Package org.gjt.bugrat.servlet

Source Code of org.gjt.bugrat.servlet.BugRatReport$RequiredException

package org.gjt.bugrat.servlet;

import java.util.*;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;

import org.gjt.bugrat.db.*;
import org.gjt.bugrat.dbi.*;
import org.gjt.bugrat.dbi.*;

import org.gjt.bugrat.mail.StringDataSource;

class    BugRatReport
extends    BugRatServlet
  public String
    return "BugRat - Report servlet, version "
        + this.getVersionStr() + " by Tim Endres.";

  public void
  init( ServletConfig config )
    throws ServletException
    super.init( config );

  public void
  doGet( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res )
    throws ServletException, IOException
    BugRatRequest bReq = new BugRatRequest( req, res, this );

    String pathInfo = bReq.getPathInfo();

    if ( this.commonGet( bReq ) )
      // Handled by the common GET code...
    else if ( pathInfo == null || pathInfo.equals( "/" ))
      // UNDONE - main menu? For now, sends Report Form
      String action = bReq.getServletPath() + "/PostReport";

      String hiddens =
        "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"srcid\" value=\"0\">" +
        "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"source\" value=\"W\">";

        ( bReq, action, hiddens, null, null, false );
    else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/ReportForm" ) )
      String action = bReq.getServletPath() + "/PostReport";

      String hiddens =
        "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"srcid\" value=\"0\">" +
        "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"source\" value=\"W\">";

        ( bReq, action, hiddens, null, null, false );
    else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/SelectPro" ) )
      this.sendProjectForm( bReq );
    else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/SelectCat/" ) )
      String project =
        pathInfo.substring( "/SelectCat/".length() );

      if ( project.length() > 0 )
        this.sendCategoryForm( bReq, project );
        // UNDONE error handling...
    else if ( pathInfo.startsWith( "/SelectSub/" ) )
      String subPath =
        pathInfo.substring( "/SelectSub/".length() );

      int idx = subPath.indexOf( "/" );
      String project = subPath.substring( 0, idx );
      String category = subPath.substring( idx + 1 );

      if ( project.length() > 0 && category.length() > 0 )
        this.sendSubReportForm( bReq, project, category );
        // UNDONE error handling...
    else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/Help" )
          || pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/Help.html" ) )
      this.sendHelpPage( bReq );
    else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/HelpFields" )
          || pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/HelpFields.html" ) )
      this.sendFieldsHelpPage( bReq );
    else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/index" ) )
      this.sendHelpPage( bReq );
      PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
      this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Error Unknown Command" );
      this.reportError( bReq, cW,
        "<h2>Request Not Recognized</h2>" +
        "The request that you submitted <strong>'" +
        pathInfo + "'</strong> was not recognized. " +
        "This indicates that the link you followed " +
        "is not valid. You might wish to notify the " +
        "webmaster of the problem." );
      this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );

   * Write survey results to output file in response to the POSTed
   * form.  Write a "thank you" to the client.    
  public void
  doPost( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res )
    throws ServletException, IOException
    BugRatRequest bReq = new BugRatRequest( req, res, this );

    String pathInfo = bReq.getPathInfo();

    if ( pathInfo == null )
      PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
      this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - invalid PathInfo" );
      this.reportError( bReq, cW,
        "<h2>ERROR PathInfo Null</h2>" +
        "The pathinfo data in the request was empty." );
      this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );
    else if ( this.commonPost( bReq ) )
      // Handled by the common GET code...
    else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/SelectCat" ) )
      String project = bReq.getParameterValues( "project" )[0];
      // UNDONE proper error checking...
      this.sendCategoryForm( bReq, project );
    else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/SelectSub" ) )
      String project = bReq.getParameterValues( "project" )[0];
      String category = bReq.getParameterValues( "category" )[0];
      // UNDONE proper error checking...
      this.sendSubReportForm( bReq, project, category );
    else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/PostSelect" ) )
      this.processReportPOST( bReq, true );
    else if ( pathInfo.equalsIgnoreCase( "/PostReport" ) )
      this.processReportPOST( bReq, false );
      PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
      this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - invalid PathInfo" );
      this.reportError( bReq, cW,
        "<h2>ERROR PathInfo Invalid</h2>" +
        "The pathinfo of '" + pathInfo + "' was not recognized." );
      this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );

  private void
      BugRatRequest bReq,
      String action, String hiddens,
      String project, String category, boolean haveProject )
    throws IOException
    Vector lpV = null;
    PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
    this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Bug Report Form" );

