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$Id: //ariba/platform/ui/widgets/ariba/ui/table/AWTColumnRenderer.java#21 $
package ariba.ui.table;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWBinding;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWBindingNames;
import ariba.util.fieldvalue.FieldPath;
import ariba.util.core.StringUtil;
public final class AWTColumnRenderer extends AWTDataTable.ColumnRenderer
private AWTColumn thisColumn ()
return (AWTColumn)column();
public void prepare ()
/** Evalators for the curentColumn's bindings */
public Object columnWidth ()
AWTColumn column = thisColumn();
return bindingValue(column._widthBinding);
public Object cc_style ()
return _table.emitColumnStyle((String)bindingValue(thisColumn()._styleBinding));
public Object cc_class ()
// if there is a class binidng directly on the columnRenderer (ie, from the
// datatable), then use it
String classString = stringValueForBinding(AWBindingNames.classBinding);
if (StringUtil.nullOrEmptyOrBlankString(classString)) {
// otherwise check if the column has a class binding
classString = (String)bindingValue(thisColumn()._classBinding);
if (!StringUtil.nullOrEmptyOrBlankString(classString)) {
return StringUtil.strcat(classString, " ", _table.tdClass());
return classString;
public Object cc_nowrap ()
return bindingValue(thisColumn()._nowrapBinding);
public String keyPathString ()
FieldPath path = thisColumn()._keyPath;
return (path == null) ? null : path.fieldPathString();
public Object cc_sortKey ()
String key = (String)bindingValue(thisColumn()._sortKeyBinding);
if (key == null) {
key = keyPathString();
return key;
public AWTSortOrdering cc_sortOrdering ()
return thisColumn().createSortOrdering(_table);
public Object cc_label ()
return thisColumn().label(_table);
public Object cc_sortCaseSensitively ()
return bindingValue(thisColumn()._sortCaseSensitivelyBinding);
public Object cc_noSort ()
Object noSort = bindingValue(thisColumn()._noSortBinding);
if (noSort == null) {
noSort = (cc_sortKey() == null) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
return noSort;
public Object disableSort ()
return (_table.renderToExcel()) ? Boolean.TRUE : cc_noSort();
public Object cc_action ()
return bindingValue(thisColumn()._actionBinding);
public Object cc_formatter ()
return bindingValue(thisColumn()._formatterBinding);
public boolean omitAction ()
return (thisColumn()._actionBinding == null) || (_table.renderToExcel());
public String columnVAlignment ()
AWBinding binding = thisColumn()._vAlignmentBinding;
String alignment = (binding == null) ? null : binding.stringValue(parent());
return (alignment!=null) ? alignment : _table.globalVAlignment();
public Object cc_align ()
return bindingValue(thisColumn()._alignBinding);
public void setValue (Object value)
thisColumn()._keyPath.setFieldValue(_table.displayGroup().currentItem(), value);
public boolean isBlank ()
return booleanBindingValue(thisColumn()._isBlankBinding, false) ||
thisColumn()._keyPath == null;
public boolean showColumnHeader ()
return thisColumn().showColumnLabel(_table);
public Object value ()
FieldPath keyPath = thisColumn()._keyPath;
Object value = (keyPath != null) ? keyPath.getFieldValue(_table.displayGroup().currentItem()): null;
// Don't do the empty string replacement convenience if there's a formatter. It should do that.
return (value == null && (bindingValue(thisColumn()._formatterBinding) == null))
? "" : value;