Copyright 1996-2008 Ariba, Inc.
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$Id: //ariba/platform/ui/widgets/ariba/ui/wizard/core/Wizard.java#4 $
package ariba.ui.wizard.core;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWConcreteServerApplication;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWPageCacheMark;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWRequestContext;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWMultiLocaleResourceManager;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWResourceManager;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWSingleLocaleResourceManager;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWSemanticKeyProvider;
import ariba.ui.wizard.component.WizardUtil;
import ariba.ui.wizard.meta.WizardActionMeta;
import ariba.ui.wizard.meta.WizardFrameMeta;
import ariba.ui.wizard.meta.WizardMeta;
import ariba.ui.wizard.meta.WizardStepMeta;
import ariba.util.core.ClassUtil;
import ariba.util.core.Assert;
import ariba.util.core.MapUtil;
import ariba.util.core.ListUtil;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Iterator;
The Wizard class represents a user's trip through a particular wizard
instance. It keeps track of the current step and/or frame, which actions
are enabled, etc. It also manages the event handling via the per-frame
and per-wizard delegate classes provided by the application.
@aribaapi ariba
public class Wizard implements WizardStepsParent
// generic error messages
private final static String ErrorDelegateCreation =
"error creating wizard delegate of type '%s'";
private final static String NoVisibleStep =
"no visible frame in current step '%s'";
private final static String NullCurrentStep =
"current step should never be null";
// action error messages
private final static String InvalidStepFrameAction = "invalid action for step frame";
private final static String InvalidDialogAction = "invalid action for dialog frame";
private final static String InvalidActionResult =
"null action target for action '%s'";
/** @aribaapi private */
public final WizardAction next =
new WizardAction(WizardMeta.NextActionMeta, this, true);
/** @aribaapi private */
public final WizardAction prev =
new WizardAction(WizardMeta.PrevActionMeta, this, true);
/** @aribaapi private */
public final WizardAction exit =
new WizardAction(WizardMeta.ExitActionMeta, this, true);
/** @aribaapi private */
public final WizardAction ok =
new WizardAction(WizardMeta.OkActionMeta, this, true);
/** @aribaapi private */
public final WizardAction cancel =
new WizardAction(WizardMeta.CancelActionMeta, this, false);
/** @aribaapi private */
public final WizardAction refresh =
new WizardAction(WizardMeta.RefreshActionMeta, this, true);
private String _label;
private String _commandBar;
private Object _context;
private WizardMeta _meta;
private WizardDelegate _delegate;
private Map _actions;
private List _stepList;
private Map _frames;
private Map _steps;
private WizardFrame _selectionsFrame;
private AWResourceManager _resourceManager;
private Map _attributes;
private WizardFrame _exitFrame;
// fields that track the runtime state of the wizard
private WizardActionTarget _currentActionTarget;
private boolean _topLevelChanged = true;
private int _numVisibleTopLevelSteps;
// these shouldn't be here since they're UI-related...
private AWPageCacheMark _pageCacheMark;
private boolean _terminated = false;
Static State & Initialization
AWMultiLocaleResourceManager resourceManager = multiLocaleResourceManager();
String packageName = ClassUtil.stripClassFromClassName(WizardUtil.class.getName());
resourceManager.registerPackageName(packageName, true);
new SemanticKeyProvider_WizardAction());
new SemanticKeyProvider_WizardStep());
private static AWMultiLocaleResourceManager multiLocaleResourceManager ()
AWConcreteServerApplication application =
AWMultiLocaleResourceManager resourceManager = application.resourceManager();
return resourceManager;
@aribaapi ariba
public Wizard (String name,
Object context,
AWResourceManager resourceManager)
this(name, context, resourceManager, null);
@aribaapi private
public Wizard (String name,
Object context,
AWResourceManager resourceManager,
String extensionDirectory)
// initialize
init(name, context, resourceManager, extensionDirectory);
protected Wizard ()
protected void init (String name,
Object context,
AWResourceManager resourceManager,
String extensionDirectory)
// get the resource manager from the session
if (extensionDirectory != null) {
// get the resource manager from the session
AWMultiLocaleResourceManager extensionResourceManager =
extensionResourceManager.registerResourceDirectory(extensionDirectory, null);
AWMultiLocaleResourceManager multiResMgr =