    DBConfig config = this.getDBConfig();

    String bgColor = config.getProperty( "reportServlet.bgColor" );
    if ( bgColor == null ) bgColor = "#E0E0E0";

    String hdrColor = config.getProperty( "reportServlet.hdrColor" );
    if ( hdrColor == null ) hdrColor = bgColor;

    String reqColor = config.getProperty( "reportServlet.reqColor" );
    if ( reqColor == null ) bgColor = "#B0E0B0";

    boolean newAccountRequiresAdmin = this.getNewUserRequiresAdmin();
    //  config.getBoolean
    //    ( "commonServlet.newPersonRequiresAdmin", true );

    cW.print  ( "<form method=\"POST\"" );
    cW.println( " action=\"" + action + "\">" );

    cW.println( hiddens );
    if ( haveProject )
      cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"project\" " );
      cW.println( "       value=\"" + project + "\">" );
      cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"category\" " );
      cW.println( "       value=\"" + category + "\">" );

    cW.println( "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"3\" cellpadding=\"0\">" );

    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.print  ( "<td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\"" );
    cW.println( "    width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"" + hdrColor + "\">" );

      ( bReq, cW, "Submit&nbsp;Bug&nbsp;Report" );

    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.print  ( "<td align=\"center\" width=\"50%\" valign=\"top\"" );
    cW.println( "    bgcolor=\"" + reqColor + "\">" );

    if ( haveProject )
      String projectName = config.getProjectName( project );
      String categoryName = config.getCategoryName( project, category );

      cW.println( "<table border=\"0\" width=\"80%\" cellpadding=\"3\">" );

      cW.println( "<tr>" );
      cW.println( "<td align=\"right\">" );
      cW.println( "<strong>" );
      cW.println( "Project:" );
      cW.println( "</strong>" );
      cW.println( "</td>" );
      cW.println( "<td>" );
      cW.println( projectName );
      cW.println( "</td>" );
      cW.println( "</tr>" );

      cW.println( "<tr>" );
      cW.println( "<td align=\"right\">" );
      cW.println( "<strong>" );
      cW.println( "Category:" );
      cW.println( "</strong>" );
      cW.println( "</td>" );
      cW.println( "<td>" );
      cW.println( categoryName );
      cW.println( "</td>" );
      cW.println( "</tr>" );

      cW.println( "</table>" );

      cW.println( "<hr>" );

      cW.println( "<strong>" );
      cW.println( "SubCategory" );
      cW.println( "</strong>" );
      cW.println( "<br>" );

      cW.println( "<SELECT NAME=\"subcat\" SIZE=8>" );

      Vector subcats =
        config.getCategorySubCats( project, category );

      for ( int i = 0, sz = subcats.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
        Category pc = (Category) subcats.elementAt(i);
        String cat = pc.getSubCategory();
        String catName = pc.getName();
        cW.println( "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + cat + "\">" );
        cW.println( catName );
        cW.println( "</OPTION>" );

      cW.println( "</SELECT>" );
      cW.println( "<strong>" );
      cW.println( "Project / Category / SubCategory" );
      cW.println( "</strong>" );
      cW.println( "<br>" );

      cW.println( "<SELECT NAME=\"pcs\" SIZE=12>" );

