );
cW.println( " value = \"" + lp.getId() + "\">" );
cW.println( lp.getName() + "<BR>" );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR bgcolor=\"#F0F0FF\">" );
cW.println( "<TD width=\"100%\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">" );
cW.println( "<TABLE border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">" );
cW.println( "<TR>" );
cW.println( "<TD align=\"right\">" );
cW.println( "<B>The opened date is:</B> " );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "<TD align=\"left\">" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"radio\" name=\"bydate\" value=\"olderThan\">" );
cW.println( " Older Than " );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"radio\" name=\"bydate\" value=\"newerThan\">" );
cW.println( "Newer Than " );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"textfield\" name=\"days\">" );
cW.println( " Days Old " );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "</TABLE>" );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR>" );
cW.println( "<TD align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">" );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
cW.print ( " value=\"Show Bugs\"> " );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"reset\" name=\"reset\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"Clear\">" );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "</TABLE>" );
cW.println( "</FORM>" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
processBrowseForBugs( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Browse Bugs" );
String statusStr = null;
String priorityStr = null;
String severityStr = null;
String classStr = null;
String dateStr = null;
String dateCompareType = null;
String projectStr = null;
String[] vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "project" );
if ( vals != null )
projectStr = vals[0];
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "projectStr = " + projectStr );
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "status" );
if ( vals != null )
int num_checked = vals.length;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_checked ; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
statusStr = vals[0];
statusStr = statusStr + vals[i];
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "StatusStr = " + statusStr );
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "priority" );
if ( vals != null )
int num_checked = vals.length;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_checked ; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
priorityStr = vals[0];
priorityStr = priorityStr + vals[i];
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "PriorityStr = " + priorityStr );
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "severity" );
if ( vals != null )
int num_checked = vals.length;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_checked ; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
severityStr = vals[0];
severityStr = severityStr + vals[i];
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "SeverityStr = " + severityStr );
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "class" );
if ( vals != null )
int num_checked = vals.length;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_checked ; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
classStr = vals[0];
classStr = classStr + vals[i];
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "ClassStr = " + classStr );
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "bydate" );
if ( vals != null )
if (vals.length != 0)
dateCompareType = vals[0];
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "days" );
if ( vals != null )
dateStr = vals[0];
if ( dateStr.length() == 0 )
dateStr = null;
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "dateStr = " + dateStr );
try {
String matchString = null;
Vector projects = this.getDBConfig().getProjects();
boolean hits = false;
for ( int i = 0, sz = projects.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
Category pc = (Category) projects.elementAt(i);
String projStr = pc.getProject(); // ---- this is it
String projectName = pc.getName();
if ( projectStr == null || projectStr.equals( projStr ) )
matchString = "SELECT from bug WHERE ";
if ( statusStr != null )
matchString = matchString + "LOCATE(bug.state,'" +
statusStr + "') <> 0 ";
matchString = matchString + " AND ";
if ( priorityStr != null )
matchString = matchString + "LOCATE(bug.priority,'" +
priorityStr + "') <> 0 ";
matchString = matchString + " AND ";
if ( severityStr != null )
matchString = matchString + "LOCATE(bug.severity,'" +
severityStr + "') <> 0 ";
matchString = matchString + " AND ";
if ( classStr != null )
matchString = matchString + "LOCATE(bug.class,'" +
classStr + "') <> 0 ";
matchString = matchString + " AND ";
if ( dateStr != null )
if ( dateCompareType.equals( "olderThan" ) )
matchString = matchString +
"bug.opened < (CURDATE() - " +
dateStr + ") AND " ;
else if ( dateCompareType.equals( "newerThan" ) )
matchString = matchString +
"bug.opened > (CURDATE() - " +
dateStr + ") AND " ;
matchString = matchString + " project = '" + projStr + "'";
Vector repV = Bug.matchBugs( matchString );
String title = "Bugs Selected: Project " + projectName;
if ( repV.size() != 0 )
( bReq, cW, title, repV, "ShowBug" );
hits = true;
if ( ! hits )
cW.println( "<H2>No Matches</H2>" );
cW.println( "There were no matches!<br>" );
cW.println( "The match string was:<p><code>" );
cW.println( matchString );
cW.println( "</code>" );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Browsing bugs</h2>" );
cW.println( "An error occurred trying to get the" );
cW.println( "bugs you requested." );
cW.println( "The message was:<br>" );
cW.println( ex.getMessage() );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
browseReports( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
Vector lpV = null;
DBConfig config = this.getDBConfig();
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Browse Reports" );
cW.println( "<H2>Browse Reports</h2>" );
cW.println( "Browse reports in database by choosing from among the " );
cW.println( "following choices. Choose as many as you wish." );
cW.println( "<BR><BR>" );
cW.print ( "<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"" );
cW.print ( bReq.getServletPath() );
cW.println( "/BrowseForReports\">" );
cW.println( "<TABLE width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\">" );
cW.println( "<TR bgcolor=\"#F0F0FF\">" );
cW.println( "<TH align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" );
cW.println( "Project:" );
cW.println( "</TH>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR>" );
cW.println( "<TD width=\"100%\" align=\"top\" colspan=\"2\">" );
cW.println( "<TABLE width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">" );
cW.println( "<TR>" );
cW.println( "<TD align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">" );
Vector projects = config.getProjects();
for ( int i = 0, sz = projects.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
Category pc = (Category) projects.elementAt(i);
String projStr = pc.getProject();
String projectName = pc.getName();
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"radio\" name=\"project\"" );
cW.println( " value = \"" + projStr + "\">" );
cW.println( " " + projectName + "<BR>" );
cW.println( "</INPUT>" );
if ( i>10 && ( i == ( sz / 2 ) ) )
cW.println( "</TD><TD>" );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "</TABLE>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR bgcolor=\"#F0F0FF\">" );
cW.println( "<TH align=\"left\">Status of Report:</TH>" );
cW.println( "<TH align=\"left\">Priority Of Report:</TH>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR>" );
cW.println( "<TD align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">");
lpV = config.getStates();
for ( int i = 0, sz = lpV.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
LevelParam lp = (LevelParam) lpV.elementAt(i);
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"status\"" );
cW.println( " value = \"" + lp.getId() + "\">" );
cW.println( lp.getName() + "<BR>" );
cW.println( "</INPUT>" );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "<TD align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">");
lpV = config.getPriorities();
for ( int i = 0, sz = lpV.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
LevelParam lp = (LevelParam) lpV.elementAt(i);
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"priority\"" );