((AWSingleLocaleResourceManager)resourceManager).multiLocaleResourceManager(); // OK
Locale locale = resourceManager.locale();
resourceManager = extensionResourceManager.resourceManagerForLocale(locale);
_resourceManager = resourceManager;
_commandBar = null;
_context = context;
// check to see if debug is turned on, read the meta info
boolean debug = AWConcreteServerApplication.SharedInstance.isDebuggingEnabled();
_meta = WizardMeta.loadWizardMeta(name, resourceManager, debug);
// initialize our delegate
String delegateName = _meta.delegate();
if (delegateName != null) {
_delegate = instantiateWizardDelegate(delegateName);
Assert.that(_delegate != null, ErrorDelegateCreation, delegateName);
// initialize our runtime state
_actions = MapUtil.map();
_frames = MapUtil.map();
_steps = MapUtil.map();
// create instances of built-in and custom actions
// create runtime representation of the steps
_stepList = buildSteps(_meta.steps(), this);
// create dialog frames
Iterator dialogs = _meta.dialogs();
while (dialogs.hasNext()) {
WizardFrameMeta frameMeta = (WizardFrameMeta)dialogs.next();
WizardFrame frame = new WizardFrame(frameMeta, null, this);
_frames.put(frame.getName(), frame);
// create a selections frame if given in the meta
if (_meta.selectionsFrame() != null) {
_selectionsFrame = getFrameWithName(_meta.selectionsFrame().name());
_frames.put(_selectionsFrame.getName(), _selectionsFrame);
// cache the exit frame
_exitFrame = new WizardFrame(_meta.exitFrame(), null, this);
create action instances for both built-in and
private void buildActions ()
_actions.put(next.getName(), next);
_actions.put(prev.getName(), prev);
_actions.put(exit.getName(), exit);
_actions.put(ok.getName(), ok);
_actions.put(cancel.getName(), cancel);
_actions.put(refresh.getName(), refresh);
Iterator actionMetas = _meta.actions();
while (actionMetas.hasNext()) {
WizardActionMeta actionMeta = (WizardActionMeta)actionMetas.next();
WizardAction action = new WizardAction(actionMeta, this);
_actions.put(action.getName(), action);
@aribaapi private
protected List buildSteps (List stepMetas, WizardStepsParent parent)
List stepList = ListUtil.list(stepMetas.size());
WizardStep previousStep = null;
for (int index = 0; index < stepMetas.size(); index++) {
WizardStepMeta stepMeta = (WizardStepMeta)stepMetas.get(index);
WizardStep step = new WizardStep(stepMeta, parent, this);
_steps.put(step.getName(), step);
if (previousStep != null) {
WizardFrame frame = step.getFrame();
if (frame != null) {
_frames.put(frame.getName(), frame);
previousStep = step;
return stepList;
Public Methods - Customization
@aribaapi ariba
public void setCommandBar (String commandBar)
_commandBar = commandBar;
@aribaapi ariba
public String getCommandBar ()
return _commandBar;
Public Methods - Lookup
@aribaapi ariba
public WizardAction getActionWithName (String actionName)
WizardAction action = (WizardAction)_actions.get(actionName);
return action;
added for use by demoshell
@aribaapi private
public void addAction (String name, WizardAction action)
_actions.put(name, action);
@aribaapi ariba
public WizardFrame getFrameWithName (String frameName)
WizardFrame frame = (WizardFrame)_frames.get(frameName);
return frame;
@aribaapi ariba
public WizardStep getStepWithName (String stepName)
WizardStep step = (WizardStep)_steps.get(stepName);
return step;
public WizardFrame getExitFrame ()
return _exitFrame;
public void setExitFrame (WizardFrame frame)
_exitFrame = frame;
Public Methods - State
@aribaapi ariba
public Object getContext ()
return _context;
@aribaapi private
public String getLabel ()
if (_label == null) {
_label = localizedStringForKey(_meta.label());
return _label;
@aribaapi private
public void setLabel (String label)
_label = label;
@aribaapi ariba
public WizardDelegate getDelegate ()
return _delegate;
@aribaapi private
public String getSummarySource ()
return _meta.summary();
public String getPreTocSource ()
return _meta.preToc();
public String getPostTocSource ()
return _meta.postToc();
@aribaapi ariba
public WizardStep getCurrentStep ()
WizardFrame frame = getCurrentFrame();
WizardStep step = frame.getStep();
while (step == null && frame != null) {
frame = frame.getBackFrame();
step = frame.getStep();
Assert.that(step != null, NullCurrentStep);
return step;
@aribaapi private
public String getSelectionsLabel ()
return _meta.selectionsLabel();
@aribaapi private
public String getSelectionsIcon ()
return _meta.selectionsIcon();
@aribaapi private
public WizardFrame getSelectionsFrame ()
return _selectionsFrame;
@aribaapi ariba
public WizardActionTarget getCurrentActionTarget ()
return _currentActionTarget;
@aribaapi ariba
public WizardFrame getCurrentFrame ()
return _currentActionTarget != null ?
