
Source Code of

* Created on 19 January 2005, 23:41
* AsItHappens - real-time network monitor
* Copyright (C) 2006  Mark Abrahams
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.


//import java.util.*;
import org.doomdark.uuid.EthernetAddress;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

* A device that is targetted for collecting data from.
* @author mark
public class Device {
    /* Logging provider */
    protected Logger logger;
    /** Device name */
    protected String name;
    /** IP address */
    protected InetAddress address;
    /** MAC address */
    protected EthernetAddress ethernetAddress;
    /** SNMP read-only community string */
    protected String communityRead;
    /** SNMP read-write community string */
    protected String communityWrite;
    /** Indicates whether ro or rw community is to be used */
    protected boolean useWriteCommunity;
    /** SNMP ifIndex list */
    //protected int[] portsIndex;
    /** SNMP ifDescr list */
    //protected String[] portsDescr;
    /** SNMP ifAlias list */
    //protected String[] portsAlias;
    /** SNMP host resources processors list */
    //protected int[] processorsIndex;
    /** SNMP host resources processors descriptions */
    //protected String[] processorsDescr;
    /** SNMP host resources storage object list */
    //protected int[] storageIndex;
    /** SNMP host resources storage object descriptions */
    //protected String[] storageDescr;
    /** SNMP access handle */
    //protected SNMPAccess snmpAccess;
    /** SNMP capability flag */
    //protected boolean snmpCapable;
     * Creates a new Device
     * @param name  device name
    public Device(String name) {
        logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); = name;
        //address = InetAddress.getByName(name);
     * Creates a new Device with SNMP capabiliity
     * @param name      device name
     * @param community SNMP community string
    public Device(String name, String communityRead, String communityWrite, boolean useWrite) throws UnknownHostException, SNMPException {
        //logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
        this.communityRead = communityRead;
        this.communityWrite = communityWrite;
        this.useWriteCommunity = useWrite;
        if ( useWrite )
     * Creates a new Device with given IP and MAC addresses
     * @param address          IP address of device
     * @param ethernetAddress  MAC address of device
    public Device(InetAddress address, EthernetAddress ethernetAddress) {
        this.address = address;
        this.ethernetAddress = ethernetAddress;
     * Creates a new Device with given MAC address
     * @param ethernetAddress  MAC address of device
    public Device(EthernetAddress ethernetAddress) {
        this.ethernetAddress = ethernetAddress;
     * Creates a new Device with given IP and MAC addresses
     * @param address          IP address of device
     * @param ethernetAddress  MAC address of device
    public Device(String name, String communityRead, String communityWrite, boolean useWrite, String address, String ethernetAddress) throws UnknownHostException, SNMPException {
        this(name, communityRead, communityWrite, useWrite);
        if ( address != null && ! address.equals("null") ) {
  "Device address: " + address);
            this.address = InetAddress.getByName(address);
        if ( ethernetAddress != null )
            this.ethernetAddress = new EthernetAddress(ethernetAddress);
    /** @return device name */
    public String getName() {
        return name;
     * Attempts to resolve the device name to an IP address using the local
     * name service.
     * @return the IP address of the device
    public InetAddress resolveAddress() throws UnknownHostException {
        try {
            address = InetAddress.getByName(name);
            return address;
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            logger.warn("Cannot resolve host name \"" + name + "\"");
            throw e;
     * Creates an interface to the SNMP access class.
     * @param community SNMP community string
    public SNMPAccess createSNMPInterface(String community) throws UnknownHostException, SNMPException {
        snmpCapable = false;
        snmpAccess = new SNMPAccess(getResolvedAddress(), community);
        //this.communityRead = community;
        snmpCapable = true;
        return snmpAccess;

     * Creates a read-only interface to the SNMP access class.
     * @return read-only SNMP interface
    public SNMPAccess createSNMPReadInterface() throws UnknownHostException, SNMPException {
        return new SNMPAccess(getResolvedAddress(), communityRead);