      Vector projects = config.getProjects();
      for ( int pi = 0, psz = projects.size() ; pi < psz ; ++pi )
        Category pc = (Category) projects.elementAt(pi);
        String proj = pc.getProject();
        String projectName = pc.getName();
        Vector categories = config.getProjectCategories( proj );

        if ( pi > 0 )
          cW.println( "<OPTION VALUE=\"SEP\"> --- </OPTION>" );

        for ( int ci = 0, csz = categories.size() ; ci < csz ; ++ci )
          Category cc = (Category) categories.elementAt(ci);
          String cat = cc.getCategory();
          String categoryName = cc.getName();
          Vector subcats = config.getCategorySubCats( proj, cat );
          for ( int si = 0, ssz = subcats.size() ; si < ssz ; ++si )
            Category sc = (Category) subcats.elementAt(si);

            String value =
              sc.getProject() + "/" +
              sc.getCategory() + "/" +

            String name =
              projectName + " / " +
              categoryName + " / " +

            cW.println( "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + value + "\">" );
            cW.println( name );
            cW.println( "</OPTION>" );

      cW.println( "</SELECT>" );

    cW.println( "</td>" );

    cW.println( "<td align=\"center\" width=\"50%\">" );

    cW.println( "<table bgcolor=\"" + reqColor + "\">" );

    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"right\">" );
    cW.println( "Priority" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "<td width=\"100%\">" );

    cW.println( "<SELECT NAME=\"priority\" SIZE=\"1\">" );
    lpV = config.getPriorities();
    for ( int i = 0, sz = lpV.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
      LevelParam lp = (LevelParam) lpV.elementAt(i);
      cW.println( "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + lp.getId() + "\">" );
      cW.println( lp.getName() );
      cW.println( "</OPTION>" );
    cW.println( "</SELECT>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"right\">" );
    cW.println( "Severity" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "<td width=\"100%\">" );

    cW.println( "<SELECT NAME=\"severity\" SIZE=\"1\">" );
    lpV = config.getSeverities();
    for ( int i = 0, sz = lpV.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
      LevelParam lp = (LevelParam) lpV.elementAt(i);
      cW.println( "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + lp.getId() + "\">" );
      cW.println( lp.getName() );
      cW.println( "</OPTION>" );
    cW.println( "</SELECT>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"right\">" );
    cW.println( "Class" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "<td width=\"100%\">" );

    cW.println( "<SELECT NAME=\"class\" SIZE=\"1\">" );
    lpV = config.getClasses();
    for ( int i = 0, sz = lpV.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
      LevelParam lp = (LevelParam) lpV.elementAt(i);
      cW.println( "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + lp.getId() + "\">" );
      cW.println( lp.getName() );
      cW.println( "</OPTION>" );
    cW.println( "</SELECT>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    // C O N F I D E N C E
    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"right\">" );
    cW.println( "Confidence" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "<td width=\"100%\">" );

    String defConfId = config.getDefaultConfidence();
    cW.println( "<SELECT NAME=\"confidence\" SIZE=\"1\">" );
    lpV = config.getConfidences();
    for ( int i = 0, sz = lpV.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
      LevelParam lp = (LevelParam) lpV.elementAt(i);
      cW.print( "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + lp.getId() + "\"" );
      if ( lp.getId().equalsIgnoreCase( defConfId ) )
        cW.print( " SELECTED" );
      cW.println( ">" );
      cW.println( lp.getName() );
      cW.println( "</OPTION>" );
    cW.println( "</SELECT>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr>" );

    cW.println( "<td align=\"right\">" );
    cW.println( "Project&nbsp;Release" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "<td>" );
    cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"text\" size=\"16\" name=\"release\">" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );

    cW.println( "</tr>" );
    cW.println( "</table>" );

    cW.println( "<table bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">" );
    cW.println( "<tr>" );

    cW.println( "<td align=\"right\">" );
    cW.println( "JVM&nbsp;Release" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "<td>" );
    cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"text\" size=\"16\" name=\"envjvm\">" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );

    cW.println( "</tr>" );
    cW.println( "<tr>" );

    cW.println( "<td align=\"right\">" );
    cW.println( "OS" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "<td>" );
    cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"text\" size=\"16\" name=\"envos\">" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );

    cW.println( "</tr>" );
    cW.println( "<tr>" );

    cW.println( "<td align=\"right\">" );
    cW.println( "OS&nbsp;Release" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "<td>" );
    cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"text\" size=\"16\" name=\"envosrel\">" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );

    cW.println( "</tr>" );
    cW.println( "<tr>" );

    cW.println( "<td align=\"right\">" );
    cW.println( "Platform" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "<td>" );
    cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"text\" size=\"16\" name=\"envplat\">" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );

    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "</table>" );

    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\" width=\"100%\">" );

    cW.println( "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"" );
    cW.println( " cellpadding=\"3\" width=\"100%\">" );

    cW.println( "<tr bgcolor=\"" + reqColor + "\">" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\" width=\"100%\" colspan=\"2\">" );

    cW.println( "<strong>Submitter:</strong>" );
    cW.println( "&nbsp;" );

    // If we have a user ID, then this servlet authenticates and we
    // are logged in. Thus, use that login name to get the user id,
    // and use that for the submitter. Otherwise, show the list.
    Person p = null;
    try {
      int userId = this.getUserId( bReq );
      if ( userId != 0 )
        p = Person.getPerson( userId );
    catch ( DBIException ex )
      { p = null; }

    if ( p == null )
      String promptOption =
        "<OPTION VALUE=\"-1\"> Select Report Submitter... </OPTION>";

        ( bReq, cW, -1, -1, "submitter", promptOption, null );

      if ( ! newAccountRequiresAdmin )
        cW.print  ( "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" );
        cW.print  ( "<a href=\"" );
        cW.print  ( bReq.getServletPath() );
        cW.print  ( "/EditPerson/0" );
        cW.println( "\">" );
        cW.println( "Create New User..." );
        cW.println( "</a>" );
      cW.println( p.getName() );
      cW.print  ( " (&nbsp;" );
      cW.print  ( p.getEmail() );
      cW.println( "&nbsp;)" );
      cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"submitter\" " );
      cW.println( "       value=\"" + p.getId() + "\">" );

    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr bgcolor=\"" + reqColor + "\">" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\">" );
    cW.println( "<strong>Your Email Address:</strong>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\">" );
    cW.println( "<strong>Your Full Name:</strong>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr bgcolor=\"" + reqColor + "\">" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\">" );
    cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"text\" size=\"36\" name=\"emailaddr\">" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\">" );
    cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"text\" size=\"36\" name=\"fullname\">" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr bgcolor=\"" + reqColor + "\">" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" );
    cW.println( "<strong>Report Synopsis (required):</strong>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );
    cW.println( "<tr bgcolor=\"" + reqColor + "\">" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" );
    cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"text\" size=\"72\" name=\"synopsis\">" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" );
    cW.println( "<strong>Report Description (optional):</strong>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );
    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" );
    cW.print  ( "<TEXTAREA name=\"repdesc\" rows=\"12\" cols=\"60\">" );
    cW.println( "</TEXTAREA>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" );
    cW.println( "<strong>Additional Environment Description (optional):</strong>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );
    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" );
    cW.print  ( "<TEXTAREA name=\"envdesc\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"60\">" );
    cW.println( "</TEXTAREA>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" );
    cW.println( "<strong>How To Reproduce (optional):</strong>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );
    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" );
    cW.print  ( "<TEXTAREA name=\"repro\" rows=\"6\" cols=\"60\">" );
    cW.println( "</TEXTAREA>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" );
    cW.println( "<strong>Known Work Around (optional):</strong>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );
    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" );
    cW.print  ( "<TEXTAREA name=\"around\" rows=\"6\" cols=\"60\">" );
    cW.println( "</TEXTAREA>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "</table>" );

    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td colspan=\"2\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">" );

    cW.println( "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"8\">" );
    cW.println( "<tr>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"center\">" );
    cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
    cW.println( " value=\"Submit Report\">" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "<td align=\"center\">" );
    cW.println( "<INPUT type=\"reset\" name=\"reset\"" );
    cW.println( " value=\"Clear Report\">" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );
    cW.println( "</table>" );

