* Copyright (c) 2009, Jan Stender, Bjoern Kolbeck, Mikael Hoegqvist,
* Felix Hupfeld, Felix Langner, Zuse Institute Berlin
* Licensed under the BSD License, see LICENSE file for details.
package org.xtreemfs.babudb.conversion;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileFilter;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.BabuDBImpl;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.database.Database;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.exception.BabuDBException;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.exception.BabuDBException.ErrorCode;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.config.BabuDBConfig;
import org.xtreemfs.foundation.logging.Logging;
import org.xtreemfs.foundation.logging.Logging.Category;
import org.xtreemfs.foundation.util.FSUtils;
import org.xtreemfs.foundation.util.OutputUtils;
import static org.xtreemfs.babudb.BabuDBFactory.*;
public class AutoConverter {
static class IndexFileIterator implements Iterator<Entry<byte[], byte[]>> {
private InputStream in;
private ByteBuffer lenBytes;
public IndexFileIterator(File file) {
try {
in = new FileInputStream(file);
lenBytes = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[4]);
} catch (IOException exc) {
Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, Category.storage, this,
"an error occurred while trying to convert the database: "
+ OutputUtils.stackTraceToString(exc));
public boolean hasNext() {
try {
return in.available() > 0;
} catch (IOException exc) {
Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, Category.storage, this,
"an error occurred while trying to convert the database: "
+ OutputUtils.stackTraceToString(exc));
return false;
public Entry<byte[], byte[]> next() {
try {
// read the key
int tmp = in.read(lenBytes.array());
if (tmp != 4) {
"an error occurred while trying to convert the database; database dump corrupted (only %d bytes read, available: %d)",
tmp, in.available());
return null;
int len = lenBytes.getInt();
final byte[] key = new byte[len];
int num = in.read(key);
if (num != len) {
"an error occurred while trying to convert the database; expected key length: %d, actual key length: %d",
len, num);
return null;
// read the value
tmp = in.read(lenBytes.array());
if (tmp != 4) {
"an error occurred while trying to convert the database; database dump corrupted (only %d bytes read, available: %d)",
tmp, in.available());
return null;
len = lenBytes.getInt();
final byte[] val = new byte[len];
num = in.read(val);
if (num != len) {
System.out.println("remaining: " + in.available());
"an error occurred while trying to convert the database; expected value length: %d, actual value length: %d",
len, num);
return null;
return new Entry<byte[], byte[]>() {
public byte[] setValue(byte[] value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public byte[] getValue() {
return val;
public byte[] getKey() {
return key;
} catch (IOException exc) {
Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, Category.storage, this,
"an error occurred while trying to convert the database: "
+ OutputUtils.stackTraceToString(exc));
return null;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void destroy() throws IOException {
public static void initiateConversion(int dbVer, final BabuDBConfig cfg) throws BabuDBException {
if (!DBWriter.checkVersionSupport(dbVer))
throw new BabuDBException(ErrorCode.IO_ERROR, "on-disk format (version " + dbVer
+ ") is incompatible with this BabuDB release (version " + BABUDB_DB_FORMAT_VERSION
+ "); no automatic conversion possible");
.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_INFO, Category.storage, (Object) null,
"starting database conversion");
final File dbDir = new File(cfg.getBaseDir());
final File dbLogDir = new File(cfg.getDbLogDir());
final File targetDir = new File(dbDir, ".conversion");
final File cfgFile = new File(dbDir, cfg.getDbCfgFile());
final File backupDir = new File(cfg.getBaseDir(), ".backup-" + dbVer);
final File backupDBDir = new File(backupDir, "database");
final File backupLogDir = new File(backupDir, "db-log");
if (targetDir.exists())
try {
// write version independent database representation
DBWriter.writeDB(cfg, dbVer, targetDir.getAbsolutePath());
// move everything except for the temporary dump and the config file
// to a backup directory
File[] dbFilesToMove = dbDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File pathname) {
return !(pathname.equals(targetDir) || pathname.equals(cfgFile) || pathname
.equals(backupDir) || pathname.equals(dbLogDir));
File[] logFilesToMove = dbLogDir.equals(dbDir) ? new File[0] : dbLogDir.listFiles();
if (backupDBDir.exists() && backupLogDir.exists()) {
// move all files to a backup directory
for (File f : dbFilesToMove)
if (!f.renameTo(new File(backupDBDir, f.getName())))
throw new BabuDBException(ErrorCode.IO_ERROR,
"an error occurred while trying to convert the database: '" + f.getAbsolutePath()
+ "' could not be moved");
for (File f : logFilesToMove)
if (!f.renameTo(new File(backupLogDir, f.getName())))
throw new BabuDBException(ErrorCode.IO_ERROR,
"an error occurred while trying to convert the database: '" + f.getAbsolutePath()
+ "' could not be moved");
} else
throw new BabuDBException(ErrorCode.IO_ERROR,
"an error occurred while trying to convert the database: backup directory could not be created");
// copy the config file to the backup directory
FSUtils.copyTree(cfgFile, new File(backupDir, cfgFile.getName()));
} catch (IOException exc) {
throw new BabuDBException(ErrorCode.IO_ERROR,
"an error occurred while trying to convert the database", exc);
public static void completeConversion(BabuDBImpl babuDB) throws BabuDBException {
final File targetDir = new File(babuDB.getConfig().getBaseDir(), "/.conversion");
// get all databases to restore
File[] dbsToRestore = targetDir.listFiles();
try {
// for each database directory ...
for (File dbDir : dbsToRestore) {
// get all nested index files
File[] indexFiles = dbDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File pathname) {
return !pathname.isDirectory();
Database db = babuDB.getDatabaseManager().createDatabase(dbDir.getName(), indexFiles.length);
for (File indexFile : indexFiles) {
int indexId = Integer.parseInt(indexFile.getName());
IndexFileIterator it = new IndexFileIterator(indexFile);
while (it.hasNext()) {
Entry<byte[], byte[]> next = it.next();
if (next == null) {
throw new BabuDBException(ErrorCode.INTERNAL_ERROR,
"database conversion failed, dump corrupted");
db.singleInsert(indexId, next.getKey(), next.getValue(), null).get();
// retrieve all nested snapshot directories
File snapRootDir = new File(dbDir, DBWriter.SNAPSHOT_DIR_NAME);
File[] snapDirs = snapRootDir.listFiles();
if (snapDirs == null)
// for each snapshot directory ...
for (File snapDir : snapDirs) {
// TODO: restore snapshots
} catch (IOException exc) {
throw new BabuDBException(ErrorCode.IO_ERROR,
"an error has occurred while trying to convert the database", exc);
// delete the version-independent dump
Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_INFO, Category.storage, (Object) null, "conversion completed");