     * Creates a read-write interface to the SNMP access class.
     * @return read-write SNMP interface
    public SNMPAccess createSNMPWriteInterface() throws UnknownHostException, SNMPException {
        return new SNMPAccess(getResolvedAddress(), communityWrite);

    /** Prefer expedient SNMP collection with no retries on failure */
    public void setExpedientCollection() {
        if ( snmpAccess != null)

    /** Prefer reliable SNMP collection with retries on failure */
    public void setReliableCollection() {
        if ( snmpAccess != null)
    /** @return the IP address of the device */
    public InetAddress getResolvedAddress() throws UnknownHostException {
        if ( address == null )
            address = resolveAddress();
        return address;
    public InetAddress getAddress() {
        return address;
    /** @return the MAC address of the device */
    public EthernetAddress getEthernetAddress() {
        return ethernetAddress;
    /** @return the SNMP read community string for the device */
    public String getCommunityRead() {
        return communityRead;
    /** @return the SNMP write community string for the device */
    public String getCommunityWrite() {
        return communityWrite;
    /** @return the ifIndex list for the device */
    public int[] getPortsIndex() {
        return portsIndex;

    /** @return the ifDescr list for the device */
    public String[] getPortsDescr() {
        return portsDescr;

     * Retrieve the SNMP ifDescr of an interface given its ifIndex.
     * @param port  ifIndex of interface
     * @return      retrieved ifDescr of interface
    public String getIfDescr(int port) throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueString(SNMPAccess.OID_IFDESCR + "." + String.valueOf(port));

    public int getIfIndex(String portString) throws SNMPException, DBException {
        int portIndex = 0;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < getPortsIndex().length ; i++ ) {
            if ( getPortsDescr()[i].equals(portString) ) {
                portIndex = getPortsIndex()[i];
        return portIndex;

     * Enumerates interfaces on a device in via the interfaces MIB table. The
     * interfaces and description are stored in the portsIndex and portsDescr
     * instance variables.
    public void enumeratePorts() throws SNMPException, DBException {
        int numInterfaces;
        int count;
        String[] tempPortsDescr;
        String[] tempPortsAlias;
        int[] tempPortsIndex;
        String ifIndexOID;
        String ifDescrOID;
        String ifDescrValue;
        String ifAliasOID;
        String ifAliasValue;
        int ifIndexValue;
        LinkedList getNextPair;
        DeviceDAO deviceDAO;
        DBAccess dba;
        boolean fetchIfAlias;
        numInterfaces = snmpAccess.getMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_IFNUMBER);
        logger.debug("Number of interfaces: " + numInterfaces);
        tempPortsDescr = new String[numInterfaces];
        tempPortsAlias = new String[numInterfaces];
        tempPortsIndex = new int[numInterfaces];
        ifIndexOID = SNMPAccess.OID_IFNUMBER;
        count = 0;
        ifAliasValue = new String("");
        if ( Configuration.getPropertyInt("device.ports.ifalias") == 1 )
            fetchIfAlias = true;
            fetchIfAlias = false;
        try {
            for ( count = 0 ; count < numInterfaces ; count++ ) {
                getNextPair = snmpAccess.getNextMIBValue(ifIndexOID, SNMPType.Integer32, SNMPAccess.OID_IFINDEX);
                ifIndexOID = (String)getNextPair.getFirst();
                ifIndexValue = ((Integer)getNextPair.getLast()).intValue();
                ifDescrOID = SNMPAccess.OID_IFDESCR + "." + String.valueOf(ifIndexValue);
                ifDescrValue = snmpAccess.getMIBValueString(ifDescrOID);
                if ( fetchIfAlias ) {
                    ifAliasOID = SNMPAccess.OID_IFALIAS + "." + String.valueOf(ifIndexValue);
                    try {
                        ifAliasValue = snmpAccess.getMIBValueString(ifAliasOID);
                    } catch (SNMPException e) {
                        fetchIfAlias = false;
                logger.debug("Found interface: ifIndex=" + ifIndexValue + ", ifDescr=" + ifDescrValue);
                tempPortsDescr[count] = ifDescrValue;
                tempPortsIndex[count] = ifIndexValue;
                if ( fetchIfAlias )
                    tempPortsAlias[count] = ifAliasValue;
            portsIndex = tempPortsIndex;
            portsDescr = tempPortsDescr;
            if ( fetchIfAlias )
                portsAlias = tempPortsAlias;
        } catch (SNMPScopeException e) {
            // Create partial port list if exception occurs after successfully enumerating some ports
            if ( count > 0 ) {
                portsIndex = new int[count];
                portsDescr = new String[count];
                System.arraycopy(tempPortsIndex, 0, portsIndex, 0, count);
                System.arraycopy(tempPortsDescr, 0, portsDescr, 0, count);
                if ( fetchIfAlias ) {
                    portsAlias = new String[count];
                    System.arraycopy(tempPortsAlias, 0, portsAlias, 0, count);
                logger.warn("Port enumeration partially failed");
            } else {
                logger.error("Port enumeration failed");
                throw new SNMPException("Port enumeration failed", e);