    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "<tr bgcolor=\"" + reqColor + "\">" );
    cW.println( "<td colspan=\"2\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">" );
    cW.println( "<strong>Fields in the highlighted area are required.</strong>" );
    cW.println( "</td>" );
    cW.println( "</tr>" );

    cW.println( "</table>" );
    cW.println( "</center>" );

    cW.println( "</form>" );

    this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );

  private void
  sendHelpPage( BugRatRequest bReq )
    throws IOException
    PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
    this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Bug Report Help" );

    this.sendPropertyHTML( bReq, cW, "reportServlet.helpHtml" );

    this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );

  private void
  sendFieldsHelpPage( BugRatRequest bReq )
    throws IOException
    PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
    this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Bug Report Fields Help" );

    this.sendPropertyHTML( bReq, cW, "reportServlet.fieldHelpHtml" );

    this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );

  private void
  sendProjectForm( BugRatRequest bReq )
    throws IOException
    PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
    this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Select A Project" );

    Vector lpV = null;
    DBConfig config = this.getDBConfig();
    String bgColor = config.getProperty( "reportServlet.bgColor" );

    // UNDONE This title should come from a table!
    cW.println( "<h2>Select Project</h2>" );
    cW.println( "Please select the project that your BugRat" );
    cW.println( "report is to apply to. Once you have made your" );
    cW.println( "selection and clicked 'Proceed', then you will" );
    cW.println( "be presented with a list of categories to choose" );
    cW.println( "from. Finally, you will be presented with the complete" );
    cW.println( "report form to submit your report." );
    cW.println( "<p>" );

    String action = bReq.getServletPath() + "/SelectCat";

    cW.print  ( "<form method=\"POST\"" );
    cW.print  ( "      action=\"" + action + "\">" );

    cW.println( "<center>" );
    cW.println( "Select Project" );
    cW.println( "<SELECT NAME=\"project\" SIZE=1>" );

    Vector projects = this.getDBConfig().getProjects();
    for ( int pi = 0, psz = projects.size() ; pi < psz ; ++pi )
      Category pc = (Category) projects.elementAt(pi);
      String proj = pc.getProject();
      String projectName = pc.getName();

      cW.println( "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + proj + "\">"
            + projectName + "</OPTION>" );

    cW.println( "</SELECT>" );
    cW.print  ( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
    cW.println( "       value=\"Proceed\">" );
    cW.println( "</center>" );
    cW.println( "</form>" );

    this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );

  private void
  sendCategoryForm( BugRatRequest bReq, String project )
    throws IOException
    PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();
    this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Select A Category" );

    Vector lpV = null;

    DBConfig config = this.getDBConfig();
    String bgColor = config.getProperty( "reportServlet.bgColor" );

    cW.println( "<h2>Select Category</h2>" );
    cW.println( "Please select the category that your BugRat" );
    cW.println( "report is to apply to. Once you have made your" );
    cW.println( "selection and clicked 'Proceed', then you will" );
    cW.println( "be presented with the report form to submit." );
    cW.println( "<p>" );

    cW.println( "<center><strong>Current Project:</strong>" );
    cW.println( this.getDBConfig().getProjectName( project ) );
    cW.println( "</center><p>" );

    String action = bReq.getServletPath() + "/SelectSub";

    cW.print  ( "<form method=\"POST\"" );
    cW.print  ( "      action=\""+ action + "\">" );

    cW.print  ( "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"project\"" );
    cW.println( " value=\"" + project + "\">" );

    cW.println( "<center>" );
    cW.println( "Select Category" );
    cW.println( "<SELECT NAME=\"category\" SIZE=1>" );