cW.println( " value = \"" + lp.getId() + "\">" );
cW.println( lp.getName() + "<BR>" );
cW.println( "</INPUT>" );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR bgcolor=\"#F0F0FF\">" );
cW.println( "<TH align=\"left\">Severity of Report:</TH>" );
cW.println( "<TH align=\"left\">Class of Report:</TH>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR>" );
cW.println( "<TD align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">");
lpV = config.getSeverities();
for ( int i = 0, sz = lpV.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
LevelParam lp = (LevelParam) lpV.elementAt(i);
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"severity\"" );
cW.println( " value = \"" + lp.getId() + "\">" );
cW.println( lp.getName() + "<BR>" );
cW.println( "</INPUT>" );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "<TD align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">");
lpV = config.getClasses();
for ( int i = 0, sz = lpV.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
LevelParam lp = (LevelParam) lpV.elementAt(i);
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"class\"" );
cW.println( " value = \"" + lp.getId() + "\">" );
cW.println( lp.getName() + "<BR>" );
cW.println( "</INPUT>" );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR bgcolor=\"#F0F0FF\">" );
cW.println( "<TD width=\"100%\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">" );
cW.println( "<B>Submit Date is:</B> " );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"radio\" name=\"bydate\" value=\"olderThan\">" );
cW.println( "Older Than " );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"radio\" name=\"bydate\" value=\"newerThan\">" );
cW.println( " Newer Than " );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"textfield\" name=\"days\">" );
cW.println( " Days Old" );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "<TR>" );
cW.println( "<TD align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">" );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
cW.print ( " value=\"Show Reports\"> " );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"reset\" name=\"reset\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"Clear\">" );
cW.println( "</TD>" );
cW.println( "</TR>" );
cW.println( "</TABLE>" );
cW.println( "</FORM>" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
processBrowseForReports( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Browse Reports" );
String statusStr = null;
String priorityStr = null;
String severityStr = null;
String classStr = null;
String dateStr = null;
String dateCompareType = null;
String projectStr = null;
String[] vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "project" );
if ( vals != null )
projectStr = vals[0];
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "projectStr = " + projectStr );
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "status" );
if ( vals != null )
int num_checked = vals.length;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_checked ; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
statusStr = vals[0];
statusStr = statusStr + vals[i];
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "StatusStr = " + statusStr );
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "priority" );
if ( vals != null )
int num_checked = vals.length;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_checked ; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
priorityStr = vals[0];
priorityStr = priorityStr + vals[i];
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "PriorityStr = " + priorityStr );
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "severity" );
if ( vals != null )
int num_checked = vals.length;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_checked ; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
severityStr = vals[0];
severityStr = severityStr + vals[i];
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "SeverityStr = " + severityStr );
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "class" );
if ( vals != null )
int num_checked = vals.length;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_checked ; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
classStr = vals[0];
classStr = classStr + vals[i];
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "ClassStr = " + classStr );
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "bydate" );
if ( vals != null )
if (vals.length != 0)
dateCompareType = vals[0];
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "dateCompareType = " + dateCompareType );
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "days" );
if ( vals != null )
dateStr = vals[0];
if ( dateStr.length() == 0 )
dateStr = null;
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "dateStr = " + dateStr );
StringBuffer mBuf = new StringBuffer( 1024 );
try {
boolean hits = false;
Vector projects = this.getDBConfig().getProjects();
for ( int i = 0, sz = projects.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
Category pc = (Category) projects.elementAt(i);
String projStr = pc.getProject(); // ---- this is it
String projectName = pc.getName();
if ( projectStr == null || projectStr.equals( projStr ) )
mBuf.append( "SELECT from report WHERE " );
if ( statusStr != null )
mBuf.append( "LOCATE(report.state,'" );
mBuf.append( statusStr );
mBuf.append( "') <> 0 AND " );
if ( priorityStr != null )
mBuf.append( "LOCATE(report.priority,'" );
mBuf.append( priorityStr );
mBuf.append( "') <> 0 AND " );
if ( severityStr != null )
mBuf.append( "LOCATE(report.severity,'" );
mBuf.append( severityStr );
mBuf.append( "') <> 0 AND " );
if ( classStr != null )
mBuf.append( "LOCATE(report.class,'" );
mBuf.append( classStr );
mBuf.append( "') <> 0 AND " );
if ( dateStr != null )
if ( dateCompareType.equals( "olderThan" ) )
mBuf.append( "report.submitted < (CURDATE() - " );
mBuf.append( dateStr );
mBuf.append( ") AND " );
else if ( dateCompareType.equals( "newerThan" ) )
mBuf.append( "report.submitted > (CURDATE() - " );
mBuf.append( dateStr );
mBuf.append( ") AND " );
mBuf.append( " project = '" );
mBuf.append( projStr );
mBuf.append( "'" );
Vector repV = Report.matchReports( mBuf.toString() );
String title =
"Reports Selected: Project " + projectName;
if ( repV.size() != 0 )
( bReq, cW, title, repV, "ShowReport" );
hits = true;
if ( ! hits )
cW.println( "<H2>No Matches</H2>" );
cW.println( "There were no matches!<br>" );
cW.println( "<hr>" );
cW.println( "The match SQL was:<p><code>" );
cW.println( mBuf.toString() );
cW.println( "</code></p>" );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Browsing reports</h2>" );
cW.println( "An error occurred trying to get the" );
cW.println( "reports you requested." );
cW.println( "The message was:<br>" );
cW.println( ex.getMessage() );
cW.println( "<hr>" );
cW.println( "The match SQL was:<p><code>" );
cW.println( mBuf.toString() );
cW.println( "</code></p>" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
searchBugs( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
Vector lpV = null;
DBConfig config = this.getDBConfig();
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Search Bugs" );
cW.println( "<H2>Search Bugs</h2>" );
cW.println( "Enter text and select which of the text fields you " );
cW.println( "would like to search." );
cW.println( "<P>" );
cW.print ( "<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"" );
cW.print ( bReq.getServletPath() );
cW.println( "/SearchForBugs\">" );
cW.println( "Search Text:" );
cW.println( "<INPUT name=\"searchtext\">" );
cW.println( "<P>" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fieldstosearch\" value=\"S\">" );
cW.println( "Synopsis" );
cW.println( "<BR>" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fieldstosearch\" value=\"D\">" );
cW.println( "Description" );
cW.println( "<BR>" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fieldstosearch\" value=\"E\">" );
cW.println( "Environment Description" );
cW.println( "<BR>" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fieldstosearch\" value=\"R\">" );
cW.println( "How To Reproduce" );
cW.println( "<BR>" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fieldstosearch\" value=\"W\">" );
cW.println( "Known Workarounds" );
cW.println( "<P>" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"Show Bugs\">" );
cW.println( "</FORM>" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
* Please see the NOTE for method processSearchForReports() below.
