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* [2002] - [2007] Adobe Systems Incorporated
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package features.bootstrapservices;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigMap;
import flex.messaging.services.AbstractBootstrapService;
import flex.messaging.services.Service;
import flex.messaging.services.http.ExternalProxySettings;
import flex.messaging.services.http.HTTPConnectionManagerSettings;
import flex.messaging.services.http.HTTPProxyAdapter;
import flex.messaging.services.http.HTTPProxyDestination;
import flex.messaging.services.http.SOAPProxyAdapter;
* This BootstrapService is used to dynamicaly create a HTTPProxy Service along
* with its HTTPProxy Destinations without the need for any configuration files.
public class HTTPProxyBootstrapService extends AbstractBootstrapService
* Called by the <code>MessageBroker</code> after all of the server
* components are created but right before they are started. This is
* usually the place to create dynamic components.
* @param id Id of the <code>AbstractBootstrapService</code>.
* @param properties Properties for the <code>AbstractBootstrapService</code>.
public void initialize(String id, ConfigMap properties)
Service httpProxyService = createService();
* Called by the <code>MessageBroker</code> as server starts. Useful for
* custom code that needs to run after all the components are initialized
* and the server is starting up.
public void start()
// No-op.
* Called by the <code>MessageBroker</code> as server stops. Useful for
* custom code that needs to run as the server is shutting down.
public void stop()
// No-op.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<service id="proxy-service" class="flex.messaging.services.HTTPProxyService">
<!-- Example proxy-config.xml -->
<!-- Allow self-signed certificates; should not be used in production -->
<!-- Server-side code that directly contacts a destination object or service -->
id: a unique id specifying the adapter
class: the Flex Enterprise class which implements the adapter
possible values: flex.messaging.services.http.HTTPProxyAdapter, flex.messaging.services.http.SOAPProxyAdapter
default: an optional attribute identifying the adapter to use when none is specified for the service
<adapter-definition id="http-proxy" class="flex.messaging.services.http.HTTPProxyAdapter" default="true"/>
<adapter-definition id="soap-proxy" class="flex.messaging.services.http.SOAPProxyAdapter"/>
Set the ref id of the default channels to use as transport for this service.
The channel is defined elsewhere using the channel-definition tag.
<channel ref="my-http"/>
<channel ref="my-amf"/>
private Service createService()
String serviceId = "proxy-service";
String serviceClass = "flex.messaging.services.HTTPProxyService";
Service httpProxyService = broker.createService(serviceId, serviceClass);
// Note that <properties> are not set on the service since they are
// adapter related properties and will be configured at adapter level
httpProxyService.registerAdapter("http-proxy", "flex.messaging.services.http.HTTPProxyAdapter");
httpProxyService.registerAdapter("soap-proxy", "flex.messaging.services.http.SOAPProxyAdapter");
return httpProxyService;
<!-- Example default http destination -->
<destination id="DefaultHTTP">
<!-- Example http proxy adapter destination -->
<destination id="myHTTPService">
<!-- The endpoint available to the http proxy service -->
<!-- Wild card endpoints available to the http proxy services -->
public void createDestination1(Service service)
String destinationId = "DefaultHTTP";
HTTPProxyDestination destination = (HTTPProxyDestination)service.createDestination(destinationId);
String adapterId = "http-proxy";
HTTPProxyAdapter adapter = (HTTPProxyAdapter)destination.createAdapter(adapterId);
<!-- Example http proxy adapter destination -->
<destination id="myHTTPService">
<!-- The endpoint available to the http proxy service -->
<!-- Wild card endpoints available to the http proxy services -->
private void createDestination2(Service service)
String destinationId = "myHTTPService";
HTTPProxyDestination destination = (HTTPProxyDestination)service.createDestination(destinationId);
String adapterId = "http-proxy";
HTTPProxyAdapter adapter = (HTTPProxyAdapter)destination.createAdapter(adapterId);
<!-- Example soap proxy adapter destination -->
<destination id="echoSoapService">
<!-- The location of the wsdl defined for soap proxy services -->
<!-- The soap endpoints available for access defined for soap proxy services -->
<!-- A specific adapter ref for the destination may be defined -->
<adapter ref="soap-proxy"/>
private void createDestination3(Service service)
String destinationId = "echoSoapService";
HTTPProxyDestination destination = (HTTPProxyDestination)service.createDestination(destinationId);
String adapterId = "soap-proxy";
SOAPProxyAdapter adapter = (SOAPProxyAdapter)destination.createAdapter(adapterId);
<!-- Allow self-signed certificates; should not be used in production -->
private void addProperties(HTTPProxyAdapter adapter)
HTTPConnectionManagerSettings cms = new HTTPConnectionManagerSettings();
ExternalProxySettings eps = new ExternalProxySettings();