package us.monoid.web;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathException;
import us.monoid.json.JSONObject;
import us.monoid.web.auth.RestyAuthenticator;
import us.monoid.web.mime.MultipartContent;
* Main class. Use me! Use me! Resty is a small, convenient interface to talk to
* RESTful services.
* Basic usage is very simple: Create a Resty instance, use authenticate methode
* to add credentials (optional), then call one of the content type specific
* methods. The idea is that the method name will convey the expected content
* type you can then operate on.
* Most static methods help you build content objects or queries with a compact syntax.
* Static methods like put(...) and delete() are used to implement the respective HTTP methods.
* A neat trick to save you typing is to use import static
* us.monoid.web.Resty.*;
* Here is an example on how to use the geonames web service. It retrieves the
* json object (see for details) and gets the name of a place from the
* zip code:
* <pre>
* <code>
* Resty r = new Resty();
* Object name = r.json("").get("postalcodes[0].placeName");
* assertEquals(name, "Rehlingen-Siersburg");
* </code>
* </pre>
* Resty supports complex path queries to navigate into a json object. This is
* mainly used for extracting URIs to surf along a series of REST resources for
* web services following the HATEOS paradigm.
* Resty objects are not re-entrant.
* @author beders
public class Resty {
protected static String MOZILLA = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13";
protected static String DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = "Resty/0.1 (Java)";
static RestyAuthenticator rath = new RestyAuthenticator();
static {
// set up content handlers. note: this is not ideal as it might conflict
// with existing content factories
// got rid of it: System.setProperty("java.content.handler.pkgs",
// "us.monoid.web.content.handler");
CookieHandler.setDefault(new CookieManager());
protected String userAgent = DEFAULT_USER_AGENT;
* Create a new instance without any options. Oh, ok, there are no options yet
* :)
public Resty() {
// no options
* Register this root URI for authentication. Whenever a URL is requested that
* starts with this root, the credentials given are used for HTTP AUTH. Note
* that currently authentication information is shared across all Resty
* instances. This is due to the shortcomings of the authentication
* mechanism. This might change should Resty adopt HttpClient and is the
* reason why this method is not a static one.
* @param aSite
* the root URI of the site
* @param aLogin
* the login name
* @param aPwd
* the password. The array will not be internally copied. Whenever
* you null it, the password is gone within Resty
public void authenticate(URI aSite, String aLogin, char[] aPwd) {
rath.addSite(aSite, aLogin, aPwd);
* @see Resty#authenticate(URI, String, char[])
* @param string
* @param aLogin
* @param charArray
public void authenticate(String string, String aLogin, char[] charArray) {
authenticate(URI.create(string), aLogin, charArray);
* Sets the User-Agent to identify as Mozilla/Firefox. Otherwise a Resty
* specific User-Agent is used
public Resty identifyAsMozilla() {
userAgent = MOZILLA;
return this;
* Sets the User-Agent to Resty. WHICH IS THE DEFAULT. Sorry for yelling.
public Resty identifyAsResty() {
return this;
* GET a URI given by string and parse the result as JSON.
* @param string
* - the string to use as URI
* @see Resty#json(URI) for more docs
public JSONResource json(String string) throws IOException {
return json(URI.create(string));
* GET a URI and parse the result as JSON.
* @param anUri
* the URI to request
* @return the JSONObject, wrapped in a neat JSONResource
* @throws IOException
public JSONResource json(URI anUri) throws IOException {
return doGET(anUri, new JSONResource());
* POST to a URI and parse the result as JSON
* @param anUri
* the URI to visit
* @param requestContent
* the content to POST to the URI
* @return
* @throws IOException
* if uri is wrong or no connection could be made or for 10 zillion
* other reasons
public JSONResource json(URI anUri, AbstractContent requestContent) throws IOException {
return doPOSTOrPUT(anUri, requestContent, new JSONResource());
/** @see Resty#json(URI, Content) */
public JSONResource json(String anUri, AbstractContent content) throws IOException {
return json(URI.create(anUri), content);
* Get a plain text resource for the specified URI.