    public Vector getPortsVector() {
        Vector data;
        Vector row;
        if ( portsIndex != null ) {
            data = new Vector();
            for ( int i = 0 ; i < portsIndex.length ; i++ ) {
                row = new Vector();
                if ( portsAlias != null )
            return data;
        } else {
            return null;

     * Retrieves the ifInOctets counter via SNMP for the given interface.
     * @param port  the ifIndex of the desired interface
     * @return      the ifInOctets counter value
    public long getIfInOctets(int port) throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter32(SNMPAccess.OID_IFINOCTETS + "." + Integer.toString(port));

     * Retrieves the ifOutOctets counter via SNMP for the given interface.
     * @param port  the ifIndex of the desired interface
     * @return      the ifOutOctets counter value
    public long getIfOutOctets(int port) throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter32(SNMPAccess.OID_IFOUTOCTETS + "." + Integer.toString(port));

     * Retrieves the ifHCInOctets counter via SNMP for the given interface.
     * @param port  the ifIndex of the desired interface
     * @return      the ifHCInOctets counter value
    public long getIfHCInOctets(int port) throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter64(SNMPAccess.OID_IFHCINOCTETS + "." + Integer.toString(port));

     * Retrieves the ifHCOutOctets counter via SNMP for the given interface.
     * @param port  the ifIndex of the desired interface
     * @return      the ifHCOutOctets counter value
    public long getIfHCOutOctets(int port) throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter64(SNMPAccess.OID_IFHCOUTOCTETS + "." + Integer.toString(port));

     * Creates an NBAR Top-N table, which can subsequently be polled for statistics.
     * @param port        ifIndex of desired port for monitoring
     * @param direction   direction of information flow for monitoring
     * @param tableSize   Top-N table size
     * @param sampleTime  time between statistic samples
     * @return            MIB index of the new NBAR Top-N table
    public int setNBARTopNConfigTable(int port, int direction, int tableSize, int sampleTime) throws SNMPException {
        int result;
        int tableIndex;
        logger.debug("Creating Top-N table");
        tableIndex = 1;
        try {
            while ( tableIndex <= Configuration.getPropertyInt("collector.nbar.table.index.maximum") ) {
                result = snmpAccess.getMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnpdTopNConfigIfIndex + "." + tableIndex);
        // Exception thrown when value doesn't exist indicating a free table index
        catch (Exception e) {
        result = snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnpdTopNConfigIfIndex + "." + tableIndex, port);
        result = snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnpdTopNConfigStatsSelect + "." + tableIndex, direction);
        result = snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnpdTopNConfigRequestedSize + "." + tableIndex, tableSize);
        //snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnpdTopNConfigSampleTime + "." + tableIndex, (long)sampleTime);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnpdTopNConfigSampleTime + "." + tableIndex, 10);
        result = snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnpdTopNConfigStatus + "." + tableIndex, SNMPAccess.ROWSTATUS_createAndGo);
      "Created Top-N table: TableIndex=" + tableIndex + ", ifIndex=" + port + ", direction=" + DataSets.DIRECTIONS[direction]
                + ", TableSize=" + tableSize + ", SampleTime=" + sampleTime);
        return tableIndex;