_currentActionTarget.getOriginatingFrame(): null;
@aribaapi ariba
public void setAttribute (Object key, Object value)
if (_attributes == null) {
_attributes = MapUtil.map();
_attributes.put(key, value);
@aribaapi ariba
public Object getAttribute (Object key)
if (_attributes != null) {
return _attributes.get(key);
return null;
Public Methods - Actions
@aribaapi ariba
public void start ()
if (_delegate != null) {
// default to starting at the first step, no validation
if (getCurrentActionTarget() == null) {
WizardStep firstStep = (WizardStep)ListUtil.firstElement(_stepList);
WizardFrame firstFrame = firstStep.getFirstFrameToDisplay();
if (firstFrame == null) {
firstStep = firstStep.getNextStepToDisplay();
Assert.that(firstStep != null, NoVisibleStep);
firstFrame = firstStep.getFrame();
This take place after the take values phase. So the validation result
has already been stored in the current frame
@aribaapi private
public WizardActionTarget invokeAction (
WizardAction action,
AWRequestContext requestContext)
WizardFrame currentFrame = getCurrentFrame();
if (!currentFrame.isValid() && !action.ignoreValidation()) {
return currentFrame;
if (currentFrame.isValid()) {
WizardFrameDelegate frameDelegate = currentFrame.getDelegate();
WizardActionTarget actionTarget = null;
// see if the frame delegate wants to tell us where to go
if (frameDelegate != null) {
actionTarget = frameDelegate.targetForAction(action);
// see if the wizard delegate wants to tell us where to go
if (actionTarget == null && _delegate != null) {
actionTarget = _delegate.targetForAction(action);
// do default navigation for the actions we know about
if (actionTarget == null) {
if (action == next) {
Assert.that(!currentFrame.isDialogFrame(), InvalidStepFrameAction);
WizardStep nextStep = getCurrentStep().getNextStepToDisplay();
Assert.that(nextStep != null, NoVisibleStep);
actionTarget = nextStep.getFrame();
else if (action == prev) {
Assert.that(!currentFrame.isDialogFrame(), InvalidStepFrameAction);
WizardStep prevStep = getCurrentStep().getPreviousStepToDisplay();
Assert.that(prevStep != null, NoVisibleStep);
actionTarget = prevStep.getFrame();
else if (action == ok || action == cancel) {
Assert.that(currentFrame.isDialogFrame(), InvalidDialogAction);
actionTarget = currentFrame.getBackFrame();
else if (action == exit) {
actionTarget = _exitFrame;
else if (action == refresh) {
actionTarget = currentFrame;
else {
String targetFrameName = action.getTarget();
if (targetFrameName != null) {
actionTarget = getFrameWithName(targetFrameName);
Assert.that(actionTarget != null, InvalidActionResult, action.getName());
return actionTarget;
Tells the wizard to go to a particular step. It enforces validation.
In other words, the user will be forced to stay on the current frame
if there is any error.
@aribaapi ariba
public WizardFrame gotoStep (WizardStep step)
return gotoFrame(step.getFirstFrameToDisplay());
Tells the wizard to go to a particular frame. It enforces validation.
In other words, the user will be forced to stay on the current frame
if there is any error.
@aribaapi ariba
public WizardFrame gotoFrame (WizardFrame frame)
WizardFrame currentFrame = getCurrentFrame();
if (currentFrame != null ) {
if (!currentFrame.isValid()) {
frame = currentFrame;
else {
return frame;
@aribaapi private
public void cleanup ()
_terminated = true;
// remove wizard frame delegate
for (Iterator enum_Itr = _frames.values().iterator(); enum_Itr.hasNext();) {
WizardFrame frame = (WizardFrame)enum_Itr.next();
// null out all wizard ivars
_delegate = null;
_actions = null;
_attributes = null;
_stepList = null;
_steps = null;
_selectionsFrame = null;
_resourceManager = null;
_exitFrame = null;
_currentActionTarget = null;
_pageCacheMark = null;
_label = null;
_commandBar = null;
_context = null;
_meta = null;
_frames = null;
@aribaapi private
public boolean isTerminated ()
return _terminated;
Public Methods - Dynamic Step/Frame creation
Implements the WizardStepsParent interface
@aribaapi ariba
public List getSteps ()
return _stepList;
@aribaapi ariba
public void insertStepBefore (WizardStep step, WizardStep beforeStep)
WizardStepsParent parent = beforeStep.getParent();
List steps = parent.getSteps();
insertStepAt(step, steps, steps.indexOf(beforeStep), parent);
@aribaapi ariba
public void insertStepAfter (WizardStep step, WizardStep afterStep)
WizardStepsParent parent = afterStep.getParent();
List steps = parent.getSteps();
insertStepAt(step, steps, steps.indexOf(afterStep)+ 1, parent);
@aribaapi ariba
public void insertStepAt (WizardStep step, int index)
insertStepAt(step, _stepList, index, this);
public void updateChildrenVisible () {
// no-op since Wizard class is always visible.
