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$Id: //ariba/platform/ui/widgets/ariba/ui/wizard/meta/GenericMeta.java#2 $
package ariba.ui.wizard.meta;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWResource;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWResourceManager;
import ariba.util.core.Assert;
import ariba.util.core.Constants;
import ariba.util.core.StringUtil;
import ariba.util.core.URLUtil;
import ariba.util.core.ListUtil;
import ariba.util.core.WrapperRuntimeException;
import ariba.ui.widgets.XMLUtil;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.List;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
GenericMeta is the common superclass for all wizard meta classes within
this package. It provides the basic fields (name, label) and a handful
of useful utility methods for opening and parsing XML documents.
@aribaapi private
abstract public class GenericMeta
// generic wizard XML attributes
protected static final String NameAttr = "name";
protected static final String LabelAttr = "label";
// attribute error messages
protected static final String NoAttrMsg = "missing '%s' attribute of '%s' in '%s'";
// internal and display names
protected String _name;
protected String _label;
// cache the current resource we're parsing
protected AWResource _resource;
public GenericMeta ()
public GenericMeta (String name, String label)
_name = name;
_label = label;
Public Methods
public String name ()
return _name;
public String label ()
return _label;
Utility Methods
protected Document createDocumentFromResource (AWResource resource,
AWResourceManager resourceManager)
// cache the current resource
_resource = resource;
WizardEntityResolver resolver = new WizardEntityResolver(resourceManager);
// try to open and parse the XML document
return XMLUtil.document(urlForResource(resource), true, true, resolver);
protected static String stringAttrFromElement (Element element, String name)
return stringAttrFromElement(element, name, null);
protected static String stringAttrFromElement (
Element element, String name, String defaultValue)
String str = XMLUtil.stringAttribute(element, name, null);
return StringUtil.nullOrEmptyOrBlankString(str) ? defaultValue : str;
protected static Boolean booleanAttrFromElement (
Element element, String name, Boolean defaultValue)
String str = XMLUtil.stringAttribute(element, name, null);
return StringUtil.nullOrEmptyOrBlankString(str) ? defaultValue : Constants.getBoolean(str);
protected static boolean booleanAttrFromElement (
Element element, String name, boolean defaultValue)
String str = XMLUtil.stringAttribute(element, name, null);
if (StringUtil.nullOrEmptyOrBlankString(str)) {
return defaultValue;
else {
return Constants.getBoolean(str).booleanValue();
protected static String elementName (Element element)
return element.getTagName().toLowerCase();
protected static int indexOfMetaNamed (String name, List metas)
if (ListUtil.nullOrEmptyList(metas) || StringUtil.nullOrEmptyOrBlankString(name)) {
return -1;
for (int index = 0, count = metas.size(); index < count; index++) {
GenericMeta meta = (GenericMeta)metas.get(index);
if (name.equals(meta.name())) {
return index;
return -1;
private String assertName ()
return _resource == null ? _name : _resource.fullUrl();
protected void assertion (boolean b, String msg)
Assert.that(b, msg, assertName());
protected void assertion (boolean b, String msg, Object arg1)
Assert.that(b, msg, arg1, assertName());
protected void assertion (boolean b, String msg, Object arg1, Object arg2)
Assert.that(b, msg, arg1, arg2, assertName());
private URL urlForResource (AWResource resource)
String fullUrl = resource.fullUrl();
try {
return URLUtil.makeURL(fullUrl);
catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new WrapperRuntimeException(e);