* Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, Jan Stender, Bjoern Kolbeck, Mikael Hoegqvist,
* Felix Hupfeld, Zuse Institute Berlin
* Licensed under the BSD License, see LICENSE file for details.
package org.xtreemfs.babudb.index.reader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.database.ResultSet;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.index.ByteRangeComparator;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.index.ByteRange;
import org.xtreemfs.foundation.logging.Logging;
public class DiskIndex {
private ByteBuffer blockIndexBuf;
private BlockReader blockIndex;
private MappedByteBuffer[] dbFiles;
private FileChannel[] dbFileChannels;
private ByteRangeComparator comp;
private long indexSize;
private final boolean compressed;
private final boolean mmaped;
public DiskIndex(String path, ByteRangeComparator comp, boolean compressed, boolean mmaped)
throws IOException {
if (!path.endsWith(System.getProperty("file.separator")))
path += System.getProperty("file.separator");
if (!new File(path).exists())
throw new IOException("There is no index at " + path);
this.comp = comp;
this.compressed = compressed;
this.mmaped = mmaped;
Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_INFO, this, "loading index ...");
// First, read the block index into a buffer. For performance reasons,
// the block index has to remain in memory all the time, so it cannot be
// memory-mapped.
RandomAccessFile blockIndexFile = new RandomAccessFile(path + "blockindex.idx", "r");
blockIndexBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) (blockIndexFile.length()));
FileChannel channel = blockIndexFile.getChannel();
blockIndex = new DefaultBlockReader(blockIndexBuf, 0, blockIndexBuf.limit(), comp);
// Second, mmap each of the potentially large block list files
FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) {
return filename.startsWith("blockfile_");
String blockFilenames[] = new File(path).list(filter);
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("blockfile_(\\d+).idx");
dbFileChannels = new FileChannel[blockFilenames.length];
if (mmaped)
dbFiles = new MappedByteBuffer[blockFilenames.length];
for (String blockFilename : blockFilenames) {
Matcher m = p.matcher(blockFilename);
if (m.matches()) {
int blockIndexId = new Integer(m.group(1)).intValue();
RandomAccessFile blockFile = new RandomAccessFile(path + blockFilename, "r");
dbFileChannels[blockIndexId] = blockFile.getChannel();
indexSize += blockFile.length();
// if mmap'ed access is used, map the index files and close the
// channels; otherwise, no maps will be created, and channels
// will be closed when the index is released
if (mmaped) {
dbFiles[blockIndexId] = dbFileChannels[blockIndexId].map(MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, blockFile
Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_INFO, this, "block file index size: "
+ blockFile.length());
public byte[] lookup(byte[] key) {
// returns index position in the second block for "word"
int indexPosition = getBlockIndexPosition(key, blockIndex);
// if the first element is larger than the key searched for, the key is
// not contained in the index
if (indexPosition == -1)
return null;
int startBlockOffset = getBlockOffset(indexPosition, blockIndex);
int fileId = getBlockFileId(indexPosition, blockIndex);
int endBlockOffset;
if (indexPosition == blockIndex.getNumEntries() - 1)
// the last block in the block index
endBlockOffset = -1;
else {
ByteRange indexPos = getBlockEntry(indexPosition + 1, blockIndex);
ByteBuffer indexPosBuf = indexPos.getBuf();
endBlockOffset = getBlockIndexOffset(indexPosBuf, indexPos.getStartOffset());
// is this the last block of the current block file?
// then the endBlockOffset should be set to the end of the file
if (getBlockIndexFileId(indexPosBuf, indexPos.getStartOffset()) > fileId)
endBlockOffset = -1;
// endBlockOffset = getBlockOffset(indexPosition + 1, blockIndex);
// create a view buffer on the target block
BlockReader targetBlock = null;
try {
targetBlock = mmaped ? getBlock(startBlockOffset, endBlockOffset, dbFiles[fileId]) : getBlock(
startBlockOffset, endBlockOffset, dbFileChannels[fileId]);
} catch (IOException e) {
Logging.logError(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, this, e);
// search for the key in the target block and return the result
ByteRange val = targetBlock.lookup(key);
byte[] result = val == null ? null : val.toBuffer();
return result;
public long numKeys() {
int numBlocks = blockIndex.getNumEntries();
// return 0 if no keys are contained
if (numBlocks == 0)
return 0;
int lastBlockStartOffset = getBlockOffset(numBlocks - 1, blockIndex);
int lastBlockEndOffset = -1;
BlockReader lastBlock = null;
try {
lastBlock = mmaped ? getBlock(lastBlockStartOffset, lastBlockEndOffset, dbFiles[getBlockFileId(
numBlocks - 1, blockIndex)]) : getBlock(lastBlockStartOffset, lastBlockEndOffset,