* @param anUri
* the URI to follow
* @return a plain text resource, if available
* @throws IOException
* if content type sent is not a plain text, if the connection could
* not be made and gazillion other reasons
public TextResource text(URI anUri) throws IOException {
return doGET(anUri, new TextResource());
* Get a plain text resource for the specified URI by POSTing to it.
* @param anUri
* the URI to follow
* @return a plain text resource, if available
* @throws IOException
* if content type sent is not a plain text, if the connection could
* not be made and gazillion other reasons
public TextResource text(URI anUri, AbstractContent content) throws IOException {
return doPOSTOrPUT(anUri, content, new TextResource());
* Get a plain text resource for the specified URI.
* @param anUri
* the URI to follow
* @return a plain text resource, if available
* @throws IOException
* if content type sent is not a plain text, if the connection could
* not be made and gazillion other reasons
public TextResource text(String anUri) throws IOException {
return text(URI.create(anUri));
* Get a plain text resource for the specified URI by POSTing to it.
* @param anUri
* the URI to follow
* @return a plain text resource, if available
* @throws IOException
* if content type sent is not a plain text, if the connection could
* not be made and gazillion other reasons
public TextResource text(String anUri, AbstractContent content) throws IOException {
return text(URI.create(anUri), content);
* GET a URI given by string and parse the result as XML.
* @param string
* - the string to use as URI
* @see Resty#xml(URI) for more docs
public XMLResource xml(String string) throws IOException {
return xml(URI.create(string));
* GET a URI and parse the result as XML.
* @param anUri
* the URI to request
* @return the XML, wrapped in a neat XMLResource
* @throws IOException
public XMLResource xml(URI anUri) throws IOException {
return doGET(anUri, new XMLResource());
* POST to a URI and parse the result as XML
* @param anUri
* the URI to visit
* @param requestContent
* the content to POST to the URI
* @return
* @throws IOException
* if uri is wrong or no connection could be made or for 10 zillion
* other reasons
public XMLResource xml(URI anUri, AbstractContent requestContent) throws IOException {
return doPOSTOrPUT(anUri, requestContent, new XMLResource());
/** @see Resty#xml(URI, Content) */
public XMLResource xml(String anUri, AbstractContent content) throws IOException {
return xml(URI.create(anUri), content);
* Get the resource specified by the uri and return a binary resource for it.
* @param anUri
* the uri to follow
* @return
* @throws IOException
public BinaryResource bytes(String anUri) throws IOException {
return bytes(URI.create(anUri));
* Get the resource specified by the uri and return a binary resource for it.
* @param uri
* the uri to follow
* @return
* @throws IOException
public BinaryResource bytes(URI anUri) throws IOException {
return doGET(anUri, new BinaryResource());
* POST to the URI and get the resource as binary resource.
* @param anUri
* the uri to follow
* @return
* @throws IOException
public BinaryResource bytes(String anUri, AbstractContent someContent) throws IOException {
return bytes(URI.create(anUri), someContent);
* POST to the URI and get the resource as binary resource.
* @param uri
* the uri to follow
* @return
* @throws IOException
public BinaryResource bytes(URI anUri, AbstractContent someContent) throws IOException {
return doPOSTOrPUT(anUri, someContent, new BinaryResource());
protected <T extends AbstractResource> T doGET(URI anUri, T resource) throws IOException {
URLConnection con = openConnection(anUri, resource);
return fillResourceFromURL(con, resource);
protected <T extends AbstractResource> T doPOSTOrPUT(URI anUri, AbstractContent requestContent, T resource)
throws IOException {
URLConnection con = openConnection(anUri,resource);
return fillResourceFromURL(con, resource);
protected <T extends AbstractResource> URLConnection openConnection(URI anUri, T resource)
throws IOException, MalformedURLException {
URLConnection con = anUri.toURL().openConnection();
addStandardHeaders(con, resource);
return con;
protected <T extends AbstractResource> void addStandardHeaders(URLConnection con, T resource) {
con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", userAgent);
con.setRequestProperty("Accept", resource.getAcceptedTypes());
* Get the content from the URLConnection, create a Resource representing the
* content and carry over some metadata like HTTP Result and location header.
