* Copyright (c) 2004 - 2008 Fabrizio Boco fabboco@users.sourceforge.net *
* *
* *
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public *
* License (version 2.1) as published by the Free Software Foundation *
* *
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU Library General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *
* License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, *
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, *
* Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *
* *
- $Header: /usr/local/cvslocalrepository/EJB3PlugIn/src/boco/ejb3PlugIn/utils/Utils.java,v 2008/06/09 13:55:29 fab Exp $
- $Author: fab $
- $Revision: $
- $Date: 2008/06/09 13:55:29 $
- $Log: Utils.java,v $
- Revision 2008/06/09 13:55:29 fab
- Corretto bug che impediva il caricamento degli attributi di selezione nelle relazioni. Causato dalla modifica per supportare static final fields nei bean.
- Revision 2008/06/05 10:54:59 fab
- Fix gestione campi di tipo public static final
- Revision 2008/06/02 20:04:33 fab
- Eliminate System.out
- Revision 2008/05/21 20:46:35 fab
- Inserita cancellazione relazioni
- Revision 2008/05/05 12:40:11 fab
- Fix nella generazione dei packages
- Revision 2008/04/22 17:09:22 fab
- *** empty log message ***
- Revision 2008/04/22 06:17:38 fab
- Aggiornamento indirizzo di posta
- Revision 2008/04/19 11:21:02 fab
- Modifiche a seguito del refactoring del generatore
- Revision 2008/04/19 10:26:49 fab
- Aggiornamento riferimenti licenza
- Revision 2008/04/02 07:31:36 fab
- Implementazione 0695/C
- Revision 2008/03/30 15:37:11 fab
- Fix 0671/B
- Revision 2008/03/26 12:03:27 fab
- *** empty log message ***
- Revision 2008/02/22 13:32:42 fab
- Inserita la funzione che genera il metodo di copia del bean
- Revision 2007/10/01 15:16:05 fab
- Aggiornata dialog per la creazione del bean
- Riletta l'annotazione @ShowInForm
- Revision 2007/09/29 20:13:10 fab
- Fix del bug 0122/B
- Revision 2007/06/01 08:17:42 dev
- Fix nella addSeamGeneratorAnnotations
- Revision 2007/04/30 16:37:12 dev
- Modifiche per supportare l'opzione relatedAndNewItemsOnlyInPopUp nelle relazioni
- Revision 2007/04/13 19:33:43 dev
- Inserita la funzione addSeamGeneratorAnnotations
- Revision 2006/12/17 16:27:13 dev
- Fix nell'individuazione del beanTarget
- Revision 2006/12/17 16:15:35 dev
- Riorganizzata la classe Utils che era divisia in due !?
- Revision 2006/12/10 21:27:08 dev
- Inserita la funzione getCompilationUnit
- Revision 2006/08/28 08:48:49 dev
- Modifiche principli per il supporto di seam
- Revision 1.6 2006/06/01 16:08:41 dev
- Fix nella creazione dei nomi con lettere maiscole es. tipoIrregolarita
- Revision 1.5 2006/05/21 13:41:18 dev
- Corretta annotazione cvs
package boco.ejb3PlugIn.utils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IField;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMethod;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import boco.ejb3PlugIn.gui.BeanDialog;
import boco.ejb3PlugIn.gui.RelationshipAttributesSelectionDialog;
import boco.ejb3PlugIn.gui.RelationshipOption;
public class Utils
public static String makeFirstLetterUpperCase(String in)
String tmp = in.toUpperCase();
return tmp.substring(0, 1) + in.substring(1, in.length());
public static String makeFirstLetterLowerCase(String in)
String tmp = in.toLowerCase();
return tmp.substring(0, 1) + in.substring(1, in.length());
* Dato un nome di un campo genera il metodo getter
* @param field
* Nome del campo
* @return Nome del metodo getter
public static String makeGet(String field)
String tmp = field.toUpperCase();
String tmp1 = tmp.substring(0, 1);
return "get" + tmp1 + field.substring(1);
* Dato un campo <Field> restituisce il metodo
* set<Field>
public static String makeSet(String field)
String tmp = field.toUpperCase();
String tmp1 = tmp.substring(0, 1);
return "set" + tmp1 + field.substring(1);
* Dato un metodo
* get<Field>
* restituisce il metodo
* set<Field>
public static String switchGet2Set(String method)
String field = method.substring(3, method.length());
return makeSet(field);
* Dato un campo <Field> restituisce il metodo