* This method's SQL was optimized by Nicolaus Bauman.
protected void
processSearchForBugs( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Search Bugs" );
String fieldsChosen = null;
String searchText = null;
StringBuffer mBuf = new StringBuffer( 1024 );
String[] vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "searchtext" );
if ( vals != null )
searchText = vals[0];
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "Looking for " + searchText );
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "fieldstosearch" );
if ( vals == null )
vals = new String[5];
vals[0] = new String ("S");
vals[1] = new String ("D");
vals[2] = new String ("E");
vals[3] = new String ("R");
vals[4] = new String ("W");
try {
boolean hits = false;
String matchString = null;
Vector projects = this.getDBConfig().getProjects();
for ( int i = 0, sz = projects.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
Category pc = (Category) projects.elementAt(i);
String projStr = pc.getProject();
String projectName = pc.getName();
mBuf.setLength( 0 );
mBuf.append( "SELECT DISTINCT " );
mBuf.append( "FROM bug " );
for( int vi = 0, vsz = vals.length ; vi < vsz ; vi++ )
if ( vals[vi].equals( "S" ) )
mBuf.append( ", description d1 " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "D" ) )
mBuf.append( ", description d2 " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "E" ) )
mBuf.append( ", envdesc " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "R" ) )
mBuf.append( ", description d4 " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "W" ) )
mBuf.append( ", description d5 " );
mBuf.append( "WHERE ( " );
for ( int vi = 0, vsz = vals.length ; vi < vsz ; vi++ )
if ( vals[vi].equals( "S" ) )
mBuf.append( "d1.synopsis LIKE \"%" );
mBuf.append( searchText );
mBuf.append( "%\" OR " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "D" ) )
mBuf.append( "d2.desctext LIKE \"%" );
mBuf.append( searchText );
mBuf.append( "%\" OR " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "E" ) )
mBuf.append( "envdesc.envdesc LIKE \"%" );
mBuf.append( searchText );
mBuf.append( "%\" OR " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "R" ) )
mBuf.append( "d3.synopsis LIKE \"%" );
mBuf.append( searchText );
mBuf.append( "%\" OR " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "W" ) )
mBuf.append( "d4.synopsis LIKE \"%" );
mBuf.append( searchText );
mBuf.append( "%\" OR " );
mBuf.append( " <> )" );
for( int vi = 0, vsz = vals.length ; vi < vsz ; vi++ )
if ( vals[vi].equals( "S" ) )
mBuf.append( " AND bug.bugdesc =" );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "D" ) )
mBuf.append( " AND bug.bugdesc =" );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "E" ) )
mBuf.append( " AND bug.envdesc =" );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "R" ) )
mBuf.append( " AND bug.repro =" );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "W" ) )
mBuf.append( " AND bug.around =" );
mBuf.append( " AND project = '" );
mBuf.append( projStr );
mBuf.append( "'" );
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "SQL for processSearchForBugs()" );
this.log( mBuf.toString() );
Vector bugV = Bug.matchBugs( mBuf.toString() );
String title = "Bugs Found: Project " + projectName;
if ( bugV.size() != 0 )
( bReq, cW, title, bugV, "ShowBug" );
hits = true;
if ( ! hits )
cW.println( "<H2>No Matches</H2>" );
cW.println( "There were no matches!<br>" );
cW.println( "<hr>" );
cW.println( "The match SQL was:<p><code>" );
cW.println( mBuf.toString() );
cW.println( "</code></p>" );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Browsing bugs</h2>" );
cW.println( "An error occurred trying to get the" );
cW.println( "bugs you requested." );
cW.println( "The message was:<br><code>" );
cW.println( ex.getMessage() );
cW.println( "</code><hr>" );
cW.println( "The match SQL was:<p><code>" );
cW.println( mBuf.toString() );
cW.println( "</code></p>" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
searchReports( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Search Reports" );
cW.println( "<H2>Search Reports</h2>" );
cW.println( "Enter text and select which of the text fields you " );
cW.println( "would like to search." );
cW.println( "<P>" );
cW.print ( "<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"" );
cW.print ( bReq.getServletPath() );
cW.println( "/SearchForReports\">" );
cW.println( "Search Text:" );
cW.println( "<INPUT name=\"searchtext\">" );
cW.println( "<P>" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fieldstosearch\" value=\"S\">" );
cW.println( "Synopsis" );
cW.println( "<BR>" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fieldstosearch\" value=\"D\">" );
cW.println( "Description" );
cW.println( "<BR>" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fieldstosearch\" value=\"E\">" );
cW.println( "Environment" );
cW.println( "<BR>" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fieldstosearch\" value=\"R\">" );
cW.println( "How To Reproduce" );
cW.println( "<BR>" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fieldstosearch\" value=\"W\">" );
cW.println( "Known Workarounds" );
cW.println( "<BR>" );
cW.println( "<P>" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"Show Reports\">" );
cW.println( "</FORM>" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
* We used to use a select statement that looked like this: <pre>
report, description, envdesc
WHERE ( description.synopsis LIKE '%bugarbugar%'
AND report.repdesc =
OR description.desctext LIKE '%bugarbugar%'
AND report.repdesc =
OR envdesc.envdesc LIKE '%bugarbugar%'
AND report.envdesc =
OR description.synopsis LIKE '%bugarbugar%'
AND report.repro =
OR description.synopsis LIKE '%bugarbugar%'
AND report.around =
OR <>
AND project = 'schmearmeer';
* However, that was an extremely slow search. Fortunately,
* Nicolaus Bauman, who is running BugRat for Apache, provided
* us with the following SQL: <pre>
description d1,
description d2,
description d3,
description d4,
WHERE ( d1.synopsis like '%bugarbugar%'
OR d2.desctext like '%bugarbugar%'
OR envdesc.envdesc like '%bugarbugar%'
OR d3.synopsis like '%bugarbugar%'
OR d4.synopsis like '%bugarbugar%'
OR <>
AND report.repdesc =
AND report.repdesc =
AND report.envdesc =
AND report.repro =
AND report.around =
AND project = 'schmearmeer'
* which runs 150 times faster than the previous SQL!!!
