Package runtimeconfig.components

Source Code of runtimeconfig.components.RuntimeEndpointsAndFactory

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package runtimeconfig.components;

import flex.messaging.FlexFactory;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigMap;
import flex.messaging.endpoints.HTTPEndpoint;
import flex.messaging.factories.JavaFactory;

* This class create runtime-configured destinations and a factory class instance.
* These destinations are used in rtPushOverHTTP tests inside the qa-manual application.
* TBD: create a destination that uses the factory.
public class RuntimeEndpointsAndFactory extends AbstractBootstrapService
     * Called by the <code>MessageBroker</code> after all of the server
     * components are created but right before they are started. This is
     * usually the place to create dynamic components.
     * @param id Id of the <code>AbstractBootstrapService</code>.
     * @param properties Properties for the <code>AbstractBootstrapService</code>.
    public void initialize(String id, ConfigMap properties)

     * Called by the <code>MessageBroker</code> as server starts. Useful for
     * custom code that needs to run after all the components are initialized
     * and the server is starting up.
    public void start()
        // No-op       

     * Called by the <code>MessageBroker</code> as server stops. Useful for
     * custom code that needs to run as the server is shutting down.
    public void stop()
        // No-op       
    private void createEndpoints()
     * This endpoint is used by the Real Time Push over HTTP feature.  It is meant do duplicate the following static endpoint:
       <channel-definition id="data-http-long-poll" class="mx.messaging.channels.HTTPChannel">
          <endpoint url="http://{}:{server.port}/qa-manual/messagebroker/testhttp1" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.HTTPEndpoint"/> 
    private void createHttpLongPollEndpoint()
        String endpointId = "data-http-long-poll";
        String endpointUrl = "http://{}:{server.port}/qa-manual/messagebroker/httplongpoll";
        String endpointClass = "flex.messaging.endpoints.HTTPEndpoint";        
        HTTPEndpoint httpEndpoint = (HTTPEndpoint)broker.createEndpoint(endpointId, endpointUrl, endpointClass)
        // <polling-enabled> is set on the client via the PollingChannel API
        // <polling-interval-millis> is set on the client via the PollingChannel API

     * This endpoint is used by the Real Time Push over HTTP feature
      <channel-definition id="data-testhttp2" class="mx.messaging.channels.HTTPChannel" parent="services-config/channels">
          <endpoint url="http://{}:{server.port}/qa-manual/messagebroker/testhttp2" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.HTTPEndpoint"/>     
    private void createHttpWaitingPollRequestsEndpoint()
        String endpointId = "data-http-waiting-poll-requests";
        String endpointUrl = "http://{}:{server.port}/qa-manual/messagebroker/httpwaitingpoll";
        String endpointClass = "flex.messaging.endpoints.HTTPEndpoint";        
        HTTPEndpoint httpEndpoint = (HTTPEndpoint)broker.createEndpoint(endpointId, endpointUrl, endpointClass)
        // <polling-enabled> is set on the client via the PollingChannel API
        // <polling-interval-millis> is set on the client via the PollingChannel API

     * This endpoint is used by the Real Time Push over HTTP feature
        <channel-definition id="data-secure-http-polling" class="mx.messaging.channels.SecureHTTPChannel" parent="services-config/channels" action="add">
            <endpoint url="https://{}:9400/qa-manual/messagebroker/securehttpac" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.SecureHTTPEndpoint"/>
  private void createDataSecureHTTPPollingEndpoint()
      String endpointId = "data-secure-http-polling";
      String endpointUrl = "https://{}:9400/qa-manual/messagebroker/securepollinghttp";
      String endpointClass = "flex.messaging.endpoints.SecureHTTPEndpoint";        
      broker.createEndpoint(endpointId, endpointUrl, endpointClass);
        // <polling-enabled> is set on the client via the PollingChannel API
        // <polling-interval-millis> is set on the client via the PollingChannel API
     * This method removes and recreates the following factory, as an example of creating factories dynamically.
     * <factory class="flex.messaging.factories.JavaFactory" id="remotingTestFactory"></factory>
    private void createFactories()
      String factoryId = "remotingTestFactory";
      FlexFactory factory = new JavaFactory();
        broker.addFactory(factoryId, factory);

Related Classes of runtimeconfig.components.RuntimeEndpointsAndFactory

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