Copyright 2008 Craig Federighi
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$Id: //ariba/platform/ui/metaui/ariba/ui/meta/layouts/MetaMarkdown.java#7 $
package ariba.ui.meta.layouts;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWComponent;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWBindingNames;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWResponseGenerating;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWRedirect;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWRequestContext;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.core.AWString;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWUtil;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWResource;
import ariba.ui.aribaweb.util.AWResourceManager;
import ariba.ui.widgets.Markdown;
import ariba.ui.widgets.HTMLActionFilter;
import ariba.ui.meta.core.Context;
import ariba.ui.meta.core.MetaContext;
import ariba.ui.meta.core.UIMeta;
import ariba.util.core.Assert;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
public class MetaMarkdown extends AWComponent
public String _actionUrl;
public String _resourceUrl;
AWResponseGenerating _actionResults;
String _actionTarget;
public boolean _needsPrettyPrint;
HTMLActionFilter.UrlFilter _urlFilter;
protected void sleep ()
_actionUrl = null;
_actionResults = null;
_actionTarget = null;
_urlFilter = null;
_needsPrettyPrint = false;
public String markdownValue ()
String value = null;
String resourcePath = stringValueForBinding("resourcePath");
if (resourcePath != null) {
AWResource resource = resourceManager().resourceNamed(resourcePath);
Assert.that(resource != null, "Unable to find resourcePath: %s", resourcePath);
value = AWUtil.stringWithContentsOfInputStream(resource.inputStream());
if (value == null) value = stringValueForBinding(AWBindingNames.value);
if (value == null) return value;
String markdown = Markdown.translateMarkdown(value);
_needsPrettyPrint = markdown.contains("<pre class='prettyprint'>");
_urlFilter = (HTMLActionFilter.UrlFilter)valueForBinding("urlFilter");
return markdown;
static final Pattern ActionPattern = Pattern.compile("^/action/(\\w+)(?:\\?(.+))?");
static final Pattern GotoPattern = Pattern.compile("^/goto/([\\w\\-\\./_]+)(?:\\?(.+))?");
static final Pattern ImplicitGotoPattern = Pattern.compile("^/?([\\w\\-\\./_]+)(?:\\?(.+))?");
public AWResponseGenerating action ()
return _actionResults;
public String actionTarget ()
return _actionTarget;
void prepare ()
String action = null;
String page = null;
if (_urlFilter != null) {
String replacementUrl = _urlFilter.replacementForUrl(_actionUrl);
if (replacementUrl != null) _actionUrl = replacementUrl;
Matcher m = ActionPattern.matcher(_actionUrl);
if (m.matches()) {
action = m.group(1);
} else {
m = GotoPattern.matcher(_actionUrl);
if ((m = GotoPattern.matcher(_actionUrl)).matches()
|| (m = ImplicitGotoPattern.matcher(_actionUrl)).matches()) {
page = m.group(1);
String basePath = stringValueForBinding("resourcePath");
if (basePath != null) page = resourceRelative(basePath, page, requestContext());
if (action != null) {
Context ctx = MetaContext.currentContext(this);
String queryString = m.group(2);
if (queryString != null) {
String deescaped = queryString.replace("&","&");
Map<String, String[]> queryParams = AWUtil.parseQueryString(deescaped);
for (Map.Entry<String,String[]> e : queryParams.entrySet()) {
ctx.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue()[0]);
ctx.set(UIMeta.KeyAction, action);
if (page != null) ctx.set("page", page);
_actionResults = ((UIMeta)ctx.meta()).fireAction(ctx, requestContext());
_actionTarget = (String)ctx.propertyForKey("linkTarget");
} else {
// static URL -- initialize action target
Context ctx = MetaContext.currentContext(this);
ctx.set("page", _actionUrl);
_actionTarget = (String)ctx.propertyForKey("linkTarget");
_actionResults = AWRedirect.getRedirect(requestContext(), _actionUrl);
public String replacementResourceUrl ()
String basePath = stringValueForBinding("resourcePath");
AWResource resource = lookupRelativeResource(basePath, _resourceUrl, requestContext());
return resource != null ? resource.url() : null;
Silly general purpose utilities that might better be placed in UIMeta...
public static AWResource lookupRelativeResource (String baseResourcePath, String relativePath, AWRequestContext requestContext)
AWResourceManager resourceManager = requestContext.getCurrentComponent().resourceManager();
AWResource resource = null;
if (baseResourcePath != null) {
AWResource baseResource = resourceManager.resourceNamed(baseResourcePath);
if (baseResource != null) {
resource = baseResource.relativeResource(relativePath, resourceManager);
if (resource == null) resource = resourceManager.resourceNamed(relativePath);
return resource;
public static String resourceRelative (String baseResourcePath, String relativePath, AWRequestContext requestContext)
AWResource resource = lookupRelativeResource(baseResourcePath, relativePath, requestContext);
return resource != null ? resource.relativePath().replace('\\', '/') : null;
public static String moduleForResource (String resourcePath, UIMeta.UIContext context)
List<UIMeta.ModuleProperties> modules = MetaNavTabBar.getState(context.requestContext().session()).moduleInfo().modules;
UIMeta.ModuleProperties module = null;
if (resourcePath != null) {
if (resourcePath.startsWith("/")) resourcePath = resourcePath.substring(1);
int sepIndex = resourcePath.indexOf('/');
String moduleName = (sepIndex != -1) ? resourcePath.substring(0, sepIndex) : resourcePath;
for (UIMeta.ModuleProperties m : modules) {
if (m.name().equals(moduleName)) {
module = m;
if (module == null) module = modules.get(0);
return module.name();