    Vector cats = config.getProjectCategories( project );
    for ( int i = 0, sz =cats.size() ; i < sz ; ++i )
      Category pc = (Category) cats.elementAt(i);
      String id = pc.getCategory();
      String name = pc.getName();

      cW.println( "<OPTION VALUE=\"" + id + "\">"
            + name + "</OPTION>" );

    cW.println( "</SELECT>" );
    cW.print  ( "<INPUT type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"" );
    cW.println( "       value=\"Proceed\">" );
    cW.println( "</center>" );
    cW.println( "</form>" );

    this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );

  private void
  sendSubReportForm( BugRatRequest bReq, String project, String category )
    throws IOException
    String action = bReq.getServletPath() + "/PostSelect";

    String hidPrefix = "<INPUT type=\"hidden\" ";
    String hiddens =
      hidPrefix + "name=\"srcid\" value=\"0\">" +
      hidPrefix + "name=\"source\" value=\"W\">";

      ( bReq, action, hiddens, project, category, true );

  private void
  processReportPOST( BugRatRequest bReq, boolean hier )
    throws IOException
    DBConfig config = this.getDBConfig();
    PrintWriter cW = bReq.getHTMLWriter();

    this.sendCommonHeader( bReq, cW, "BugRat - Bug Report Form" );

    String bgColor = config.getProperty( "reportServlet.bgColor" );
    String okColor = config.getProperty( "reportServlet.okColor" );
    String errColor = config.getProperty( "reportServlet.errColor" );

    try {
      String value;
      String pcsStr = null;
      String proName = null;
      String catName = null;
      String subName = null;

      // V A L I D A T E
      String[] valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "submitter" );
      if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
        throw RequiredException( "report submitter" );

      String submitterStr = valAry[0];

      int submitterId = Integer.parseInt( submitterStr );
      if ( submitterId == -1 )
        throw RequiredException
          ( "report submitter" );
      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "confidence" );
      if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
        throw RequiredException( "confidence" );

      String confStr = valAry[0];

      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "priority" );
      if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
        throw RequiredException( "priority" );

      String priStr = valAry[0];

      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "severity" );
      if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
        throw RequiredException( "severity" );

      String sevStr = valAry[0];

      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "class" );
      if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
        throw RequiredException( "class" );

      String clsStr = valAry[0];

      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "synopsis" );
      if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
        throw RequiredException( "synopsis" );

      String synStr = valAry[0];

      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "release" );
      if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
        throw RequiredException( "release" );

      String relStr = valAry[0];

      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "envjvm" );
      String jvmStr = ( valAry == null ? null : valAry[0] );

      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "envos" );
      String osStr = ( valAry == null ? null : valAry[0] );

      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "envosrel" );
      String osRelStr = ( valAry == null ? null : valAry[0] );

      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "envplat" );
      String platStr = ( valAry == null ? null : valAry[0] );

      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "repdesc" );
      String repDescStr = ( valAry == null ? null : valAry[0] );

      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "envdesc" );
      String envDescStr = ( valAry == null ? null : valAry[0] );

      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "around" );
      String aroundDescStr = ( valAry == null ? null : valAry[0] );
      if ( aroundDescStr != null && aroundDescStr.length() == 0 )
        aroundDescStr = null;

      valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "repro" );
      String reproDescStr = ( valAry == null ? null : valAry[0] );
      if ( reproDescStr != null && reproDescStr.length() == 0 )
        reproDescStr = null;

      // P R O C E S S

      if ( hier )
        valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "project" );
        if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
          throw RequiredException( "project name" );

        proName = valAry[0];

        valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "category" );
        if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
          throw RequiredException( "category name" );

        catName = valAry[0];

        valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "subcat" );

        if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
          throw RequiredException( "subcat name" );

        subName = valAry[0];
        valAry = bReq.getParameterValues( "pcs" );
        if ( this.isEmptyParameter( valAry ) )
          throw RequiredException
            ( "project/category/subcat" );
        pcsStr = valAry[0];

      Report report = Report.getNewReport();

      if ( hier )
        report.setProject( proName );
        report.setCategory( catName );
        report.setSubCategory( subName );
        String[] cats = this.splitString( pcsStr, "/" );
        report.setProject( cats[0] );
        report.setCategory( cats[1] );
        report.setSubCategory( cats[2] );

      report.setSource( SOURCE_WWW );
      report.setSubmitter( submitterId );
      report.setSubmitted( new Date() );

