* Copyright (c) 2011, Jan Stender, Bjoern Kolbeck, Mikael Hoegqvist,
* Felix Hupfeld, Felix Langner, Zuse Institute Berlin
* Licensed under the BSD License, see LICENSE file for details.
package org.xtreemfs.babudb.sandbox;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.BabuDBFactory;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.BabuDB;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.database.Database;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.exception.BabuDBException;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.config.BabuDBConfig;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.config.ConfigBuilder;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.log.DiskLogger.SyncMode;
* Sample application demonstrating the replication plugin feature.
* @author flangner
* @since 04/20/2011
public class SampleApplication {
* Method to jump in.
* @param args
* @throws BabuDBException if the application fails.
public static void main(String[] args) throws BabuDBException {
System.out.println("Setting up the BabuDB instances ... ");
ConfigBuilder builder0 = new ConfigBuilder();
builder0.setDataPath("/tmp/babudb0", "/tmp/babudb0/log").setLogAppendSyncMode(SyncMode.SYNC_WRITE);
BabuDBConfig config0 = builder0.build();
ConfigBuilder builder1 = new ConfigBuilder();
builder1.setDataPath("/tmp/babudb1", "/tmp/babudb1/log").setLogAppendSyncMode(SyncMode.SYNC_WRITE);
BabuDBConfig config1 = builder1.build();
BabuDB babuDB0 = BabuDBFactory.createBabuDB(config0);
BabuDB babuDB1 = BabuDBFactory.createBabuDB(config1);
System.out.println("Creating database \"myDatabase\" ... ");
Database myDb = null;
try {
myDb = babuDB0.getDatabaseManager().getDatabase("myDatabase");
} catch (BabuDBException exc) {
myDb = babuDB0.getDatabaseManager().createDatabase("myDatabase", 1);
System.out.println("Inserting \"testValue\" for \"testKey\" into \"myDatabase\" ... ");
myDb.singleInsert(0, "testKey".getBytes(), "testValue".getBytes(), null).get();
System.out.println("Retrieving the test values from both BabuDB instance ... ");
byte[] result1 = babuDB1.getDatabaseManager().getDatabase("myDatabase")
.lookup(0, "testKey".getBytes(), null).get();
byte[] result0 = babuDB0.getDatabaseManager().getDatabase("myDatabase")
.lookup(0, "testKey".getBytes(), null).get();
if ("testValue".equals(new String(result0))) {
System.out.println("Successfully retrieved \"testValue\" from \"myDatabase\" at the " +
"first BabuDB instance.");
} else {
System.err.println(new String(result0) + " did not match expected \"testValue\"!");
System.err.println("Running the sample application has caused a failure!");
if ("testValue".equals(new String(result1))) {
System.out.println("Successfully retrieved \"testValue\" from \"myDatabase\" at the " +
"second BabuDB instance.");
} else {
System.err.println(new String(result1) + " did not match expected \"testValue\"!");
System.err.println("Running the sample application has caused a failure!");
System.out.println("Shutting down the BabuDB instances ... ");
System.out.println("The sample application has been executed successfully.");