     * Sets a MIB value to trigger an NBAR Top-N table statistics update.
     * @param tableIndex  index of NBAR Top-N table
     * @return            the result of the SNMP set command
    public int setNBARTopNNewInterval(int tableIndex) throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnpdTopNConfigStatus + "." + tableIndex, SNMPAccess.ROWSTATUS_active);

     * Retrieve the names of the current protocols in the given NBAR Top-N table.
     * @param tableIndex  index of NBAR Top-N table
     * @param tableSize   number of desired table entries to retrieve
     * @return            the list of NBAR protocol names
    public String[] getNBARTopNProtocols(int tableIndex, int tableSize) throws SNMPException {
        String[] protocols;
        int i;
        protocols = new String[tableSize];
        i = 0;
        try {
            for ( i = 0; i < tableSize; i++ ) {
                protocols[i] = snmpAccess.getMIBValueString(SNMPAccess.OID_cnpdTopNStatsProtocolName + "." + tableIndex + "." + (i + 1));
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("Protocols:");
                for ( int j = 0; j < tableSize; j++ ) {
                    buffer.append(" " + protocols[j]);
            return protocols;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String[] partialProtocols;
            partialProtocols = new String[i];
            System.arraycopy(protocols, 0, partialProtocols, 0, i);
            return partialProtocols;

     * Retrieve the rates for the current protocols in the given NBAR Top-N table.
     * @param tableIndex  index of NBAR Top-N table
     * @param tableSize   number of desired table entries to retrieve
     * @return            the list of NBAR protocol rates
    public long[] getNBARTopNRates(int tableIndex, int tableSize) throws SNMPException {
        long[] rates;
        int i;
        rates = new long[tableSize];
        i = 0;
        try {
            for ( i = 0; i < tableSize; i++ ) {
                rates[i] = snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnpdTopNStatsRate + "." + tableIndex + "." + (i + 1));
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("Rates:");
                for ( int j = 0; j < tableSize; j++ ) {
                    buffer.append(" " + rates[j]);
            return rates;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            long[] partialRates;
            partialRates = new long[i];
            System.arraycopy(rates, 0, partialRates, 0, i);
            return partialRates;

     * Destroys the given NBAR Top-N table.
     * @param tableIndex  index of NBAR Top-N table
     * @return            the result of the SNMP set command to destroy the table
    public int setNBARTopNDestroy(int tableIndex) throws SNMPException {
        logger.debug("Destroying NBAR Top-N table " + tableIndex);
        return snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnpdTopNConfigStatus + "." + tableIndex, SNMPAccess.ROWSTATUS_destroy);

     * @return the Netflow MIB variable denoting the existance of the Top-N table
    public long getNetFlowTopFlowsTopNTable() throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsTopN + ".0");

     * @return the NetFlow MIB variable denoting the NetFlow status of an interface
    public int getNetFlowEnable(int ifIndex) throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfCINetflowEnable + "." + ifIndex);
     * @param ifIndex   the interface for which to set the NetFlow status
     * @param direction the direction to set the NetFlow status
    public void setNetFlowEnable(int ifIndex, int direction) throws SNMPException {
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfCINetflowEnable + "." + ifIndex, direction);

     * @param tableSize  the size to set the NetFlow Top-N table
    public void setNetFlowTopFlowsTopNTable(int tableSize) throws SNMPException {
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsTopN + ".0", tableSize);

     * @param sortBy  the criteria to sort the NetFlow Top-N table by
    public void setNetFlowTopFlowsSortBy(int sortBy) throws SNMPException {
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsSortBy + ".0", sortBy);
     * @param pollInterval  the timeout interval to set for NetFlow cache entries
    public void setNetFlowTopFlowsCacheTimeout(long pollInterval) throws SNMPException {
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsCacheTimeout + ".0", pollInterval);