private void addStepToCache (WizardStep step)
_steps.put(step.getName(), step);
WizardFrame frame = step.getFrame();
if (frame != null) {
_frames.put(frame.getName(), frame);
List substeps = step.getSteps();
if (substeps != null) {
int size = substeps.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
@aribaapi private
protected void removeStepFromCache (WizardStep step)
WizardFrame frame = step.getFrame();
if (frame != null) {
List substeps = step.getSteps();
if (substeps != null) {
int size = substeps.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
@aribaapi private
protected void insertStepAt (WizardStep step, List steps, int index,
WizardStepsParent parent)
// insert the new step
Assert.that(index >= 0 && index <= steps.size(), "invalid index in insertStepAt");
steps.add(index, step);
// register the steps and frames if the current step is
// hooked up to the wizard
WizardStepsParent ancestor = parent;
while (ancestor != this && ancestor != null) {
ancestor = ((WizardStep)ancestor).getParent();
if (ancestor == this) {
// make sure next/prev pointers are still correct
WizardStep stepBefore = null;
WizardStep stepAfter = null;
if (index > 0) {
stepBefore = (WizardStep)steps.get(index-1);
int indexAfter = index + 1;
if (indexAfter < steps.size()) {
stepAfter = (WizardStep)steps.get(indexAfter);
if (parent == this) {
@aribaapi ariba
public void removeStep (WizardStep step)
WizardStepsParent parent = step.getParent();
List steps = parent.getSteps();
int stepIndex = steps.indexOf(step);
if (stepIndex != -1) {
int indexBefore = stepIndex - 1;
int indexAfter = stepIndex + 1;
WizardStep stepBefore = null;
WizardStep stepAfter = null;
if (indexBefore >= 0) {
stepBefore = (WizardStep)steps.get(indexBefore);
if (indexAfter < steps.size()) {
stepAfter = (WizardStep)steps.get(indexAfter);
if (stepBefore != null) {
if (parent == this) {
Private/Protected Utility Methods
@aribaapi private
public AWPageCacheMark getPageCacheMark ()
return _pageCacheMark;
@aribaapi private
public void setPageCacheMark (AWPageCacheMark pageCacheMark)
_pageCacheMark = pageCacheMark;
@aribaapi private
protected AWResourceManager resourceManager ()
return _resourceManager;
@aribaapi private
protected WizardMeta meta ()
return _meta;
@aribaapi private
protected String localizedStringForKey (String key)
if (_delegate != null && key != null) {
return _delegate.localizedStringForKey(key, this);
return key;
@aribaapi private
protected String urlForResourceNamed (String resource)
return _resourceManager.urlForResourceNamed(resource);
@aribaapi private
public void setCurrentActionTarget (WizardActionTarget target)
if (target == _currentActionTarget) {
if (target instanceof WizardFrame) {
WizardFrame frameTarget = (WizardFrame)target;
if (_currentActionTarget != null) {
WizardFrame currentFrame = getCurrentFrame();
if (shouldSetBackFrame(currentFrame, frameTarget)) {
WizardStep step = frameTarget.getStep();
if (step != null) {
prev.setEnabled(step.getPreviousStepToDisplay() != null);
next.setEnabled(step.getNextStepToDisplay() != null);
_currentActionTarget = target;
private boolean shouldSetBackFrame (WizardFrame currentFrame,
WizardFrame targetFrame)
if (!targetFrame.isDialogFrame()) {
return false;
if (!currentFrame.isDialogFrame()) {
return true;
WizardFrame backFrame = currentFrame;
while (backFrame != null) {
if (backFrame == targetFrame) {
return false;
backFrame = backFrame.getBackFrame();
return true;
@aribaapi private
protected void assignTopLevelStepIndexes ()
if (_topLevelChanged) {
int numSteps = _stepList.size();
int stepIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++) {
WizardStep step = (WizardStep)_stepList.get(i);
if (step.isVisible()) {
stepIndex ++;
else {
_numVisibleTopLevelSteps = stepIndex;
_topLevelChanged = false;
@aribaapi private
protected void setTopLevelChanged (boolean changed)
_topLevelChanged = changed;
@aribaapi private
public int getVisibleTopLevelStepSize ()
return _numVisibleTopLevelSteps;
protected WizardDelegate instantiateWizardDelegate
(String delegateName)
return (WizardDelegate)ClassUtil.newInstance(delegateName, false);
protected WizardFrameDelegate instantiateWizardFrameDelegate
(String frameDelegateName)
return (WizardFrameDelegate)ClassUtil.newInstance(frameDelegateName, false);
public boolean allowsClickableSteps ()
return meta().allowsClickableSteps();
public boolean showSteps ()
return meta().showSteps();
public String getName ()
return meta().name();