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package runtimeconfig.components;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigMap;
import flex.messaging.services.AbstractBootstrapService;
import flex.messaging.services.RemotingService;
import flex.messaging.services.remoting.RemotingDestination;
* The purpose of this class is to duplicate the WeatherService remoting destination
* using runtime configuration. This service creates two destinations, one during server startup,
* the other after the server has started (at runtime).
public class RuntimeRemotingDestination extends AbstractBootstrapService
public void initialize(String id, ConfigMap properties)
//Create destination and add to the Service
RemotingService service = (RemotingService) broker.getService("remoting-service");
String dest = "RemotingDest_startup";
createDestination(dest, service);
* The following is a destination in the eqa application, under messaging-config.xml
* The method below implements it at runtime
<destination id="WeatherService">
private RemotingDestination createDestination(String id, RemotingService messageService)
RemotingDestination remoteDest = (RemotingDestination)messageService.createDestination(id);
return remoteDest;
public void start()
RemotingService service = (RemotingService) broker.getService("remoting-service");
String id = "RemotingDest_runtime";
RemotingDestination destination = createDestination(id, service);
public void stop()
// No-op