* add<Field>
public static String makeAdd(String field)
String tmp = field.toUpperCase();
String tmp1 = tmp.substring(0, 1);
return "add" + tmp1 + field.substring(1);
* Dato un campo <Field> restituisce il metodo
* remove<Field>
public static String makeRemove(String field)
String tmp = field.toUpperCase();
String tmp1 = tmp.substring(0, 1);
return "remove" + tmp1 + field.substring(1);
* Dato un campo <Field> restituisce il metodo
* removeAll<Field>
public static String makeRemoveAll(String field)
String tmp = field.toUpperCase();
String tmp1 = tmp.substring(0, 1);
return "removeAll" + tmp1 + field.substring(1);
* Restituisce la lista ordinata dei nomi dei bean presenti
public static String[] getBeanNames(IPackageFragment entityPackage) throws JavaModelException
IJavaElement beans[] = entityPackage.getChildren();
String[] beanNames = new String[beans.length];
for (int i = 0; i < beanNames.length; i++)
String beanName = beans[i].getElementName();
beanNames[i] = beanName.substring(0, beanName.length() - 5);
return beanNames;
* Restituisce il compilationUnit di uno specifico bean
public static ICompilationUnit getCompilationUnit(IPackageFragment entityPackage, String beanName) throws JavaModelException
IJavaElement beans[] = entityPackage.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < beans.length; i++)
if (beans[i].getElementName().equals(beanName + ".java"))
return (ICompilationUnit) beans[i];
return null;
* Converte un metodo
* <br>
* getXxxxx
* <br>
* in
* <br>
* Xxxxx
public static String get2Bean(String method)
return method.substring(3, method.length());
* Restituisce il target bean di una relazione
public static String getTargetBean(ICompilationUnit compilationUnit, String relationship) throws JavaModelException
IType thisType = compilationUnit.getAllTypes()[0];
IMethod method = thisType.getMethod(relationship, null);
String returnType = method.getReturnType();
if (!returnType.contains("List"))
// return get2Bean(relationship);
return returnType.substring(1, returnType.length() - 1);
// Collection<Bean>
int start = returnType.indexOf("<");
int end = returnType.indexOf(">");
return returnType.substring(start + 2, end - 1);
* Dal compilation unit di un bean, individua il compilation unit di un altro bean con nome beanName
public static ICompilationUnit getCompilationUnit(ICompilationUnit compilationUnit, String beanName)
IPackageFragment thisPackage = (IPackageFragment) compilationUnit.getParent();
return thisPackage.getCompilationUnit(beanName + ".java");
* Restituisce le sole relazioni Master_Detail di cui il bean è Detail
public static Vector<String> getMasterDetailRelations(ICompilationUnit compilationUnit) throws JavaModelException
Vector<String> ret = new Vector<String>();
IType thisType = compilationUnit.getAllTypes()[0];
IMethod methods[] = thisType.getMethods();
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++)
if (methods[i].getElementName().startsWith("get") && !methods[i].getElementName().startsWith("getId") && !methods[i].getElementName().contains("UID") && isMasterDetail(methods[i]))
return ret;
* Indica se una metodo è una relazione MASTER_DETAIL di cui il bean è DETAIL, cioe' se contiene una annotazione delle seguenti:
* <br>
* <br>
* @ManyToOne
* <br>
* e contiene
* <br>
public static boolean isMasterDetail(IMethod method) throws JavaModelException
String source = method.getSource();
if (source.contains("@ManyToOne"))
if (source.contains("@Relationship"))
if (source.contains("MASTER_DETAIL"))
return true;
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Restituisce tutte le relazioni di un bean
public static Vector<String> getRelations(ICompilationUnit compilationUnit) throws JavaModelException
Vector<String> ret = new Vector<String>();
IType thisType = compilationUnit.getAllTypes()[0];
IMethod methods[] = thisType.getMethods();
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++)
if (methods[i].getElementName().startsWith("get") && !methods[i].getElementName().startsWith("getId") && !methods[i].getElementName().contains("UID") && isRelationship(methods[i]))
return ret;