* Thank you Nick!
protected void
processSearchForReports( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Search Reports" );
String fieldsChosen = null;
String searchText = null;
StringBuffer mBuf = new StringBuffer( 1024 );
String[] vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "searchtext" );
if ( vals != null )
searchText = vals[0];
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "Looking for " + searchText );
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "fieldstosearch" );
if ( vals == null )
vals = new String[5];
vals[0] = new String ("S");
vals[1] = new String ("D");
vals[2] = new String ("E");
vals[3] = new String ("R");
vals[4] = new String ("W");
try {
boolean hits = false;
Vector projects = this.getDBConfig().getProjects();
for ( int i = 0, sz = projects.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
Category pc = (Category) projects.elementAt(i);
String projStr = pc.getProject(); // ---- this is it
String projectName = pc.getName();
mBuf.setLength( 0 );
mBuf.append( "SELECT DISTINCT " );
mBuf.append( "FROM report " );
for( int vi = 0, vsz = vals.length ; vi < vsz ; vi++ )
if ( vals[vi].equals( "S" ) )
mBuf.append( ", description d1 " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "D" ) )
mBuf.append( ", description d2 " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "E" ) )
mBuf.append( ", envdesc " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "R" ) )
mBuf.append( ", description d4 " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "W" ) )
mBuf.append( ", description d5 " );
mBuf.append( "WHERE ( " );
for ( int vi = 0, vsz = vals.length ; vi < vsz ; vi++ )
if ( vals[vi].equals( "S" ) )
mBuf.append( "d1.synopsis LIKE \"%" );
mBuf.append( searchText );
mBuf.append( "%\" OR " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "D" ) )
mBuf.append( "d2.desctext LIKE \"%" );
mBuf.append( searchText );
mBuf.append( "%\" OR " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "E" ) )
mBuf.append( "envdesc.envdesc LIKE \"%" );
mBuf.append( searchText );
mBuf.append( "%\" OR " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "R" ) )
mBuf.append( "d3.synopsis LIKE \"%" );
mBuf.append( searchText );
mBuf.append( "%\" OR " );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "W" ) )
mBuf.append( "d4.synopsis LIKE \"%" );
mBuf.append( searchText );
mBuf.append( "%\" OR " );
mBuf.append( " <> )" );
for( int vi = 0, vsz = vals.length ; vi < vsz ; vi++ )
if ( vals[vi].equals( "S" ) )
mBuf.append( " AND report.repdesc =" );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "D" ) )
mBuf.append( " AND report.repdesc =" );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "E" ) )
mBuf.append( " AND report.envdesc =" );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "R" ) )
mBuf.append( " AND report.repro =" );
else if ( vals[vi].equals( "W" ) )
mBuf.append( " AND report.around =" );
mBuf.append( " AND project = '" );
mBuf.append( projStr );
mBuf.append( "'" );
if ( this.debug )
this.log( "SQL for processSearchForReports()" );
this.log( mBuf.toString() );
Vector repV = Report.matchReports( mBuf.toString() );
String title = "Reports Found: Project " + projectName;
if ( repV.size() != 0 )
( bReq, cW, title, repV, "ShowReport" );
hits = true;
if ( ! hits )
cW.println( "<H2>No Matches</H2>" );
cW.println( "There were no matches!<br>" );
cW.println( "<hr>" );
cW.println( "The match SQL was:<p><code>" );
cW.println( mBuf.toString() );
cW.println( "</code></p>" );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Searching Reports</h2>" );
cW.println( "An error occurred trying to get the" );
cW.println( "reports you requested." );
cW.println( "The message was:<br><code>" );
cW.println( ex.getMessage() );
cW.println( "</code><hr>" );
cW.println( "The match SQL was:<p><code>" );
cW.println( mBuf.toString() );
cW.println( "</code></p>" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
processShowReports( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Show Reports" );
DBConfig config = this.getDBConfig();
String scope = bReq.getParameterValues( "scope" )[0];
String optionChosen = null;
if ( scope.equals( "project" ) )
String[] vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "project" );
if ( vals == null || vals.length == 0 )
( bReq, cW,
"You must select a project from the list." );
String project = vals[0];
try {
String niceProject =
config.getProjectName( project );
Vector repV =
( "SELECT from report "
+ "WHERE project = '" + project + "'" );
// FORM to narrow to categories
if ( repV.size() > 0 )
cW.print ( "<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"" );
cW.print ( bReq.getServletPath() );
cW.println( "/ShowReports\">" );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\"" );
cW.println( " name=\"scope\" value=\"category\">" );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\"" );
cW.println( " name=\"project\" value=\"" +
project + "\">");
cW.println( "<SELECT name=\"category\" size=\"1\">" );
Vector categories = config.getProjectCategories( project );
for ( int i = 0, sz = categories.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
Category cat = (Category) categories.elementAt(i);
String catStr = cat.getCategory();
String catName = cat.getName();
cW.print ( "<OPTION value=\"" + catStr + "\">" );
cW.println( catName );
cW.println( "</OPTION>" );
cW.print ( "</SELECT> " );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"Narrow Reports To Category\">" );
cW.println( "</FORM>" );
if ( repV.size() == 0 )
optionChosen = niceProject;
String title = "Reports for " + niceProject;
( bReq, cW, title, repV, "ShowReport" );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Getting Reports</h2>" );
cW.println( "An error occurred trying to get the" );
cW.println( "reports for project '" + project + "'." );
cW.println( "The message was:<br>" );
cW.println( ex.getMessage() );
else if ( scope.equals( "category" ) )
String[] vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "category" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( vals ) )
cW.println( "<H2>No Category Specified</H2>" );
cW.println( "No category was chosen, please go back and " );
cW.println( " choose a category. " );
String category = vals[0];
String project = null;
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "project" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( vals ) )
( bReq, cW,
"Error, category project is empty." );
project = vals[0];
if ( project != null )
try {
String niceProject =
config.getProjectName( project );
String niceCategory =
config.getCategoryName( project, category );
Vector repV =
( "SELECT from report "
+ "WHERE project = '" + project + "'"
+ "AND category = '" + category + "'" );
// FORM to narrow to subcategories
if ( repV.size() > 0 )
cW.print ( "<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"" );
cW.print ( bReq.getServletPath() );
cW.println( "/ShowReports\">" );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\"" );
cW.println( " name=\"scope\" value=\"subcat\">" );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\"" );
cW.println( " name=\"project\" value=\"" +
project + "\">");
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\"" );
cW.println( " name=\"category\" value=\"" +
category + "\">");
cW.println( "<SELECT name=\"subcat\" size=\"1\">" );
Vector subcat =
config.getCategorySubCats( project, category );
