Package org.xtreemfs.babudb

Source Code of org.xtreemfs.babudb.BabuDBRequestResultImpl

* Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011, Jan Stender, Bjoern Kolbeck, Mikael Hoegqvist,
*                     Felix Hupfeld, Felix Langner, Zuse Institute Berlin
* Licensed under the BSD License, see LICENSE file for details.
* AUTHORS: Felix Langner (ZIB)
package org.xtreemfs.babudb;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.database.DatabaseRequestListener;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.database.DatabaseRequestResult;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.exception.BabuDBException;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.exception.BabuDBException.ErrorCode;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.lsmdb.LSN;

* Default return value for BabuDB requests.
* @author flangner
* @since 11/11/2009
* @param <T>
public class BabuDBRequestResultImpl<T> implements DatabaseRequestResult<T> {
    private final ResponseManagerInternal       respMan;
    private DatabaseRequestListener<T>          listener;

    private T                                   result;
    private BabuDBException                     error;
    private final AtomicBoolean                 finished = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    protected final Object                      context;
    private LSN                                 assignedLSN = null;
* constructors
     * Creates a new future-object for a BabuDB request.
     * @param respMan - thread to handle request listener.
    public BabuDBRequestResultImpl(ResponseManagerInternal respMan) {
        this(null, respMan);
     * Creates a new future-object for a BabuDB request.
     * @param context - can be null.
     * @param respMan - thread to handle request listener.
    public BabuDBRequestResultImpl(Object context, ResponseManagerInternal respMan) {
        this.context = context;
        this.respMan = respMan;
* getter/setter
    public LSN getAssignedLSN() {
        return assignedLSN;
* state changing methods   
     * Internal operation to run if the request was finished without
     * a return value.
     * Has to be invoked exactly one time!
     * @param lsn
    public void finished(LSN lsn) {
        finished(null, null, lsn);
     * Internal operation to run if the request was finished.
     * Has to be invoked exactly one time!
     * @param result
     * @param lsn
    public void finished(T result) {
        finished(result, null, null);
     * Internal operation to run if the request was finished.
     * Has to be invoked exactly one time!
     * @param result
     * @param lsn
    public void finished(T result, LSN lsn) {
        finished(result, null, lsn);
     * Internal operation to run if the request failed.
     * Has to be invoked exactly one time!
     * @param error - has to be not null, if an error occurs.
    public void failed(BabuDBException error) {
        finished(null, error, null);
* private methods   
     * Internal operation to run if the request was finished.
     * Has to be invoked exactly one time!
     * @param result
     * @param error - has to be not null, if an error occurs.
     * @param lsn
     * @throws InterruptedException
    private void finished(T result, BabuDBException error, LSN lsn) {
        assert (result == null || error == null) : "Results are not permitted on error!";
        this.error = error;
        this.result = result;
        this.assignedLSN = lsn;
        // notify the synchronously waiting instances
        synchronized (finished) {
            boolean check = finished.compareAndSet(false, true);
            assert (check) : "The request was already finished!";
        // notify the asynchronous-listener
        if (listener != null) {
            try {
                respMan.enqueueResponse(listener, error, result, context);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                Logging.logError(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, this, e);

* DatabaseRequestResult interface
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.database.DatabaseRequestResult#registerListener(org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.database.DatabaseRequestListener)
    public void registerListener(DatabaseRequestListener<T> listener) {
        synchronized (finished) {
            assert (this.listener == null) : "There is already a listener registered!";
            if (finished.get()) {
                if (error == null) {
                } else {
            } else {
                this.listener = listener;
    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.database.DatabaseRequestResult#get()
    public T get() throws BabuDBException {
        try {
            synchronized (finished) {
                if (!finished.get()) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new BabuDBException(ErrorCode.INTERRUPTED,
                    "Thread was interrupted while waiting for the response.");
        if (error != null) throw error;
        return result;

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