* Restituisce tutti gli attributi di un bean
public static Vector<String> getAttributes(ICompilationUnit compilationUnit) throws JavaModelException
Vector<String> ret = new Vector<String>();
IType thisType = compilationUnit.getAllTypes()[0];
IField fields[] = thisType.getFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
IMethod method = thisType.getMethod(makeGet(fields[i].getElementName()), null);
if (!fields[i].getElementName().contains("UID") && !isRelationship(method))
return ret;
* Indica se una metodo è una relazione, cioe' se contiene una annotazione delle seguenti:
* <br>
* <br>
* @OneToMany
* <br>
* @OneToOne
* <br>
* @ManyToOne
* <br>
* @ManyToMany
public static boolean isRelationship(IMethod method)
String source = null;
source = method.getSource();
catch (JavaModelException e)
if (source == null)
return false;
if (source.contains("@OneToMany"))
return true;
if (source.contains("@OneToOne"))
return true;
if (source.contains("@ManyToOne"))
return true;
if (source.contains("@ManyToMany"))
return true;
return false;
* Genera le annotazioni per una relazione sulla base delle informazioni fornite
public static void addSeamGeneratorAnnotations(IMethod method, ICompilationUnit compilationUnit, RelationshipOption relationshipOption, RelationshipAttributesSelectionDialog sourceAttributeSelectionOption, RelationshipAttributesSelectionDialog targetAttributeSelectionOption) throws JavaModelException
String newMethodSourceCode = "";
String oldMethodAnnotations = "";
String oldMethodSourceCode = "";
boolean master;
if (method.getSource().contains("@OneToMany"))
master = true;
master = false;
// String targetBean = Utils.getTargetBean(compilationUnit, method.getElementName());
String selectedAttributes = "";
String masterAttributes = "";
// System.out.println(relationshipOption.getImplementationType());
// System.out.println(RelationshipOption.MASTER_DETAIL);
if (relationshipOption.isUsed() && (relationshipOption.getImplementationType() != RelationshipOption.MASTER_DETAIL))
// Acquisizione degli attributi di selezione per LISTBOX e POPUP
selectedAttributes = sourceAttributeSelectionOption.getSelectedAttributes();
if (relationshipOption.isUsed() && (relationshipOption.getImplementationType() == RelationshipOption.MASTER_DETAIL) && !master)
masterAttributes = sourceAttributeSelectionOption.getSelectedAttributes();
// Dal codice esistente rimuove l'annotazione se presente
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(method.getSource(), "\t\n\r\f");
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
String token = st.nextToken();
// System.out.println(".." + token);
if (!token.contains("@Relationship"))
if (token.startsWith("@"))
oldMethodAnnotations += token + "\r\n";
oldMethodSourceCode += token + "\r\n";
IType type = compilationUnit.getTypes()[0];
//Rimuove il metodo esistente
type.getMethod(method.getElementName(), null).delete(true, null);
if (!relationshipOption.isUsed())
newMethodSourceCode += "@Relationship(used=false, orderInForm=0";
if (relationshipOption.getImplementationType() == RelationshipOption.POPUP)
newMethodSourceCode += "@Relationship(used=true, orderInForm=" + relationshipOption.getOrder() + ", type=" + relationshipOption.getImplementationType2String() + ", selectionAttributes=" + selectedAttributes + " ";
if (relationshipOption.getImplementationType() == RelationshipOption.LISTBOX || relationshipOption.getImplementationType() == RelationshipOption.OPTIONS)
newMethodSourceCode += "@Relationship(used=true, orderInForm=" + relationshipOption.getOrder() + ", type=" + relationshipOption.getImplementationType2String() + ", selectionAttributes=" + selectedAttributes;
if (relationshipOption.getImplementationType() == RelationshipOption.MASTER_DETAIL && master)
newMethodSourceCode += "@Relationship(used=true, orderInForm=" + relationshipOption.getOrder() + ", type=" + relationshipOption.getImplementationType2String();
if (relationshipOption.getImplementationType() == RelationshipOption.MASTER_DETAIL && !master)