for ( int i = 0, sz = subcat.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
Category sub = (Category) subcat.elementAt(i);
String subStr = sub.getSubCategory();
String subName = sub.getName();
cW.print ( "<OPTION value=\"" + subStr + "\">" );
cW.println( subName );
cW.println( "</OPTION>" );
cW.print ( "</SELECT> " );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"Narrow Reports To Subcategory\">" );
cW.println( "</FORM>" );
if ( repV.size() == 0 )
optionChosen = config.getProjectName( project)
+ " / " +
config.getCategoryName( project,
category );
String title =
"Reports For "
+ niceProject
+ " / "
+ niceCategory;
( bReq, cW, title, repV, "ShowReport" );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Getting Reports</h2>" );
cW.println( "An error occurred trying to get the" );
cW.println( "reports for project '" + project + "'" );
cW.println( " and category '" + category + "'." );
cW.println( "The message was:<br>" );
cW.println( ex.getMessage() );
else if ( scope.equals( "subcat" ) )
String[] vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "subcat" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( vals ) )
cW.println( "<H2>Subcategory Not Selected</H2>" );
cW.println( "No subcategory was chosen, please go back and " );
cW.println( " choose a subcategory. " );
String subcat = vals[0];
String category = null;
String project = null;
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "project" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( vals ) )
( bReq, cW,
"Error, subcategory project is empty." );
project = vals[0];
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "category" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( vals ) )
( bReq, cW,
"Error, subcategory category is empty." );
category = vals[0];
if ( project != null && category != null )
try {
String niceProject =
config.getProjectName( project );
String niceCategory =
config.getCategoryName( project, category );
String niceSubcategory =
config.getSubCategoryName( project, category, subcat );
Vector repV =
( "SELECT from report "
+ "WHERE project = '" + project + "'"
+ "AND category = '" + category + "'"
+ "AND subcat = '" + subcat + "'" );
if ( repV.size() == 0 )
optionChosen =
+ " / "
+ niceCategory
+ " / "
+ niceSubcategory;
String title =
"Bug Reports for "
+ niceProject
+ " / "
+ niceCategory
+ " / "
+ niceSubcategory;
( bReq, cW, title, repV, "ShowReport" );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Retrieving Bug Reports</h2>" );
cW.println( "An error occurred trying to retrieve the" );
cW.println( " bug reports for project '" + project + "'" );
cW.println( " and category '" + category + "'" );
cW.println( " and subcategory '" + subcat + "'." );
cW.println( " The message was:<br>" );
cW.println( " " + ex.getMessage() );
else if ( scope.equals( "ID" ) )
String[] vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "reportId" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( vals ) )
cW.println( "<H2>No Bug Report</H2>" );
cW.println( "No bug report ID was specified, please " );
cW.println( "go back and choose a subcategory. " );
String idStr = vals[0];
try {
int id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.getOutput().showReport( bReq, cW, id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"bad report id '" + idStr + "'" );
cW.println( "<H2>Internal Error: Invalid Scope</H2>" );
cW.println( "The scope, '" + scope + "', is not valid." );
if ( optionChosen != null )
cW.println( "<H2>No Matches</H2>" );
cW.println( "There were no reports found for '" );
cW.println( optionChosen );
cW.println( "' in the scope '" );
cW.println( scope.trim() );
cW.println( "'." );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
processShowBugs( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Show Bugs" );
DBConfig config = this.getDBConfig();
String optionChosen = null;
String scope = bReq.getParameterValues( "scope" )[0];
if ( scope.equals( "project" ) )
String[] vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "project" );
if ( vals == null )
( bReq, cW,
"You must select a project from the list" );
String project = vals[0];
try {
// Add menu at top to narrow down categories
cW.print ( "<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"" );
cW.print ( bReq.getServletPath() );
cW.println( "/ShowBugs\">" );
( "<H3>Bugs in Project '" +
config.getProjectName( project ) +
"':</H3>" );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\"" );
cW.println( " name=\"scope\" value=\"category\">" );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\"" );
cW.println( " name=\"project\" value=\"" +
project + "\">");
cW.println( "<SELECT name=\"category\" size=\"1\">" );
Vector categories = config.getProjectCategories( project );
for ( int i = 0, sz = categories.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
Category cat = (Category) categories.elementAt(i);
String catStr = cat.getCategory();
String catName = cat.getName();
cW.print ( "<OPTION value=\"" + catStr + "\">" );
cW.println( catName );
cW.print ( "</OPTION>" );
cW.println( "</SELECT> " );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"Narrow Reports To Categories\">" );
Vector bugV =
( "SELECT from bug "
+ "WHERE project = '" + project + "'" );
String title =
"Bugs For Project '" + project + "'";
if ( bugV.size() == 0 )
optionChosen = config.getProjectName( project );
( bReq, cW, title, bugV, "ShowBug" );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Getting Bugs</h2>" );
cW.println( "An error occurred trying to get the" );
cW.println( "bugs for project '" + project + "'." );
cW.println( "The message was:<br>" );
cW.println( ex.getMessage() );
else if ( scope.equals( "category" ) )
String[] vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "category" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( vals ) )
cW.println( "<H2>No Category</H2>" );
cW.println( "No category was chosen. ");
cW.println( "Please go back and choose a category." );
String project = null;
String category = vals[0];
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "project" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( vals ) )
( bReq, cW,
"Error narrowing category, "
+ "project is not specified." );
try {
project = vals[0];
// Add menu at top to narrow down to subcategories
cW.print ( "<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"" );
cW.print ( bReq.getServletPath() );
cW.println( "/ShowBugs\">" );
cW.println( "<H3>Bug in Project '" + project +
"', Category '" + category + "':</H3>" );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\"" );
cW.println( " name=\"scope\" value=\"subcat\">" );
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\"" );
cW.println( " name=\"project\" value=\"" +
project + "\">");
cW.print ( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\"" );
cW.println( " name=\"category\" value=\"" +
category + "\">");
cW.println( "<SELECT name=\"subcat\" size=\"1\">" );
Vector subcats =
config.getCategorySubCats( project, category );
for ( int i = 0, sz = subcats.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
Category sub = (Category) subcats.elementAt(i);
String subStr = sub.getSubCategory();
String subName = sub.getName();
cW.print ( "<OPTION value=\"" + subStr + "\">" );
cW.print ( subName );
cW.println( "</OPTION>" );
cW.println( "</SELECT> " );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"Narrow Reports To Subcategory\">" );