dbFileChannels[getBlockFileId(numBlocks - 1, blockIndex)]);
} catch (IOException e) {
Logging.logError(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, this, e);
long lastBlockEntryCount = lastBlock.getNumEntries();
if (numBlocks == 1)
return lastBlockEntryCount;
int firstBlockStartOffset = 0;
int firstBlockEndBlockOffset = getBlockOffset(1, blockIndex);
// the 1 block is the last in the current block file
if (getBlockFileId(1, blockIndex) > getBlockFileId(0, blockIndex))
firstBlockEndBlockOffset = -1;
BlockReader firstBlock = null;
try {
firstBlock = mmaped ? getBlock(firstBlockStartOffset, firstBlockEndBlockOffset,
dbFiles[getBlockFileId(0, blockIndex)]) : getBlock(firstBlockStartOffset,
firstBlockEndBlockOffset, dbFileChannels[getBlockFileId(0, blockIndex)]);
} catch (IOException e) {
Logging.logError(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, this, e);
long firstBlocksEntryCount = (long) firstBlock.getNumEntries() * (numBlocks - 1);
return firstBlocksEntryCount + lastBlockEntryCount;
public ResultSet<byte[], byte[]> rangeLookup(final byte[] from, final byte[] to,
final boolean ascending) {
// return iterator for mmap'ed indices
if (mmaped) {
final ByteBuffer[] map = new ByteBuffer[dbFiles.length];
for (int i = 0; i < dbFiles.length; i++) {
map[i] = dbFiles[i].slice();
return new DiskIndexIterator(this, blockIndex, from, to, ascending, map);
// return iterator for non-mmap'ed indices
return new DiskIndexIterator(this, blockIndex, from, to, ascending, dbFileChannels);
public InternalDiskIndexIterator internalRangeLookup(final byte[] from, final byte[] to,
final boolean ascending) {
// return iterator for mmap'ed indices
if (mmaped) {
final ByteBuffer[] map = new ByteBuffer[dbFiles.length];
for (int i = 0; i < dbFiles.length; i++) {
map[i] = dbFiles[i].slice();
return new InternalDiskIndexIterator(this, blockIndex, from, to, ascending, map);
// return iterator for non-mmap'ed indices
return new InternalDiskIndexIterator(this, blockIndex, from, to, ascending, dbFileChannels);
public ByteRangeComparator getComparator() {
return comp;
public long getSize() {
return indexSize;
public void destroy() throws IOException {
for (FileChannel c : dbFileChannels) {
public void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
} catch (IOException exc) {
Logging.logError(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, this, exc);
protected BlockReader getBlock(int startBlockOffset, int endBlockOffset, ByteBuffer map) {
if (startBlockOffset > map.limit())
return null;
if (endBlockOffset == -1)
endBlockOffset = map.limit();
BlockReader targetBlock;
if (compressed) {
targetBlock = new CompressedBlockReader(map, startBlockOffset, endBlockOffset, comp);
} else {
targetBlock = new DefaultBlockReader(map, startBlockOffset, endBlockOffset, comp);
return targetBlock;
protected BlockReader getBlock(int startBlockOffset, int endBlockOffset, FileChannel channel)
throws IOException {
if (startBlockOffset > channel.size())
return null;
if (endBlockOffset == -1)
endBlockOffset = (int) channel.size();
BlockReader targetBlock;
if (compressed) {
targetBlock = new CompressedBlockReader(channel, startBlockOffset, endBlockOffset, comp);
} else {
targetBlock = new DefaultBlockReader(channel, startBlockOffset, endBlockOffset, comp);
return targetBlock;
* Returns the index of the block potentially contains the given key.
* @param key
* the key for which to find the block index
* @param index
* the block index
* @return the block index
protected int getBlockIndexPosition(byte[] key, BlockReader index) {
return SearchUtil.getInclBottomOffset(index.getKeys(), key, comp);
* Returns the offset at which the block with the given index position
* starts.
* @param indexPosition
* the index position
* @param index
* the block index
* @return the offset
protected static int getBlockOffset(int indexPosition, BlockReader index) {
ByteRange range = index.getValues().getEntry(indexPosition);
return range.getBuf().getInt(range.getStartOffset());
* Returns the id of the block file
* @param indexPosition
* the position in the block index
* @param index
* the block index
* @return the block file id
protected static short getBlockFileId(int indexPosition, BlockReader index) {
ByteRange range = index.getValues().getEntry(indexPosition);
// block file index is after the int indicating the offset in the index
// file
return range.getBuf().getShort(range.getStartOffset() + (Integer.SIZE / 8));
protected static ByteRange getBlockEntry(int indexPosition, BlockReader index) {
ByteRange range = index.getValues().getEntry(indexPosition);
// block file index is after the int indicating the offset in the index
// file
return range;
protected static int getBlockIndexOffset(ByteBuffer buf, int startOffset) {
return buf.getInt(startOffset);
protected static short getBlockIndexFileId(ByteBuffer buf, int startOffset) {
return buf.getShort(startOffset + (Integer.SIZE / 8));