newMethodSourceCode += "@Relationship(used=true, orderInForm=" + relationshipOption.getOrder() + ", type=" + relationshipOption.getImplementationType2String() + ", masterAttributes=" + masterAttributes;
if (relationshipOption.isRequired())
newMethodSourceCode += ", required=true";
if (relationshipOption.isHelp())
newMethodSourceCode += ", help=true";
if (relationshipOption.isRelatedAndNewItemsOnly())
newMethodSourceCode += ", relatedAndNewItemsOnlyInPopUp=true";
newMethodSourceCode += " )\r\n";
newMethodSourceCode = oldMethodAnnotations + newMethodSourceCode + oldMethodSourceCode + "\r\n";
type.createMethod(newMethodSourceCode, null, true, null);
if (!compilationUnit.getSource().contains("import org.boco.seamwebappgen.annotations.Relationship"))
compilationUnit.createImport("org.boco.seamwebappgen.annotations.Relationship", null, null);
if (!compilationUnit.getSource().contains("import org.boco.seamwebappgen.annotations.RelationshipImplementationType"))
compilationUnit.createImport("org.boco.seamwebappgen.annotations.RelationshipImplementationType", null, null);
if (relationshipOption.getImplementationType() == RelationshipOption.POPUP && !compilationUnit.getSource().contains("import org.boco.seamwebappgen.annotations.PopUpEnabledActionType"))
compilationUnit.createImport("org.boco.seamwebappgen.annotations.PopUpEnabledActionType", null, null);
compilationUnit.save(null, true);
public static String getTypeValue(String code, String key)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(code, "( = \",)");
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
String token = st.nextToken();
if (token.equals(key))
token = st.nextToken();
return token;
return null;
public static Boolean getBooleanValue(String code, String key)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(code, "( = \",)");
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
String token = st.nextToken();
if (token.equals(key))
token = st.nextToken();
return new Boolean(token);
return new Boolean(false);
public static Integer getIntegerValue(String code, String key)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(code, "( = \",)");
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
String token = st.nextToken();
if (token.equals(key))
token = st.nextToken();
return new Integer(token);
return new Integer(0);
* Dato un metodo get<Field> o set<Field> restituisce <Field>
public static String makeMethod2Field(String getMethod)
return makeFirstLetterLowerCase(getMethod.substring(3, getMethod.length()));
* Dato un metodo di una relazione :N
* <br>
* get<Field>s o set<Field>s
* restituisce <Field>
public static String makeMethod2SingularField(String getMethod)
return makeFirstLetterLowerCase(getMethod.substring(3, getMethod.length() - 1));
public static String makeSecurityAnnotation(BeanDialog beanDialog)
String ret = "@Security(";
if (!beanDialog.getCreateEnabledRoles().equals(""))
ret += "rolesEnabledToCreate={" + beanDialog.getCreateEnabledRoles() + "}, ";
if (beanDialog.getDeleteCondition().equals(""))
ret += "createCondition=\"\", ";
ret += "createCondition=\"#{" + beanDialog.getCreateCondition() + "}\", ";
if (!beanDialog.getEditEnabledRoles().equals(""))
ret += "rolesEnabledToEdit={" + beanDialog.getEditEnabledRoles() + "}, ";
if (beanDialog.getDeleteCondition().equals(""))
ret += "editCondition=\"\", ";
ret += "editCondition=\"#{" + beanDialog.getEditCondition() + "}\", ";
if (!beanDialog.getDeleteEnabledRoles().equals(""))
ret += "rolesEnabledToDelete={" + beanDialog.getDeleteEnabledRoles() + "} ";
if (beanDialog.getDeleteCondition().equals(""))
ret += "deleteCondition=\"\" ";
ret += "deleteCondition=\"#{" + beanDialog.getDeleteCondition() + "}\" ";
ret += ")\r\n";
return ret;
public static String makeShowListAnnotation(BeanDialog beanDialog)
String ret = "";
ret += "@ShowList(names = {" + beanDialog.getViewNames() + "}, filters={" + beanDialog.getFilters() + "}, enabledRoles={" + beanDialog.getEnableRoles() + "}, mains={" + beanDialog.getMain() + "}, newMenuOptionConditions={" + beanDialog.getNewMenuOptionConditions() + "}, printMenuOptionConditionsInList={" + beanDialog.getprintMenuOptionConditionsInList() + "})\r\n";
return ret;