     * @param criteria  the match criteria to set in the NetFlow MIB
    public void setNetFlowMatchCriteria(NetFlowMatchCriteria criteria) throws SNMPException {
        NetFlowMatchCriteria unset;
        unset = new NetFlowMatchCriteria();
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSrcAddressType + ".0", criteria.srcAddressType);
        if ( criteria.srcAddressType != unset.srcAddressType ) {
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueHexString(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSrcAddress + ".0", criteria.getSrcAddressBytes());
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSrcAddressMask + ".0", criteria.srcAddressMask);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchDstAddressType + ".0", criteria.dstAddressType);
        if ( criteria.dstAddressType != unset.dstAddressType ) {
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueHexString(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchDstAddress + ".0", criteria.getDstAddressBytes());
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchDstAddressMask + ".0", criteria.dstAddressMask);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchNhAddressType + ".0", criteria.nhAddressType);
        if ( criteria.nhAddressType != unset.nhAddressType ) {
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueHexString(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchNhAddress + ".0", criteria.getNhAddressBytes());
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchNhAddressMask + ".0", criteria.nhAddressMask);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSrcPortLo + ".0", criteria.srcPortLo);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSrcPortHi + ".0", criteria.srcPortHi);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchDstPortLo + ".0", criteria.dstPortLo);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchDstPortHi + ".0", criteria.dstPortHi);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSrcAS + ".0", criteria.srcAS);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchDstAS + ".0", criteria.dstAS);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchTOSByte + ".0", criteria.tosByte);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchProtocol + ".0", criteria.protocol);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueOctetString(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSampler + ".0", criteria.sampler);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueOctetString(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchClass + ".0", criteria.classMap);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchMinPackets + ".0", criteria.minPackets);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchMaxPackets + ".0", criteria.maxPackets);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchMinBytes + ".0", criteria.minBytes);
        snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchMaxBytes + ".0", criteria.maxBytes);

     * @param current  the current match criteria in the NetFlow MIB
    public void restoreDefaultNetFlowMatchCriteria(NetFlowMatchCriteria current) throws SNMPException {
        NetFlowMatchCriteria defaults;
        defaults = new NetFlowMatchCriteria();
        if ( current.srcAddressType != defaults.srcAddressType )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSrcAddressType + ".0", defaults.srcAddressType);
        if ( current.srcAddress != defaults.srcAddress )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueHexString(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSrcAddress + ".0", new byte[0]);
        if ( current.srcAddressMask != defaults.srcAddressMask )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSrcAddressMask + ".0", defaults.srcAddressMask);
        if ( current.dstAddressType != defaults.dstAddressType )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchDstAddressType + ".0", defaults.dstAddressType);
        if ( current.dstAddress != defaults.dstAddress )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueHexString(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchDstAddress + ".0", new byte[0]);
        if ( current.dstAddressMask != defaults.dstAddressMask )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchDstAddressMask + ".0", defaults.dstAddressMask);
        if ( current.nhAddressType != defaults.nhAddressType )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchNhAddressType + ".0", defaults.nhAddressType);
        if ( current.nhAddress != defaults.nhAddress )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueHexString(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchNhAddress + ".0", new byte[0]);
        if ( current.nhAddressMask != defaults.nhAddressMask )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchNhAddressMask + ".0", defaults.nhAddressMask);
        if ( current.srcPortLo != defaults.srcPortLo )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSrcPortLo + ".0", defaults.srcPortLo);
        if ( current.srcPortHi != defaults.srcPortHi )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSrcPortHi + ".0", defaults.srcPortHi);
        if ( current.dstPortLo != defaults.dstPortLo )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchDstPortLo + ".0", defaults.dstPortLo);
        if ( current.dstPortHi != defaults.dstPortHi )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchDstPortHi + ".0", defaults.dstPortHi);
        if ( current.srcAS != defaults.srcAS )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSrcAS + ".0", defaults.srcAS);
        if ( current.dstAS != defaults.dstAS )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchDstAS + ".0", defaults.dstAS);
        if ( current.tosByte != defaults.tosByte )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchTOSByte + ".0", defaults.tosByte);
        if ( current.protocol != defaults.protocol )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchProtocol + ".0", defaults.protocol);
        if ( current.sampler != defaults.sampler )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueOctetString(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchSampler + ".0", defaults.sampler);
        if ( current.classMap != defaults.classMap )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueOctetString(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchClass + ".0", defaults.classMap);
        if ( current.minPackets != defaults.minPackets )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchMinPackets + ".0", defaults.minPackets);
        if ( current.maxPackets != defaults.maxPackets )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchMaxPackets + ".0", defaults.maxPackets);
        if ( current.minBytes != defaults.minBytes )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchMinBytes + ".0", defaults.minBytes);
        if ( current.maxBytes != defaults.maxBytes )
            snmpAccess.setMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsMatchMaxBytes + ".0", defaults.maxBytes);

