Package org.jgroups.persistence

Source Code of org.jgroups.persistence.PersistenceFactory

package org.jgroups.persistence;

* @author Mandar Shinde
* This class is the factory to get access to any DB based or file based
* implementation. None of the implementations should expose directly
* to user for migration purposes

import org.jgroups.logging.Log;
import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jgroups.util.Util;
import org.jgroups.annotations.Unsupported;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.Properties;

public class PersistenceFactory

    protected final static Log log=LogFactory.getLog(PersistenceFactory.class);

     * Default private constructor// does nothing
    private PersistenceFactory()

     * Singular public method to get access to any of the Persistence
     * Manager implementations. It is important to known at this point
     * that properties determine the implementation of the Persistence
     * Manager, there is no direct interface which gives access to
     * either DB implemented ot FILE implemented storage API.
     * @return PersistenceFactory;
    public static PersistenceFactory getInstance() {
        log.debug(" getting factory instance ");
        if (_factory == null)
            _factory = new PersistenceFactory();
        return _factory;

     * Register a custom persistence manager as opposed to the
     * {@link FilePersistenceManager} or {@link DBPersistenceManager}.
    public synchronized void registerManager(PersistenceManager manager)
        _manager = manager;

     * Reads the default properties and creates a persistencemanager
     * The default properties are picked up from the $USER_HOME or
     * from the classpath. Default properties are represented by
     * ""
     * @return PersistenceManager
     * @exception Exception;
    public synchronized PersistenceManager createManager() throws Exception {
        // will return null if not initialized
        // uses default properties
        if (_manager == null)
            if (checkDB())
                _manager = createManagerDB(propPath);
                _manager = createManagerFile(propPath);
        return _manager;

     * Duplicated signature to create PersistenceManager to allow user to
     * provide property path.
     * @param filePath complete pathname to get the properties
     * @return PersistenceManager;
     * @exception Exception;
    public synchronized PersistenceManager createManager (String filePath) throws Exception
        if (_manager == null)
            if (checkDB(filePath))
                _manager = createManagerDB(filePath);
                _manager = createManagerFile(filePath);
        return _manager;

     * Internal creator of DB persistence manager, the outside user accesses only
     * the PersistenceManager interface API
    private PersistenceManager createManagerDB(String filePath) throws Exception

            if(log.isInfoEnabled())"Calling db persist from factory: " + filePath);
        if (_manager == null)
            _manager = new DBPersistenceManager(filePath);
        return _manager;
    }// end of DB persistence

     * creates instance of file based persistency manager
     * @return PersistenceManager
    private PersistenceManager createManagerFile(String filePath)

            if(log.isInfoEnabled())"Creating file manager: " + filePath);
        Properties props;

            if (_manager == null)
                String classname=props.getProperty(filePersistMgr);
                if(classname != null)
                    Class cl=Util.loadClass(classname, this.getClass());
                    Constructor ctor=cl.getConstructor(new Class[]{String.class});
                    _manager=(PersistenceManager)ctor.newInstance(new Object[]{filePath});
                    _manager = new FilePersistenceManager(filePath);
            return _manager;
        catch (Throwable t)
            return null;
    }// end of file persistence

     * checks the default properties for DB/File flag
     * @return boolean;
     * @exception Exception;
    private boolean checkDB() throws Exception
        Properties props=readProps(propPath);
        String persist = props.getProperty(persistProp);
        if ("DB".equals(persist))
            return true;
        return false;

     * checks the provided properties for DB/File flag
     * @return boolean;
    private boolean checkDB(String filePath) throws Exception
        Properties props=readProps(filePath);
        String persist = props.getProperty(persistProp);
        if ("DB".equals(persist))
            return true;
        return false;

    Properties readProps(String fileName) throws IOException
        Properties props;
        FileInputStream _stream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
        props=new Properties();
        return props;

    private static volatile PersistenceManager _manager = null;
    private static volatile PersistenceFactory _factory = null;

    /* Please set this according to configuration */
    final static String propPath = "";
    final static String persistProp = "persist";

    /** The class that implements a file-based PersistenceManager */
    final static String filePersistMgr="filePersistMgr";

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