package org.jgroups.blocks.locking;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import org.jgroups.Event;
import org.jgroups.JChannel;
import org.jgroups.annotations.Experimental;
import org.jgroups.protocols.Locking;
* LockService is the main class for to use for distributed locking functionality. LockService needs access to a
* {@link JChannel} and interacts with a locking protocol (e.g. {@link org.jgroups.protocols.CENTRAL_LOCK}) via events.<p/>
* When no locking protocol is seen on the channel's stack, LockService will throw an exception at startup. An example
* of using LockService is:
* <pre>
JChannel ch=new JChannel("/home/bela/locking.xml); // locking.xml needs to have a locking protocol towards the top
LockService lock_service=new LockService(ch);
Lock lock=lock_service.getLock("mylock");
try {
// do something with the lock acquired
finally {
* </pre>
* Note that, contrary to the semantics of {@link java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock}, unlock() can be called multiple
* times; after a lock has been released, future calls to unlock() have no effect.
* @author Bela Ban
* @since 2.12
public class LockService {
protected JChannel ch;
protected Locking lock_prot;
public LockService() {
public LockService(JChannel ch) {
public void setChannel(JChannel ch) {;
if(lock_prot == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Channel configuration must include a locking protocol " +
"(subclass of " + Locking.class.getName() + ")");
public Lock getLock(String lock_name) {
return new LockImpl(lock_name);
public void unlockAll() {
ch.down(new Event(Event.UNLOCK_ALL));
public void addLockListener(LockNotification listener) {
public void removeLockListener(LockNotification listener) {
public String printLocks() {
return lock_prot.printLocks();
protected class LockImpl implements Lock {
protected final String name;
protected final AtomicReference<Thread> holder = new AtomicReference<Thread>();
public LockImpl(String name) {;
public void lock() {
ch.down(new Event(Event.LOCK, new LockInfo(name, false, false, false, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {
ch.down(new Event(Event.LOCK, new LockInfo(name, false, true, false, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
throw new InterruptedException();
public boolean tryLock() {
Boolean retval=(Boolean)ch.downcall(new Event(Event.LOCK, new LockInfo(name, true, false, false, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
if (retval == Boolean.TRUE) {
return retval.booleanValue();
public boolean tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
Boolean retval=(Boolean)ch.downcall(new Event(Event.LOCK, new LockInfo(name, true, true, true, time, unit)));
throw new InterruptedException();
if (retval == Boolean.TRUE) {
return retval.booleanValue();
public void unlock() {
ch.down(new Event(Event.UNLOCK, new LockInfo(name, false, false, false, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
* This condition object is only allowed to work 1 for each lock.
* If more than 1 condition is created for this lock, they both will
* be awaiting/signalling on the same lock
public Condition newCondition() {
return new ConditionImpl(name, holder);
private class ConditionImpl implements Condition {
protected final String name;
protected final AtomicReference<Thread> holder;
public ConditionImpl(String name, AtomicReference<Thread> holder) {;
public void await() throws InterruptedException {
ch.down(new Event(Event.LOCK_AWAIT, new LockInfo(name, false,
true, false, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
throw new InterruptedException();
public void awaitUninterruptibly() {
ch.down(new Event(Event.LOCK_AWAIT, new LockInfo(name, false,
false, false, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
public long awaitNanos(long nanosTimeout) throws InterruptedException {
Long waitLeft = (Long)ch.downcall(new Event(Event.LOCK_AWAIT,
new LockInfo(name, false, true, true, nanosTimeout,
throw new InterruptedException();
return waitLeft.longValue();
public boolean await(long time, TimeUnit unit)
throws InterruptedException {
return awaitNanos(unit.toNanos(time)) > 0;
public boolean awaitUntil(Date deadline) throws InterruptedException {
long waitUntilTime = deadline.getTime();
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long waitTime = waitUntilTime - currentTime;
return waitTime > 0 && await(waitTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
public void signal() {
if (holder.get() != Thread.currentThread()) {
throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
ch.down(new Event(Event.LOCK_SIGNAL, new AwaitInfo(name, false)));
public void signalAll() {
if (holder.get() != Thread.currentThread()) {
throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
ch.down(new Event(Event.LOCK_SIGNAL, new AwaitInfo(name, true)));