     * Retrieves the NetFlow top flows table from the MIB.
     * @param tableSize  the number of flow entries to retrieve
     * @return           the ordered set of NetFlow records
    public NetFlowRecord[] getNetFlowTopFlowsTable(int tableSize) {
        NetFlowRecord[] records;
        int i;
        records = new NetFlowRecord[tableSize];
        i = 0;
        try {
            for (i = 0; i < tableSize; i++) {
                records[i] = new NetFlowRecord(
                        snmpAccess.getMIBValueIpAddress(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsSrcAddress + "." + (i + 1)),
                        snmpAccess.getMIBValueIpAddress(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsDstAddress + "." + (i + 1)),
                        (int)snmpAccess.getMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsSrcPort + "." + (i + 1)),
                        (int)snmpAccess.getMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsDstPort + "." + (i + 1)),
                        (int)snmpAccess.getMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsTOS + "." + (i + 1)),
                        (int)snmpAccess.getMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsProtocol + "." + (i + 1)) );
                records[i].bytes = snmpAccess.getMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_cnfTopFlowsBytes + "." + (i + 1));
            return records;
        // SNMPException, UnknownHostException
        catch (Exception e) {
            NetFlowRecord[] partialRecords;
            partialRecords = new NetFlowRecord[i];
            System.arraycopy(records, 0, partialRecords, 0, i);
            return partialRecords;

    public void enumerateHostProcessors() throws SNMPException {
        int count;
        Vector<String> descrVector;
        Vector<Integer> indexVector;
        String processorIndexOID;
        String processorDescrOID;
        String processorTypeOID;
        String processorDescrValue;
        int processorIndexValue;
        LinkedList getNextPair;
        descrVector = new Vector();
        indexVector = new Vector();
        getNextPair = snmpAccess.getNextMIBValue(SNMPAccess.OID_hrDeviceIndex, SNMPType.Integer32);
        processorIndexOID = (String)getNextPair.getFirst();
        try {
            //while ( processorIndexOID.matches(SNMPAccess.OID_hrDeviceIndex + ".*") ) {
            while ( true ) {
                processorIndexValue = ((Integer)getNextPair.getLast()).intValue();
                processorDescrOID = SNMPAccess.OID_hrDeviceDescr + "." + String.valueOf(processorIndexValue);
                processorTypeOID = SNMPAccess.OID_hrDeviceType + "." + String.valueOf(processorIndexValue);
                processorDescrValue = snmpAccess.getMIBValueString(processorDescrOID);
                logger.debug("Found device at " + processorIndexOID + ": " + processorDescrValue);
                if ( snmpAccess.getMIBValueOID(processorTypeOID).matches(".*" + SNMPAccess.HR_DEVICETYPE_processor) ) {
                    indexVector.add(new Integer(processorIndexValue));
                    logger.debug("Adding processor \"" + processorDescrValue + "\" to list");
                getNextPair = snmpAccess.getNextMIBValue(processorIndexOID, SNMPType.Integer32, SNMPAccess.OID_hrDeviceIndex);
                processorIndexOID = (String)getNextPair.getFirst();
        } catch (SNMPScopeException e) {
        processorsIndex = new int[indexVector.size()];
        processorsDescr = new String[descrVector.size()];
        for ( int i = 0; i < indexVector.size(); i++ ) {
            processorsIndex[i] = indexVector.elementAt(i);
            processorsDescr[i] = descrVector.elementAt(i);
    public int getProcessorLoad(int processorIndex) throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_hrProcessorLoad + "." + processorIndex);
    public int[] getProcessorsIndex() {
        return processorsIndex;
    public String[] getProcessorsDescr() {
        return processorsDescr;