        ( config.getIncomingResponsible
          ( report.getProject(),
            report.getSubCategory() ) );

      report.setState( config.getDefaultReportState() );

      report.setConfidence( confStr );
      report.setPriority( priStr );
      report.setSeverity( sevStr );
      report.setReportClass( clsStr );
      report.getDescription().setSynopsis( synStr );

      EnvDescription eDesc = report.getEnvDescription();

      eDesc.setRelease( relStr );
      eDesc.setJVM( jvmStr );
      eDesc.setOS( osStr );
      eDesc.setOSRelease( osRelStr );
      eDesc.setPlatform( platStr );
      eDesc.setDescription( envDescStr );

      String mimeType = "text/plain";
      if ( repDescStr != null && config.isTextHTML( repDescStr ) )
        mimeType = "text/html";

      report.getDescription().setMimeType( mimeType );
      report.getDescription().setDescription( repDescStr );

      report.getDescription().setEmail( null );
      report.getDescription().setURL( "" );

      // NOTE We do not require repro or work around.
      // NOTE That both repro and around are committed
      //      when the report is committed.

      if ( reproDescStr != null && reproDescStr.length() > 0 )
        Description repro = report.getReproDescription();
        if ( repro != null )
          repro.setSynopsis( synStr );
          repro.setDescription( reproDescStr );
          repro = Description.getNewDescription();
          repro.setSynopsis( synStr );
          repro.setDescription( reproDescStr );
          report.setReproDescription( repro );

      if ( aroundDescStr != null && aroundDescStr.length() > 0 )
        if ( this.debug ) this.log
          ( "BugRatReport.aroundDescStr = " + aroundDescStr );

        Description around = report.getAroundDescription();
        if ( around != null )
          around.setSynopsis( synStr );
          around.setDescription( aroundDescStr );
          around = Description.getNewDescription();
          around.setSynopsis( synStr );
          around.setDescription( aroundDescStr );
          report.setAroundDescription( around );

      // C O M M I T


      int repId = report.getId();
      int respId = report.getResponsible();
      if ( respId != 0 )
        try {
          String subject =
              "BugRat Report #" + report.getId()
              + " has been filed.";

          StringBuffer body = new StringBuffer();
          body.append( "Bug report #" );
          body.append( repId );
          body.append( " has just been filed." );
          body.append( "\n\n" );

          body.append( "You can view the report at the following URL:\n\n" );
          body.append( "   <" );
          body.append( bReq.getServletUrlPrefix() );
          body.append( bReq.getViewerServletPath() );
          body.append( "/ShowReport/" );
          body.append( repId );
          body.append( ">" );
          body.append( "\n\n" );
          body.append( "REPORT #" );
          body.append( repId );
          body.append( " Details.\n\n" );

          StringWriter sW = new StringWriter();
          PrintWriter pW = new PrintWriter( sW );

            ( report, bReq, pW, "text/plain", true );

          body.append( sW.toString() );

          Vector attach = null;
          sW = new StringWriter();
          pW = new PrintWriter( sW );

          pW.println( "<html>" );
          pW.println( "<head>" );
          pW.println( "<title>" );
          pW.println( "BugRat Report #" );
          pW.println( repId );
          pW.println( "</title>" );
          pW.println( "</head>" );
          pW.println( "<body>" );

          pW.println( "<h2>" );
          pW.println( "BugRat Report #" );
          pW.println( repId );
          pW.println( "</h2>" );

            ( report, bReq, pW, "text/html", true );

          pW.print  ( "<p>" );
          pW.println( "<center>" );
          pW.print  ( "<a href=\"" );
          pW.print  ( bReq.getServletUrlPrefix() );
          pW.print  ( bReq.getViewerServletPath() );
          pW.print  ( "/ShowReport/" );
          pW.print  ( repId );
          pW.println( "\">" );
          pW.println( "View this report online..." );  
          pW.println( "</a>" );
          pW.println( "</center>" );
          pW.print  ( "</p>" );

          pW.println( "</body>" );
          pW.println( "</html>" );

          attach = new Vector();