String matchStr =
"FROM bug " +
"WHERE bug.project = '" + project + "' " +
" AND bug.category = '" + category + "'";
Vector bugV = Bug.matchBugs( matchStr );
String title =
"Bugs For Project '" + project + ", " + category + "'";
if ( bugV.size() == 0 )
optionChosen =
config.getProjectName( project )
+ "/"
+ config.getCategoryName( project, category );
( bReq, cW, title, bugV, "ShowBug" );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Getting Bugs</h2>" );
cW.println( "An error occurred trying to get the" );
cW.println( "bugs for project '" + project + "'" );
cW.println( " and category '" + category + "'." );
cW.println( "The message was:<br>" );
cW.println( ex.getMessage() );
else if ( scope.equals( "subcat" ) )
String[] vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "subcat" );
if ( vals == null )
cW.println( "<H2>No Subcategory</H2>" );
cW.println( "No subcategory was chosen. ");
cW.println( "Please go back and choose a subcategory." );
String subcat = vals[0];
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "project" );
if ( vals == null )
( bReq, cW,
"Error when narrowing category." );
String project = vals[0];
vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "category" );
if ( vals == null )
( bReq, cW,
"Error when narrowing category." );
String category = vals[0];
try {
Vector repV =
( "SELECT from bug "
+ "WHERE project = '" + project
+ "' AND category = '" + category
+ "' AND subcat = '" + subcat + "'" );
String title =
"Bugs For Project '" + project
+ ", " + category + ", " + subcat + "'";
if ( repV.size() == 0 )
optionChosen =
config.getProjectName( project )
+ "/"
+ config.getCategoryName( project, category )
+ "/"
+ config.getSubCategoryName
( project, category, subcat );
( bReq, cW, title, repV, "ShowBug" );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Getting Bugs</h2>" );
cW.println( "An error occurred trying to get the" );
cW.println( "bugs for project '" + project + "'" );
cW.println( " and category '" + category + "'" );
cW.println( " and subcat '" + subcat + "'." );
cW.println( "The message was:<br>" );
cW.println( ex.getMessage() );
else if ( scope.equals( "ID" ) )
String[] vals = bReq.getParameterValues( "bugId" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( vals ) )
cW.println( "<H2>Error!</H2>" );
cW.println( "No bug ID was specified, please " );
cW.println( "go back and enter a valid bug ID. " );
String idStr = vals[0];
try {
int id = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
this.getOutput().showBug( bReq, cW, id );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"bad bug id '" + idStr + "'" );
if ( optionChosen != null )
cW.println( "<H2>No Matches</H2>" );
cW.println( "There were no bugs found ");
cW.println( " in " + scope + " '" + optionChosen + "'.");
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
selectBugsByResponsible( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Select Bug By Responsible" );
String[] valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "type" );
String type = valAry[0];
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "person" );
if ( valAry == null || valAry.length == 0 )
cW.println( "<h2>No Person Chosen</h2>" );
cW.println( "You must choose a person from the list.<br>" );
cW.println( "Use your browser to go back and choose again." );
// Get All Bugs By Responsible
boolean gotSome = false;
String personIdStr = valAry[0];
Vector projects = this.getDBConfig().getProjects();
for ( int i = 0, sz = projects.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
Category pc = (Category) projects.elementAt(i);
String projStr = pc.getProject();
String projectName = pc.getName();
Vector bugV = Bug.matchBugs
" " +
"FROM" +
" bug " +
" bug.project = '" + projStr + "' " +
"AND " + type + " = '" + personIdStr + "'"
/* if ( bugV.size() == 1 )
int bugId = ((Bug) bugV.elementAt(0)).getId();
this.getOutput().showBug( bReq, cW, bugId );
if ( bugV.size() > 0 )
gotSome = true;
String title =
"Bugs For Project " + projectName;
( bReq, cW, title, bugV, "ShowBug" );
if ( ! gotSome )
int personId = 0;
try { personId = Integer.parseInt( personIdStr ); }
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
{ personId = 0; }
Person p = Person.getPerson( personId );
cW.println( "<h2>No Matches</h2>" );
cW.print ( "There are no bugs assigned to '" );
cW.print ( (p == null) ? "-Unassigned-" : p.getName() );
cW.println( "'." );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Getting Bugs By Responsible</h2>" );
cW.println( "An error occurred trying to get the" );
cW.println( "bugs for all projects." );
cW.println( "The message was:<br>" );
cW.println( ex.getMessage() );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
selectReportsBySubmitter( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
String[] valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "type" );
String type = valAry[0];
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Select Report By Submitter" );
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "person" );
if ( valAry == null || valAry.length == 0 )
cW.println( "<h2>No Person Chosen</h2>" );
cW.println( "Please choose a person from the list.<br>" );
cW.println( "Use your browser to go back and choose again." );
try {
// Get All Reports By Submitter
boolean gotSome = false;
String personIdStr = valAry[0];
Vector projects = this.getDBConfig().getProjects();
for ( int i = 0, sz = projects.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
Category pc = (Category) projects.elementAt(i);
String projStr = pc.getProject(); // ---- this is it
String projectName = pc.getName();
Vector repV = Report.matchReports
" " +
"FROM" +
" report " +
" report.project = '" + projStr + "' " +
"AND " + type + " = '" + personIdStr + "'"
/* if ( repV.size() == 1 )
int repId = ((Report)repV.elementAt(0)).getId();
this.getOutput().showReport( bReq, cW, repId );
if ( repV.size() > 0 )
gotSome = true;
String title =
"Reports For Project " + projectName;
( bReq, cW, title, repV, "ShowReport" );
if ( ! gotSome )
int personId = 0;
try { personId = Integer.parseInt( personIdStr ); }
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
{ personId = 0; }
Person p = Person.getPerson( personId );
cW.println( "<h2>No Matches</h2>" );
cW.print ( "There are no reports submitted by '" );
cW.print ( (p == null) ? "-Unknown-" : p.getName() );
cW.println( "'." );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Getting Reports By Submitter</h2>" );
cW.println( "An error occurred trying to get the" );
cW.println( "reports for all projects." );
cW.println( "The message was:<br>" );
cW.println( ex.getMessage() );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
selectByResponsible( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Select Bugs By Responsible" );
cW.println( "<H2>Choose Bug By Person Responsible</h2>" );
cW.println( "Please choose a person from the list below to" +
" display all bugs that person is responsible for." );
( "<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\""
+ bReq.getServletPath()
+ "/SelectBugsByResponsible\">" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"responsible\">" );
String notAssgnOption =
"<OPTION VALUE=\"0\"> Not Assigned </OPTION>";
( bReq, cW, -1, -1, "person", notAssgnOption, null );
cW.println( " " );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"Show Bugs\">" );
