package qa.utils;
/* This class was adapted from a Generator class was written by Seth as a necessity for testing and simulating a steady
* stream of messages at regulated intervals and at at a given rate regardless of the threading and processing model
* for different channels/endpoints being used by the test applications
* This Generator class is instantiated by passing in how many generate calls should happen per second (targetRatePerSecond),
* and how many CPU time slices (runs) per second you�d like it to shoot for (suggestedGeneratePassesPerSecond). It sleeps
* between batches/runs so you don�t want so many batches that it�s giving up its CPU time
* too quickly and isn�t able to get any work done within a second, but not so few that it
* just generates a big burst of messages once a second up front rather than a stream.
* Each generate call (either the doDataMessageGenerate( or the doAsyncMessageGenerate() method)
* would create and send a message in an actual test. All in all, gives us the adaptive behavior
* we need to better simulate a steady state generation of messages on the server regardless of what the
* threading and processing model for different channels/endpoints is.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import flex.messaging.MessageBroker;
import flex.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage;
import flex.messaging.util.UUIDUtils;
public class MessageGenerator implements Runnable
private MessageBroker msgBroker;
private int counter=0;
public MessageGenerator(final int targetRatePerSecond, final int suggestedGeneratePassesPerSecond, final String destination, final Object message)
this.targetRatePerSecond = targetRatePerSecond;
this.suggestedGeneratePassesPerSecond = suggestedGeneratePassesPerSecond;
this.destination = destination;
this.message = message;
//set this value to null when processing an AsyncMessage Type
this.originalValue = null;
averageGeneratesPerPass = targetRatePerSecond / suggestedGeneratePassesPerSecond;
suggestedPauseMillis = 1000 / suggestedGeneratePassesPerSecond;
if (msgBroker == null)
msgBroker = MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(null);
public MessageGenerator(final int targetRatePerSecond, final int suggestedGeneratePassesPerSecond, final String destination, final ASObject originalValue)
this.targetRatePerSecond = targetRatePerSecond;
this.suggestedGeneratePassesPerSecond = suggestedGeneratePassesPerSecond;
this.destination = destination;
this.originalValue = originalValue;
//set this value to null when processing a DataMessage Type
this.message = null;
averageGeneratesPerPass = targetRatePerSecond / suggestedGeneratePassesPerSecond;
suggestedPauseMillis = 1000 / suggestedGeneratePassesPerSecond;
if (msgBroker == null)
msgBroker = MessageBroker.getMessageBroker(null);
private final int targetRatePerSecond;
private final int suggestedPauseMillis;
private final int suggestedGeneratePassesPerSecond;
private final int averageGeneratesPerPass;
private final String destination;
private final Object message;
private final ASObject originalValue;
private final ArrayList<Integer> generationCountPerSecond = new ArrayList<Integer>();
public volatile boolean stop;
public List<Integer> getGenerationCountPerSecond()
//System.out.println("messages : total sent " + counter);
return Collections.unmodifiableList(generationCountPerSecond);
public Integer getTotal()
System.out.println("current total messages count: " + counter);
//current total messages count
return counter;
public Integer resetTotal()
counter = 0;
System.out.println("reset total messages count: " + counter);
//current total messages count
return counter;
public void run()
final long startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
long currentSecond = 0;
int generatesThisSecond = 0;
boolean missedTarget = false;
while (!stop)
//System.out.println("---> Inside while loop. Execution millis =" + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTimeMillis));
for (int i = 0; i < suggestedGeneratePassesPerSecond; ++i)
if (stop)
return; //exit, don't get caught in this loop
int generatesForThisPass = averageGeneratesPerPass;
if ((generatesThisSecond + averageGeneratesPerPass) > targetRatePerSecond)
generatesForThisPass = targetRatePerSecond - generatesThisSecond; // Finish the remainder.
else // Determine whether we need to catch up.
int expectedCountThisSecond = i * averageGeneratesPerPass;
if (expectedCountThisSecond > generatesThisSecond)
generatesForThisPass += expectedCountThisSecond - generatesThisSecond;
for (int j = 0; j < generatesForThisPass; ++j)
long deltaSeconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMillis) / 1000;
if (deltaSeconds != currentSecond)
missedTarget = true;
if (!missedTarget)
long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
long pauseMillis = suggestedPauseMillis;
if (((currentTimeMillis + suggestedPauseMillis - startTimeMillis) / 1000) != currentSecond)
// Can't fit a sleep in; if we haven't hit the target yet continue into another generate pass immediately.
if (generatesThisSecond < targetRatePerSecond)
else // Done generating. Sleep only as long as we need to.
pauseMillis = (currentSecond + 1) - ((currentTimeMillis - startTimeMillis) / 1000);
catch (InterruptedException e)
return; // Exit.
long deltaSeconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMillis) / 1000;
if (deltaSeconds != currentSecond)
// Store metrics for this second, reset and advance.
currentSecond = deltaSeconds;
//System.out.println("**** Current second = " + currentSecond);
//System.out.println("**** How many generated this second = " + generatesThisSecond);
// Make sure you reset this only once in the whole loop
generatesThisSecond = 0;
protected void doAsyncMessageGenerate()
//System.out.println("Sending msg " + counter);
AsyncMessage msg = new AsyncMessage();
String clientID = UUIDUtils.createUUID(false);
msgBroker.routeMessageToService(msg, null);