          StringDataSource ds =
            new StringDataSource
              ( sW.getBuffer().toString(),
                ( "Report-" + repId + ".html" ),
                  "text/html" );

          attach.addElement( ds );

          Person p = Person.getPerson( respId );
          if ( p != null )
              ( subject, body.toString(), null,
                p.getEmail(), null, attach );

        catch ( MessagingException ex )
            ( "Failed sending mail notice for report #"
              + repId + " filing.", ex );

      cW.println( "<h2>Report Successfully Filed</h2>" );
      cW.println( "<table border=\"5\" cellpadding=\"5\">" );
      cW.println( "<tr>" );
      cW.println( "<td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">" );
      cW.println( "Report ID = " );
      cW.println( "<strong>" );
      cW.println( "" + report.getId() );
      cW.println( "</strong>" );
      cW.println( "<tr>" );
      cW.println( "<td align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"" + okColor + "\">" );
      cW.println( "Your BugRat report has been successfully filed.<br>" );
      cW.println( "The report id shown above can be used to find this" );
      cW.println( "report in the future, and is the recommended" );
      cW.println( "bug reference in all correspondence." );
      cW.println( "<p>" );
      cW.println( "You may" );
      cW.println( "<a href=\"" );
      cW.print  ( bReq.getViewerServletPath() + "/ShowReport/" );
      cW.print  ( "" + report.getId() );
      cW.println( "\">" );
      cW.println( "review the report online" );
      cW.println( "</a>" );
      cW.println( "to verify proper filing." );
      cW.println( "<p>" );
      cW.println( "The web address (url) for your report is:<br>" );
      cW.println( "<B>" );
      cW.print  ( bReq.getServletUrlPrefix() );
      cW.print  ( bReq.getViewerServletPath() );
      cW.print  ( "/ShowReport/" );
      cW.println( "" + report.getId() );
      cW.println( "</B>" );
      cW.println( "</td>" );
      cW.println( "</tr>" );
      cW.println( "</table>" );
    catch ( DBIException ex )
      ex.printStackTrace( System.err );

      cW.println( "<h2> Error Processing Report </h2>" );
      cW.println( "<table border=\"5\" cellpadding=\"5\">" );
      cW.println( "<tr>" );
      cW.println( "<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">" );
      cW.println( "An error occurred trying to process your" );
      cW.println( "BugRat report. The report was not stored," );
      cW.println( "or was partially stored and needs to be" );
      cW.println( "backed out. Please report the following" );
      cW.println( "information to the BugRat Administrator." );
      cW.println( "</td>" );
      cW.println( "</tr>" );
      cW.println( "<tr>" );
      cW.println( "<td bgcolor=\"" + errColor + "\">" );
      cW.println( "<strong>SQLException:</strong><p>" );
      cW.print  ( "<PRE>" );
      cW.println( ex.getMessage() );
      cW.println( "</PRE>" );
      cW.println( "</td>" );
      cW.println( "</tr>" );
      cW.println( "</table>" );
    catch ( RequiredException ex )
      cW.println( "<h2> Missing Required Field </h2>" );
      cW.println( "You have a missing field that is required." );
      cW.println( "Please use the 'Back' key in your browser" );
      cW.println( "to go back to the previous page, which will" );
      cW.println( "be your partially completed report form." );
      cW.println( "Fill in the missing field and resubmit." );
      cW.println( "<p>" );
      cW.println( "The missing field was <strong> '" );
      cW.println( ex.getMessage() + "'.</strong>" );

    this.sendCommonTrailer( bReq, cW );

  private class
  RequiredException extends Exception
    RequiredException( String msg )
      super( msg );



Related Classes of org.gjt.bugrat.servlet.BugRatReport$RequiredException

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