cW.println( "</FORM>" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
selectBySubmitter( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Select Report By Submitter" );
cW.println( "<H2>Choose Report By Person Submitting</h2>" );
cW.println( "Please choose a person from the list below to" +
" display all reports that person has submitted." );
( "<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\""
+ bReq.getServletPath()
+ "/SelectReportsBySubmitter\">" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"submitter\">" );
( bReq, cW, -1, -1, "person", null, null );
cW.println( " " );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"Show Reports\">" );
cW.println( "</FORM>" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
chooseBug( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Choose Bug By ID" );
String action = bReq.getServletPath() + "/ChooseBug";
cW.println( "<H2>Choose Bug By BugID</H2>" );
cW.println( "Please type in the ID of the bug you would like to view." );
cW.println( "<BR>" );
cW.println( "<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"" + action + "\">" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"bugId\" > ");
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"Find Bug\">" );
cW.println( "</FORM>" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected void
chooseReport( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Choose Report By ID" );
String action = bReq.getServletPath() + "/ChooseReport";
cW.println( "<H2>Choose Report By ReportID</H2>" );
cW.println( "Please type in the ID of the report you would like to view." );
cW.println( "<BR>" );
cW.println( "<FORM method=\"POST\" action=\"" + action + "\">" );
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"reportId\" > ");
cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
cW.println( " value=\"Find Report\">" );
cW.println( "</FORM>" );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
* processCommitPerson - process the posting of an edited bug
private void
processCommitPerson( BugRatRequest bReq )
throws IOException
DBConfig config = this.getDBConfig();
boolean okToContionue = true;
boolean newAccountRequiresAdmin = bReq.getNewUserRequiresAdmin();
PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Commit Person" );
if ( newAccountRequiresAdmin )
if ( ! this.isAdmin() )
okToContionue = false;
if ( okToContionue )
try {
String[] valAry;
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "id" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
throw RequiredException( "id" );
String idStr = valAry[0];
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "type" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
throw RequiredException( "type" );
String personType = valAry[0];
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "name" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
throw RequiredException( "name" );
String personName = valAry[0];
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "email" );
if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
throw RequiredException( "email" );
String personEmail = valAry[0];
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "org" );
String personOrg =
this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) ? null : valAry[0];
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "phone" );
String personPhone =
this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) ? null : valAry[0];
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "fax" );
String personFAX =
this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) ? null : valAry[0];
valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "url" );
String personURL =
this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) ? null : valAry[0];
try {
int personId = Integer.parseInt( idStr );
Person pers = null;
if ( personId != 0 )
pers = Person.getPerson( personId );
if ( pers == null )
pers =
( personType, personEmail, personName );
personId = pers.getId();
pers.setOrganization( personOrg );
pers.setPhone( personPhone );
pers.setFAX( personFAX );
pers.setURL( personURL );
pers.setType( personType );
pers.setEmail( personEmail );
pers.setName( personName );
pers.setOrganization( personOrg );
pers.setPhone( personPhone );
pers.setFAX( personFAX );
pers.setURL( personURL );
( bReq, cW, personId, true );
cW.println( "<p>" );
cW.println( "<a href=\"" );
cW.print ( bReq.getServletPath() );
cW.print ( "/EditPerson" );
cW.println( "\">" );
cW.println( "Select another person to edit." );
cW.println( "</a>" );
catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Committing Person</h2>" );
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"Error parsing person ID '" + idStr + "', "
+ ex.getMessage() );
catch ( DBIException ex )
cW.println( "<h2>Error Committing Person</h2>" );
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"Error committing person ID '" + idStr + "' to database, "
+ ex.getMessage() );
catch ( RequiredException ex )
this.reportError( bReq, cW,
"Required field '" + ex.getMessage() + "' is missing" );
cW.println( "<h2>Not Authorized</h2>" );
cW.println( "This BugRat installation requires you to use the" );
cW.println( "Admin servlet to commit changes to users. Please" );
cW.println( "use the Admin servlet to commit changes to users." );
this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
protected boolean
isEmptyParameter( String[] parm )
( parm == null
|| parm.length == 0
|| parm[0].length() == 0 );
public void
if ( this.mailQueue != null )
this.mailQueue = null;
public void
init( ServletConfig config )
throws ServletException
super.init( config );
this.config = config;
this.context = config.getServletContext();
this.log( this.getServletName() + " ------" );
this.adminServlet =
this.config.getInitParameter( "adminServlet" );
if ( this.adminServlet == null )
this.adminServlet = "admin";
String dbgStr = this.config.getInitParameter( "debug" );
if ( dbgStr != null &&
( dbgStr.equalsIgnoreCase( "on" )
|| dbgStr.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" )
|| dbgStr.equalsIgnoreCase( "yes" ) ) )
this.debug = true;
this.reportServlet =
this.config.getInitParameter( "reportServlet" );
if ( this.reportServlet == null )
this.reportServlet = "report";
this.viewerServlet =
this.config.getInitParameter( "viewerServlet" );
if ( this.viewerServlet == null )
this.viewerServlet = "view";
this.log( " Servlet Names:" );
this.log( " Admin = '" + this.adminServlet + "'" );
this.log( " Report = '" + this.reportServlet + "'" );
this.log( " View = '" + this.viewerServlet + "'" );
String val;
val = config.getInitParameter( "jdbcUrl" );
if ( val != null )
this.jdbcUrl = val;
this.log( " JDBC URL:" );
this.log( " Url = '" + this.jdbcUrl + "'" );
this.jdbcProps = new Properties();
for ( int i = 1 ; ; ++i )
val = config.getInitParameter( "jdbcProp_" + i );
if ( val == null )
int index = val.indexOf( "=" );
if ( index > 0 )
String propKey = val.substring( 0, index );
String propVal = val.substring( index + 1);
this.log( " Props '" + propKey + "=" + propVal + "'" );
this.jdbcProps.put( propKey, propVal );
val = config.getInitParameter( "jdbcDriverClassName" );
if ( val != null )
this.jdbcDriverClassName = val;
this.log( " JDBC Driver:" );
this.log( " Driver = '" + this.jdbcDriverClassName + "'" );
try {
// NOTE You MUST call the JDBC Parameters and Driver
// methods BEFORE calling setCurrentDBIManager().