    public int getCiscoProcessorLoad() throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_oldCiscoCPUBusyPer + ".0");

    public long getSSCPUUser() throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter32(SNMPAccess.OID_ssCpuRawUser + ".0");
    public long getSSCPUNice() throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter32(SNMPAccess.OID_ssCpuRawNice + ".0");
    public long getSSCPUSystem() throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter32(SNMPAccess.OID_ssCpuRawSystem + ".0");
    public long getSSCPUIdle() throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter32(SNMPAccess.OID_ssCpuRawIdle + ".0");
    public long getSSCPUWait() throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter32(SNMPAccess.OID_ssCpuRawWait + ".0");
    public long getSSCPUKernel() throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter32(SNMPAccess.OID_ssCpuRawKernel + ".0");
    public long getSSCPUInterrupt() throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter32(SNMPAccess.OID_ssCpuRawInterrupt + ".0");

    public int getUCDMemTotalReal() throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_memTotalReal + ".0");
    public int getUCDMemAvailReal() throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_memAvailReal + ".0");
    public int getUCDMemTotalSwap() throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_memTotalSwap + ".0");
    public int getUCDMemAvailSwap() throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_memAvailSwap + ".0");

    public void enumerateHostStorage() throws SNMPException {
        int count;
        Vector<String> descrVector;
        Vector<Integer> indexVector;
        String storageIndexOID;
        String storageDescrOID;
        String storageTypeOID;
        String storageDescrValue;
        int storageIndexValue;
        LinkedList getNextPair;
        descrVector = new Vector();
        indexVector = new Vector();
        getNextPair = snmpAccess.getNextMIBValue(SNMPAccess.OID_hrStorageDescr, SNMPType.OctetString);
        storageDescrOID = (String)getNextPair.getFirst();
        try {
            //while ( storageDescrOID.matches(SNMPAccess.OID_hrStorageDescr + ".*") ) {
            while ( true ) {
                storageDescrValue = (String)getNextPair.getLast();
                storageIndexValue = Integer.parseInt(storageDescrOID.substring(storageDescrOID.lastIndexOf('.') + 1));
                indexVector.add(new Integer(storageIndexValue));
                logger.debug("Adding storage object at " + storageIndexValue + ": \"" + storageDescrValue + "\" to list");
                getNextPair = snmpAccess.getNextMIBValue(storageDescrOID, SNMPType.OctetString, SNMPAccess.OID_hrStorageDescr);
                storageDescrOID = (String)getNextPair.getFirst();
        // Normal exit condition - end of storage table reached
        catch (SNMPScopeException e) {
        storageIndex = new int[indexVector.size()];
        storageDescr = new String[descrVector.size()];
        for ( int i = 0; i < indexVector.size(); i++ ) {
            storageIndex[i] = indexVector.elementAt(i);
            storageDescr[i] = descrVector.elementAt(i);

