package org.jgroups.tests;
import org.jgroups.*;
import org.jgroups.protocols.DUPL;
import org.jgroups.protocols.UNICAST2;
import org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.NAKACK;
import org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.STABLE;
import org.jgroups.stack.ProtocolStack;
import org.jgroups.util.Tuple;
import org.jgroups.util.Util;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
* Tests whether UNICAST or NAKACK prevent delivery of duplicate messages. JGroups guarantees that a message is
* delivered once and only once. The test inserts DUPL below both UNICAST and NAKACK and makes it duplicate (1)
* unicast, (2) multicast, (3) regular and (4) OOB messages. The receiver(s) then check for the presence of duplicate
* messages.
* @author Bela Ban
public class DuplicateTest extends ChannelTestBase {
private JChannel c1, c2, c3;
protected Address a1, a2, a3;
private MyReceiver r1, r2, r3;
void init() throws Exception {
createChannels(true, true, (short)5, (short)5);
c1.setName("C1"); c2.setName("C2"); c3.setName("C3");
r1=new MyReceiver("C1");
r2=new MyReceiver("C2");
r3=new MyReceiver("C3");
void tearDown() throws Exception {
removeDUPL(c3, c2, c1);
Util.close(c3, c2, c1);
public void testRegularUnicastsToSelf() throws Exception {
send(c1, c1.getAddress(), false, 10);
sendStableMessages(c1, c2, c3);
check(r1, 1, false, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10));
public void testOOBUnicastsToSelf() throws Exception {
send(c1, c1.getAddress(), true, 10);
check(r1, 1, true, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10));
public void testRegularUnicastsToOthers() throws Exception {
send(c1, c2.getAddress(), false, 10);
send(c1, c3.getAddress(), false, 10);
check(r2, 1, false, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10));
check(r3, 1, false, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10));
public void testOOBUnicastsToOthers() throws Exception {
send(c1, c2.getAddress(), true, 10);
send(c1, c3.getAddress(), true, 10);
check(r2, 1, true, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10));
check(r3, 1, true, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10));
public void testRegularMulticastToAll() throws Exception {
send(c1, null /** multicast */, false, 10);
check(r1, 1, false, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10));
check(r2, 1, false, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10));
check(r3, 1, false, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10));
public void testOOBMulticastToAll() throws Exception {
send(c1, null /** multicast */, true, 10);
check(r1, 1, true, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10));
check(r2, 1, true, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10));
check(r3, 1, true, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10));
public void testRegularMulticastToAll3Senders() throws Exception {
send(c1, null /** multicast */, false, 10);
send(c2, null /** multicast */, false, 10);
send(c3, null /** multicast */, false, 10);
check(r1, 3, false, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a2, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a3, 10));
check(r2, 3, false, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a2, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a3, 10));
check(r3, 3, false, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a2, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a3, 10));
public void testOOBMulticastToAll3Senders() throws Exception {
send(c1, null /** multicast */, true, 10);
send(c2, null /** multicast */, true, 10);
send(c3, null /** multicast */, true, 10);
check(r1, 3, true, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a2, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a3, 10));
check(r2, 3, true, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a2, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a3, 10));
check(r3, 3, true, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a2, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a3, 10));
public void testMixedMulticastsToAll3Members() throws Exception {
send(c1, null /** multicast */, false, true, 10);
send(c2, null /** multicast */, false, true, 10);
send(c3, null /** multicast */, false, true, 10);
check(r1, 3, true, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a2, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a3, 10));
check(r2, 3, true, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a2, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a3, 10));
check(r3, 3, true, new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a1, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a2, 10), new Tuple<Address,Integer>(a3, 10));
private static void send(Channel sender_channel, Address dest, boolean oob, int num_msgs) throws Exception {
send(sender_channel, dest, oob, false, num_msgs);
private static void send(Channel sender_channel, Address dest, boolean oob, boolean mixed, int num_msgs) throws Exception {
long seqno=1;
for(int i=0; i < num_msgs; i++) {
Message msg=new Message(dest, null, seqno++);
if(mixed) {
if(i % 2 == 0)
else if(oob) {
private static void sendStableMessages(JChannel ... channels) {
for(JChannel ch: channels) {
STABLE stable=(STABLE)ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(STABLE.class);
if(stable != null)
protected static void removeDUPL(JChannel ... channels) {
for(JChannel ch: channels) {
DUPL dupl=(DUPL)ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(DUPL.class);
if(dupl != null) {
private static void sendUnicastStableMessages(JChannel ... channels) {
for(JChannel ch: channels) {
UNICAST2 unicast=(UNICAST2)ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(UNICAST2.class);
if(unicast != null)
private void createChannels(boolean copy_multicasts, boolean copy_unicasts, int num_outgoing_copies, int num_incoming_copies) throws Exception {
c1=createChannel(true, 3);
DUPL dupl=new DUPL(copy_multicasts, copy_unicasts, num_incoming_copies, num_outgoing_copies);
ProtocolStack stack=c1.getProtocolStack();
stack.insertProtocol(dupl, ProtocolStack.BELOW, NAKACK.class);
assert c3.getView().size() == 3 : "view was " + c1.getView() + " but should have been 3";
private void check(MyReceiver receiver, int expected_size, boolean oob, Tuple<Address,Integer>... vals) {
Map<Address, Collection<Long>> msgs=receiver.getMsgs();
for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
if(msgs.size() >= expected_size)
assert msgs.size() == expected_size : "expected size=" + expected_size + ", msgs: " + msgs.keySet();
for(Tuple<Address,Integer> tuple: vals) {
Address addr=tuple.getVal1();
Collection<Long> list=msgs.get(addr);
assert list != null : "no list available for " + addr;
int expected_values=tuple.getVal2();
for(int i=0; i < 20; i++) {
if(list.size() >= expected_values)
System.out.println("[" + receiver.getName() + "]: " + addr + ": " + list);
assert list.size() == expected_values : addr + "'s list's size is not " + tuple.getVal2() +
", list: " + list + " (size=" + list.size() + ")";
if(!oob) // if OOB messages, ordering is not guaranteed
check(addr, list);
private static void check(Address addr, Collection<Long> list) {
long id=list.iterator().next();
for(long val: list) {
assert val == id : "[" + addr + "]: val=" + val + " (expected " + id + "): list is " + list;
private static void checkPresence(Collection<Long> list) {
for(long l=1; l <= 10; l++) {
assert list.contains(l) : l + " is not in the list " + list;
private static class MyReceiver extends ReceiverAdapter {
final String name;
private final ConcurrentMap<Address, Collection<Long>> msgs=new ConcurrentHashMap<Address,Collection<Long>>();
public MyReceiver(String name) {;
public String getName() {
return name;
public Map<Address, Collection<Long>> getMsgs() {
return msgs;
public void receive(Message msg) {
Address addr=msg.getSrc();
Long val=(Long)msg.getObject();
Collection<Long> list=msgs.get(addr);
if(list == null) {
list=new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Long>();
Collection<Long> tmp=msgs.putIfAbsent(addr, list);
if(tmp != null)
public void clear() {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
sb.append("receiver " + name).append(":\n");
for(Map.Entry<Address,Collection<Long>> entry: msgs.entrySet()) {
sb.append(entry.getKey()).append(": ").append(entry.getValue()).append("\n");
return sb.toString();