* @param <T extends AbstractResource> the resource that will be created and
* filled
* @param con
* the URLConnection used to get the data
* @param resourceClass
* the resource class to instantiate
* @return the new resource
* @throws IOException
protected <T extends AbstractResource> T fillResourceFromURL(URLConnection con, T resource)
throws IOException {
return resource;
* Create a JSONPathQuery to extract data from a JSON object. This is usually
* used to extract a URI and use it in json|text|xml(JSONPathQuery...) methods
* of JSONResource. <code>
* Resty r = new Resty();
* r.json(someUrl).json(path(""));
* </code>
* @param string
* @return
public static JSONPathQuery path(String string) {
return new JSONPathQuery(string);
* Create an XPathQuery to extract data from an XML document. This is usually
* used to extract a URI and use it in json|text|xml(XPathQuery...) methods.
* In this case, your XPath must result in a String value, i.e. it can't just
* extract an Element.
* @param anXPathExpression
* an XPath expression with result type String
* @return the query
* @throws XPathException
public static XPathQuery xpath(String anXPathExpression) throws XPathException {
return new XPathQuery(anXPathExpression);
* Create a content object from JSON. Use this to POST the content to a URL.
* @param someJson
* the JSON to use
* @return the content to send
public static Content content(JSONObject someJson) {
Content c = null;
try {
c = new Content("application/json; charset=UTF-8", someJson.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { /* UTF-8 is never unsupported */
return c;
* Create a content object from plain text. Use this to POST the content to a
* URL.
* @param somePlainText
* the plain text to send
* @return the content to send
public static Content content(String somePlainText) {
Content c = null;
try {
c = new Content("text/plain; charset=UTF-8", somePlainText.getBytes("UTF-8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { /* UTF-8 is never unsupported */
return c;
* Create a content object from a byte array. Use this to POST the content to a
* URL with mime type application/octet-stream.
* @param bytes the bytes to send
* @return the content to send
public static Content content(byte[] bytes) {
return new Content("application/octet-stream", bytes);
* Create form content as application/x-www-form-urlencoded (i.e. a=b&c=d&...)
* @param query
* the preformatted, properly encoded form data
* @return a content object to be useable for upload
public static FormContent form(String query) {
FormContent fc = new FormContent(query);
return fc;
/** Create form content to be sent as multipart/form-data.
* Useful if you want to upload files or have tons of form data that looks really ugly in a URL.
public static MultipartContent form(FormData... formData) {
MultipartContent mc = new MultipartContent("form-data", formData);
return mc;
/** Create a plain/text form data entry for a multipart form.
* @param name the name of the control of the form
* @param plainTextValue the plain text value
* @return the FormData part used in a multipart/form-data upload
public static FormData data(String name, String plainTextValue) {
return data(name, content(plainTextValue));
/** Create a form data entry for a multipart form with any kind of content type.
* @param name the name of the control or variable in a form
* @param content the content to send
* @return
public static FormData data(String name, AbstractContent content) {
return new FormData(name, content);
// TODO more form data stuff
* Shortcut to URLEncoder.encode with UTF-8.
* @param unencodedString
* the string to encode
* @return the URL encoded string, safe to be used in URLs
public static String enc(String unencodedString) {
try {
return URLEncoder.encode(unencodedString, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
} // UTF-8 is never unsupported
return null;
/** Tell Resty to replace the specified content on the server, resulting in a PUT operation instead of a POST operation.
* Example use: r.json(uri, put(content("bubu")));
public static AbstractContent put(Content someContent) {
return new Replacement(someContent);
/** Tell Resty to delete the URL content on the server, resulting in a DELETE.
* Example use: r.json(uri,delete());
public static AbstractContent delete() {
return new Deletion();