DBIManager dbiMgr = DBIManager.getInstance();
( this.jdbcUrl, this.jdbcDriverClassName,
this.jdbcProps, this );
dbiMgr.setCurrentDBIManager( DBIManager.JDBC );
this.dbConfig = DBConfig.getInstance();
this.dbConfig.addConfigChangeListener( this );
this.logConfigParameters( this.getServletInfo() );
this.output = new DefaultBugRatHTML( this, this.dbConfig );
catch ( DBIException ex )
this.log( "Initializing DBI", ex );
throw new ServletException
( "could not set DBIManager to JDBC: "
+ ex.getMessage() );
String dateFormatStr =
( "commonServlet.dateFormat", "MMM d yyyy, hh:mm:ss z" );
this.dateFmt =
new SimpleDateFormat( dateFormatStr );
this.bugFmt = new BugFormatter( this.dbConfig, this.dateFmt );
this.reportFmt = new ReportFormatter( this.dbConfig, this.dateFmt );
String transportProtocol =
( "commonServlet.mailTransport", "smtp" );
String mailServerHostname =
( "commonServlet.mailServerName", "localhost" );
String adminAddress = this.dbConfig.getAdminEmailAddress();
this.log( " Mail Queue:" );
this.log( " Transport = '" + transportProtocol + "'" );
this.log( " Server = '" + mailServerHostname + "'" );
this.log( " AdminAddress = '" + adminAddress + "'" );
this.mailQueue =
( transportProtocol, mailServerHostname, adminAddress, this );
String userDir = System.getProperty( "user.dir" );
this.log( " System Properties:" );
this.log( " user.dir = '" + userDir + "'" );
protected void
this.allowsBugComments =
( "commonServlet.allowsBugComments", true );
this.allowsRepComments =
( "commonServlet.allowsReportComments", true );
this.commentReqsAdmin =
( "commonServlet.commentRequiresAdmin", false );
this.newUserReqsAdmin =
( "commonServlet.newPersonRequiresAdmin", false );
protected void
logConfigParameters( String servletName )
this.log( servletName );
this.log( " Configuration:" );
this.log( " allowsBugComments = '"
+ this.allowsBugComments + "'" );
this.log( " allowsReportComments = '"
+ this.allowsRepComments + "'" );
this.log( " commentRequiresAdmin = '"
+ this.commentReqsAdmin + "'" );
this.log( " newUserReqsAdmin = '"
+ this.newUserReqsAdmin + "'" );
* Split a string into a string array containing the substrings
* between the delimiters.
* NOTE This method WILL <strong>NOT</strong> return an empty
* token at the end of the array that is returned, if the string
* ends with the delimiter. You will need to check for this in
* the calling code.
* This was stolen from, simply to
* eliminate this single method dependency, which simpifies pkging.
public String[]
splitString( String splitStr, String delim )
int i, count;
String[] result;
StringTokenizer toker;
toker = new StringTokenizer( splitStr, delim );
count = toker.countTokens();
result = new String[ count ];
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i )
try { result[i] = toker.nextToken(); }
catch ( NoSuchElementException ex )
result = null;
return result;
* This is a HORRIBLE HACK that is necessitated because of the
* terribly lazing programming displayed by the author of the
* core Java class 'java.text.MessageFormat'. The sloppy coding
* hard codes a limit of ten items that may be replaced by the
* MessageFormat.format() method. Incredible.
* Thus, we need a method to allow more general formatting. The
* simplest thing I could come up with was to parse up the format
* text so that we MessageFormat.format() each item one at a time.
* I am not happy with this code, but am not up to a more general
* solution at this time. This is depressing...
public static String
filterQuotes( String str )
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for ( ; ; )
int idx = str.indexOf( "''" );
if ( idx == -1 )
buf.append( str );
buf.append( str.substring( 0, idx ) );
buf.append( "'" );
str = str.substring( idx + 2 );
return buf.toString();
public static String
format( String formatStr, Object[] fmtArgs )
StringBuffer result =
new StringBuffer( formatStr.length() + 256 );
String workStr = formatStr;
for ( ; ; )
int lcbIdx = workStr.indexOf( "{" );
if ( lcbIdx == -1 )
if ( lcbIdx > 0 )
char lqt = workStr.charAt(lcbIdx-1);
char num = workStr.charAt(lcbIdx+1);
char rcb = workStr.charAt(lcbIdx+2);
String leftStr = workStr.substring( 0, lcbIdx );
if ( lqt == '\'' && num == '\'' )
// This is a quoted brace, put it...
( BugRatServlet.filterQuotes
( workStr.substring( 0, lcbIdx - 1 ) ) );
result.append( "{" );
workStr = workStr.substring( lcbIdx + 1 );
else if ( (num >= '0' && num <= '9') && rcb == '}' )
// This is a valid format item, to be replaced...
result.append( BugRatServlet.filterQuotes( leftStr ) );
String fmtStr = "{" + num + "}";
result.append( MessageFormat.format( fmtStr, fmtArgs ) );
workStr = workStr.substring( lcbIdx + 3 );
// This is an error, I believe!
result.append( BugRatServlet.filterQuotes( leftStr ) );
result.append( "ERR{ERR" );
workStr = workStr.substring( lcbIdx + 1 );
char num = workStr.charAt(1);
char rcb = workStr.charAt(2);
if ( rcb == '}' && num >= '0' && num <= '9' )
String fmtStr = "{" + num + "}";
( MessageFormat.format( fmtStr, fmtArgs ) );
workStr = workStr.substring( 3 );
result.append( "{" );
workStr = workStr.substring( 1 );
if ( workStr.length() > 0 )
result.append( BugRatServlet.filterQuotes( workStr ) );
return result.toString();
protected class
RequiredException extends Exception
RequiredException( String msg )
super( msg );