    public int getStorageAllocationUnits(int storageIndex) throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_hrStorageAllocationUnits + "." + storageIndex);
    public int getStorageUsed(int storageIndex) throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueInteger(SNMPAccess.OID_hrStorageUsed + "." + storageIndex);
    public int[] getStorageIndex() {
        return storageIndex;
    public String[] getStorageDescr() {
        return storageDescr;

    public void enumerateCiscoMemoryPools() throws SNMPException {
        Vector<String> descrVector;
        Vector<Integer> indexVector;
        String storageIndexOID;
        String poolNameOID;
        String storageTypeOID;
        String poolNameValue;
        int poolIndexValue;
        LinkedList getNextPair;
        descrVector = new Vector();
        indexVector = new Vector();
        getNextPair = snmpAccess.getNextMIBValue(SNMPAccess.OID_ciscoMemoryPoolName, SNMPType.OctetString);
        poolNameOID = (String)getNextPair.getFirst();
        try {
            //while ( poolNameOID.matches(SNMPAccess.OID_ciscoMemoryPoolName + ".*") ) {
            while ( true ) {
                poolNameValue = (String)getNextPair.getLast();
                poolIndexValue = Integer.parseInt(poolNameOID.substring(poolNameOID.lastIndexOf('.') + 1));
                indexVector.add(new Integer(poolIndexValue));
                logger.debug("Adding memory pool object at " + poolIndexValue + ": \"" + poolNameValue + "\" to list");
                getNextPair = snmpAccess.getNextMIBValue(poolNameOID, SNMPType.OctetString, SNMPAccess.OID_ciscoMemoryPoolName);
                poolNameOID = (String)getNextPair.getFirst();
        } catch (SNMPScopeException e) {
        storageIndex = new int[indexVector.size()];
        storageDescr = new String[descrVector.size()];
        for ( int i = 0; i < indexVector.size(); i++ ) {
            storageIndex[i] = indexVector.elementAt(i);
            storageDescr[i] = descrVector.elementAt(i);
    public long getCiscoMemoryUsed(int memoryIndex) throws SNMPException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueGauge32(SNMPAccess.OID_ciscoMemoryPoolUsed + "." + memoryIndex);

    public long getCustomOIDInteger32(CustomOID oid) throws SNMPException, SNMPTypeException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueInteger(oid.oid);
    public long getCustomOIDGauge32(CustomOID oid) throws SNMPException, SNMPTypeException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueGauge32(oid.oid);
    public long getCustomOIDCounter32(CustomOID oid) throws SNMPException, SNMPTypeException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter32(oid.oid);
    public long getCustomOIDCounter64(CustomOID oid) throws SNMPException, SNMPTypeException {
        return snmpAccess.getMIBValueCounter64(oid.oid);

    public String retrieveReadCommunity() throws DBException {
        DeviceDAO deviceDAO;
        String community;
        deviceDAO = DAOFactory.getDeviceDAO();
        community = deviceDAO.retrieveDeviceReadCommunity(name);
        return community;
    public String retrieveWriteCommunity() throws DBException {
        DeviceDAO deviceDAO;
        String community;
        deviceDAO = DAOFactory.getDeviceDAO();
        community = deviceDAO.retrieveDeviceWriteCommunity(name);
        return community;

    public String toString() {
        return name;

    public void store() throws DBException {
        DeviceDAO deviceDAO;
        String ipAddressString;
        String hardwareAddressString;
        ipAddressString = null;
        hardwareAddressString = null;
        if ( address != null )
            ipAddressString = address.getHostAddress();
        if ( ethernetAddress != null )
            hardwareAddressString = ethernetAddress.toString();
        deviceDAO = DAOFactory.getDeviceDAO();
        deviceDAO.updateDevice(name, communityRead, communityWrite, ipAddressString, hardwareAddressString);
    public static Device load(String name, boolean useWrite) throws DBException, UnknownHostException, SNMPException {
        DeviceDAO deviceDAO;
        Device newDevice;
        deviceDAO = DAOFactory.getDeviceDAO();
        newDevice = deviceDAO.retrieveDevice(name, useWrite);
        return newDevice;

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