* MainTabbedPanel.java
* Created on 4 May 2005, 01:02
* AsItHappens - real-time network monitor
* Copyright (C) 2006 Mark Abrahams
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
package nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.mainui;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.capture.MainCapturePanel;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.oid.MainOIDPanel;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.netflow.MainNetFlowPanel;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.nbar.MainNBARPanel;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.host.MainHostPanel;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.response.MainResponsePanel;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.core.DBException;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.bandwidth.MainBandwidthPanel;
import javax.swing.*;
* The main application JPanel containing the tabbed pane components.
* @author mark
public class MainTabbedPanel extends JPanel {
JTabbedPane pane;
MainBandwidthPanel bandwidthPanel;
MainResponsePanel responsePanel;
MainHostPanel hostPanel;
MainNBARPanel nbarPanel;
MainNetFlowPanel netflowPanel;
MainOIDPanel oidPanel;
MainSessionsPanel databasePanel;
MainCapturePanel capturePanel;
MainLayoutPanel layoutPanel;
MainAboutPanel aboutPanel;
/** Creates a new MainTabbedPanel. */
public MainTabbedPanel() throws DBException {
super(new java.awt.GridLayout(1, 1));
/** Lays out GUI components. */
protected void initComponents() throws DBException {
pane = new JTabbedPane();
bandwidthPanel = new MainBandwidthPanel();
responsePanel = new MainResponsePanel();
hostPanel = new MainHostPanel();
nbarPanel = new MainNBARPanel();
netflowPanel = new MainNetFlowPanel();
oidPanel = new MainOIDPanel();
databasePanel = new MainSessionsPanel();
capturePanel = new MainCapturePanel();
layoutPanel = new MainLayoutPanel();
aboutPanel = new MainAboutPanel();
pane.addChangeListener(new javax.swing.event.ChangeListener() {
public void stateChanged(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent evt) {
pane.addTab("Bandwidth", null, bandwidthPanel, "Bandwidth SNMP collector");
pane.addTab("Response", null, responsePanel, "Ping response collector");
pane.addTab("Host", null, hostPanel, "Host resource collector");
pane.addTab("NBAR", null, nbarPanel, "NBAR Top-N collector");
pane.addTab("NetFlow", null, netflowPanel, "NetFlow Top-N collector");
pane.addTab("OID", null, oidPanel, "Custom OID collector");
pane.addTab("Sessions", null, databasePanel, "Stored session retrieval");
pane.addTab("Capture", null, capturePanel, "Packet capture analysis");
pane.addTab("Layout", null, layoutPanel, "Save or load layouts");
pane.addTab("About", null, aboutPanel, "About AsItHappens");
/** Refreshes sessions when database panel is selected. */
public void paneStateChangedPerformed(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent evt) {
if ( pane.getTitleAt(pane.getSelectedIndex()).equals("Sessions") ) {
catch (DatabaseException e) {
ErrorHandler.modalError(this, "Have not been able to connect to database", "No database connection");
// Throwing an (any) Exception (crudely) stops the actual switch to the database pane
// Tried throwing a DatabaseException, but it didn't with the implicit class
throw new NullPointerException();