* LoadDataTask.java
* Created on 13 September 2006, 16:23
package nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.mainui;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.storage.DataSetsDAO;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.storage.DataSetDAO;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.storage.DataSet;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.storage.DataSets;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.storage.Device;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.core.DataType;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.core.DAOFactory;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.core.DBException;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.core.Configuration;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.cartgraph.TimeSeriesContext;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.uiutil.ErrorHandler;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.uiutil.SwingWorker;
import nz.co.abrahams.asithappens.uiutil.LongTask;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
* @author mark
public class DataSetsLoadTask extends SwingWorker<DataSets> implements LongTask {
/* Logging provider */
protected final Logger logger;
/* Length of task */
protected int taskLength;
/* Current progress of task */
protected int taskProgress;
/** Parent component that controls graph creation */
protected final Component parent;
/** Database session ID */
protected final int sessionID;
/** The time of the first collection event in the data sets */
protected final long startTime;
/** The time of the final collection event in the data sets */
protected final long finishTime;
/** Data type of graph */
//protected final int dataTypeID;
/** Aggregation policy to use when loading data */
protected final TimeSeriesContext.Aggregation aggregation;
/** Initial interpolation policy for graph */
protected final TimeSeriesContext.Interpolation interpolation;
/** Resulting loaded data */
protected final DataSets dataSets;
//protected final SwingWorker worker;
/** Creates a new instance of LoadDataTask */
//public DataSetsLoadTask(final Component parent, final int sessionID, final long startTime, final long finishTime, final int dataTypeID, final int aggregation, final int interpolation) {
public DataSetsLoadTask(final Component parent, final int sessionID, final long startTime, final long finishTime, final TimeSeriesContext.Aggregation aggregation, final TimeSeriesContext.Interpolation interpolation) {
logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
taskProgress = 0;
taskLength = LongTask.COMPLETED;
this.parent = parent;
this.sessionID = sessionID;
this.startTime = startTime;
this.finishTime = finishTime;
//this.dataTypeID = dataTypeID;
this.aggregation = aggregation;
this.interpolation = interpolation;
dataSets = new DataSets();
public DataSets construct() {
try {
return dataSets;
} catch (DBException e) {
ErrorHandler.modalError(parent, "Cannot retrieve data from database", "Please check database connectivity", e);
return null;
} catch (CancellationException e) {
return null;
public void finished() {
try {
if ( ! isCancelled() && get() != null ) {
// old way - no graph context loading
//MainDatabasePanel.createGraph(parent, dataSets, dataTypeID, aggregation, interpolation);
// new way - load graph context
MainSessionsPanel.createGraphWithContext(parent, sessionID, dataSets, aggregation, interpolation);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
public void cancel() {
taskProgress = taskLength;
public int getProgress() {
//return -1;
return taskProgress * LongTask.COMPLETED / taskLength;
* Retrieves data sets information from the database. The object's session
* ID must be set before calling this.
* <p>
* The results in a given set will be aggregated if there are more than the
* specified maximum in the configuration option
* "data.points.fetched.maximum".
public void loadData() throws DBException {
//long time;
DataSet results;
//DatabaseAccess db;
DataSetsDAO dataSetsDAO;
DataSetDAO dataSetDAO;
int sets;
String[] headings;
long intervalStart;
long intervalEnd;
long intervalTime;
int numValues;
//double pointValue;
int fetchedMaximum;
try {
dataSetsDAO = DAOFactory.getDataSetsDAO();
dataSetDAO = DAOFactory.getDataSetDAO();
dataSets.setDevice(new Device(dataSetsDAO.retrieveSessionDevice(sessionID)));
headings = DAOFactory.getDataHeadingsDAO().retrieve(sessionID);
for ( int set = 0; set < headings.length; set++ ) {
fetchedMaximum = Configuration.getPropertyInt("data.points.fetched.maximum");
logger.debug("Fetching data for " + headings.length + " data sets ("
+ startTime + " to " + finishTime + ")");
sets = dataSets.getDataSetCount();
taskLength = sets * fetchedMaximum;
for ( int set = 0; set < sets; set++ ) {
taskProgress = set * fetchedMaximum;
//logger.debug("Current: " + current);
numValues = dataSetsDAO.retrieveNumberOfPoints(sessionID, set, startTime, finishTime);
if ( numValues <= fetchedMaximum ) {
dataSets.setDataSet(set, dataSetDAO.retrieve(sessionID, set, startTime, finishTime + 1));
} else {
intervalTime = ( finishTime - startTime ) / fetchedMaximum;
for ( int interval = 0; interval < fetchedMaximum; interval++ ) {
intervalStart = startTime + intervalTime * interval;
intervalEnd = startTime + intervalTime * (interval + 1);
results = dataSetDAO.retrieve(sessionID, set, intervalStart, intervalEnd);
dataSets.getDataSet(set).add(results.aggregate(aggregation, intervalStart, intervalEnd));
taskProgress = set * fetchedMaximum + interval;
//logger.debug("Point " + interval + " aggregation of " + results + " : (" + results.aggregate(aggregation, intervalStart, intervalEnd) + ")");
taskProgress = taskLength;
logger.debug("Finished loading data from database");
} catch (DBException e) {
logger.error("Error loading data from database");
throw new DBException("Error loading data from database", e);
protected void checkCancelled() {
if ( isCancelled() )
throw new CancellationException();